Mini Course Generator

Services Terms And Conditions

Service Terms and ConditionsMini Course Generator | Legal Notice and Terms of Use<p>This policy lays out what we expect of you as someone who uses Mini Course Generator, and what you can expect from us.</p>What’s the deal with these terms of use?<p>This the legal agreement between us when it comes to using our website and service. If you use Mini Course Generator, you agree to these terms. Don’t agree with the terms? Don’t use Mini Course Generator.</p>What’s Mini Course Generator?<p>We’re an English company based in Estonia.</p>And what can I do with you?<p>Create mini-courses with speed and simplicity. Share your expertise easily, quickly &amp. in a catchy way to increase engagement and to grow your business.</p>How do I create an account?<p>You can create an account via our&nbsp;website. Make sure the info you provide is accurate and up-to-date—and the account is for you and you alone. As you can’t share your account, if you have an account for a company, you should get as many seats as needed for each person within the company that will use Mini Course Generator.</p>What sort of plans do you have?<p>If you created an account, we'll offer you one of the latest plans as listed in our&nbsp;Pricing&nbsp;section.</p>What can I not do?<p>You can’t:</p> <p>Share your account with anyone else. Please secure your login details. If you think someone else has your login details, contact us straight away through our&nbsp;Contact Form. It’s so you’re not then held responsible for anything shady that happens in your account.</p> <p>Access Mini Course Generator using anything other than our login page.</p> <p>Use the Services as a hosting service.</p> <p>Use the Services to create web pages or to host or support online resources.</p> <p>Mess with our security measures. Or those implemented by third parties.</p> <p>Mess with areas of our site, product, or systems that aren’t open to the public.</p> <p>Use metatags or other hidden text on our website or serviceTrick people with fake elements on our website or service.</p> <p>Use any element of our website or service—including our name, trademark, logo, layout and design—without written consent.</p> <p>Mess with the content on our website by uploading new content, creating new links, etc. That includes the use of automated scripts, spiders, robots, crawlers, data mining tools, or anything similar.</p> <p>Reverse engineer or tamper with our software.</p> <p>Interfere with someone else’s access to Mini Course Generator. Stuff like sending a virus, overloading, flooding, spamming, and mail-bombing. Not cool.</p> <p>Reproduce, duplicate, copy, sell, trade, resell, or exploit for any commercial reason any part of the service (including your own Mini Course Generator account).</p> <p>Impersonate or misrepresent yourself. Save it for Halloween.</p> <p>Stalk or harass anyone else.</p> <p>Share or use offensive or pornographic content.</p> <p>Do stuff like vulnerability scanning, load testing, penetration tests, or bypassing our security measures.</p> <p>Use services that monitor the availability, performance, and functionality of Mini Course Generator for benchmarking or anything else.</p> <p>Send spam, ads, email, junk, chain letters, or any other annoying things like that.</p> <p>Spotted abuse?&nbsp;Report&nbsp;it here.</p>Do I have any usage limits?<p>You have to use Mini Course Generator taking into account the limits that your plan has (as described in the Pricing section).</p> <p>But don’t worry, you can buy add-ons to your plan at any time to increase any limits. You can also activate the ‘upgrade my plan’ feature so that we can continue collecting, storing and/or processing any responses when the authorized responses limits are reached.</p> <p>What is the authentication feature and how can I use it?</p> <p>The authentication feature provided by Okta Inc. allows you to control access to your Mini Course Generator account with an email address and passwords validation process when you are logging in. You can activate this feature in your account settings, but we recommend you to first read Okta’s policies carefully so you understand exactly how it works.</p>I saw someone else’s Mini Course on your site. What’s up with that?<p>We sometimes use info, graphics, text, images, Mini Course Generator etc. given to us by our users. You should only interact with them for the purposes of using Mini Course Generator. The responsibility lies with the creator. Their reuse might be subject to terms and conditions. Best avoid republishing them without permission.</p>Tell me about third parties<p>Sometimes we use other service providers (aka third parties). We’re not liable for anything they do. Third parties are also obligated to follow regulations.</p> <p>You might decide to bring your own third party to the party, for example if you use webhooks. What they do is beyond our control and we’re not liable for any of it. Using them could mean data from your Mini Course Generator account gets transferred elsewhere. Our advice? Read their own policies carefully so you understand exactly how they use your data.</p>What about the Mini Courses I create?<p>We don’t own anything you create or upload using Mini Course Generator. But we do have the right to reproduce, share publicly, and change what you create/upload to promote Mini Course Generator.</p> <p>Any content you upload/create might be available to third parties. Make sure you’re happy with this before you upload/create content with Mini Course Generator.</p> <p>Your content should not break the law or break third party policies. Make sure you have permission from the owner before you upload content—especially things that are protected by intellectual property rights. Otherwise we might delete it.</p> <p>We might review your content if it’s reported as illegal. If your content breaks any rules we might modify or delete it.</p>What about people who respond to my mini courses?<p>When you send a mini course to someone else to collect information, you enter into a contractual relationship with them. You need to meet your obligations when it comes to data protection, cookies, or e-commerce laws and regulations. Make sure your respondents review and accept our T&amp;Cs and our privacy policy. We might ask for evidence you (and they) have done that.</p>What do I need to keep up-to-date?<p>Your account information and your payment details.</p>Let’s talk cash<p>You’ll find everything related to payment in the payment terms and conditions.</p>What if I want to cancel or delete my account?<p>If you’re on the free plan, the account will stay active until you delete it via the account settings.</p> <p>If you’re on a paid plan, they automatically renew monthly or annually (depending on how you decided to pay). You can cancel the renewal via the account settings. If you cancel, the subscription you already paid for will continue until the end of the month/year.</p> <p>You can delete your account any time via the account settings. You will lose all data if you decide to do this.</p> <p> </p>

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