Mini Course Generator

Privacy policy

Privacy PolicyMini Course Generator | Privacy Policy<br> <p>This policy lays out what we expect of you as someone who uses Mini Course Generator, and what you can expect from us.<br> </p>Summary<p>Mini Course Generator is a provider of a service, and not the owner of the collected data. So ultimately it’s the person who sends out a mini course who’s responsible for how collected data is handled. However, as a service provider we do process all kinds of data and have lots of responsibilities too. Intrigued? Check&nbsp;here&nbsp;our Data Processing Agreement.<br> </p>What personal data do I have to give Mini Course Generator?<br> <p>​The only personal data required for using Mini Course Generator are the basics you need when you sign up. In other cases where you give out more info, it’ll be obvious what data you’re providing. For example, entering your email to sign up to a newsletter. If you are contacting us or working with us as a professional, then we will have your contact details and the information you have decided to share with us.</p>How do I contact Mini Course Generator with questions about this?<br> <p>Contact email for our Data Protection Officer:&nbsp; <br> </p>What do you do with all the data, and why do you do it?<br> <p>-Fulfilling our end of the deal, so you can use our service</p> <p>-Sending you emails or other comms</p> <p>-Using your browsing behavior on our sites (see cookie policy) for profiling purposes. This lets us send you better ads or personalized content.</p> <p>-Signing you in from third-parties (social media platforms etc.)</p> <p>-Complementing data we have from third parties (requires individual opt-ins), to send you better ads or personalized content</p> <p>-Investigating things to prevent fraud, spam, phishing, and other no-no activities</p> <p>-Dissociating you (the person) from you (the profile), to analyze user trends and get better at what we do</p> <p>-To keep our business operations running</p> <p>If you are contacting us or working with us as a professional, then we will have your information to answer your request and/or managing our contract with you.<br> </p>Does anyone else have access to my data?<br> <p>They wouldn’t have “access” to it, like seeing it in a list. But sometimes we use other services to complement our services to you. In those cases, the other provider may need to process your data. If so, they’ll have the same obligations as we do.</p> <p>Here’s how we could use your data with other service providers:</p> <p>-Passing data through “browser cookies” so that other service providers can process it. This always needs your consent when it happens.</p> <p>-Sharing data with courts and authorities to take action against illegal activities, when that’s applicable. If you’re planning on doing that, I doubt you’d be reading this policy.</p> <p>-If you share mini course responses with third parties, you may have to inform the respondents, or comply with further legal requirements.<br> </p>Where is my data/information processed?<br> <p>Your information (not your respondents’ answers) might be processed in countries that don’t have the same data protection laws as those in your jurisdiction. You agree to this by agreeing to our privacy policy.<br> </p>I’m moving to a cabin in Alaska and want all my data removed from everywhere. Can I?<br> <p>Yes. You can wipe everything we have by withdrawing consent or deleting your account. You can also ask to see all the data we have, and object to some of the ways we use it. To do this, visit the&nbsp;Help Center&nbsp;and open a ticket. Click the link at the bottom of any article.<br> </p>Can I update my personal information?<br> <p>Sure. Update your contact info in your account settings, or write to our&nbsp;Help Center. If you want to unsubscribe to commercial or subscription emails, hit “unsubscribe” in the email (doesn’t apply to essential account-related emails).<br> </p>If I deleted my account would you positively, absolutely delete all my data?<br> <p>Yes, but the authorities could tell us to do otherwise. So unless you’re up to no good, don’t worry.<br> </p>What if these terms change?<br> <p>If we change anything, there’s a chance you’ll have to accept the changes before continuing to use our Mini Course Generator. If you don’t agree to the changes, you’ll have to stop using Mini Course Generator.<br> </p> <p> </p>

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