Terms And Code of conduct

About Neat.TubeNews &amp. PoliticsHow ToEducationActivismScience &amp. TechnologyEnglishNeat.Tube - PeerTube hosting from Neat.Computer ADMINISTRATORS &amp. SUSTAINABILITY Who we are<p>This instance is run by Jonah Aragon (Mastodon) and owned by Fediverse Communications LLC, a Minnesota-based company.</p> <p> <strong>Neat.Tube</strong> is open to all paid Neat.Computer subscribers. Upload quota limits can be increased upon request, up to an unlimited amount.</p> <p>This being said, <strong>you do not need an account on this website to leave comments and subscribe to channels here.</strong> You can comment and subscribe without a paid account from any ActivityPub-enabled software, such as Mastodon or another PeerTube instance (such as PeerTube.Party).</p> How we will pay for keeping our instance running<p>You can support Neat.Computer's services on Open Collective. You can also tip Jonah directly on Ko-Fi if you find these services useful.</p> <p>Usage beyond the default upload limits will be subject to a fair-use payment agreement to ensure this service is sustainable for all members.</p> INFORMATION Description<p>Welcome to Neat.Tube, a PeerTube instance hosted by Jonah.</p> <p>This instance follows PeerTube instances which are on this list. If you are a PeerTube admin and wish for your server to be followed by this instance, please submit a Pull Request:</p> <p>Neat.Tube provides video redundancy to remote creators upon request.</p> MODERATION Moderation information<ul> <li>This service may be used to <em>access</em> NSFW content on remote servers, but may <strong>not</strong> be used to <em>host</em> NSFW content.</li> <li>Misinformation and propaganda are not permitted.</li> </ul> Code of conduct<p>Please use this service wisely.</p> <p>Examples of behavior that contributes to creating a positive environment include:</p> <ul> <li>Using welcoming and inclusive language</li> <li>Being respectful of differing viewpoints and experiences</li> <li>Gracefully accepting constructive criticism</li> <li>Showing empathy towards others</li> </ul> <p>Examples of unacceptable behavior include:</p> <ul> <li>The use of sexualized language or imagery and unwelcome sexual attention or advances</li> <li>Trolling, insulting/derogatory comments, and personal or political attacks</li> <li>Public or private harassment</li> <li>Publishing others’ private information, such as a physical or electronic address, without explicit permission</li> <li>Other conduct, such as spamming, that could reasonably be considered inappropriate</li> </ul> Terms<ul> <li>This service is intended to host public videos, it is not for storing private video collections.</li> <li>Videos and accounts may be moderated or deleted at the sole discretion of the administration team.</li> </ul> <p>If you are concerned about content <strong>locally hosted</strong> on this PeerTube instance, please contact Please note that this website may act as a gateway to remotely hosted videos. We do not have control over remote content, you must contact the actual host directly if you have an issue with remotely hosted content.</p> OTHER INFORMATION Hardware information<ul> <li>Hetzner Cloud VPS (Ashburn, VA)</li> <li> S3 Storage</li> <li> Content Delivery</li> </ul> FEATURESFeatures found on this instancePeerTube version5.1.0Default NSFW/sensitive videos policycan be redefined by the usersHiddenUser registrationDisabledVideo uploadsTranscoding in multiple resolutionsVideo uploadsAutomatically publishedVideo quota 5 GB (5 GB per day)Live streamingLive streaming enabledTranscode live video in multiple resolutionsMax parallel lives 1 per user / 2 per instance ImportHTTP import (YouTube, Vimeo, direct URL...)Torrent importChannel synchronization with other platforms (YouTube, Vimeo, ...)SearchUsers can resolve distant contentPlugins &amp. ThemesAvailable themes dark Plugins enabled sort-originally-published-at auth-openid-connect custom-links STATISTICSBy users on this instance<p>5</p> <p>users</p> <p>376</p> <p>videos</p> <p>5,279</p> <p>views</p> <p>8</p> <p>comments</p> <p>97.1 GB</p> <p>hosted video</p>In this instance federation<p>620</p> <p>videos</p> <p>5,356</p> <p>comments</p> <p>40</p> <p>followers</p> <p>6</p> <p>following</p>

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