

Download for free <ul> <li> </li> <li> Contacts </li> <li> Support </li> <li> Blog </li> <li> Beautiful </li> <li> About </li> <li> Press <ul> <li>Assets</li> <li>News</li> </ul> </li> <li> LGBTQ+ Wiki </li> <li> Pride Body </li> </ul> Download for free: <strong>TAIMI PRIVACY POLICY</strong> <p> <strong>&nbsp;</strong> </p> <p> <strong>Effective Date</strong>: 27 February 2023 &nbsp;</p> <p> <strong>&nbsp;</strong> </p> <p>Taimi Privacy Policy (the “Policy”) explains all the privacy matters you may face when using our website, https://taimi.com<u>&nbsp;</u>and other websites run by Taimi (the “Website”) and Taimi’s mobile (the “App”), jointly the “Service”, operated by Social Impact Inc. (“Taimi” or “we”).&nbsp;</p> <p>This Policy is an integral part of the Taimi’s Terms of Service (the “Terms”) and incorporated by reference into them. Please read this Policy carefully and if you have any questions, feel free to contact us at legal@taimi.com. In case you have any ongoing questions about how to exercise your rights, etc., you may also contact us at support@taimi.com.&nbsp;</p> <p>Some services which may be employed by either Taimi or you to interact with the Services may have their own privacy rules (third-party privacy policies). Thus, if your personal data is processed by such services, such processing is governed by third-party privacy policies, not this present Policy.&nbsp;</p> <p>By using the Service, you agree that the collection and processing of your data will be covered by the terms of this Policy.</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p> <strong>1. &nbsp;&nbsp;</strong> <strong>Initial Notice to Users</strong> </p> <p> <strong>1.1. &nbsp;&nbsp;</strong>Here, at Taimi, we strive to protect your privacy. It goes without saying, by being a place for building the best connections between people, that the App exists as a vast social network, where users may share their experiences, show emotions and just be themselves. All of those actions are connected to personal data sharing. Your “personal data” or just “data” means any information linked with you or the one that may identify you directly or indirectly as a person.</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p> <strong>1.2. &nbsp;&nbsp;</strong> <strong>Privacy tips</strong>. Despite our best efforts, we cannot control how other users or third-party services may use your data. When using Taimi, you should presume that everything you post, share or message on the App may be publicly viewable and accessible, both by Taimi users and people outside the App. We want you to be careful about going public with your data, thus, we kindly ask you to follow our privacy recommendations as below:</p> <p>(a) &nbsp. &nbsp. &nbsp;when you post information about yourself or use the messaging function, the amount of personal information you share is determined at your own risk.</p> <p>(b) &nbsp. &nbsp. you share information with other users when you voluntarily disclose information on the Service (including your Taimi profile). That is why we recommend and encourage you to think carefully about the information you disclose about yourself. Please be careful with your data and make sure that the information you publish is data you feel comfortable being publicly viewable;</p> <p>(c) &nbsp. &nbsp. &nbsp;we do <strong>not</strong> recommend that you put email addresses, URLs, instant messaging details, phone numbers, full names or addresses, credit card details, national identity numbers, drivers’ licence details and other important data on your Taimi profile or send that data via direct messages to people that you do not trust;</p> <p>(d) &nbsp. &nbsp. we do <strong>not</strong> recommend that you share your sensitive data (religious denomination, sexual preferences, health details, political leanings, any kind of addictions, etc.) with other users. If you really desire to share this data safely (so as to set up more relevant connections, etc.), you may use Taimi tags features. With this regard to Taimi tags, please read section 1.3 hereof to find out the benefits of their use;</p> <p>(e) &nbsp. &nbsp. &nbsp;photos that you share via Taimi may reveal much information about you. please inspect all of them for data or objects that you do not want to go public with before you upload or share your photos;</p> <p>(f) &nbsp. &nbsp. &nbsp. please make sure you log out of your Taimi profile after use from either your or a third-party’s device since you never know who may get access to them;</p> <p>(g) &nbsp. &nbsp. &nbsp;please do not share your access credentials (login, email, password, phone number, etc.) to Taimi or other social media profiles with anyone else;</p> <p>(h) &nbsp. &nbsp. we recommend that you change your Taimi and other social media password from time to time;</p> <p>(i) &nbsp. &nbsp. &nbsp. if you think or even have the slightest suspicion that someone may have had access to your Taimi or social media profile or access credentials, first of all, change them immediately. if you lost your access to the profile owing to third-party activity, we recommend that you contact us at support@taimi.com (if there is no access to Taimi profile) or report the issue to the relevant social media platform;</p> <p>(j) &nbsp. &nbsp. &nbsp. we kindly draw your attention to the fact that you are the only person who must care about your access credentials’ safety. Remember that in the event they are compromised, a third party may get your data. We cannot guarantee your data security if you lose control of your account and do not notify Taimi about the issue.</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p> <strong>1.3. &nbsp;Taimi tags.</strong> Instead of sharing some of your data in a text description of your profile, we recommend that you use Taimi &nbsp;tags to identify you as a person of a specific style. We find it a more secure and beneficial option since you may change them or hide them anytime you choose. Meanwhile, Taimi tags allow you to create better connections with people who may share your views and are more likely to say “hello”. You may also choose to add information about yourself that may be categorized as sensitive data under your local data privacy laws, e.g., when you add certain Taimi tags to your profile, such as data concerning a natural person’s sex life and sexual orientation. From time to time, we may ask for your explicit consent to process such sensitive information and making this public to other users. If you do not give your explicit consent to process such sensitive data, we will not be able to connect you with other users. Still, all any time, you are entitled to make us stop showing that data to others by deleting relevant tags in your profile settings, restricting some users from accessing your profile (in this case just blocked users will not see your data) or requesting that we delete your tags or other data at support@taimi.com. For the users who are California residents, you may find the categories of sensitive personal information that may be publicly viewable and accessible both by users and non-users of the App in section 9.2. hereof.</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p> <strong>2. &nbsp;&nbsp;</strong> <strong>Changes and Updates to Policy</strong> </p> <p> <strong>2.1. &nbsp;&nbsp;</strong> <strong>Reasons of Updates</strong>. We may revise the Policy according to new developments or advances in legislation and the broader data protection landscape from time to time, so please check this page regularly to ensure you’re always up -to-date with any changes.&nbsp;</p> <p> <strong>2.2. &nbsp;&nbsp;</strong> <strong>Communication on Updates</strong>. If we make any changes hereto that, in our sole discretion, are substantial, we will notify you by email (to the address associated with your profile) or via the App, post a notice within Taimi Services or make a notification appear in your profile when you next log in to Taimi before amendments become effective. A notification regarding other changes may be rendered to you by publishing at https://taimi.com/privacypolicy.</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p> <strong>3. &nbsp;&nbsp;</strong> <strong>Your Data Controller and Data Processors;&nbsp;</strong> <strong>Service providers, Contractors and&nbsp;</strong> <strong>Third Parties Accessing Data</strong> </p> <p> <strong>3.1. &nbsp;&nbsp;</strong>Information about who processes your data and with whom we may share your data is considered to be one of the most vital points you should know, so we place this article here, in the Policy's beginning. In this section, we also explain what third-party sources we may use to receive your data from.&nbsp;</p> <p> <strong>3.2. &nbsp;&nbsp;</strong> <strong>Roles and Definitions</strong>. The first you should know is information about your data controller and processors. The data controller is an entity that determines the purposes and means of the processing of the data. The data processor is an entity that processes the data on behalf of the controller. A third party is a person whose access to the data depends on their rights or duties.</p> <p> <strong>3.3. &nbsp;&nbsp;</strong> <strong>Data Controller. EU Representative. Data Protection Officers</strong>:</p> <p>(a) &nbsp. &nbsp. &nbsp;in this current case, your <u>data controller</u> is Social Impact Inc., a company with its registered address at 1180 North Town Center Drive Suite 100, Las Vegas, Nevada, 89144, United States of America. email: legal@taimi.com. phone number: +1 (702) 899-3848;</p> <p>(b) &nbsp. &nbsp. our <u>EU Representative –</u> for General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) compliance purposes – is Itolivo Limited, a company with its registered address at Office 302, 12 Promitheos Street, 1065, Nicosia, Cyprus, email: eu@taimi.com;</p> <p>(c) &nbsp. &nbsp. &nbsp;our <u>Data Protection Officer (DPO) in the EU</u> is Mr. Marko Rakic, address: 7 Florinis Street, Nicosia, Cyprus, email: gdpr@taimi.com. If you are an EU citizen or a resident, feel free to contact our EU DPO in case you have any questions;</p> <p> <strong>3.4. &nbsp;&nbsp;</strong> <strong>Data Processors</strong>. When processing your data, we may use the following data processors or share information with following&nbsp;recepients:</p> <p>(a) &nbsp. &nbsp;Google Maps service which may be represented by Google LLC (California, USA), Google Ireland Limited (the Republic of Ireland), Google Asia Pacific Pte. Ltd. (Singapore), or any other entity that directly or indirectly controls, is controlled by, or is under common control with Google LLC, which is a mapping services provider, in order to identify the location and allow you to find nearby users. Google provides more information on how it processes data in its Privacy Policy;</p> <p>(b) &nbsp. AWS service (Amazon Web Services) represented by Amazon Web Services, Inc. with a registered office at 410 Terry Avenue North, Seattle, WA 98109-5210, which is a storage place provider, in order to store the data. AWS provides more information on how it processes data in its Privacy Policy<u>;</u> </p> <p>(c) &nbsp. &nbsp;Servers.com service is represented by SERVERS.com B.V., with a registered office at Keienbergweg 22 (1101 GB), Amsterdam, The Netherlands, which is a storage place provider, in order to store the data. Servers.com provides more information on how it processes data in its Privacy Policy<u>;</u> </p> <p>(d) &nbsp. Zendesk service is represented by Zendesk, Inc. with a registered office at 989 Market Street San Francisco, CA 94103, United States, in order to provide technical support services to you. Zendesk provides more information on how it processes data in its Privacy Policy<u>;</u> </p> <p>(e) &nbsp. &nbsp;Adjust service is represented by Adjust GmbH with its registered address: Saarbrücker Str. 37a, 10405 Berlin, to analyze activity on the Website and in the App. Adjust provides more information on how it processes data in its Privacy Policy;</p> <p>(f) &nbsp. &nbsp. Firebase service which may be represented by Google LLC (California, USA), Google Ireland Limited (the Republic of Ireland), Google Asia Pacific Pte. Ltd. (Singapore), or any other entity that directly or indirectly controls, is controlled by, or is under common control with Google LLC, to analyze activity on the Website and in the App. Google provides more information on how it processes data in its Privacy Policy. Firebase also has its own privacy statements. Please find out more about how we use Firebase in section 3.5;</p> <p>(g) &nbsp. &nbsp;Facebook sync service which may be represented by Facebook, Inc. with its registered address: 1601 Willow Road, Menlo Park, CA 94025, USA, in order to allow users to log in with Facebook ID (Facebook profile). Facebook provides more information on how it processes data in its Privacy Policy;</p> <p>(h) &nbsp. Snapchat sync service which may be represented by Snap Group Limited with its registered address: 77 Shaftesbury Avenue, London, W1D 5DU, United Kingdom, in order to allow users to log in with Snap ID (Snapchat profile). Snapchat provides more information on how it processes data in its Privacy Policy;</p> <p>(i) &nbsp. &nbsp. Apple sync service which may be represented by Apple Inc. with its registered address: One Apple Park Way, Cupertino, CA 95014, USA, in order to allow users to log in with Apple ID (Apple profile). Apple provides more information on how it processes data in its Privacy Policy;</p> <p>(j) &nbsp. &nbsp. WeChat sync service which may be represented by Tencent International Service Pte. Ltd. with its registered address: 10 Anson Road, #21-07 International Plaza, Singapore 079903, in order to allow users to log in with WeChat ID. WeChat provides more information on how it processes data in its Privacy Policy<u>;</u> </p> <p>(k) &nbsp. &nbsp;Nyckel, Inc. with its registered address: 3812 Shasta St San Diego, CA 92109. You can find information provides more information on how it processes data in its<u>&nbsp;Privacy Policy;</u> </p> <p>(l) &nbsp. &nbsp. Twilio. Inc, with its registered address: 01 Spear Street, 1st Floor, San Francisco, California, 94105, United States of America. You can find information provides more information on how it processes data in its<u>&nbsp;</u>here.</p> <p> <strong>3.5. &nbsp;&nbsp;</strong> <strong>Software Development Kits (SDK)</strong>. Besides the data processors listed above, your data may be processed by other companies through SDK technology (they are also processors of your data). SDK are programming packages or libraries of code of one service incorporated in mobile applications of another service, so these applications could work on or with a specific platform of the SDK owner. Please consider the following information about them:&nbsp;</p> <p> <strong>Name of SDK</strong> </p> <p> <strong>Supplier</strong> </p> <p> <strong>Data that SDK may collect</strong> </p> <p> <strong>Purpose</strong> <strong>&nbsp;we use the data with</strong> </p> <p>Firebase Analytics Software Development Kit</p> <p>Google LLC</p> <p>Number of users of our applications and sessions. session duration. operating systems of users’ devices. device models. geography. first launches date. number of the app opens. app version and updates. data on in-app purchases</p> <p>We use Firebase Analytics to analyze active users’ number, support users from different regions and provide proper work of various versions of the application, as well as to develop and optimize the application and make our services more relevant for you</p> <p>Firebase&nbsp;Crashlytics&nbsp;Software Development Kit</p> <p>Google LLC</p> <p>Crashlytics&nbsp;Installation UUIDs. Crash traces;</p> <p>Breakpad&nbsp;minidump formatted data</p> <p>We use Firebase&nbsp;Crashlytics&nbsp;to trace crashes of the App. it helps us debug crashes.</p> <p>Firebase&nbsp;Perfomance&nbsp;Monitoring Software Development Kit</p> <p>Google LLC</p> <p>General device information, such as model, OS and orientation, RAM and disk size, CPU usage, Carrier (based on Mobile Country and Network Code), Radio/Network information (for example,&nbsp;WiFi, LTE, 3G), Country (based on IP address), Locale/language, App version, App foreground or background state, App package name, Firebase installation IDs, Duration times for automated traces</p> <p>We use Firebase&nbsp;Perfomance&nbsp;Monitoring to calculate the number of unique Firebase installations that access network resources, to ensure that access patterns are sufficiently anonymous. Additionally, we use IP addresses to map performance events to the countries from which they originate.</p> <p>Bugsnag&nbsp;Software Development Kit</p> <p>Bugsnag&nbsp;Inc.</p> <p>IP address. mobile carrier. hardware type. operating system. internet service provider. visited screens. date and time of visit. amount of time spent on each page. device ID. User ID. Crash traces. Network URLs</p> <p>We use&nbsp;Bugsnag&nbsp;to trace crashes of the App. it helps us debug crashes.</p> <p>Maps SDK</p> <p>Google LLC</p> <p>Unique identifiers, browser type and settings, device type and settings, operating system, mobile network information including carrier name and phone number, and application version number. We also collect information about the interaction of your apps, browsers, and devices with our services, including IP address, crash reports, system activity, and the date, time, and referrer URL of your request.</p> <p>We use Maps SDK to enable matching people by geolocation</p> <p>Facebook Audience Network Software Development Kit</p> <p>Facebook Inc.</p> <p>Device identifiers, including your IP address, iOS Identifier for Advertising (IDFA), iOS Identifier for Vendors (IDFV), Android Advertising ID, and a Fb-specific identifier. your precise geo-location, when location services have been enabled for an app on your device that has integrated the Fb SDK and APIs. demographic information (e.g., your age or gender) or information about your interests. information about your device, including the type and model, manufacturer, operating system (e.g., iOS or Android), carrier name, mobile browser (e.g., Chrome, Safari), and screen size. information about your app usage. information about ads served, viewed, or clicked on, including the type of ad, where the ad was served, whether you clicked on it, and whether you visited the advertiser’s website or downloaded the advertiser’s app.</p> <p>We use Facebook Audience Network to show you more relevant ads that will not annoy you.</p> <p>Facebook Login Kit</p> <p>Facebook Inc.</p> <p>Information about your device, websites you visit, purchases you make, the ads you see, and how you use their services. information about your online and offline actions.</p> <p>We use Facebook to enable you to login with your Facebook account.</p> <p>Adjust Software Development Kit</p> <p>Adjust GmbH</p> <p>Data on number of installs. localization data. data on your purchases. data on sources of purchases.</p> <p>We use Adjust to track and analyze our marketing efforts and for deep links functionality</p> <p>Agora Software Development Kit</p> <p>Agora Lab, Inc.</p> <p>Device information, including model, manufacturer and brand. user ID. channel mode. SDK version. network type. App ID. call detail record. General call information (including timestamp and duration of the call). Quality of services information (including network quality metrics). Quality of experience information (including video and audio resolution). Device status changes and device runtime metrics (including CPU usage). IP address</p> <p>We use Agora to enable you to make video calls</p> <p>Spotify SDK</p> <p>Spotify AB</p> <p>Device information (name, device identifiers, brand and version),</p> <p>devices on your&nbsp;wifi&nbsp;network (such as speakers) which can connect to the Spotify service. devices made available by your operating system when connecting via Bluetooth, plugin, and installation, information whether the Spotify application is installed on your device,</p> <p>your use of&nbsp;third party&nbsp;services, devices and applications in connection with the Spotify service</p> <p>We use Spotify to connect your Spotify account to Taimi account to enable you to share, listen to music available at your Spotify account</p> <p>Snapchat Login</p> <p>Snapchat, Inc.</p> <p>Information about your activity in the app, information from your device’s phonebook.</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p>We use Snapchat to enable you to login with your Snapchat account.</p> <p>SCAppAdsKit</p> <p>Snapchat, Inc.</p> <p>Name, username, email address, phone number, and date of birth. a profile picture or&nbsp;Bitmoji&nbsp;avatar. a debit or credit card number and its associated account information. information about your activity. content you create. information from and about the devices you use. information from your device’s phonebook. images and other information from your device’s camera and photos. login information.</p> <p>We use Snapchat to show you more relevant ads that will not annoy you.</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p>(a) &nbsp. &nbsp;Bugsnag Inc. with its registered address: 110 Sutter St, Suite 1000, San Francisco, CA 94104, USA. Bugsnag provides more information on how it processes data in its Privacy Policy;</p> <p>(b) &nbsp. additional information about Adjust’s approaches to privacy is provided here;</p> <p>(c) &nbsp. &nbsp;Agora Lab, Inc. with its registered address: 2804 Mission College Blvd., Santa Clara, CA, USA 95054. Agora provides more information on how it processes data in its Privacy Policy;</p> <p>(d) &nbsp. Spotify AB, with its principal place of business at 150 Greenwich St 62nd floor, New York, NY 10007, United States. More information on how Spotify processes data in provided here;</p> <p> <strong>3.6. &nbsp;&nbsp;</strong> <strong>Additional Data Processors</strong>. Where there is necessity, we may also engage additional service provider, contractors and third parties and may share the data with them. That will help us operate, provide, improve, integrate, customize, support, and market our Service and the Website. We share the data, in particular, for purposes indicated herein. The types of service providers we may share information with include, in particular: cloud storage providers, data analytics providers, measurement partners, marketing partners, payment processing providers, communication services providers, etc.&nbsp;</p> <p> <strong>3.7. &nbsp;&nbsp;</strong> <strong>Moderation Practices.</strong> We use moderators to monitor and review accounts (including name and any other information uploaded onto user profiles). If the user`s profile meets certain criteria that demonstrate that the user is likely to breach the Terms of Use, the relevant profile will be subject to a warning and the user’s access restricted and/or blocked. Affected Users can contact Taimi to contest the decision.</p> <p> <strong>3.8. &nbsp;&nbsp;</strong> <strong>Third Parties: Other Users and&nbsp;Social Media</strong>. Some of your data is publicly available. it means that other users of Taimi may have access to your data with which you go public. Please read section 1 carefully and follow our privacy recommendation in order to avoid any undesirable or accidental disclosure of your data. Meanwhile, as we explained in sections 3.4(f)-(h), Taimi users have an option to register or log in to the App using Facebook, Snapchat or Apple profile. If you act so, you are authorizing us (and in some cases, other users) to access some of your information placed in your external profiles, including information you make available via these social media, your friends list, current location and those friends you have in common with other Taimi users, etc. With this regard, please note the following:</p> <p>(a) &nbsp. &nbsp;any of your data placed in your profile will be shared with other Taimi users;</p> <p>(b) &nbsp. any of your data placed in your profile, as well as your entire profile, may be shared by other Taimi users with any third parties (for instance, so as to recommend you to a user’s friend as a potential partner or a buddy);</p> <p>(c) &nbsp. &nbsp;any user may take a photo or a screenshot of your data. We do prohibit such actions! Still, we cannot track or prevent sharing of taken images;</p> <p>(d) &nbsp. if you registered your Taimi profile using Facebook, Snapchat or Apple profile, your external profile may be visible for other Taimi users;</p> <p>(e) &nbsp. &nbsp;if you registered your Taimi profile using Facebook, Snapchat or Apple profile (which means that you connected your Taimi profile and Facebook, Snapchat or Apple profile), you authorize such social media to access to some of your data. We kindly recommend that you read their privacy policies since Taimi does not control how they use your personal data in that case;</p> <p>(f) &nbsp. &nbsp. if you do not want to have your Taimi profile linked to your profile on the third-party websites, please visit your Facebook, Snapchat or Apple profile and follow the instructions of those social media to remove the Taimi access permissions.</p> <p> <strong>3.9. &nbsp;&nbsp;</strong>Please note we collect personal data directly from you and we may also receive some of your personal data from third parties. For example:</p> <p>(a) &nbsp. &nbsp. &nbsp;From other social networks: when you connect to your Taimi mobile application user account through one of your other social network accounts (e.g. Facebook account);</p> <p>(b) &nbsp. &nbsp. From other partners: some of our partners may transmit personal data about you (for example when you access our website by clicking on an advert for the Taimi mobile application published on a partner's website);</p> <p>(c) &nbsp. &nbsp. &nbsp;From other users: other users of the Taimi mobile application may provide us with personal data about you when they use our services (for example, when they contact us about you or mention information about you in their discussions with other users).</p> <p> <strong>3.10.&nbsp;</strong> <strong>Third Parties: Law Protection and Enforcement Bodies. Attorneys-at-Law.&nbsp;</strong>Taimi is a place free of any kind of abuse, violence, laws and third-party rights infringement. We designed Taimi as a safe harbor for people to be themselves and express their emotions. We do our utmost to protect our biggest value, sense of security of our users, so we may disclose your data to third parties in the following cases:&nbsp;</p> <p>(a) &nbsp. &nbsp;we will cooperate with law enforcement inquiries from within or outside your country of residence where we are required to by law, where there is an investigation into alleged criminal behaviour or to protect the vital interests of a person. We may share any personal data that we hold about you, depending on the nature of the request or the issue that we are dealing with;</p> <p>(b) &nbsp. we will disclose your data if it’s necessary so as to comply with a judicial proceeding, court order, or legal request of a state body (a law protection or enforcement body). We may share any personal data that we hold about you, depending on the nature of the request or the issue that we are dealing with;</p> <p>(c) &nbsp. &nbsp;we may also cooperate with all third parties to enforce their intellectual property or other rights in the event we are notified of an offence by one of our users. Still, we will share your data if we receive respective and motivated legal request of such by the third party’s attorney-at-law, proving your violation only. We may share any personal data that we hold about you, depending on the nature of the request or the issue that we are dealing with. Please note, if we find no proof sufficiently established in an inquiry, we will not disclose your data;</p> <p>(d) &nbsp. society may be cruel at times. wrong words or actions of others may hurt. Still, this is not a reason to harm yourself. Here, at Taimi, we believe that every issue can be fixed, and we are ready to share contact details of our partners who may offer professional help. If we detect suicidal behavior by our users, we may report such a case to the police or professional non-governmental organization, so as to prevent our users from making the biggest mistake of their lives. We may share your name, contact details and geolocation with those bodies;</p> <p>(e) &nbsp. &nbsp;we may transfer your data to a respective law protection or enforcement body if we detect illegal activity or we believe it is necessary in order to investigate, prevent, or take action regarding illegal activities, fraud, or situations involving potential threats to the safety of any person. We may share any personal data that we hold about you, depending on the nature of the violation or the issue that we are dealing with. and finally</p> <p>(f) &nbsp. &nbsp. we will share your data with our lawyers, a court, arbitrators, or any authorized professional etc. if we detect your conduct is in breach of Taimi’s&nbsp;Terms of Service or any integral parts thereto or in order to protect the rights and property of Taimi, its affiliates, or the public or to comply with legal and regulatory obligations.</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p> <strong>4. &nbsp;&nbsp;</strong> <strong>Taimi’s</strong> <strong>&nbsp;Approaches toward Children’s Privacy</strong> </p> <p> <strong>4.1. &nbsp;&nbsp;</strong> <strong>Age Restrictions</strong>. We restrict persons who are under the age of 18 (or the age of legal majority in their place of residence) from using the Services and we do not knowingly collect personal information from anyone under the age of 18.</p> <p> <strong>4.2. &nbsp;&nbsp;</strong> <strong>Notify Us</strong>. In the event that we become aware that we have collected personal information from any person who is under 18 years old (or the age of legal majority), we will dispose of that information in accordance with Children’s Online Privacy Protection Act (COPPA) and other applicable laws and regulations. If you are a parent, guardian or you believe that a user is underaged, please contact us by email at legal@taimi.com or report a profile via the relevant feature in the App.</p> <p> <strong>4.3. &nbsp;&nbsp;</strong> <strong>Our Steps</strong>. If we become aware that a person under the age of 18 has registered with Taimi and provided us with incorrect personal information, we will take steps to terminate that person’s registration and delete all relevant registration data from Taimi.</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p> <strong>5. &nbsp;&nbsp;</strong> <strong>Collection of Personal Data</strong> </p> <p> <strong>5.1. &nbsp;&nbsp;</strong>In this article we explain what data (in addition to the data we collect as set forth in section 3.5) we collect (categories and a full list of data), sources we get your data from, purposes for which the data is used and our legal basis to process your data. Here, we also share some useful data privacy tips with you.</p> <p> <strong>5.2. &nbsp;&nbsp;</strong>In the event you are a European Union resident you may find a data on categories of your personal data that we may collect in accordance with GDPR following the previous list. In particular, the personal data that falls within the special categories (data concerning a natural person’s sex life or sexual orientation) will only be collected if you choose to provide them and expressly consent so (as considered in GDPR Article 9.2.a).</p> <p> <strong>5.3. &nbsp;&nbsp;</strong>For the users who are California residents, you may find more information about the collection of categories of personal information and sensitive personal information in section 9.1-9.2. hereof. &nbsp;</p> <p> <strong>5.4. &nbsp;&nbsp;</strong> <strong>Purposes of Data Processing. Personal Data Collected. Source. Legal Basis</strong>:</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p> <strong>Purpose</strong> </p> <p> <strong>Personal Data Collected</strong> </p> <p> <strong>Source</strong> </p> <p> <strong>Legal Basis</strong> </p> <p>to make the Website work properly and provide you with access to it</p> <p>IP address. cookies identifiers (in accordance with our Cookie Policy). User Agent (CCPA categories A and F)</p> <p>we automatically get these from your device</p> <p>performing of the contract with you</p> <p>to reply to your request sent via the Website (or directly via email)</p> <p>Name. email address. IP address. your message, including any data you decided to share with us (A, B and H);</p> <p>we receive this data from you</p> <p>performing of the contract with you or your consent (when you start a communication via email)</p> <p>to allow you to create a Taimi profile</p> <p>name or nickname. date of birth (age). email address. phone number. Apple ID, Facebook ID or Snapchat ID (AppScopedUserID) (depends on the way of registration). your gender, gender(s). age group you are interested in. your field of occupation. photos. your description (CCPA categories A, B, C, F, and H)</p> <p>we receive this data from you (except for Apple ID, Facebook ID or Snapchat ID (get from relevant social media) and location (obtain from your device)</p> <p>performing of the contract with you</p> <p>to allow you to create a Taimi profile with Facebook profile</p> <p>Facebook ID (AppScopedUserID). email address. name and profile picture. date of birth (CCPA categories A, B, and H)</p> <p>we get this data from Facebook</p> <p>performing of the contract with you or consent</p> <p>to allow you to create a Taimi profile with Snapchat profile</p> <p>Snapchat ID (AppScopedUserID);&nbsp;Bitmoji&nbsp;(CCPA categories A, B and H)</p> <p>we get this data from Snapchat</p> <p>performing of the contract with you</p> <p>to allow you to create a Taimi profile with Apple profile</p> <p>Apple ID (AppScopedUserID) (CCPA categories A)</p> <p>we get this data from Apple</p> <p>performing of the contract with you or consent</p> <p>to provide you with better communication and connection experience</p> <p>optional data, such as Taimi tags: your interests, your preferences, your mood, requirements to your partner (to body shapes and interests). your religious or political leanings. photos. your field of occupation. zodiac sign. your username on Instagram, Snapchat, Spotify, Facebook, TikTok, Twitch, Discord, PlayStation, Xbox, Pinterest, or Tumblr (CCPA categories A, B, C, G, H and I)</p> <p>we receive this data from you</p> <p>performing of the contract with you</p> <p>to provide you with networking services. to help you connect with other users</p> <p>all the data placed in your profile. your geolocation. history of your likes/dislikes. your connections. your preferences (CCPA categories A-C, F, H and I)</p> <p>we receive this data from you directly (you share the data with us) or indirectly (you create the data when using the App)</p> <p>performing of the contract with you</p> <p>to show “nearby” location information to you and other users of the App</p> <p>Wi-fi access points and location data when you use the App (CCPA&nbsp;сategory&nbsp;G)</p> <p>you provide this information to us</p> <p>performing of the contract with you or consent</p> <p>to provide you with an opportunity to share your content and opinion</p> <p>your photos. images that you upload. publications. texts. videos. comments. data in your groups (CCPA categories F and G)</p> <p>we receive this data from you directly (you share the data with us) or indirectly (you create the data when using the App)</p> <p>performing of the contract with you</p> <p>to enable video calls feature</p> <p>video call usage data. images and videos (CCPA categories F and H)</p> <p>we receive this data from you indirectly (you create the data when using the App)</p> <p>performing of the contract with you</p> <p>to enable other in-app features</p> <p>data on number and types of in-app objects. the Licensed content. number and types of publications. location (CCPA categories A, D, F, G, H and K)</p> <p>we receive this data from you indirectly (you create the data when using the App)</p> <p>performing of the contract with you</p> <p>to process your requests and claims in the App</p> <p>name. email address. IP address. your message, including any data you decided to share with us (A, B and H)</p> <p>we receive this data from you</p> <p>legitimate interest</p> <p>to process complaints against you</p> <p>your profile data. shared content data. content of sent messages. other information we may be provided with (CCPA categories A, B, D, F, G, and I)</p> <p>we get this data from third parties or indirectly from you (when you create the data when using the App)</p> <p>legitimate interest or legal obligation</p> <p>to verify your Taimi profile/your identity/age. to prevent, detect and fight fraud or other illegal or unauthorized activities</p> <p>your photos. driver’s license, passport data. phone number, email address. any data that we hold about you, depending on the issue that we are dealing with (CCPA categories A-D, F, G, and I)</p> <p>we may get data from you, third parties of automatically collect from your device</p> <p>legitimate interest or legal obligation</p> <p>to ensure legal compliance with our policies, laws. exercise our rights. assist law protection and enforcement bodies</p> <p>any data that we hold about you, depending on the issue that we are dealing with (CCPA categories A, B, D, F, G, and I)</p> <p>we may get data from you, third parties or automatically collect them from your device</p> <p>legitimate interest or legal obligation</p> <p>to provide you with paid features</p> <p>history of purchases. payment details. payment card details (CCPA categories B and D)</p> <p>you provide this information to us</p> <p>performing of the contract with you and our legal interest</p> <p>to provide you with a remuneration</p> <p>name. banking details (payment card or payment system). type and amount of remuneration. history of transactions (CCPA categories A, B, D and K)</p> <p>you provide this information to us</p> <p>performing of the contract with you</p> <p>to carry out anti-fraud and anti-spam procedures</p> <p>name. email address. phone number. IP address and IP session information. social network ID. username. user agent ID. cardholder name. payments received. type of payment. user ID. location</p> <p>you provide this information to us and we automatically collect it from your device (IP address and IP session information, user agent ID, location, user ID)</p> <p>legitimate interest or legal obligation</p> <p>to serve you relevant offers and ads</p> <p>location. history of purchases. interests. gender. age. activity in the App. partner ID. device and OS ID (CCPA categories A, B, F, G, and K)</p> <p>you indirectly provide this information to us and we automatically collect it from your device</p> <p>your consent</p> <p>to ensure a consistent experience across your devices</p> <p>user ID, including third party’s ones. duration of a session. the history of the interaction of the App. data you provided our support team with via “Contact-us” form or a live-chat feature, including, email address, name, content of your request. localization of your device system. type and preferences of your device’s system. your device type. OS type (CCPA categories A, B, D, F, G and K)</p> <p>we automatically collect from your device</p> <p>performing of the contract with you</p> <p>to analyze use of the Services. to improve our Services</p> <p>gender. age. partner ID. zodiac sign. body shapes data. occupation. Taimi tags. relationship status. content placing history. in-app activity logs. friends list. logins/logouts log. duration of sessions. location. type and preference of your device’s system. your device type. OS type. lodged and received complaints;&nbsp;low power mode. Apple Watch connection. mobile carrier. system user interface style. is pin or fingerprint set on your device. font size. is headphones connected to your device. system memory volume. battery state. battery level. total disk capacity. free disk storage capacity. airplane mode", available processors of JVM, charge device related information, charge USB related information, power capacity, camera presence information, device landscape information, display density, app install time, free disk space, font scale, GPS presence information, tablet information, power save mode, device memory size information, system interface style, total disk capacity</p> <p>you directly provide this information to us and we automatically collect it from your device (location, type and preferences of your device’s system, your device type, OS type)</p> <p>legitimate interest</p> <p>to contact you in order to obtain feedback and to find out if you want to take part in marketing campaigns</p> <p>name. email address. user ID. data you disclose to us (CCPA categories A and B)</p> <p>you directly provide this information to us and we automatically collect it from your device (user id)</p> <p>legitimate interest or consent</p> <p>to help you to connect with other users and to allow you to create a Taimi profile</p> data concerning a natural person’s sex life and sexual orientation you directly provide this information to us consent <p>&nbsp;</p> <p> <strong>5.5. &nbsp;&nbsp;</strong> <strong>Legal Bases</strong>. Legal bases are the grounds set forth by the GDPR on which we may process your data. We rely on the following legal bases:</p> <p>(a) &nbsp. performing of the contract with you — the main legal basis that we use to process your data. It includes mostly everything we do to provide you with services, under our Terms of Service and their appendices. You may restrict us from processing of your data, but please be advised that, in such a case, we will not be able to provide services to you. Please see section 8 to find out more;</p> <p>(b) &nbsp. legal obligation — we may process your data when we have a legal obligation when it is required by applicable laws, e.g., in order to prevent fraud, assist law protection and enforcement bodies.</p> <p>(c) &nbsp. Legitimate interest – we have a commercial interest in processing with your personal data that is justified, balanced and does not infringe on your privacy (e.g., statistical reporting). Where the legal basis is legitimate interests, you have a right to object to our use of your data. Please see section 8 to find out more;</p> <p>(d) &nbsp. consent — we may process some of your data when we have your consent to do so. Where the legal basis is consent, you can withdraw consent at any time. Please see section 8 to find out more.</p> <p> <strong>5.6. &nbsp;&nbsp;</strong>You hereby acknowledge and agree that we may receive your personal data from any third parties (other users, any official bodies, third-party providers, etc.) when you connect your Taimi profile with other services, when we receive enquires, court orders, subpoenas, claims,&nbsp;etc</p> <p> <strong>5.7. &nbsp;&nbsp;</strong>We do not collect or store full credit card number information, though we may receive credit card-related information to help process future payments and summary information about transactions that do not include credit card or bank account numbers.</p> <p> <strong>5.8. &nbsp;&nbsp;</strong>From time to time we may start surveys/feedbacks for research purposes and we may contact you to find out if you would like to take part. We may also contact you to find out if you would like to take part in marketing campaigns. Such activities are optional. If you do not wish to be contacted to take part in a survey or marketing campaign, please contact us at support@taimi.com or via the respective in-App feature. If you do not want to contact us but you also do not want to participate in our activities, please ignore our messages.&nbsp;</p> <p> <strong>5.9. &nbsp;&nbsp;</strong>Since we rely on your consent to show you personalized ads, you are entitled to revoke your consent anytime and request that we stop using personalized ads towards you. Please contact us at support@taimi.com to strike off your consent. Meanwhile, if you opt-out of targeted advertising you will still see ads, though they will be less relevant to you.</p> <p> <br> </p> <p> <strong>6. &nbsp;&nbsp;</strong> <strong>Duration and Location of Processing. Cross-Border Data Transfer</strong>&nbsp;</p> <p> <strong>6.1. &nbsp;&nbsp;</strong> <strong>Data Retention</strong>. Your data will be stored within the term of your use of the Services and up to the termination of such use (or upon agreement between you and Taimi) which means the deletion, blocking or suspension of your account on the mobile application and the restriction of your further use of the mobile application. we shall terminate the processing of your personal information, unless the special retention period for the storage of such data is set by the relevant legislation at the time.</p> <p> <strong>6.2. &nbsp;&nbsp;</strong> <strong>Exemptions</strong>. We delete or anonymize your information, including sensitive information indicated in section 9.2. for California Residents, upon the termination of your profile or after two years of your continuous inactivity. There may be special rules applied in case that:&nbsp;</p> <p>(a) &nbsp. &nbsp;we must hold your data to comply with applicable laws;</p> <p>(b) &nbsp. we must hold your data to evidence our compliance with applicable laws;</p> <p>(c) &nbsp. &nbsp;there is an outstanding issue, claim or dispute requiring us to hold the relevant data until it is resolved. or</p> <p>(d) &nbsp. your data must be kept for our legitimate business interests, such as fraud prevention and enhancing users’ safety and security (see section 6.6 hereof).</p> <p> <strong>6.3. &nbsp;&nbsp;</strong> <strong>Terms of Deletion</strong>. All your data is to be fully erased (or anonymized) within 7 calendar days following deletion of your Taimi profile, except:</p> <p>(a) &nbsp. &nbsp;in-app features and subscription purchases which are being retained during the term of your subscription and 5 years from the deletion of your user account;</p> <p>(b) &nbsp. support tickets, emails with our support team and your name (as identified in your email), as part of support tickets data that are being retained during the term of your subscription and 5 years from the deletion of your user account;</p> <p>(c) &nbsp. &nbsp;hashed email address, phone number, IP address, profile ID (including, Taimi ID, Facebook ID, Snapchat ID, Apple ID) and device ID (<u>NOT</u> a device IMEI) associated with banned account which are being retained during the term of your subscription and 5 years from the deletion of your user account owing to our legitimate interest (see section 6.6 hereof);</p> <p> <strong>6.4. &nbsp;&nbsp;</strong> <strong>Leftovers</strong>. When your account is deleted (as well as your data) from the Services, copies of your data may still be viewable, if your data has been previously shared with others, or copied or stored by other users or other third parties. We cannot control this, nor do we accept any liability for this. If you have given third party applications or websites access to your data, they may retain such information to the extent permitted under their own privacy policies.&nbsp;</p> <p> <strong>6.5. &nbsp;&nbsp;</strong>Removed and deleted data may be hosted in backup copies for up to 30 days, but will not be available to others in the meantime. We put that backup data ‘beyond use’. At the end of this period, these data will be permanently deleted.&nbsp;</p> <p> <strong>6.6. &nbsp;&nbsp;</strong>At all times, you are entitled to restrict us from processing your data by sending to us a data erasure request or a notice of prohibition to process your data. Please be warned that:</p> <p>(a) &nbsp. &nbsp;such action prohibits us from processing your data and/or making us delete your data so you will lose your access to the Website and Services;</p> <p>(b) &nbsp. &nbsp;if your Taimi profile is banned, a data erasure request will not release you from prohibition to use Taimi Services;</p> <p>(c) &nbsp. &nbsp;if your profile is blocked, your other Taimi profiles may also be blocked as part of our anti-spam and anti-fraud procedures.</p> <p> <strong>6.7. &nbsp;&nbsp;</strong> <strong>Enforcing of Prohibition to Use Taimi</strong>. If your profile is blocked, banned or otherwise disabled owing to any violation&nbsp;of applicable law or a violation of the Terms of Use or the provisions of this Policy, you will be prohibited from further creation of new profiles and using the Services again. Accordingly, we will keep on processing data listed in section 6.3(f) hereof (the “technical data”) in order to prevent your further registration and potential violations. Please note that:</p> <p>(a) &nbsp. &nbsp;the technical data is not subject to erasing under article 17 of the GDPR. hence, we will process it on the basis of our legitimate interest, which is a separate ground of processing. We may also process some technical data of minor users on the basis of our legitimate interest to protect the security or integrity (as considered in COPPA § 312.4(c)(6)) and prevent such minors from accessing to our Service from other accounts;</p> <p>(b) &nbsp. our legitimate interest does not outweigh your right to privacy, because the way that we use the technical data does not significantly impact your privacy, and we have a compelling reason to do so (recital 47 of the GDPR). This reason is to restrict you from breaching yet another obligation under the Taimi’s Terms of Service and potentially harming us or our users.</p> <p>&nbsp;<strong>6.8. &nbsp;&nbsp;</strong> <strong>Location of Servers.&nbsp;</strong>Our servers are based in the USA and EU, so your data may be processed and hosted outside the EU. We inform you that we use EU servers to collect and process EU and UK residents’ data and we use USA servers to collect and process data of users from the rest of the countries. If you are located outside the United States, your information is collected in your country and then transferred to the United States — or to another country in which we (or our affiliates or service providers) operate.</p> <p> <strong>6.9. &nbsp;&nbsp;</strong> <strong>Cross-border Data Transfer</strong>. The sharing of information laid out in section 5.4 hereof involves cross-border data transfers to the United States of America and other jurisdictions that may have different laws about data processing. if we transfer personal data collected within the EEA to countries with not adequate level of data protection, we use one of the following legal bases: (i) Standard Contractual Clauses approved by the European Commission (details available here (or any new version of contractual clauses issued by a data protection body (if any), or (ii) the European Commission adequacy decisions about certain countries (details available here).<strong>&nbsp;</strong>We take steps to ensure that the recipient is bound by E.U. Standard Contractual Clauses together with additional safeguards to protect your personal data. You can see a copy of these clauses. In certain situations, the courts, law enforcement agencies, regulatory agencies or security authorities in those countries might be entitled to access your personal information.</p> <p> <br> </p> <p> <strong>7. &nbsp;&nbsp;</strong> <strong>Tracking Technologies</strong>&nbsp;</p> <p> <strong>7.1. &nbsp;&nbsp;</strong> <strong>Cookie Policy</strong>. We use cookies and other tracking technologies to improve your user experience and obtain data about how the website is being used. This data enables us to develop and optimize the Website and make the use of the Services more comfortable for you. Please read out Cookie Policy to find out more.</p> <p> <strong>8. &nbsp;&nbsp;</strong> <strong>Your Data Privacy Rights</strong> </p> <p> <strong>8.1. &nbsp;&nbsp;</strong>Being a data subject, you have the following rights:&nbsp;</p> <p>(a) &nbsp. &nbsp;a right to request access to your data: you can ask us what personal information of yours is being processed, as well as for clarifications on the information described above, i.e. purpose of collecting and processing, period of processing, third parties that have access to information. To exercise this right, please contact us at support@taimi.com. Please find more details in section 11 hereof;</p> <p>(b) &nbsp. a right to request us to rectify your personal information: you can ask all the inaccurate personal information concerning you been corrected. You can also complete the personal information if you feel there is a need to do so. To exercise this right, please contact us at support@taimi.com or use a specific area of your profile. Additionally, we are happy to note that there is the alternative way to amend your data. You control your Taimi profile, so are able to correct or update (other than your mobile number and location (the latter is automatically updated)) your information at any time by just logging in to Taimi and using the respective settings;</p> <p>(c) &nbsp. &nbsp;a right to request us to erase personal information: you can request us to erase such data in the following circumstances: (i) where you believe it is no longer necessary for us to hold that personal data, (ii) where we process it on the basis of your consent and you wish to withdraw your consent, (iii) where we process your personal data on the basis of our legitimate interest and you object to such processing, (iv) where you no longer wish us to use your personal data to solicit you commercially, or (v) where you believe that we are unlawfully processing your personal data. In most cases we will erase it ourselves, unless otherwise required by legislation. To exercise this right, please contact us at support@taimi.com;</p> <p>(d) &nbsp. a right to request us to restrict the processing of your data: for example, (i) if you contest the accuracy of your data being processed or, (ii) if the processing is unlawful and you object to its deletion and request the restriction of its use instead, (iii) if you believe that we no longer need your data but it is still necessary for the establishment, exercise or defence of legal claims, or (iv) if you have objected to the processing of the data we hold about you. To exercise the right, please contact us at support@taimi.com. Additionally, we are happy to note that there is an alternative way to exercise your right toward geolocation data by yourself. If you have location services enabled, but you desire to turn them off, you can do so by taking the following steps: (i) iPhone App — Settings, Privacy, Location services, Taimi. or (ii) Android App — Settings, Location, Taimi, Permissions, Location;</p> <p>(e) &nbsp. &nbsp;the right to object to the processing of your personal data: you have the right to object to the processing of your personal data by our services and we will consider your request. To this purpose, please provide us with details of your reasoning so that we can assess whether there is a legitimate and compelling reason for us to continue processing the data or whether we need to process it for the exercise or defence of our legal rights.</p> <p>(f) &nbsp. &nbsp. a right to withdraw your consent for the collection and processing of your data by us: you can revoke your consent at any time, without affecting the lawfulness of processing based on consent before its withdrawal. To exercise the right, please contact us at support@taimi.com;</p> <p>(g) &nbsp. &nbsp;a right to lodge a complaint with supervisory authority: if you are a UK resident, you have the right to complain to the Information Commissioner’s Office (ICO) whether you have any grievance against the way we collect, use or share your data. and</p> <p>(h) &nbsp. a right to data portability: you may request to receive the data we hold about you in a structured, commonly used and machine-readable format, and the right to request that we transfer such data to another party (i) if the processing is necessary for the performance of the contract or (ii) if the processing is based on your consent and where the processing is carried out using automated processes. To exercise the right, please contact us at support@taimi.com.</p> <p>(i) &nbsp. &nbsp. The right to give post-mortem instructions: you have the right to set out instructions for the retention, deletion and disclosure of your data after your death.</p> <p> <strong>8.2. &nbsp;&nbsp;</strong>We will provide information on action taken on your request related to your rights specified above within one month of receipt of the request, at the longest. That period may be extended by two additional months, if we are overwhelmed by the number of requests. We will inform you of any such extension within one month of receipt of the request, together with the reasons for the delay. Please find more details in article 11 hereof.</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p> <strong>9. &nbsp;&nbsp;</strong> <strong>Notice to California Residents</strong> </p> <p>This Section here applies to California consumers only. This section also provides additional details about how we process personal data of California consumers and the rights available to them under the California Consumer Privacy Act of 2018, Cal. Civ. Code §§ 1798.100–1798.199, the California Privacy Rights Act and the associated regulations (collectively, the “CPPA”).&nbsp;</p> <p> <strong>9.1. &nbsp;&nbsp;</strong> <strong>Categories of Personal Data</strong>. For the users who are California residents, you may find the categories of personal information Taimi collects and the business purposes and the sources for which your personal information is collected in section 5.4 hereof. You also may find a data on categories of your personal data&nbsp;from a statutory list set forth under the CCPA<em>&nbsp;</em>that we may collect:</p> <p>(a) &nbsp. &nbsp;identifiers such as a real name, alias, unique personal identifier, online identifier, internet protocol address, email address, account name, driver’s license number, passport number or other similar identifiers;</p> <p>(b) &nbsp. personal information, as defined in the California customer records law, such as name, physical characteristics or description, telephone number, passport number, driver’s license or state identification card number, education, employment, bank account number, credit card number, debit card number, or any other financial information, medical information (CCPA category B);</p> <p>(c) &nbsp. &nbsp;characteristics of protected classifications under California or federal law (if you choose to provide them), such as age, gender identity, sexual orientation, race, religion, political views (CCPA category C);</p> <p>(d) &nbsp. commercial information, including records of products or services purchased or other purchasing or consuming histories or tendencies (CCPA category D);</p> <p>(e) &nbsp. &nbsp;internet or other electronic network activity information, including, but not limited to, browsing history, search history, and information regarding a consumer’s interaction with an internet website, application, or advertisement (CCPA category F);</p> <p>(f) &nbsp. &nbsp. geolocation data, such as mobile device location (CCPA category G);</p> <p>(g) &nbsp. &nbsp;audio, electronic, visual and similar information, such as photos and videos (CCPA category H);</p> <p>(h) &nbsp. professional or employment-related information (CCPA category I);</p> <p>(i) &nbsp. &nbsp. inferences drawn from any of the personal information listed above to create a profile or summary about, for example, an individual’s preferences and characteristics or a summary of these characteristics (CCPA category K).</p> <p> <strong>9.2. &nbsp;&nbsp;</strong> <strong>Sensitive personal information.&nbsp;</strong>In addition to the collection of personal data listed in section 5.4. You also may find the categories of your sensitive personal information&nbsp;under the CPPA<em>&nbsp;</em>and the business purposes for which such information is collected.</p> <p> <strong>Categories of sensitive information collected&nbsp;</strong> </p> <p> <strong>Purpose</strong> </p> <p>social security, driver’s license, state identification card, or passport number</p> to verify your Taimi profile/your identity/age. to prevent, detect and fight fraud or other illegal or unauthorized activities <p>account log-in, financial account, debit card, or credit card number in combination with any required security or access code, password, or credentials allowing access to an account</p> <br> to provide you with paid features. to provide you with a remuneration <p>precise geolocation</p> <p>to provide you with networking services. to help you connect with other users</p> <p>Email and text messages</p> <p>to allow you to create a Taimi profile with Facebook profile. to process your requests and claims in the App. to carry out anti-fraud and anti-spam procedures. to process complaints against you</p> data concerning a natural person’s sex life and sexual orientation <p>to help you to connect with other users and to allow you to create a Taimi profile</p> <br> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p>We may collect your personal information concerning natural person’s sex life and sexual orientation only if you add to choose by clicking a tag as indicated in section 1.3. hereof. Please be aware that only your precise geolocation and personal information concerning natural person’s sex life, and sexual orientation may be publicly viewable and accessible both by users and non-users of the App.</p> <p>If you want to limit the use of your sensitive personal information, please see section 9.4.4. below how to submit such request. Please note that using your personal information concerning precise geolocation, sex orientation or financial details is necessary to actually provide our Services and connect you with other users.</p> <p> <strong>9.3. &nbsp;&nbsp;</strong> <strong>Selling/Sharing of your personal information.</strong> The definition of “sale” under CPPA is broad and covers many common business activities, even when the personal Information is not exchanged for money. &nbsp;Taimi does not sell personal information for monetary consideration. however, we may share certain personal information with third parties under circumstances which might be deemed a “sale” or “share” under CPPA for “interest-based advertising” or “cross-context behavioral advertising.” In other words, Taimi may share your personal information with a third party to help serve you with personalized content or ads that may be more relevant to your interests, and to perform other advertising-related services. &nbsp;</p> <p>The third parties, service providers and other processors with which we may share or disclose specific pieces of personal information&nbsp;over the 12-month period prior to the effective date of our Privacy Policy&nbsp;are indicated in sections 3.4-3.10. hereof. We disclose your personal information, including sensitive information, with processors, service providers and contractors indicated in sections 3.4-3.10. hereof for business purposes that it is not defined as a “sale” or “share” under CPPA. We enter a contract with them that describes the purpose and requires the recipient to both keep that personal Information, including sensitive personal information, confidential and not use it for any purpose except as described in the contract.</p> <p>Taimi may share in the sense of CPPA certain personal information (Advertising identifier. localization data. IP Address, Referrer. Internet connection type, Application version, Device model, Manufacturer, Operating system, Operating system version, Screen size (height, width), Screen resolution, Mobile network status. user ID. channel mode. SDK version. network type. App ID, precise geolocation, email, location data) with our ad/ marketing partners. These third-parties may also collect information directly from you through tracking technologies such as cookies or SDKs. You may request to opt-out of the sale/sharing of your personal information, please see section 9.4.3 below how to submit such request.</p> <p> <strong>9.4. &nbsp;&nbsp;</strong> <strong>Your rights.&nbsp;</strong>For the users who are California residents, you have the following rights in addition to those listed in section 8.1 above.</p> <p>9.4.1 <u>The right to know what personal information is being collected and the right to know what personal information is sold or shared.</u> You have the right to request, twice within a 12-month period, the following information about the data we have collected about you during the past 12 months:</p> <ul> <li>The categories of personal information Taimi has collected about you.</li> <li>The categories of sources from which the personal information is collected.</li> <li>The business or commercial purpose for collecting<em>,</em> selling<em>, or sharing&nbsp;</em>personal information.</li> <li>The categories of personal information that Taimi sold or shared about you and the categories of third parties to whom the personal information was sold or shared, by category or categories of personal information for each category of third parties to whom the personal information was sold or shared.</li> <li>The categories of third parties <em>to&nbsp;</em>whom Taimi <em>discloses&nbsp;</em>personal information.</li> <li>The specific pieces of personal information it has collected about that consumer.</li> </ul> <p>9.4.2 <u>The right to delete your personal information or correct inaccurate personal information</u>. You<u>&nbsp. &nbsp. &nbsp;&nbsp;</u>may request Taimi to delete any personal information about you which Taimi has collected. You also have the right to request Taimi to correct inaccurate personal information about you, taking into account the nature of the personal information and the purposes of the processing of the personal information.</p> <p> <strong>How to Submit a Request.&nbsp;</strong>To submit a request for information required to be disclosed<em>&nbsp;</em>and a request for deletion or correction, please contact us by email support@taimi.com or go through our website at this available link https://taimi.com/support#donotshare .</p> <p>9.4.3 <u>Right to opt out of sale or sharing of personal information</u> <u>.&nbsp;</u>You may direct Taimi, that may sell or share your personal information to third parties, not to sell or share your personal information. Please note that Taimi may stop to share your personal information only with third parties, Hilly may continue to share your personal information with service providers and contractors to provide you Service.</p> <p>9.4.4 <u>Right to limit the use of your sensitive personal information.&nbsp;</u>You may direct Taimi, that collects your sensitive personal information indicated in section 9.2. hereof, to limit the use or disclosure to that use which is necessary to perform the Services.</p> <p> <strong>How to Submit a Request.&nbsp;</strong>To submit a request not to sell or share your personal information or to limit the use of your sensitive information, please contact us by email support@taimi.com or by clicking the link “<strong>Your Privacy Choices</strong>” which is located at the footer of Taimi`s website.</p> <p> <strong>9.5. &nbsp;&nbsp;</strong>If you choose to exercise any of your privacy rights under the CPPA, you have the right not to receive discriminatory treatment by Taimi.</p> <p> <strong>9.6. &nbsp;&nbsp;</strong>You are always welcome to request “.pdf” copy of this Policy or any other integral part of Taimi’s Terms of Use (as well as Taimi’s Terms of Use themselves). just let us know by sending your request to support@taimi.com.</p> <p> <strong>9.7. &nbsp;&nbsp;</strong>To help protect your privacy and maintain security, we take steps to verify your identity before granting you access to your data or complying with your request. If requests from a consumer are manifestly unfounded or excessive, in particular because of their repetitive character, we may either charge a reasonable fee, taking into account the administrative costs of providing the information or communication or taking the action requested, or refuse to act on the request and notify you the reason for refusing the request.</p> <p> <strong>9.8. &nbsp;&nbsp;</strong>You may also use an authorized agent to submit your request. If you do, we may ask for evidence that you have provided the agent valid power of attorney or other written permission to submit requests on your behalf, and we may also take steps to verify your identity. Owing to a sensitive nature of your data, we reserve the right to reject, at any time, requests concerning your data submitted by any third party.</p> <p> <br> </p> <p> <strong>10.&nbsp;</strong> <strong>Notice</strong> <strong>&nbsp;</strong> <strong>to Virginia Residents</strong> </p> <p>Consumers residing in Virginia are afforded certain additional rights with respect to their personal information under the Virginia Consumer Data Protection Act (VCDPA). If you are a Virginia resident, this section applies to you.<strong>&nbsp;</strong> </p> <p> <strong>10.1.&nbsp;</strong> <strong>Our</strong> <strong>&nbsp;</strong> <strong>collection and use of personal information.&nbsp;</strong>You may find the categories of personal information Taimi collects and the purposes and sources for which your personal information is collected in section 5.4 hereof.<strong>&nbsp;</strong> </p> <p> <strong>10.2.&nbsp;</strong> <strong>Process your sensitive data.</strong> We do process your sensitive data concerning a natural person’s sex life and sexual orientation. We may ask to give your consent to process and these categories of your sensitive information and make them public to other users. Still, all any time, you are entitled to make us stop showing that data to others by deleting relevant tags in your profile setting. You give us consent to process your precise geolocation data when you allow through your mapping phone service as Google Maps to access your location while you are using our App. Please see section 8. 1 (d) above on how to restrict the processing of your geolocation data.</p> <p> <strong>10.3.&nbsp;</strong> <strong>Exercising</strong> <strong>&nbsp;</strong> <strong>your&nbsp;</strong> <strong>consumer rights:</strong> You have the right to request (1) to confirm whether or not a controller is processing the consumer's personal data and to access such personal data. (2) To correct inaccuracies in the consumer's personal data, taking into account the nature of the personal data and the purposes of the processing of the consumer's personal data. (3) To delete personal data provided by or obtained about the consumer. (4) To obtain a copy of the consumer's personal data that the consumer previously provided to the controller in a portable and, to the extent technically feasible, readily usable format that allows the consumer to transmit the data to another controller without hindrance, where the processing is carried out by automated means. (5) to opt out of the processing of the personal data for purposes of targeted advertising.&nbsp;</p> <p>You may exercise your rights by contacting us at support@taimi.com. See more details in section 11 below. We will not discriminate against you if you exercise your rights under the VCDPA. You may contact us at support@taimi.com if you want to appeal Taimi`s refusal to take action on your request. The appeal process is conspicuously available and similar to the process for submitting requests. Taimi will have 60 days of receipt of an appeal to inform you in writing of any action taken or not taken in response to the appeal. If the appeal is denied, you may contact the Attorney General to submit a complaint.</p> <p> <strong>10.4.&nbsp;</strong> <strong>Sale of personal information and process of personal information for targeted advertising.</strong>&nbsp;We do not sell your personal information. We do not exchange your personal data for monetary consideration with third parties, so no opt-out choice is necessary for that. However, we do process your personal information for targeted advertising in the sense of VCDPA. We display advertisements to you where such adds are based on personal data obtained from nonaffiliated websites or online applications. You can opt out of the processing of the personal data for purposes of targeted advertising by contacting us at&nbsp;support@taimi.com.&nbsp;</p> <p> <br> </p> <p> <strong>11. &nbsp. &nbsp;&nbsp;</strong> <strong>Data Subjects’ Access and Erasure Requests</strong> </p> <p> <strong>11.1.&nbsp;</strong> <strong>Method for Submitting Requests</strong>. If you are an EU user, you may exercise your right to file a request to access or delete your data by contacting us at support@taimi.com or via the App. In the event you are a California or Virginia consumer, you may exercise your privacy rights according to section 9 or 10 accordingly.</p> <p> <strong>11.2.&nbsp;</strong> <strong>Timeframes</strong>. In the event you submit your request to us, we will act as follows:</p> <p>(a) &nbsp. &nbsp;within 10 business days following a confirmation of receipt of your letter, we shall request that you provide us with relevant data for a verification procedure;</p> <p>(b) &nbsp. if you are a California or Virginia consumer, we will have 45 calendar days following the date of your request to process your request. In the event of your failure to pass the verification process within 45 calendar days, we may deny your request or prolong the term of processing up to additional 45 calendar days. please be sure that we will notify you about our decision;</p> <p>(c) &nbsp. &nbsp;if you are an EU or UK user, we will have 30 calendar days following the date that you provide us with the data required for verification to process your request. In the event of your failure to pass the verification process, we may deny your request. We are entitled to prolong the response term up to 2 months by giving you a notification.</p> <p> <strong>11.3.&nbsp;</strong> <strong>Verification and automated decision-making</strong>.&nbsp;The most important step is the verification process. We will first check that we have enough information to be sure of your identity. Often, we will have no reason to doubt a person’s identity (if you contact us via the App, for example). We use a combination of the automated system and&nbsp;a team of moderators&nbsp;to verify the users` identity and users are not robots.&nbsp;And we also want to avoid fake Taimi accounts being created which can be used for malicious activities and cybercrime – they threaten the Taimi network and spoil things for everyone.&nbsp;If you choose to verify your profile photo, our automated system will scan each photo that you submit.&nbsp;So, automated decision-making is necessary in order to&nbsp;help ensure that you are who you say you are&nbsp;before entering into a contract with you.&nbsp;This ultimately assists our efforts to prevent and respond to illegal, malicious, and unauthorized activity.&nbsp;We do not add the verification photos to your profile.</p> <p>If we have good grounds to doubt your identity, we may ask you to provide additional evidence we reasonably need to confirm your identity. For example, we may ask you for a piece of information held in your profile that we would expect you to know: your location, last 5 connections, etc. If we have serious doubts about your identity, we may ask you to share with Taimi your photo with your ID document or an image of your ID document. In the event you fail the verification process, your request will be rejected.&nbsp;</p> <p> <strong>11.4.&nbsp;</strong> <strong>Authorized Agent</strong>. You, as a California consumer, may assign your agent to submit a request on your behalf. If you desire to use this way, your agent shall provide us with your written authorization. Owing to a sensitive nature of your data, we reserve the right to reject, at any time, requests concerning your data submitted by any third party.</p> <p> <br> </p> <p> <strong>12. &nbsp. &nbsp;&nbsp;</strong> <strong>Third-Party Websites</strong>&nbsp;</p> <p> <strong>12.1.&nbsp;</strong>The Services may contain links to websites operated and maintained by third parties, over which we have no control. Privacy policies of such linked websites may be different from this Policy. You access such linked websites at your own risk. Similarly, the Service may be accessed and used by third-party websites that we do not control. We have no control over the privacy policies of such third-party websites, and you access such third-party websites at your own risk.</p> <p> <strong>13. &nbsp. &nbsp;&nbsp;</strong> <strong>Data Protection. Security</strong> </p> <p> <strong>13.1.&nbsp;</strong>We incorporate commercially reasonable safeguards to help protect and secure your data. However, no electronic data transmission or storage of information can be guaranteed to be 100% secure. Please note that we cannot ensure or warrant the security of any information you transmit to us, and you use the Service and provide us with your information at your own risk.</p> <p> <strong>13.2.&nbsp;</strong>To help protect you and others, we may monitor your use of the Services and use your personal data and/or other information we collect in order to: identify fraudulent activities and transactions, prevent abuse of and investigate and/or prosecute potential threats to or misuse of the Service, ensure compliance with the Terms of Service and this Policy, investigate violations of or enforce these agreements and protect the rights and property of you, Taimi, its partners and other customers. This security monitoring may result in the collection, recording, and analysis of online activity or communications through the Services. If you do not consent to these conditions, you must discontinue your use of the Services.&nbsp;</p> <p> <strong>13.3.&nbsp;</strong>We regularly monitor our systems for possible vulnerabilities and attacks and regularly review our information collection, storage and processing practices to update our physical, technical and organizational security measures.</p> <p> <strong>13.4.&nbsp;</strong> <strong>TO THE MAXIMUM EXTENT ALLOWED BY APPLICABLE LAW, WE EXPRESSLY DISCLAIM ANY REPRESENTATION OR WARRANTY, WHETHER EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, WITH RESPECT TO ANY BREACHES OF SECURITY, DAMAGE TO YOUR DEVICE, OR ANY LOSS OR UNAUTHORISED USE OF YOUR REGISTRATION INFORMATION OR OTHER DATA.</strong> </p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p> <strong>14. &nbsp. &nbsp;&nbsp;</strong> <strong>Reach us Out</strong>&nbsp;</p> <p> <strong>14.1.&nbsp;</strong>We would be glad to hear from you. If you have any questions regarding this Policy, please contact us at support@taimi.com or legal@taimi.com.</p> <ul> <li> © 2023 Taimi. 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