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The Nielsen Company, including its subsidiaries and affiliates ("Nielsen"), requires that all visitors to this World Wide Web site owned, operated, licensed, and controlled by Nielsen (the "Nielsen Site") adhere to the following Terms of Use. By accessing and using the Nielsen Site, you indicate your acknowledgement and acceptance of these Terms of Use. If you do not agree with these Terms of Use, you should not use the Nielsen Site. The term "you" or "your" refers to the user or viewer of the Nielsen Site. Nielsen may change, suspend or discontinue any aspect of the Nielsen Site at any time, including the availability of any feature, database or content. Nielsen may also impose limits on certain features and services and/or restrict your access to parts or all of the Nielsen Site without notice or liability of any kind. The terms and conditions of a Nielsen client’s service agreement for any portion of the Nielsen Site will control in the event of any provisions that may conflict with these Terms of Use.</p>Restrictions on Use<p>All the Web products and services, information, materials, data, images, graphics, sounds and other components on the Nielsen Site (the "Contents") are copyrighted and owned or controlled by Nielsen unless otherwise noted. Any unauthorized use of the Contents on the Nielsen Site may violate copyright, trademark and other laws and intellectual property rights of Nielsen or third parties. Unauthorized use may give rise to a claim for damages and/or be a criminal offense. Contents from the Nielsen Site may not be modified, copied or distributed, republished, uploaded, posted, decompiled, or transmitted in any way, without the prior written consent of Nielsen. 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Notices to Nielsen regarding any alleged copyright infringement on a Nielsen Site should be directed to Nielsen’s General Counsel’s Office, at 675 Avenue of the Americas, New York, NY 10010, USA, +1 646 654 5000.</p>Restriction of Liability<p>NIELSEN WILL NOT BE LIABLE FOR ANY DAMAGES OR INJURY CAUSED BY ANY MATERIALS OR SOFTWARE, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO, ANY FAILURE OF PERFORMANCE, ERROR, OMISSION, INTERRUPTION, DEFECT, DELAY IN OPERATION OR TRANSMISSION, COMPUTER VIRUS, OR LINE FAILURE. NIELSEN WILL NOT BE LIABLE TO YOU OR ANY THIRD PARTY FOR ANY DAMAGES OR INJURY, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO, INDIRECT, SPECIAL, INCIDENTAL, RELIANCE, CONSEQUENTIAL OR PUNITIVE DAMAGES THAT RESULT FROM THE USE OF, OR THE INABILITY TO USE, THE MATERIALS IN OR SOFTWARE AVAILABLE THROUGH THIS SITE, EVEN IF THERE IS NEGLIGENCE OR EVEN IF NIELSEN OR AN AUTHORIZED NIELSEN REPRESENTATIVE HAS BEEN ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGES, OR BOTH. 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NIELSEN SHALL NOT BE LIABLE FOR ANY RESULTS OBTAINED OR NOT OBTAINED AS A CONSEQUENCE OF THE USE OF THE INFORMATION CONTAINED ON THE NIELSEN SITE. ANY REFERENCE TO NIELSEN OR THE INFORMATION CONTAINED ON THE NIELSEN SITE FOR COMMERCIAL PURPOSES, INCLUDING CITATION IN ANY ADVERTISING, SALES COLLATERAL OR OTHER MARKETING MATERIALS, IS STRICTLY PROHIBITED.</p>Termination<p>Nielsen or you may terminate this agreement at any time. You may terminate this agreement by destroying all materials obtained from the Nielsen Site and all related documentation and all copies and installations. Nielsen may terminate this agreement immediately without notice if, in its sole judgment, you breach any of these terms or conditions. Upon termination, you must destroy all materials obtained from this site and all related documentation and all copies and installations. You may not access this site after termination of this agreement without the written approval of Nielsen, provided, however, that Nielsen shall retain all rights, including all copyright rights and the right to use Submissions as provided herein, and the limitations on use and treatment of the Contents shall remain in full force.</p>Linked Sites<p>The Nielsen Site includes links to other sites which are not maintained by Nielsen. Nielsen is not responsible for the content of those sites and makes no representations whatsoever concerning the content or accuracy of, opinions expressed in or other links provided by, such other sites. The inclusion of any link to such sites does not imply endorsement by Nielsen of the sites or any products or services referred to therein. Nielsen may terminate a link at any time. The terms of use and privacy policies applicable to such sites may be different from those applicable to the Nielsen Site. If you decide to access any third party site linked to the Nielsen Site, you do so entirely at your own risk and Nielsen shall have no liability for any loss or damage arising from your use of any such site.</p>Linking and Logo Policy<p>By linking to any page on the Nielsen Site, you hereby agreed to be bound by the following terms and conditions. Except as provided in this paragraph, Nielsen prohibits site caching, the use or posting of unauthorized hypertext links to the Nielsen Site and the framing of any Content available through the Nielsen Site. You may link to the Nielsen Site only via the Site’s home page (i.e., or a designated gateway page. A gateway page is any page that is the first and primary page that serves as a starting point to a significant body of content. Links can be by text only and may only read "Nielsen." Images of the Nielsen logo can only be used for link purposes and can only be made with the express written permission of Nielsen. Any requests for such permission or for permission to link to the Nielsen Site in a manner other than as permitted in the preceding paragraph should be addressed to Nielsen Global Communications at at 675 Avenue of the Americas, New York, NY 10010, USA, +1 646 654 5000. By linking to the Nielsen Site, you acknowledge and agree that, other than as set forth herein, all rights to the Nielsen trademarks or service marks used on the Nielsen Site, the Content appearing on the Nielsen Site and the design of the Nielsen Site belong to Nielsen. You must not misrepresent your relationship with Nielsen or present false or misleading impressions about Nielsen. No links to the Nielsen Site may be used in a manner that implies or suggests that Nielsen approves or endorses you, your website or your goods and services (in all cases, except as Nielsen may have agreed separately with you in writing). Nielsen shall have no responsibility or liability for any content appearing on your website. You agree to indemnify and defend Nielsen against all claims against Nielsen arising out of or based upon your website. No link(s) may appear on any page on your website or within any context containing content or materials that may be interpreted as libelous, obscene or criminal, or which infringes, otherwise violates, or advocates the infringement or other violation of, any third party rights. Nielsen reserves the right at any time and in its sole discretion to request that you remove all links or any particular link to the Nielsen Site from your website. This is not a license, but subject to your compliance with the above terms, Nielsen agrees to grant you the use of the "Nielsen" name solely for the purpose of establishing a link to the Nielsen Site as permitted hereunder. Except for the limited permission to use the "Nielsen" name as set forth in this paragraph, you may not use any of Nielsen’s trademarks or service marks for any other purpose without the express written permission of Nielsen. Nielsen may at any time, in its sole discretion, without cause, withdraw the permission granted herein to use the "Nielsen" name and your right to link to any pages on the Nielsen Site. In such event upon request, you agree to immediately remove all links to the Nielsen Site and to cease using the "Nielsen" name for linking purposes. Thereafter, any future links to the Nielsen Site will require the express written permission of Nielsen. Nielsen reserves the right to amend these linking terms and conditions at any time. By continuing to link to the Nielsen Site, you agree to be bound to and abide by these linking terms and conditions, as well as other legal terms of use and conditions on the Nielsen Site, as amended from time to time.</p>Miscellaneous<p>Nielsen may, without notice, revise these Terms of Use at any time by updating this posting. Your continued use of the Nielsen Site now, or following the posting of any changes or modifications, will indicate acceptance by you of such changes or modifications. These Terms of Use will be governed and be interpreted pursuant to the laws of the State of Illinois and the United States of America, notwithstanding any principles of conflicts of law. If any part of these Terms of Use is declared unlawful, void, or unenforceable, that part will be deemed severable and will not affect the validity and enforceability of any remaining provisions. Possible evidence of use of the Nielsen Site for illegal purposes will be provided to law enforcement authorities. 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