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Nielsen Marketing Cloud Services Privacy Statement (US)

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This Privacy Statement describes the way in which we collect and process personal information in connection with our services (referred to herein as "<strong>personal information</strong>"). For the purposes of this Privacy Statement, "personal information" includes information that identifies, relates to, describes, is reasonably capable of being associated with, or could reasonably be linked, directly or indirectly, with a particular consumer or household ("<strong>data subject</strong>", or "<strong>you</strong>"). This Privacy Statement also outlines your choices and legal rights in relation to your personal information.</p> <p>The practices described in this Privacy Statement are undertaken by Nielsen Holdings Limited providing Nielsen Marketing Cloud Services (NMC) in the United States.</p> <p>This Privacy Statement only applies to personal information that is processed by NMC for the provision of its services. Any personal information obtained by NMC from website publishers or third parties who share information with NMC. As the services offered by these third parties are not owned and controlled by NMC, we encourage you to review the privacy statements of each platform, website, and mobile application ("mobile app") that you access or use to learn how third parties may use their data.</p> <p> <br> </p> <strong>A. Our Data Services</strong>&nbsp;<p>NMC collects data from multiple sources, including:</p> <ul> <li>online advertiser and publisher (collectively, our "Clients") websites, mobile apps, and devices (including laptops and mobile devices such as smartphones);</li> <li>data partners (as explained in the ‘Sources of personal information’ section below). and</li> <li>when you participate in an online quiz hosted by VisualDNA, a Nielsen owned business.</li> </ul> <p>This data is sorted into categories based on demographics, interests, and preferences and made available to our Clients. Our Clients use the data we provide to carry out tailored advertising and to provide a more relevant advertising experience to consumers.</p> <p> <br> </p> <strong>B. Types of personal information collected</strong>&nbsp;<p>We collect pseudonymous data, distinguished from the personal information described above, that does not directly identify consumers. This data includes the following:</p> <p> <strong>Desktop:</strong> IP address, cookie ID, hashed email address. browser type, language, access times, pages visited, and referring website addresses.</p> <p> <strong>Mobile Device:</strong> IP address, Cookie ID, hashed email address, device type and model, mobile browser, operating system, carrier name and identifiers assigned to your device, such as an Apple IDFA and Google Advertising ID.</p> <p>We also collect the <strong>approximate geographic area (i.e. country, city, town, district)</strong> derived from your IP address or geolocation information of your mobile device if location services have been enabled.</p> <p> <br> </p> <strong>C. Collection and Use of Contact Details</strong>&nbsp;<p>We may collect your name and email address to respond a request or action an opt out request. For example, if you submit a request under the Your Legal Rights section or an opt-out request under the 'Your Choices' section below. By submitting your details for these purposes, you are consenting to Nielsen using your information in this way.</p> <p> <br> </p> <strong>D. Methods of data collection</strong>&nbsp;<p>We collect information about your computer and/or mobile device online activity via the technologies described below:</p> <ul> <li>Application Software Development Kits ("SDKs"). An SDK is a piece of code within a mobile app that allows us to collect device data. This data includes a mobile advertising identifier (i.e., an Apple IDFA or Google Advertising ID), IP address, access time, approximate geographic area and data regarding the use of mobile apps on the device;</li> <li>Cookies. Cookies are small text files that are stored on a user’s browser and can be accessed by web servers when the browser returns to a website or goes to another website. We use cookies to gather data about a user’s visit to a website (e.g., number of visits, average time spent, pages viewed, navigation history through the website, and other statistics);</li> <li>Pixel tags. Pixel tags are small strings of code that are used to generate the cookie described above. and</li> <li>Server-to-server connection. We obtain data, such as an IP address, or unique device ID, that relates to users' browsers and/or mobile devices, from other online and offline third-party sources directly through connections to their servers and other secure data transfer methods.</li> </ul> <p> <br> </p> <strong>E. Sources of personal information collected</strong>&nbsp;<p>NMC collects the information above from the sources detailed below.</p> <ul> <li>Website Owners – We use our technology on websites owned by companies with advertising space to gather data about a user’s visit to a website (e.g., number of visits, average time spent, pages viewed, navigation history through the website, and other statistics).</li> <li>Mobile App Developers/Owners - We obtain data from mobile apps which are made available to us by mobile app developers or owners. This data may be automatically transmitted to us via an SDK, as outlined above, or provided to us in an offline file format.</li> <li>VisualDNA - We obtain data from you when you participate in an online quiz hosted by VisualDNA, which is a Nielsen owned business.</li> <li>Third Party Data Providers – We obtain data from companies that may not have a direct relationship with you but combine data from multiple sources (e.g. publishers and websites). These data providers share aggregated data with their clients for purposes of data analytics that support behavioral and targeted online advertising.</li> </ul> <p> <br> </p> <strong>F. How we use personal information</strong> <p>In this section we outline the purposes for which we process personal information for the provision of our services to our Clients.</p> <p>We use data obtained from the different sources described above to <strong>build profiles</strong> for advertising purposes. More specifically, we provide insights to our clients by grouping this data into various categories based on demographics, interests, and/or preferences (e.g., women in the New York region aged between 20 and 40 who are likely to be interested in fashion and certain clothing items). We do this by using data about your visits to different websites to make inferences about the types of ads and content that may be of interest to you.</p> <p>We also process data to create segments (i.e., categories of users grouped by common traits or preferences such as lifestyle and leisure, entertainment, technology). These segments enable our clients to deliver more effective, relevant and specific advertising via web browsers and mobile apps to data subjects with matching profiles. Our Clients identify the categories of individuals to whom they wish to target specific ads, and we provide them with device or advertising identifiers that match those categories, which they or their partners (e.g., advertising agencies) can then use to deliver ads.</p> <p>As required under the NAI Code, we disclose standard interest segments that are based on health related information or interests and political information or interests that we make available for our Clients. For the creation of such segments, we do not process sensitive information (i.e. data related to past, current or future health status).</p> <p>We also carry out <strong>cross device matching</strong>, which means we use data to make a deterministic or statistical match of mobile device advertising identifiers and cookie identifiers. For example, we or our partners may match a user’s device if the user logs in to the same online service on multiple devices or web browsers or if the user’s devices share similar attributes that support an inference that they belong to the same user. This allows a data subject to be associated with the same attributes across multiple devices. Our clients use this information to present relevant advertising across these devices. Neither NMC, nor our Clients have an intention to identify the data subject whose personal information is processed for this purpose.</p> <p>We also process personal information for our internal business purposes, as outlined below:</p> <ul> <li>Product Development: to develop new products and to improve our existing products and services.</li> <li>Corporate transactions: In the event of a contemplated or actual reorganization, merger, sale, joint venture, assignment, transfer or other disposition of all or any portion of our business or assets or stock, personal information may be used for the purposes of preparing and completing this transaction.</li> <li>Legal obligations: We may use personal information where we are required to do so by law, for instance for the purposes of assessing and responding to legal and regulatory requests (including investigations, audits, accounting and financial matters), or where we consider it necessary to enforce, exercise or defend legal rights or claims.</li> <li>Handling and responding to your requests: If a consumer asks us questions about their personal information or exercises any of their legal rights, we will use that consumer’s personal information to assess and respond to such requests.</li> </ul> <p> <br> </p> <strong>G. How personal information is shared</strong> <p>We will share your personal information for different purposes, as described below:</p> <ul> <li> <strong>With our Clients</strong> for the purposes referred to in this Privacy Statement. The sharing of personal information with our clients is a key part of how we provide our services to them. For example, we share information described in 'Types of personal information collected' with our Clients that match the categories of consumers they wish to target specific ads to.</li> <li> <strong>We share data with third parties that provide services to us</strong>, such as system hosting, management and support. data backup. and security and storage services. We exercise appropriate due diligence in the selection of third party service providers, and require that such providers maintain adequate technical and organizational security measures to safeguard personal information, and to process personal information only as instructed by us or a member of the group and for no other purposes.</li> <li>We share data within the Nielsen group of companies to allow Nielsen’s media measurement business to provide more detailed reports for Nielsen’s other customers. For example, Nielsen Marketing Cloud cookie data allows Nielsen to let its advertising customers know whether consumers who clicked on an ad tend to fit into segments of inferred commercial interests, such as an interest in sports, gardening, or cars. This helps Nielsen’s customers refine their advertising and other marketing-related communications.</li> <li> <strong>We may share data if we have a legal obligation</strong> to do so or where we believe it is necessary to protect the rights, property, or safety of our business or any person.</li> <li> <strong>In the event of a corporate transaction</strong>, such as a reorganization, merger, sale, joint venture, assignment, transfer, or other disposition of all or any portion of our business, assets, or stock (including in connection with a bankruptcy or similar proceeding), all data collected or maintained by us may be shared with relevant third parties.</li> </ul> <p> <br> </p> <strong>H. International transfers of personal information</strong> <p>Some recipients listed in the "How personal information is shared" section above may not be located in your home country. In such cases, we ensure that the recipient is located in a country which is considered to provide an adequate level of protection for personal information.</p> <p> <br> </p> <strong>I. Data security</strong> <p>We maintain physical, technical, and organizational security measures to protect personal information against accidental, unlawful, or unauthorised destruction, loss, alteration, disclosure, or access, wherever it is processed. We use generally-accepted industry security standards including physical, electronic, and administrative safeguards that are designed to help protect the data that we collect, use, and retain.</p> <p> <br> </p> <strong>J. Children's data</strong> <p>Our products and services are not designed for or directed at children. We do not knowingly solicit, collect, or maintain personal information from children under the age of 18. Similarly, we prohibit third parties from whom we receive personal information from providing us with personal information from websites and mobile apps directed at children or from knowingly sharing with us data relating to children. If we become aware that we have collected or received personal information relating to a child, we will take reasonable steps to delete it.</p> <p> <br> </p> <strong>K. Data Retention</strong>&nbsp;<p>We ensure that your personal information will not be stored longer than is necessary to fulfil our business purposes.</p> <p>NMC stores cookies for a maximum duration of 120 days on websites where our cookie is present. However, we cease to use personal information collected from such a cookie 45 days after the last related device activity (e.g. if you do not visit the website where the cookie was placed). We retain aggregated pseudonymized cookie data to support the improvement of our products and services for up to 13 months.</p> <p>As described in the "Your Choices" section below, if you withdraw your consent for personal information processing, we will no longer process data associated with those identifiers. However, new data will be processed if you visit another website where our cookie is present using a different browser.</p> <p> <br> </p> <strong>L. Your choices</strong>&nbsp;<p>We are committed to providing you with choices with respect to how we process your personal information. This section describes how you can exercise these choices.</p> <p> <strong>Web Browsers</strong> You can opt out of our data collection for interest-based advertising purposes at any time by clicking on our opt-out page. Please note that you should opt-out from every device and/or browser separately. After opting out, you will no longer be included in advertising and content targeting activities that are conducted by NMC. You will still receive online ads and content, but these ads and content may not be as personalised or relevant to you. We require our clients and third party partners to ensure opt out requests are communicated to us in a timely manner.</p> <p>NMC is a member of several interest-based advertising self-regulatory groups, including the Network Advertising Initiative ("NAI). You can also opt out of our processing of your personal information by using the opt-out tools and consumer choice mechanisms provided by the NAI here.</p> <p>We honor "Do Not Track" signals set in certain browsers by not tracking a user’s web viewing data while "Do Not Track" is turned on in the user’s browser settings. We currently honor signals set in Chrome, Firefox, Safari, and certain versions of Internet Explorer.</p> <p> <strong>Mobile Apps</strong> Most mobile devices provide device-level opt out by activating the "Limit Ad Tracking/App Tracking" (for iOS devices) or "Opt out of Ads Personalization" (for Android devices) option in your device’s settings. If you use more than one mobile device, you will need to change the settings on each device.</p> <p> <strong>Smart/Connected TVs</strong> You can opt out of our data collection from CTVs by visiting the NAI CTV opt-out page. This explains how users can activate privacy features in many common TV and OTT environments.</p> <p> <br> </p> <strong>M. Your Legal Rights</strong> <p>You have several rights regarding our processing of your personal information, including:</p> <ul> <li>the right to request confirmation as to whether or not we are processing personal information concerning you, and, where that is the case, access to the personal information that we hold concerning you together with information about the nature, processing, and disclosure of your personal information;</li> <li>the right to request that we correct inaccurate or update incomplete personal information concerning you;</li> <li>the right to request that certain information about you be deleted (note that this right is not absolute)</li> <li>the right to have certain personal information transferred to another entity, in a structured, commonly-used, and machine-readable format (to the extent applicable).</li> </ul> <p>If you are interested in exercising any of the rights described above, please submit a request here.</p> <p>If you have questions about this Privacy Statement, please contact our Data Protection Officer by emailing or via postal mail to the address provided at the beginning of this notice. Please mark it for the attention of the Data Protection Officer.</p> <p> <br> </p> <strong>N. Changes to Privacy Statement</strong>&nbsp;<p>We will update this Privacy Statement as required (e.g., changing business or personal information processing practices, technology, or legal requirements). When we make changes to this Privacy Statement, we will amend the "Last updated" date at the top of this page. We encourage users to visit this page periodically to review any updates and remain informed about how we are processing and protecting personal information.</p> Additional privacy information For Nielsen Our Privacy Principles <p>Learn more</p> Careers Privacy Statement <p>Learn more</p> Digital Measurement Privacy Statement <p>Learn more</p> Marketing Privacy Statement <p>Learn more</p> Marketing Cloud Privacy Statement <p>Learn more</p> Website Privacy Statement <p>Learn more</p> For Gracenote Gracenote Privacy Statement <p>Learn more</p> Gracenote Services Privacy Statement <p>Learn more</p> Gracenote Sports Privacy Statement <p>Learn more</p> Gracenote Terms of Use <p>Learn more</p> Gracenote Open Source Software <p>Learn more</p> Need more help? <p>Privacy questions can be submitted by email to:</p> <p> </p> Stay in the loop <p>Keep up-to-date with our weekly newsletter, Media Pulse.</p> email * <p>By clicking on 'Subscribe', I agree to Nielsen's Privacy Notice&nbsp;and Terms of Use. &nbsp;<br> </p> If you are a human seeing this field, please leave it empty. Solutions Locations Insights About Nielsen Careers News Center SEC Filings <p>Copyright © 2023 The Nielsen Company (US), LLC. All Rights Reserved.</p> <p>Privacy notice | Terms of use | Do not sell or share my personal information<br>Limit the use of my sensitive personal information<br>Nielsen Marketing Cloud Privacy Statement</p> <p>粤ICP备17078252号 | 粤公网安备44010402001179号 | 上海尼尔森市场研究有限公司广州分公司</p> <p>Impressum</p> <p> </p> <p>Contact us</p> Find the right solution for your business <p>In an ever-changing world, we’re here to help you stay ahead of what’s to come with the tools to measure, connect with, and engage your audiences.</p> How can we help? postid How can we help? * Please select... Sales Inquiry Other Inquiry First name * Last name * Business email address * Job title * Company * Location * Please select... 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However, if you ever change your mind, you can unsubscribe from our communications by following the instructions within the email that you receive from us.</p> If you are a human seeing this field, please leave it empty. Cookie SettingsWhen you visit any website, it may store or retrieve information on your browser, mostly in the form of cookies. This information might be about you, your preferences or your device and is mostly used to make the site work as you expect it to. The information does not usually directly identify you, but it can give you a more personalized web experience. Because we respect your right to privacy, you can choose not to allow some types of cookies. Click on the different category headings to find out more and change our default settings. However, blocking some types of cookies may impact your experience of the site and the services we are able to offer. More informationAllow All Manage Consent PreferencesStrictly Necessary CookiesAlways Active<p>These cookies are necessary for the website to function and cannot be switched off in our systems. They are usually only set in response to actions made by you which amount to a request for services, such as setting your privacy preferences, logging in or filling in forms. &nbsp. &nbsp;You can set your browser to block or alert you about these cookies, but some parts of the site will not then work. These cookies do not store any personally identifiable information.</p>Performance Cookies Performance Cookies <p>These cookies allow us to count visits and traffic sources so we can measure and improve the performance of our site. They help us to know which pages are the most and least popular and see how visitors move around the site. &nbsp. &nbsp;All information these cookies collect is aggregated and therefore anonymous. If you do not allow these cookies we will not know when you have visited our site, and will not be able to monitor its performance.</p>Functional Cookies Functional Cookies <p>These cookies enable the website to provide enhanced functionality and personalisation. They may be set by us or by third party providers whose services we have added to our pages. &nbsp. &nbsp;If you do not allow these cookies then some or all of these services may not function properly.</p>Personalized Advertising Cookies Personalized Advertising Cookies <p>These cookies may be set through our site by our advertising partners. They may be used by those companies to build a profile of your interests and show you relevant adverts on other sites. &nbsp. &nbsp;They do not store directly personal information, but are based on uniquely identifying your browser and internet device. If you do not allow these cookies, you will experience less targeted advertising.</p>Social Media Cookies Social Media Cookies <p>These cookies are set by a range of social media services that we have added to the site to enable you to share our content with your friends and networks. They are capable of tracking your browser across other sites and building up a profile of your interests. This may impact the content and messages you see on other websites you visit. &nbsp. &nbsp;If you do not allow these cookies you may not be able to use or see these sharing tools.</p>Back Button Performance CookiesVendor Search Search IconFilter IconClear checkbox label labelApply CancelConsent Leg.Interest checkbox label label checkbox label label checkbox label label<ul> <li>33Acrosshost descriptionView Cookies<ul> <li>Namecookie name</li> </ul> </li> </ul> <ul> <li>33AcrossView Privacy Notice</li> </ul>Reject All Confirm My Choices

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