
Privacy Policy

&nbsp. Home Plans &amp. Pricing Sign up Upgrade Support Privacy Policy <p> <small>Last updated: November 11, 2015</small> </p> <p> Cbox is serious about your privacy and about keeping your personal information confidential. We will not sell, rent, or otherwise give away your information without your consent. In general, we ask for and store as little personally identifiable information as possible to provide our service. </p> The Golden Rule of Privacy <p> <b>Remember that anything that you post online should be assumed to be seen by everyone.</b> As a general rule when interacting with any Internet service, you should not provide any personally identifiable information unless you are confident of both the identity of the receiver and of the need for the information. </p> Personal information <p> We require your email address when you sign up for your own Cbox, in order to send you important information regarding your account, and to enable you (and only you) to recover it should you lose access to it. Your address is not made public, and will never be sold or intentionally made available to third parties. No other personal information is required by us, but it may be requested of you by third party payment service providers should you purchase paid services from us. </p> <p> We do not control the content of the Cboxes hosted by us. If you are asked for personal information of any kind on a Cbox, you should not provide it. If your privacy is violated or if you are aware of abuse of privacy occurring on a Cbox, let us know. </p> Cookies and local storage <p> We make use of various browser technologies (including cookies and local storage) to confer state or state identifiers on your browser. We do this for three main reasons: </p> <ol> <li>To keep you authenticated for your session after logging-in to a Cbox or to the Cbox control panel. </li> <li>To implement certain conveniences (such as remembering preferences) and performance optimizations (such as caching data) that require locally-stored state. </li> <li>To collect aggregate statistics about user activity and engagement across our network. </li> </ol> <p> The information we store this way is limited to that which is provided by you (e.g. preferences), or is completely anonymous by design (e.g. session tokens). We do not use cookies to track you for advertising purposes. If you are concerned about local storage or cookies, you can disable them in your browser. Cbox is designed to function without this data, but the experience may be degraded. </p> IP addresses and location <p> Internet Protocol (IP) addresses are stored in the course of your using this website and its services for the purposes of: </p> <ol> <li>Providing the service: we must store your IP address for a short time anytime you request a resource from us, in order to route our reply. </li> <li>Statistical analysis: we may use IP addresses to make aggregate estimates of engagement, e.g. counting unique visitors.</li> <li>Access control: we, and our direct customers, are able to block or limit access based on IP, to the network or individual Cboxes, respectively.</li> </ol> <p> Note that while we do not publish IP addresses, your IP address is stored with each message you post to any Cbox, and is available to the administrator and moderators of that Cbox. Cbox administrators are bound by our Terms of Service to extend our privacy policy to you. </p> <p> IP addresses do not generally translate directly to personally identifiable information. They can usually be used to geo-locate your device to the country or city level, based on information published by your ISP. Cbox does not, however, collect your precise geographic location. </p> Passwords and security <p> Cbox stores passwords in a way that makes it difficult to guess what they are, even if our databases are compromised. However, you should always choose a strong password, one that you do not use for any other services, and that does not contain any information associated with you, such as your name or birth date. </p> <p> We will never request that you supply your password via email. Before you log in with Cbox, you should ensure you are on our website, and on an Internet connection that you trust. We take reasonable precautions to protect your account and password as stored on our systems. however it is impossible to guarantee security of storage or transmission. </p> Third party service providers <p> We employ third party service providers for purposes such as analytics and load balancing. These providers may send cookies to your browser and retrieve your IP address. Our payment providers may request additional information from you in order to complete transactions you initiate with us. The companies we work with publish their own (much longer) privacy policies, and the data they collect from you is used only on our behalf. We are assured by each provider that they take reasonable steps to safeguard the data they collect. </p> Third-party authentication <p> When you authenticate or register your name with Cbox using a third party provider of identity services, such as Facebook or Google, Cbox will be able to retrieve limited data from your account with that provider, according to policies that you agree with them. In particular, Cbox may retrieve and store the email address and public profile picture that you have established with that provider. When you authorize the connection, you will have the opportunity to confirm what, if any, other data Cbox receives. Information Cbox imports this way on your behalf is not published without further action on your part, and in particular we cannot and will not access your passwords stored with these providers. </p> Removal of data <p> Cbox will accommodate requests to remove personally identifyng information from our systems. To place a request, please contact us. </p> Loading... About Plans &amp. pricing Terms &amp. conditions Privacy policy Notices Contact us © 2004–2023 Cbox, all rights reserved. 0 ms. 83ce

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