
Content Terms of Use

Content Terms of Use <p>Last Updated: 10/7/2022</p> <p>This Content Use Policy (this <b>“Policy”</b>) describe the rules for using certain of Our Content – like still images, game text, game sounds, game footage, lore, APIs, and other similar media– in livestreams, videos, articles, fan pages, fan fiction, drawings, applications, and other works that you create based on our Games (collectively, <b>“Fan Projects”</b>). </p> <p>By using Our Content, you agree to comply with this Policy. This Policy forms a part of and is incorporated by reference into the NCW User Agreement (available at (the <b>“User Agreement”</b>). All capitalized terms not otherwise defined in this Policy will have the same meanings given in the User Agreement. </p> Table of Contents <p>GENERAL</p> <p>I. Who can use this Policy?</p> <p>II. What are the general requirements for Fan Projects?</p> <p>1. Which of Our Content can be used in Fan Projects?</p> <p>2. Are there limitations on types of Fan Projects?</p> <p>3. Can Fan Projects be monetized or used for other commercial purposes?</p> <p>4. Can Fan Projects use our trademarks and logos?</p> <p>5. Is there a required notice for Fan Projects?</p> <p>III. If you make Fan Project, do you get any rights to Our Content?</p> <p>IV. Can we share your Fan Project?</p> <p>V. Can you make or use cheats/bots/mods/hacks/add-ons/exploits for our Games?</p> <p>ADDITIONAL API TERMS</p> <p>VI. What additional requirements apply for use of the Guild Wars 2 API (the “APIs”) to create an application Fan Project?</p> <p>VII. Where can I find a list of the APIs?</p> <p>OTHER AGREEMENTS. MODIFICATIONS</p> <p>VIII. What about if you have other agreements with us that apply to your use of Our Content?</p> <p>IX. Do we make changes to this Policy sometimes? (Spoiler alert: yes, we do)</p> <p>CONTACT</p> <p>X. Where can you direct your suggestions? </p> <p>XI. Where can you direct your questions?</p> GENERAL I. Who can use this Policy? <p>Only individual fan creators acting in their capacity as natural persons (i.e., no companies). For all business licensing inquiries, please contact</p> II. What are the general requirements for Fan Projects? <p> <u>1. Which of Our Content can be used in Fan Projects?</u> </p> <p>Generally, you may use Our Content that has already been publicly released by us, subject to this Policy. </p> <p>Our Content may sometimes include materials owned by third parties that have been licensed to us but may not be cleared for your use in Fan Projects. <b>This Policy only applies to Our Content that is owned by us or our affiliate companies (collectively, “Affiliates”).</b> If you use someone else’s content, you are responsible for obtaining permission from that copyright owner for that use.</p> <p> <u>2. Are there limitations on types of Fan Projects?</u> </p> <p>Yes, in addition to the other terms in this Content Use Policy, please note the following:</p> <ol> <li> <p> <b>Originality.</b> Fan Projects should include some originality and also be about our games and products. Please don’t just copy our stuff or distribute Our Content as standalone assets.</p> </li> <li> <p> <b>Keep it appropriate.</b> Fan Projects must be appropriate for our audiences. In other words, Fan Content must not contain any unlawful, obscene, sexually explicit, inflammatory, harmful, or otherwise objectionable content (as determined solely by us). </p> </li> <li> <p> <b>Prohibited categories.</b> Use of Our Content in certain categories of projects is strictly prohibited under this Policy, including:</p> <ul> <li>Translations of Our Content;</li> <li>Commercial adaptations of Our Content (e.g., stories, books, poems, musical compositions, etc.);</li> <li>Non-fungible tokens or cryptocurrency. </li> <li>Cheats, bots, mods, hacks, add-ons, exploits, and other unauthorized activity in violation of the User Agreement (such as real money transactions);</li> </ul> </li> </ol> <p>Please note that, although we typically permit use of Our Content in compliance with this Policy, we reserve the right to deny or revoke permission to use Our Content in our sole discretion, including requiring removal of Our Content and/or any individual Fan Projects, for any reason.</p> <p> <u>3. Can Fan Projects be monetized or used for other commercial purposes?</u> </p> <p>No, Fan Projects must be for non-commercial use only. You can’t sell or receive any other kind of financial benefit for your Fan Project without a separate written and signed agreement with us. There are only three limited exceptions under this Policy:</p> <ol> <li> <p>Official Partner Programs. Online video Fan Projects can be monetized via official advertising programs operated by Twitch, YouTube, or other similar video platform services.</p> </li> <li> <p>Website Ad Revenue. Fan site Fan Projects may passively generate revenue through appropriate, non-gating, and non-intrusive advertisements (as determined solely by us).</p> </li> <li> <p>Application Purchases. Application Fan Projects may be sold or contain in-app purchases, subject to the additional API terms set forth below.</p> </li> </ol> <p> <u>4. Can Fan Projects use our trademarks and logos?</u> </p> <p>No, it needs to be clear that your Fan Project is unofficial. You can’t imply or suggest that your Fan Project is in any way official or otherwise endorsed, sponsored, or approved by us or our Affiliates. This also means:</p> <ol> <li> <p>You cannot use our trademarks and logos to imply or suggest any of the above.</p> </li> <li> <p>Any fan sites must be clearly indicated as an unaffiliated fansite by labeling the site, including in the browser title bar, as a “news site”, “fansite”, “guild site”, “alliance site”, “unofficial site”, “community site”, or other fan site designation that has been approved in writing by our Community Team.</p> </li> <li> <p>Fan sites may not mimic the names of our proprietary domains. We may require changes to domain names if we think it’s too similar to one of our domains.</p> </li> </ol> <p> <u>5. Is there a required notice for Fan Projects?</u> </p> <p>Yes, you must include the corresponding notice below and any other notices we may require on Our Content. You may not remove, conceal, or modify any notices that are included in Our Content.</p> <p>Guild Wars Games</p> <p>© ArenaNet LLC. All rights reserved. NCSOFT, ArenaNet, Guild Wars, Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns, Guild Wars 2: Path of Fire, and Guild Wars 2: End of Dragons and all associated logos, designs, and composite marks are trademarks or registered trademarks of NCSOFT Corporation.</p> <p>All other Games</p> <p>© NCSOFT Corporation. All rights reserved. NCSOFT, the interlocking NC logo, and all associated logos, designs, and composite marks are trademarks or registered trademarks of NCSOFT Corporation. All other trademarks are the property of their respective owners. </p> III. If you make Fan Project, do you get any rights to Our Content? <p>Although we typically permit use of Our Content in compliance with this Policy, that doesn’t mean you own or obtain any right of ownership to Our Content. No title nor any other form of ownership to Our Content has been or will be transferred to you from NCSOFT nor from anyone else.</p> IV. Can we share your Fan Project? <p>Yes, from time to time, we might spotlight or show off certain Fan Projects with the rest of the community. In exchange for the opportunity to use Our Content, you agree we may (but are not under any obligation to) share your Fan Project for our promotional purposes, such as retweeting, sharing, and displaying your Fan Project on our official website or social media channels, and use any information associated with your Fan Project for crediting purposes. </p> V. Can you make or use cheats/bots/mods/hacks/add-ons/exploits for our Games? <p>No, and you can’t use Fan Projects to promote these or any other activities in violation of our User Agreement either. In addition to possible legal action, use, attempted use, or distribution of any of the foregoing will result in the closure of any associated individual game accounts. </p> ADDITIONAL API TERMS VI. What additional requirements apply for use of the Guild Wars 2 API (the “APIs”) to create an application Fan Project? <p>You may use the APIs to create Fan Projects that are applications or other creative projects subject to this Content Use Policy, including the following additional application developer terms and conditions:</p> <ol> <li> <p>The applications, projects, and distribution thereof must comply with the User Agreement (e.g., the application must not be able to automate gameplay) and all applicable rules, regulations, and laws, including but not limited to data privacy laws.</p> </li> <li> <p>You are <b>not</b> permitted to: </p> <ul> <li>modify the APIs. </li> <li>reverse engineer, decompile, decipher, translate, disassemble or otherwise attempt to access source code of the APIs. </li> <li>publish, rent, lease, lend, sell, sublicense, distribute, transfer, disclose or otherwise provide the APIs to any third party. </li> <li>remove or alter any proprietary notices or labels in the APIs or any portion thereof. </li> <li>use the APIs to infringe the rights of ArenaNet, its Affiliates, or any third party, or in any way that does not comply with all applicable laws.</li> </ul> <p> </p> </li> <li> <p>Your application using the APIs may be sold or contain limited, non-intrusive in-app purchases, but may not be detrimental to the player experience (as determined solely by us).</p> </li> <li> <p>We may (but are not obligated to) update and modify the APIs at any time in our sole discretion without liability to you. If we update or modify the APIs, you may need to change or update the application you have developed in order for your application to continue to operate. We may suspend or stop providing access to or support for the APIs at any time without liability to you.</p> </li> <li> <p>You are solely responsible for what you and your users do with applications and projects made using the APIs. You agree to indemnify us for any claim arising from use of your applications and projects.</p> </li> </ol> VII. Where can I find a list of the APIs? <p>The current APIs can be found at:</p> OTHER AGREEMENTS. MODIFICATIONS VIII. What about if you have other agreements with us that apply to your use of Our Content? <p>If you have received individualized requirements from us or our Affiliates for use of Our Content, you must continue to comply with those requirements.</p> <p>There are some instances where your use of Our Content may be subject to additional contract terms with us, such as if you are participating in an official partner program, contest, sweepstakes, or other program operated by us or if you have a separate written license with us. If and only to the extent there is a contradiction between this Policy and those additional terms, you should assume the additional terms will control over this Policy. </p> IX. Do we make changes to this Policy sometimes? (Spoiler alert: yes, we do) <p>We can revise or delete this Policy at any time. It’s your responsibility to check this Policy now and then for changes. If you continue to use Our Content after we make changes to this Policy, you agree to comply with the updated version. </p> CONTACT X. Where can you direct your suggestions? <p>We are grateful for the enthusiasm of our fans. Suggestions are welcome at the corresponding official forum for the game(s) as follows:</p> <p>Aion</p> <p>Suggestion Box at</p> <p>Lineage II</p> <p>Suggestion Box at</p> <p>Blade &amp. Soul</p> <p>Official forum at</p> <p>Guild Wars 2</p> <p>Official forum at</p> <p>We do not accept or review any unsolicited ideas or suggestions sent to us outside of the above venues. </p> XI. Where can you direct your questions? <p>Questions about this Policy may be directed to,,, or B&amp;, as applicable.</p> <p>We don’t provide letters, emails, etc. verifying clearance or permissions for use of Our Materials under this Policy. If someone requests details about this Policy, you can send them the link to these Terms.</p>

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