
Privacy Policy

<p> </p>Privacy Policy <p> At, we care about your fucking privacy. When you use, we perform a reverse DNS lookup of your IP address to display to you. Local databases are used to obtain all other information we display to you. We do not use any fucking tracking cookies, fucking third-party analytics, nor do we sell fucking advertisements. We provide this solely as a free service for the fucking community. The service is built directly and unmodified from our publicly posted source code. </p> <p> </p> <p> This service is subject to the laws of the United States of America. This free service is provided with no fucking guarantees as to availability or reliability. </p> <p>We don't make any fucking money from running this fucking website, since we don't allow fucking ads or fucking trackers. </p> <p>Any fucking questions or fucking concerns? Reach us on Mastodon, Signal, or Wire. </p>

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