Home Browse <ul> Log In </ul> IFDB Privacy Policy <p>You can access many IFDB features without giving us any personal information (beyond what your browser routinely transmits every time you view a Web page). </p> <p>Some features on this site require user registration. You don't have to register if you don't want to use those features. If you do choose to register, we won't sell, rent, or otherwise attempt to commercially exploit any personal information you give us when your register. Some information you enter might be displayed on the site for other users to see. we try to make it clear when you enter profile information which parts are visible to other users and which parts are not. Beyond the information that's displayed to other users on the site, we won't share your registration information with anyone else (unless we're legally compelled to do so, such as by a law enforcement agency or court). We won't send you any email except for necessary administrative messages (for example, we send a confirmation message when you first register so that we can verify that you entered a valid address). </p> <p>Cookies are small files that your browser stores on your computer on behalf of our server. We currently use cookies to allow you to stay logged in without having to re-enter your user credentials each time you return to the site. we only do this at your request, and cookies are only required if you wish to use this feature. Our cookies don't contain your password or any other personal information. </p> <p>You should be aware that when you access <i>any</i> web site, your computer's IP address (the network address assigned to you by your Internet Service Provider) is visible to the site's servers and is usually recorded in a log file. It's often technically possible to connect this information to you personally. We currently make no attempt to do this, although our hosting service conceivably could (even without our involvement or knowledge), as they operate the physical servers that handle our traffic. Most Web browsers also expose certain information to the server, such as the browser version and the type of computer and operating system you're using, although none of that is typically personally identifiable. </p> IFDB Home | TADS.org | Contact Us | Code of Conduct | Terms of Service | Privacy | Copyrights &amp. Trademarks

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