Browsec Inc

Terms of service

Browsec <ul> <li> VPN Apps VPN for Chrome VPN for Firefox VPN for iOS VPN for Android VPN for Windows VPN for Mac </li> <li> Premium </li> <li> Help Help Center Contact us Free VPN What is a VPN What is my IP </li> <li> Sign up </li> <li> Sign in </li> </ul> English <ul> <li> Türkçe </li> <li> 한국어 </li> </ul> Browsec software licence and terms of services <ol> <li> Introduction <p>The following Terms of&nbsp;Service Agreement is&nbsp;a&nbsp;legal contract between you and Browsec Inc («Browsec»). By&nbsp;downloading, installing and using Browsec you acknowledge that you have read, understood and accept this agreement in&nbsp;its entirety, and agree to&nbsp;be&nbsp;bound by&nbsp;its terms.</p> <p>Browsec Inc reserves the right, at&nbsp;our discretion, to&nbsp;change, modify, add, or&nbsp;remove portions of&nbsp;these Terms at&nbsp;any time. Please check these Terms and any Guidelines periodically for changes. Your continued use of&nbsp;the Service constitutes your acceptance of&nbsp;the Terms as&nbsp;modified. For any material changes to&nbsp;these Terms, such amended terms will automatically be&nbsp;effective thirty days after they are initially posted on&nbsp;the Service. </p> </li> <li> Privacy Policy <p>Browsec’s Privacy Policy is&nbsp;incorporated into this agreement by&nbsp;reference. Please refer to&nbsp;the privacy policy for information on&nbsp;how Browsec collects, uses, maintains, shares and destroys your personal information.</p> </li> <li> License <p>Subject to&nbsp;the terms and conditions set forth in&nbsp;this agreement, Browsec grants you a&nbsp;limited, nonexclusive, personal, non-transferable right to&nbsp;use our service, solely for internal and personal purposes. All rights not expressly granted to&nbsp;you are reserved by&nbsp;Browsec.</p> <p>The visual interfaces, graphics, design, information, computer code (including source code and object code), products, software, services and all other elements of&nbsp;the Service are proprietary to&nbsp;Browsec or&nbsp;its subsidiaries or&nbsp;affiliated companies or&nbsp;third-party licensors.</p> <p>You agree not to&nbsp;sell, sublicense, resell, transfer, assign, distribute or&nbsp;otherwise commercially exploit or&nbsp;make available to&nbsp;any third party the Services in&nbsp;any way.</p> <p>You may use the service only for personal purposes and shall not: send spam or&nbsp;otherwise duplicative or&nbsp;unsolicited messages in&nbsp;violation of&nbsp;applicable laws. (ii) send infringing, obscene, threatening, libelous, or&nbsp;otherwise unlawful or&nbsp;tortuous material, including material harmful to&nbsp;children or&nbsp;violate third party privacy rights. (iii) send or&nbsp;store material containing software viruses, worms, Trojan horses or&nbsp;other harmful computer code, files, scripts, agents or&nbsp;programs. (iv) interfere with or&nbsp;disrupt the integrity or&nbsp;performance of&nbsp;the Service or&nbsp;the data contained therein. or&nbsp;(v) attempt to&nbsp;gain unauthorized access to&nbsp;the Service or&nbsp;its related systems or&nbsp;networks.</p> </li> <li> The Service <p>Browsec is&nbsp;providing the service on&nbsp;an&nbsp;«as&nbsp;is» basis without warranty of&nbsp;any kind. Browsec does not guarantee the availability of&nbsp;the service or&nbsp;any of&nbsp;its features Browsec may impose usage limits, suspend service or&nbsp;block certain kinds of&nbsp;usage solely at&nbsp;our discrimination.</p> <p>The speed and quality of&nbsp;the Service may vary and the Service is&nbsp;subject to&nbsp;unavailability, including emergencies, third party service failures, transmission, equipment or network problems or&nbsp;limitations, interference, signal strength, and maintenance and repair, and may be&nbsp;interrupted, refused, limited or&nbsp;curtailed. Browsec is&nbsp;not responsible for any failures to&nbsp;maintain the confidentiality, security, accuracy or&nbsp;quality of&nbsp;your data, messages or&nbsp;pages whether or&nbsp;not related to&nbsp;interruptions or performance issues with the Service.</p> <p>Browsec does not assure that its service will withstand attempts to&nbsp;evade security mechanisms. Browsec is&nbsp;not responsible for any failures to&nbsp;maintain confidentiality or security of&nbsp;your data.</p> </li> <li> User responsibilities <p>A&nbsp;computer or&nbsp;other equipment enabled to&nbsp;access the Internet («Device») is&nbsp;required to&nbsp;use the service. You are solely responsible for ensuring that your Device is sufficient and compatible for use with the Service.</p> </li> <li> Prohibited conduct <p>By&nbsp;using the Service you agree not&nbsp;to: —&nbsp;Use the service for anything other than lawful purpose. —&nbsp;to&nbsp;impersonate any person or&nbsp;entity or&nbsp;misrepresent your affiliation with a&nbsp;person or&nbsp;entity. —&nbsp;misattribute origin of&nbsp;any content transmitted through the system. —&nbsp;distribute copyright-protected material through our servers. —&nbsp;use the Service for commercial gain. —&nbsp;intentionally interfere with or&nbsp;damage operation of&nbsp;the Service by&nbsp;any means. —&nbsp;take any action that results in&nbsp;an&nbsp;unbearable load on&nbsp;Browsec infrastructure;</p> </li> <li> Service suspension and&nbsp;termination <p>You agree that Browsec, in&nbsp;its sole discretion, for any or&nbsp;no&nbsp;reason, and without penalty, may terminate or&nbsp;suspend your use of&nbsp;the Service at&nbsp;any time. Browsec may also in&nbsp;its sole discretion and at&nbsp;any time discontinue the Services in&nbsp;their entirety, or&nbsp;any part thereof, with or&nbsp;without notice.</p> </li> <li> Disclaimer of warranties <p>Browsec makes no&nbsp;representation, warranty, or&nbsp;guarantee as&nbsp;to&nbsp;the reliability, timeliness, quality, suitability, availability, accuracy or&nbsp;completeness of&nbsp;the Services. Browsec does not represent or&nbsp;warrant that (a) the use of&nbsp;the Services will be&nbsp;secure, timely, uninterrupted or&nbsp;error-free or&nbsp;operate in&nbsp;combination with any other hardware, software, system or&nbsp;data, (b) the Service will meet your requirements or&nbsp;expectations ©&nbsp;errors or&nbsp;defects will be&nbsp;corrected, or&nbsp;(d) the Services are free of viruses or&nbsp;other harmful components. The Service is&nbsp;provided by&nbsp;Browsec on&nbsp;and «as&nbsp;is» «as&nbsp;available» basis without warranties of&nbsp;any kind, either expressed or implied, including without limitation, any implied warranty of&nbsp;merchantability, fitness for a&nbsp;particular purpose, or&nbsp;non-infringement of&nbsp;third-party rights, are hereby disclaimed to&nbsp;the maximum extent permitted by&nbsp;law. You expressly agree that use of&nbsp;the Services is&nbsp;at&nbsp;your sole risk.</p> </li> <li> Limitation of Liability <p>Under no&nbsp;circumstances shall Browsec or&nbsp;its affiliates, contractors, employees, agents or&nbsp;third-party partners be&nbsp;liable under contract, tort, strict liability, negligence or&nbsp;otherwise for any lost profits or&nbsp;Special, indirect, incidental, punitive, or&nbsp;consequential damages of&nbsp;any kind whatsoever. In&nbsp;no&nbsp;event shall the total liability of&nbsp;Browsec, for all damages, losses and causes of&nbsp;action arising out of&nbsp;or&nbsp;relating to&nbsp;this agreement or&nbsp;your use of&nbsp;the service exceed the amount paid by&nbsp;you, if&nbsp;any, during the twelve month prior to&nbsp;the date of&nbsp;the claim, or&nbsp;one hundred dollars, whichever is&nbsp;greater.</p> </li> <li> Indemnification <p>You agree to&nbsp;indemnify, save, and hold harmless Browsec, its affiliated or&nbsp;associated companies, and their respected directors, officers, employees, agents, contractors, licensees, successors and assigns from all claims, losses, damages, expenses and costs (including, but not limited&nbsp;to, direct, incidental, consequential, exemplary and indirect damages), and reasonable attorneys’ fees, resulting from or&nbsp;arising out&nbsp;of (i) a&nbsp;breach of&nbsp;this Agreement, (ii) the use of&nbsp;the Services, by&nbsp;You or any person using your account, or&nbsp;(iii) any violation of&nbsp;any rights of&nbsp;a&nbsp;third party.</p> </li> <li> Payments and customer support <p>Our global order process is conducted by our online reseller is the Merchant of Record for all our orders except Russia. Paddle provides all customer service inquiries and handles returns.</p> <p>Our order process in Russia is conducted by Browsec Inc. Browsec Inc provides all customer service inquiries and handles returns for such orders.</p> </li> <li> Refund Policy <p>You can request a refund within 7 days after purchasing Premium plan. To request a refund send an e-mail to from the e-mail account that is linked to your Browsec premium account. Please provide the payment details (date, time, payment provider) in your e-mail for quick support.</p> <p>We will refund in the same payment method that you initially used to pay for the Premium plan. </p> </li> </ol> Platforms <ul> <li>VPN for Chrome</li> <li>VPN for Firefox</li> <li>VPN for iOS</li> <li>VPN for Android</li> <li>VPN for Windows</li> <li>VPN for Mac OS</li> </ul> Prices <ul> <li>Plans and pricing</li> <li>Premium</li> </ul> Why use a VPN <ul> <li>What is my IP</li> <li>What is a VPN</li> <li>Free VPN</li> <li>Check your VPN</li> <li>Is your phone hacked</li> </ul> Information <ul> <li>Contact us</li> <li>FAQ</li> <li>Help Center</li> <li>Facebook</li> </ul> Downloads Available in the Chrome Web StoreGet it on Google PlayDownload on the AppStore Browsec © 2012 — 2023 Browsec Inc Contact us Privacy policy Terms of service

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