
Privacy Policy

Toggle Nav <ul> Home Play Now Forums Games Contests Sandbox Rules FAQ Search </ul> Login Register DRAWCEPTION.COM PRIVACY NOTICE <p> Effective April 17, 2012. </p> <p> Drawception.com (“Drawception”) welcomes you to enjoy our services and games (collectively, the “Drawception Games”) available through drawception.com (the “Website”) and social networking websites, such as Facebook (collectively, “SN Websites”). Our Drawception Games include, but not limited to, “Drawception” (currently accessible at http://drawception.com). This Privacy Notice applies to data collected by Drawception through your use of the Drawception Games and any other such service provided by Drawception through the Drawception Games (collectively, the “Service”). </p> <p> Please contact us if you have any questions or comments about our privacy practices or this Privacy Notice. You can reach us online at reed@drawception.com. </p> <p> DRAWCEPTION MAY MODIFY THIS PRIVACY NOTICE AT ANY TIME, IN DRAWCEPTION’S SOLE DISCRETION, AND SUCH MODIFICATION SHALL BE EFFECTIVE IMMEDIATELY UPON EITHER POSTING OF THE MODIFIED PRIVACY NOTICE ON THE APPLICATION OR NOTIFYING YOU. YOU AGREE TO REVIEW THIS PRIVACY NOTICE PERIODICALLY TO ENSURE THAT YOU ARE AWARE OF ANY MODIFICATIONS. YOUR CONTINUED ACCESS OR USE OF THE APPLICATION AND/OR THE SOFTWARE SHALL BE DEEMED YOUR CONCLUSIVE ACCEPTANCE OF THE MODIFIED PRIVACY NOTICE. </p> Collection of Your Personal Information <p> In using or accessing the Drawception Games, you will not be required to directly provide us with any personal information as we use the information you have already provided to the SN Website (e.g, Facebook) in registering for an account with such SN Website and which you have allowed such SN Website to share with Drawception, including, but not limited to, your first name, your user profile picture, your friend's list, pages you are a fan of, your gender, and the networks to which you belong (collectively, your “Submitted Information”). In addition to the Submitted Information, we may collect the following information you provide (collectively, the “User Content”): </p> <ul> <li>Information associated with messages and invitations that you provided to people in your network through the Drawception Games.</li> <li>In-game actions you make, links clicked, and other similar navigation action in connection with the Drawception Games (collectively, your “In-Game Actions”).</li> <li>Certain standard browser information, such as your browser type, IP address, and access times.</li> <li>Information from publicly accessible sources, such as blogs and comments from other users.</li> </ul> <p> In using and/or accessing the Drawception Games, you expressly authorize us to collect and use your Submitted Information and the User Content (collectively, the “Information”) in connection with the Drawception Games. You further acknowledge and agree that Drawception may, but is not obligated to, maintain copies of your Information indefinitely, or delete any or all Information, at our sole discretion. </p> Notice to Residents of Countries Outside of the United States of America <p> Drawception is headquartered in the United States of America. User Content may be accessed by us or transferred to us in the United States or to our affiliates, business partners, or service providers elsewhere in the world. By providing us with User Content, you consent to this transfer. We will protect the privacy and security of User Content according to our Privacy Notice, regardless of where it is processed or stored. </p> Privacy Practices of Third Parties and Links to Other Websites <p> This Privacy Notice only addresses the use and disclosure of information by Drawception through your interaction with the Drawception Games. Other websites that may be accessible through links from Drawception may have their own privacy statements and personal information collection, use, and disclosure practices. The fact that we link to a website is not an endorsement, authorization or representation of our affiliation with that third party. We do not exercise control over third party websites. These other websites may place their own cookies (for a definition of “cookies”, please see the section “Use of Cookies” below) or other files on your computer, collect data or solicit personally identifiable information from you. Other sites follow different rules regarding the use or disclosure of the personally identifiable information you submit to them. We advise you to carefully read to the terms of use and privacy policies of SN Websites (collectively, the SNW Policies”) that you access the Drawception Games through. It is your responsibility to read and accept the respective SNW Policies prior to accessing and playing the Drawception Games. </p> Use of Your Personal Information <p> Drawception collects and uses your In-Game Actions to operate and improve the Drawception Games and better deliver the Services. These uses may include performing analysis aimed at improving the Service. making the Drawception Games or Services more user friendly. and displaying advertising and content that are tailored to your preferences and interests. Drawception will not use, display, or share any of your In-Game Actions or your Information in a manner inconsistent with the privacy settings on your Facebook Account and/or Section 9 of Facebook’s Statement of Rights and Responsibilities (currently accessible at http://www.facebook.com/terms.php). </p> <p> We may also use your Information (e.g., name, email address and other Information) to notify you of new releases, notifications, and to solicit your comments and feedback. Any such emails will include an “unsubscribe” link should you decide you do not want to receive further such emails. </p> <p> In-Game Actions and/or Information collected on Drawception sites and services may be stored and processed in the United States or any other country in which Drawception or its affiliates, subsidiaries or agents maintain facilities, and by using a Drawception site or service, you consent to any such transfer of information outside of your country. </p> <p> You understand and agree that Drawception may access, maintain, archive and disclose any Information we may have about you and the contents of your Drawception account if required to do so by law or in a good faith belief that such access, maintenance, archival or disclosure is reasonably necessary to comply with legal process (such as a search warrant, subpoena, statute, or court order), to avoid liability, or to protect our rights and property, or that of our affiliates or the public. Drawception is not required to question or contest the validity of any search warrant, subpoena or other similar governmental request that Drawception receives. </p> Sharing of Your Personal Information <p> Except as described in this Privacy Notice, your Information will be used only by Drawception and its controlled subsidiaries and affiliates, and such information will not be disclosed to any other third party without your consent. Drawception occasionally hires other companies to provide limited administrative and communication services on our behalf, such as providing customer support in connection with the Drawception Games, or performing statistical analysis of the Services. Those companies will be permitted to obtain only such Information from you as necessary for them to deliver the service. Those companies are required to maintain the confidentiality of the Information and are prohibited from using it for any other purpose. </p> <p> Drawception may access and/or disclose Information and/or In-Game Actions about you without your prior consent if Drawception has a good faith belief that such action is necessary to: (i) comply with legal process or other legal requirements of any governmental authority. (ii) protect and defend the rights or property of Drawception (including the enforcement of our agreements). (iii) operate or conduct maintenance and repair of the Services or equipment as authorized by law. (iv) act in urgent circumstances to protect the personal safety of users of Drawception Services or members of the public. or (v) act in accordance with the provisions set forth in Facebook’s Statement of Rights and Responsibilities, Principles, and any other Facebook policy in effect. </p> <p> In some cases, Drawception may choose to buy or sell assets. In these types of transactions, user information is typically one of the business assets that is transferred. Moreover, if Drawception, or substantially all of its assets, were acquired, user information would be one of the assets that is transferred or acquired by a third party. You acknowledge that such transfers may occur, and that any acquirer of Drawception may continue to use your Information as set forth in this Privacy Notice. </p> Security of Your Personal Information <p> The In-Game Actions Drawception collects is securely stored within our database, and we use standard, industry-wide practices such as firewalls, encryption, and (in certain areas) Secure Socket Layers for protecting your information. However, as effective as encryption technology is, no security system is impenetrable and Drawception cannot guarantee the security of our database. </p> Collection and Use of Children's Personal Information <p> The Drawception Games and the Service are intended for general audiences. Drawception does not knowingly collect or solicit personal information from anyone under the age of 13 or knowingly allow such persons to register. No one under age 13 may provide any personal information to or on Drawception. If you are under 13, please do not send any information about yourself to us (including, but not limited to, your name, address, telephone number, or email address) or register or attempt to register for a Drawception account or to access any Drawception Games. If a parent or guardian becomes aware that his or her child has provided us with personally identifiable information without the parent or guardian's consent, he or she should contact us at reed@drawception.com. If we become aware that a minor under 13 has provided us with personal identifiable information, we will use reasonable commercial efforts to promptly delete such information from our files. </p> Use of Cookies and Related Technologies <p> Drawception uses "cookies" to collect non-personal data and information. Cookies are small text files our Drawception Games uses to recognize repeat users, and is typically placed on your hard disk by a Web page server. Cookies contain information that can later be read by a web server in the domain that issued the cookie to you. The way cookies function is by assigning a number to the user that has no meaning outside of the assigning Web site. </p> <p> You should be aware that Drawception cannot control the use of cookies (or the resulting information) by Drawception's third-party partners or advertisers. You have the ability to accept or decline cookies. Most Web browsers automatically accept cookies, but you can usually modify your browser setting to decline cookies if you prefer. If you choose to decline cookies, you may not be able to sign in or use other interactive features of Drawception sites and services that depend on cookies. </p> <p> In addition, Drawception may use third party analytics providers and products to obtain, compile and analyze Information (that may include Submitted Information) about how users are using and interacting with Drawception and/or the Drawception Games. Drawception may provide Information (that may include Submitted Information) to these analytics providers for the purpose of obtaining statistics and other information about how users are using and interacting with Drawception. These analytics providers may use a variety of established or new tracking technologies or tools (including, without limitation, cookies, web beacons, HTTP cache, local shared objects and persistent identifiers) to recognize your computer or device and/or to collect or compile this information. Drawception has no control over the technologies, tools or practices of the third parties that providing analytics products and services to Drawception. </p> Comments Regarding this Privacy Notice <p> Drawception welcomes your comments regarding this Privacy Notice. If you have questions regarding this Privacy Notice, please contact us by e-mail at reed@drawception.com. </p> <p> <b>Drawception</b> </p> <ul> <li>Home</li> <li>About</li> <li>FAQ | Rules</li> <li>Sandbox</li> <li>Contact</li> </ul> <p> <b>Explore</b> </p> <ul> <li>Recent Games</li> <li>Top Games</li> <li>Art Store</li> <li>Contests</li> <li>Search</li> </ul> <p> <b>Community</b> </p> <ul> <li>Forums</li> <li>Tools</li> <li>Discord</li> <li>Twitter</li> </ul> <p> Play Now </p> <p> 27,671 games in progress </p> <p> <strong>Where simple drawing meets the classic "telephone game". Miscommunication and hilarity ensues!</strong> <br> <small> © 2023 Drawception. Privacy Policy. Terms of Service. Created by Reed. </small> </p> <p> <small>For Olivia</small> </p>

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