Governance of the NHS website

Governance of the NHS website <p> Find out about the governance of the NHS website </p> <p>The NHS website (www.nhs.uk) is funded by the Department of Health &amp. Social Care (DHSC). The content, data and services on the website are commissioned by NHS England and delivered by NHS Digital.</p> <p>The governance processes support the delivery of the core services and drive the continuous transformation of the NHS website to ensure it meets evolving user needs and adapts to changing technologies.</p> <p>The governance structure includes:</p>The Empower the Person Board<p>The Empower the Person Board defines and manages the strategic direction and priorities for the NHS website, as part of a wider portfolio of programmes working to deliver digital content, services and tools to patients and the public. It is chaired by NHS England's Chief Digital Officer and its membership includes representatives from NHS England, NHS Digital, the DHSC, the Local Government Association and the Infrastructure and Projects Authority.</p> <p>It is accountable to the Digital Delivery Board (DDB), which is chaired by the National Director for Operations and Information.</p>The Clinical Information Advisory Group<p>The Clinical Information Advisory Group (CIAG) is part of the overall governance of the Digital Services delivery programme. The group is responsible for setting editorial and data quality standards for the NHS website and for providing overall clinical governance for the service.</p> <p> Page last reviewed: 13 April 2018<br> Next review due: 13 April 2021 </p> Our policies <ul> <li>Governance of the NHS website</li> <li>Content policy</li> <li>Linking from the NHS website</li> <li>Terms and conditions</li> <li>Your privacy on the NHS website</li> <li>Cookies on the NHS website</li> <li>Reviews policy</li> <li>Requests for research support</li> </ul>

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