
Privacy Policy for SponsorBlock

# Privacy Policy for SponsorBlock SponsorBlock is a browser extention that allows you to submit segments in YouTube videos and fetch segments that other people have submitted. Also see [the terms of use](https://gist.github.com/ajayyy/9e8100f069348e0bc062641f34d6af12). ## Log Files Almost all data that is collected through this extension can be downloaded from https://sponsor.ajay.app/database. Some more sensitive data such as votes and _hashed_ IPs are stored in a private database. The only things I keep are: - Information you submit (segments, votes) - A hashed version of your userID (a randomly generated value assigned when you first install the extension) - The time the submission happened - A hashed + salted version of your ip address for ratelimiting. This process makes it close to impossible to retrieve the original value if they don't have access to the salt. - The name of your client (if using an extension, another port, etc.) The extention also optionally logs whenever you skip a segment. This is used to let other users know how much their submissions have helped others (leaderboard). The skip tracking is completely anonymous and can be disabled in settings. # Requests sent to the server while using the extension Each time you browse to a new YouTube video: - An anonymous request is sent asking for the segments for that video. - This request contains a [**prefix** of the videoID hash](https://github.com/ajayyy/SponsorBlock/wiki/K-Anonymity), and returns a list of videos that potentially could be the one you are looking for - This request contains no personally identifiable information and no IPs are logged connected with this request Each time you skip a segment: IF you have skip tracking enabled: - An anonymous request is sent with the ID of the segment to record one skip - This request contains no personally identifiable information and no IPs are logged connected with this request Each time you vote on a submission: - A request with your userID and the segment ID is sent - A hashed IP is stored with this information to help prevent spammers Each time you submit a segment - A request with the video ID, your user ID and the submission is sent - A hashed IP is stored with this information to help prevent spammers ### User counting For every request: - A hashed + salted (salt rotated every 48 hours) IP address is temporarily stored **without** the actual request details - This allows the stats page to have count the number of users of the API - This data is stored in a seperate program from the main server and stored in memory. Form more details on how it works, [see here](https://github.com/ajayyy/PrivacyUserCount/#privacy-user-counter) # Extension Local Storage This data stays on your device Each time you skip a segment: - A sum is counted of the amount of time you have skipped in total Each time you downvote or hide a segment: If you have downvote storage enabled: - A hash prefix of the videoID is stored locally along with a hash of the segment ID to keep that segment hidden when you watch the video in the future ## Children's Information Children under 13 are not allowed to use this service without permission from a legal guardian. ## Consent By using this browser extension or API, you hereby consent to the Privacy Policy. ## Data Access/Deletion Requests (GDPR) Please email me with your request. ## Error logging and Cloudflare While I try to keep it's use to a minimum, I sometimes have to enable Cloudflare proxy to reduce load on the servers. I don't want to use it, but have to use it at the moment until I figure out a solution to this problem. When it is enabled, it logs some information itself that I cannot control, such as the number and location of connecting IPs. More information can be found at https://www.cloudflare.com/privacypolicy/ I sometimes need to enable error logging in nginx. This does log IPs associated with connection errors (not all requests), but I will delete these logs within 72 hours whenever that is enabled. ## Additional Info If you have additional questions or require more information, contact me through email at dev@ajay.app. You can also ask me questions on Discord (Ajay#1922) or [Matrix](https://matrix.to/#/@ajay:ajay.app).

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