
Privacy Policy

<b>Special Launch Deal available until the end of August!</b>&nbsp;Redact Premium for $7/month + 2 years free!<br>Get Premium!<b>Special Launch Deal available until the end of August!</b>&nbsp;Redact Premium for $7/month + 2 years free!Get Premium!<ul>Services&nbsp;<li>Features</li> <li>Pricing</li> <li>Team</li> <li>Contact</li> <li>Support</li> <li>Download Redact</li> <li>Premium</li> </ul>Privacy Policy<strong>Human Readable Privacy Policy</strong> <br> <br>This Privacy Policy was designed to be readable by actual people. We hate how every privacy policy out there requires you to be a lawyer to understand whats going on with your data, so we chose to write ours as plainly as possible. If you have any questions about anything here, or just want to chat with us we are available in our discord server or via email.Effective date and parties<p>This Privacy Policy went into effect on August 1st, 2023. It's between us, Redact Holdings, Inc., and you, the person reading this. It covers our website and our applications for Windows, Mac, Linux, and our Apps for Android and iOS.</p>Personal Data Collected and Why we do it:<p>We hate collecting user data. It goes against our oath/motto as a privacy company. What we do collect is the bare minimum necessary to exist as a software developer who wants to sell products.</p> <p>Like nearly every website on the internet, we have a log file for our website, which we use for our analytics. It doesn't know your name or any personal information, but it does store some information your browser willingly gives out (check here) to get an idea of what this can contain.</p> <p>For our apps, the data collected is essentially limited to debug and anonymous usage information. This information lets us figure out when things break or crash. It also lets us know things like how many people delete messages from discord vs. Reddit. Your messages or personal content is NEVER included in these debug messages. The messages are more generic things like “Stack trace error on file at line 315. expected twitter.delete and got service.unavailable”</p> <p>If you choose to purchase redact, You will obviously give us your payment information. That's going to include your name, email and whatever payment information you supply. We only use this information for a few purposes. To sell redact and handle its recurring billing, to prevent fraud and to send you necessary information such as forgotten password resets, payment reminders, etc…</p> <p>Not withstanding the above, we still have to comply with US law. If we get a subpoena for the data we have on you, we may be required to hand it over if it's a valid request. We will make every effort we can to fight any bogus law enforcement requests.</p>Note on passwords, accounts, message logs, etc…<p>In order for redact to delete content from your social networks, messengers or other services, we require you to log in to those services. When you log in to those services, your login information never leaves your device. There is no redact server that has your cookies or login information. You can think of the redact app like a custom web browser. Similarly to how Firefox or chrome doesn't have access to your passwords, the same is true for redact.</p> <p>Just to reiterate this—We do NOT have access to your logins, passwords, or messages. They are all entirely local on your device. If your computer explodes, all the login data is gone. There is no backup.</p>Security and how we operate:<p>We follow best practices to keep our website, app, and user data secure. In the event of a security breach, we will make every best effort to reach out to all affected users to explain the nature of the issue and any data exposed as promptly as possible.</p>Main services we use and why:<ul> <li>Cloudflare - We use this to help us serve our website speedily and enable various features</li> <li> - We use this to show us how many people view our website every day and where they came from.</li> <li>Datadog - We use this to handle crash reports and anonymized usage statistics sent from the applications. All data is removed automatically after 30 days.</li> <li>Discord, Twitter, Reddit etc… - We use these to engage with the community and offer support</li> </ul>Collection of data from minors:<p>Our Services are intended for individuals 18 years of age and older. We do not knowingly collect any information, from anyone under 18 years of age. If you believe that we have inadvertently collected Personal Data from someone under the age of 18, please contact us immediately at so that we may delete the data.</p>Changes to this privacy policy:<p>This privacy policy may change without notice to you, as we don't have contact information for the vast majority of our users. You can keep track of any changes to this page by using a service such as</p>Data deletion requests:<p>Any user without limitation may contact us to delete all data we have on them, No questions asked. This can be done by contacting us via</p>International Visitors / GDPR:<p>This website, services, and company are all in the United States. If you use the Site or the Services from the European Union or other regions with laws governing data collection and use that may differ from US law, please note that you are transferring your personal data to the US, which has different laws than your country.</p>Governing Law:<p>Unless applicable data protection / privacy laws provide otherwise, (a) the Privacy Policy is governed by the laws of the State of Delaware U.S.A., (b) you hereby agree that any dispute or claim raised or made by you against us relating to the Privacy Policy shall be subject to arbitration before a single arbitrator in Miami, Florida in accordance with the Commercial Arbitration Rules of the American Arbitration Association and (c) you hereby waive all rights to bring or maintain any court action, jury trial or any class claim, class action, class arbitration, or other representative action, claim or proceeding against us in a court of law.</p>Got a specific question?<p>Join our Discord server and we will directly answer your questions in real time!</p>Join Redact DiscordHomeDownloadServicesFeaturesPricingTeamContactSupportPress KitTerms &amp. ConditionsPrivacyPress KitPrivacy PolicyTerms &amp. Conditions© 2023 Redact - All rights reserved<p> </p>

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