
Terms and Conditions of Service

&nbsp. Home Plans &amp. Pricing Sign up Upgrade Support Terms and Conditions of Service <p> <small>Last updated: June 27, 2016</small> </p> <p> In this article, "Cbox" refers to the Cbox company and its employees. "Application" refers to the individual embeddable Web-based chat boxes and associated components provided as a service by Cbox. These Applications taken together constitute the Cbox Network. Our direct customers including those with free Cbox Applications are our "Customers", and the users of Cboxes operated by our Customers are "Users". These terms and conditions apply to all Customers of the Cbox Application, whether paid or free, and except where noted otherwise, they extend to Users as well. </p> <p> Using the Cbox Application, or making it available for use as a Customer, is only permitted if you are in agreement with the following terms and conditions. </p> Disclaimers and Limitation of Liability <ol> <li>Services offered by Cbox are provided AS IS, without any warranty of any kind, including, without limitation, the implied warranties of merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose, or non-infringement. Use of any of the services is entirely at your own risk. </li> <li>Cbox is not liable for any loss or damage to the user or equipment or third parties or information belonging to the user or third parties, arising from use of the services provided by Cbox or by direct or indirect consequence of their use. </li> <li>Cbox is not responsible for the content submitted to and published on any Cbox Application when that content is generated by yourself, Customers, or Users. Cbox will not be obliged to edit or remove any content on any Application except at its sole discretion. </li> <li>Cbox reserves the right to alter or amend these terms at any time without prior notice. </li> </ol> Indemnity <ol> <li>You agree to indemnify, defend and hold us and our affiliates, business partners, officers, directors, employees and agents harmless from any loss, liability, claim, demand, damage, or expense (including reasonable legal fees) asserted by any third party relating in any way to your use of the Application or breach of these Terms of Service. We reserve the right to assume the exclusive defence and control of any matter subject to indemnification by you, which shall not excuse your indemnity obligations.</li> </ol> Cbox Applications: Content and Use <ol> <li>Certain content is not permitted to be submitted to or published on the Cbox Network, including but not limited to such that: <ol> <li>is unlawful, abusive, threatening, harmful, obscene, lewd, offensive, defamatory or otherwise objectionable;</li> <li>infringes or may infringe on the intellectual property rights, privacy rights, rights of publicity, or other proprietary rights of others;</li> <li>contains or causes to be downloaded programs or material which may harm users or their computer or software (including but not limited to viruses, trojan horses, and worms.)</li> <li>is submitted in bulk and unsolicited, whether for commercial purposes or otherwise (including but not limited to messages which would be considered spam or flooding.)</li> </ol> </li> <li> Customers are responsible for monitoring the content transmitted by Users, and published on their Cbox Application, and to take necessary action to remove such content and to protect other Users from it when it constitutes content not permitted on the Cbox Network. </li> <li> Customers must extend our privacy policy to Users, in particular by honoring requests to remove personally-identifying information at the request of Users, and by refraining from publishing Users' IP addresses. </li> <li> Cbox reserves the right to edit or delete part or all of the content of any Cbox Application if it deems such action necessary. Cbox may also deny access to the Cbox Network to Users at its discretion. Cbox is not, however, obliged to take action against Users or content under any circumstance, except where mandated by applicable law. </li> <li> Certain Cbox Applications may include advertising elements and branding supplied by Cbox. Customers may not obscure or obstruct or render invisible these elements. </li> </ol> Termination and Downgrade <ol> <li> Cbox retains the right to cease provision of service to any Customer for violation of these Terms or for any other reason, without prior notice. </li> <li> If we choose to cease service to a Customer with a paid service, for reasons other than violation of these Terms, the Customer is entitled to a pro-rata refund of unused credit. If service is terminated due to violation of these Terms, or the Customer does not have a paid service, no credit, refund or other compensation will be provided. </li> <li> Customers may cancel or downgrade paid services at any time by contacting us. However, we cannot downgrade paid accounts to free accounts. Customers with credit remaining can have this credit transferred to another account or converted on a pro-rata basis, but it cannot be refunded in part or in full. </li> </ol> Refunds <ol> <li> If you choose to cease service, our 30-day money-back guarantee applies: your first purchase can be refunded in full on request, provided the transaction was completed within 30 days of the date of your request. Outside of this period or on subsequent upgrades or renewals, refunds are not available except at our discretion. </li> </ol> Loading... About Plans &amp. pricing Terms &amp. conditions Privacy policy Notices Contact us © 2004–2023 Cbox, all rights reserved. 0 ms. 83ce

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