
Cookie Policy

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Like many companies, we use cookies (as defined in subparagraph 3.1. of the Policy) and other tracking technologies on the Website or on the Taimi mobile application (jointly, “cookies” unless otherwise stated) including web beacons/GIFs as defined below.</p> <p>2.2. We use cookies and other tracking technologies- particularly to improve user experience and obtain data about how the Website is being used. The details of the cookies and tracking technologies used are specified below.&nbsp;</p> <p>2.3. The drop or the reading of certain cookies does not require your prior consent, either because they do not process any of your personal data, or because they are strictly necessary for the supply of the Services. You can decide whether or not to allow the drop of cookies which are not strictly necessary to operate the computer. If you agree (consent), these cookies will be stored to allow you to access third party hosted content on the website or on the mobile application. You may, at any time, object to the storage or the reading of the cookies we use, either by deleting them from your devices or by changing your browser settings.&nbsp;</p> <p> <br> </p> 3. Tracking Technologies <p>3.1. Cookies are small pieces of code that are stored in your device (computer, digital tablet, smartphone) when you browse and use online services. They are installed on your device to enable different useful features, for example, to facilitate navigation on the Website. After installed on your device, cookies may be either deleted automatically, when you close the Website/web browser (session cookies), or stored in your device to facilitate future visits to the Website or to the mobile application (persistent cookies). Persistent cookies are automatically deleted after a period of time set by the cookies’ owner.</p> <p>3.2. Web beacons are small graphic images or other web programming code (also known as “1×1 GIFs” or “clear GIFs”) that may be included in the Website’s and mobile application’s pages and our messages. Web beacons may be invisible to you, but any electronic image or other web programming code inserted into a page or email can act as a web beacon. Clear GIFs are tiny graphics with a unique identifier, similar, in function, to cookies. In contrast to cookies, which are stored on a user’s computer hard drive, clear GIFs are embedded invisibly on web pages and are about the size of the period at the end of this sentence.</p> <p>3.3. In some cases, cookies are used to collect data that is recognized as personal data, such as, but not limited to, IP addresses and data linked to the IP address. The usage of such cookies is regulated by the data protection laws and you, as a user, obtain a number of rights to control the collection and processing of this data.</p> <p>3.4. While providing you with our services, we may use the following cookies: a) essential or strictly necessary cookies. b) performance cookies. c) analytical cookies. d) targeting/advertising cookies. These cookies may be session or persistent.</p> <p>3.5. Session cookies are only stored temporarily in the browser’s memory and are destroyed once you quit the browser. However, they will survive navigating away from the Website they came from. If no expiration date is set, they are automatically considered as session cookies. &nbsp;Persistent cookies are saved on your computer, so when you shut it down and start it up again, they can still be there. they are created by giving them an expiry date and once that expiry date is reached, they will be automatically destroyed by the computer itself. If an expiry date is not set, they are automatically session cookies.</p> <p>3.6. “Essential” or “Strictly Necessary" cookies are strongly required for an error-free operation of the website and of the Taimi mobile application, as well as for its security and accessibility. We also need them to remember your preference about cookies. Without them, we will not be able to provide you with the Services in a proper way. Although you cannot refuse these cookies through the Website or the mobile application, you may disable them by changing your browser settings, but this may affect the Website’s or the mobile application’s functionality. These cookies are mostly session and expire on quitting the browser.</p> <p>3.7. “Performance” cookies collect information about how you use the Website, for instance which pages you go to most often, and if they get error messages from web pages. These cookies don’t collect information that identifies you. All information these cookies collect is aggregated and therefore, anonymous. It is only used to improve how the website and the Taimi mobile application’s works. Generally, these cookies are a mix of session and persistent cookies.</p> <p>3.8. “Analytical” cookies allow us to track your activity on the Website or on the mobile application. We may track the number of sessions, measure duration, characteristics of your device, pages you visit, etc. We do so to optimize the Website and the Taimi mobile application and make it more interesting and useful for you. The data collected in such a way is stored in aggregated form. Generally, these cookies are a mix of session and persistent cookies.</p> <p>3.9. “Targeting/Advertising” cookies allow us to show you our advertisements on third-party websites. This tool is called “retargeting”. It enables us to provide you with ads based on your previous activity on the Website. It also enables us to limit how many times you see the respective ads. Generally, these cookies are persistent cookies.</p> <p>3.10. We may use the following cookies:</p> <p> <br> </p> <p> <strong>Name</strong> </p> <p> <strong>Description</strong> </p> <p> <strong>Type</strong> </p> <p> <strong>Expiration</strong> </p> <p> <strong>Origin</strong> </p> <p>personalization_id</p> <p>Used by Twitter.com in order to determine the number of visitors accessing the website through twitter advertisement content and may be used for targeted advertising.</p> <p>Targeting/</p> <p>Advertising</p> <p>2 years</p> <p>twitter.com</p> <p>guest_id</p> <p>Used by Twitter.com in order to determine the number of visitors accessing the website through twitter advertisement content and may be used for targeted advertising.</p> <p>Targeting/</p> <p>Advertising</p> <p>2 years</p> <p>twitter.com</p> <p>TapAd_3WAY_SYNCS</p> <p>This cookie is set by the audience manager of the website to determine the time and frequencies of visitor data synchronization - cookie data synchronization is used to synchronize and gather visitor data from several websites.</p> <p>Targeting/</p> <p>Advertising</p> <p>2 months</p> <p>tapad.com</p> <p>TapAd_DID</p> <p>TapAd_TS</p> <p>Used to determine what type of devices (smartphones, tablets, computers, TVs etc.) is used by a user.</p> <p>Targeting/</p> <p>Advertising</p> <p>2 months</p> <p>tapad.com</p> <p>hjAbsoluteSessionInProgress</p> <p>This cookie is used to detect the first pageview session of a user. This is a True/False flag set by the cookie.</p> <p>Performance</p> <p>Session</p> <p>HotJar.com</p> <p>_hjIncludedInPageviewSample</p> <p>This cookie is set to let Hotjar know whether that user is included in the data sampling defined by your site's pageview limit.</p> <p>Analytical</p> <p>30 minutes</p> <p>HotJar.com</p> <p>_schn</p> <p>Tracks the individual sessions on the website, allowing the website to compile statistical data from multiple visits. This data can also be used to create leads for marketing purposes.</p> <p>Targeting/</p> <p>Advertising</p> <p>Session</p> <p>taimi.com</p> <p>_gcl_au</p> <p>Used to store and track conversions.</p> <p>Targeting/</p> <p>Advertising</p> <p>Persistent</p> <p>taimi.com</p> <br> <p>october_session</p> <p>This coockie allows users to be recognized within a website so any page changes or item or data selection you do is remembered from page to page.</p> <p>Strictly Necessary or Essential</p> <p>session</p> <p>taimi.com</p> <br> <p>cookie-policy</p> <p>Is used my Taimi to start the website</p> <p>Strictly Necessary or Essential</p> <p>2 years</p> <p>taimi.com</p> <p>viewed_posts</p> <p>Used by Taimi to measure the number of posts viewed on the website</p> <p>Performance</p> <p>5 days</p> <p>taimi.com</p> <p>__cfruid</p> <p>This cookie from Cloudflare lets us know whether your device is reliable and enable us to detect bots</p> <p>Strictly Necessary or Essential</p> <p>Session</p> <p>medium.com</p> <p>cloudfront_viewer_country</p> <p>The content of a page loads quickly and effectively by distributing the workload across numerous servers.</p> <p>Strictly Necessary or Essential</p> <p>1 day</p> <p>ellentube.com</p> <p>_fbp</p> <p>Used by Facebook to provide a range of advertising products such as real-time bids from third party advertisers.</p> <p>Targeting/</p> <p>Advertising</p> <p>3 months</p> <p>facebook.com</p> <p>fr</p> <p>Used by Facebook to provide you with more personalized advertisements, but also to measure and improve advertisements&nbsp;</p> <p>Targeting/</p> <p>Advertising</p> <p>3 months</p> <p>facebook.com</p> <p>IDE</p> <p>Doubleclick used for serving targeted advertisements that are relevant to you across the web and these cookies</p> <p>&nbsp;measure the conversion rate of ads presented to the user</p> <p>Targeting/</p> <p>Advertising</p> <p>2 years</p> <p>doubleclick.net</p> <p>1P_JAR</p> <p>Gathers website statistics and tracks conversion rates.</p> <p>Analytical&nbsp;</p> <p>1 month</p> <p>analytics.google.com</p> <p>NID</p> <p>Google Analytics customization cookie. Used by the Google +1 sharing button, and is required for linking content to Google 1+ account.</p> <p>Targeting/</p> <p>Advertising</p> <p>6 months</p> <p>analytics.google.com</p> <p>__Secure-3PAPISID</p> <p>__Secure-3PSID</p> <p>__Secure-3PSIDCC</p> <p>These cookies are used to deliver ads that are more relevant to you and your interests</p> <p>Targeting/</p> <p>Advertising</p> <p>2 years</p> <p>google.com</p> <p>OTZ</p> <p>The “OTZ” cookie is used by Google Analytics that provides an aggregate analysis of Website visitors</p> <p>Analytical</p> <p>1 month</p> <p>google.com</p> <p>_ga</p> <p>Google Universal Analytics used to track unique visitors to collect information about traffic and navigation.</p> <p>Targeting/</p> <p>Advertising</p> <p>2 years</p> <p>analytics.google.com</p> <p>_gid</p> <p>Distinguishes users and tracks if they have previously visited the website or the Taimi mobile application.</p> <p>Targeting/</p> <p>Advertising</p> <p>1 day</p> <p>analytics.google.com</p> <p>p2</p> <p>The “p2” cookie helps websites to count users who have visited and seen a page or various parts of a page.</p> <p>Analytical</p> <p>1 week</p> <p>owneriq.net</p> <p>si</p> <p>Used for the purpose of providing relevant advertisement.</p> <p>Targeting/</p> <p>Advertising</p> <p>5 years</p> <p>owneriq.net</p> <p>kuid</p> <p>Registers a unique ID that identifies a returning user's device. The ID is used for targeted ads.</p> <p>Targeting/</p> <p>Advertising</p> <p>6 months</p> <p>krxd.net</p> <p>bku</p> <p>This cookie stores anonymized data about the users' web usage as well as aggregate anonymous activities to build a profile to provide more targeted and relevant marketing and advertising.</p> <p>Targeting/</p> <p>Advertising</p> <p>6 months</p> <p>bluekai.com</p> <p>bkdc</p> <p>This cookie stores anonymized data about the users' web usage as well as aggregate anonymous activities to build a profile to provide more targeted and relevant marketing and advertising.</p> <p>Targeting/</p> <p>Advertising</p> <p>6 months</p> <p>bluekai.com</p> <p>uuid2</p> <p>Contains a unique randomly-generated value that enables to distinguish browsers and devices. It is matched against information - such as advertising interest segments and histories of ads shown in the browser or device - provided by clients or other third parties and is used to select more relevant advertisements for delivery, and to measure the performance of, and attribute payment for, those advertisements.</p> <p>Targeting/</p> <p>Advertising</p> <p>90 days</p> <p>adnxs.com</p> <p>usersync</p> <p>Contains data denoting whether a cookie ID is synced with our partners</p> <p>ID syncing enables our partners to use their data from outside the Platform on the Platform.</p> <p>Targeting/</p> <p>Advertising</p> <p>90 days</p> <p>adnxs.com</p> <p>uids</p> <p>Used to select advertisements for delivery by the Platform and to measure the performance of, and attribute payment for, those advertisements.</p> <p>Targeting/</p> <p>Advertising</p> <p>90 days</p> <p>adnxs.com</p> <p>anj</p> <p>Contains data denoting whether a cookie ID is synced with our partners which enables the ability to use data from outside the platform on the platform.</p> <p>Targeting/</p> <p>Advertising</p> <p>90 days</p> <p>adnxs.com</p> <p>_hjid</p> <p>Hotjar cookie that is set when the customer first lands on a page with the Hotjar script. It is used to persist the Hotjar User ID, unique to that site on the browser. This ensures that behavior in subsequent visits to the same site will be attributed to the same user ID.</p> <p>Targeting/</p> <p>Advertising</p> <p>1 year</p> <p>HotJar.com</p> <p>_hjFirstSeen</p> <p>This is set to identify a new user’s first session. It stores a true/false value, indicating whether this was the first time Hotjar saw this user. It is used by Recording filters to identify new user sessions.</p> <p>Targeting/</p> <p>Advertising</p> <p>Session</p> <p>HotJar.com</p> <p>_scid</p> <p>Snapchat pixel unique ID of the user, similar to how the _ga cookie works with Google Analytics</p> <p>Targeting/</p> <p>Advertising</p> <p>1 year</p> <p>snapchat.com</p> <p>sc_at</p> <p>Used to identify a visitor across multiple domains</p> <p>Performance</p> <p>1 year</p> <p>snapchat.com</p> <p>_gat_gtag_UA_168585251_1</p> <p>This is a Google analytics cookie, used to throttle the request rate, limiting the collection of data on high traffic sites.&nbsp;</p> <p>Targeting/</p> <p>Advertising</p> <p>10 minutes</p> <p>analytics.google.com</p> <p>_ga_6MMM1LTGLE</p> <p>Google Universal Analytics used to track unique visitors.</p> <p>Targeting/</p> <p>Advertising</p> <p>2 years</p> <p>analytics.google.com</p> <p>_sctr</p> <p>Used to determine whether a third party tag will be called in Snap Ads Pixel.</p> <p>Targeting/</p> <p>Advertising</p> <p>1 year</p> <p>snapchat.com</p> <p> <br> </p> 4.Social Cookies&nbsp. <p>4.1. Information related to your navigation on our Website or on the Taimi mobile application is collected by social networks for the purpose of advertising targeting on their own behalf via cookies that are dropped during your navigation on our site. The data, transmitted only if you consent, consists of the browsing data (pages visited)</p> <p>4.2. You can withdraw your consent by setting your choices in your browser or in our cookie manager.&nbsp;</p> <p>4.3. Information collected by Taimi on its own behalf in connection with social networks is governed by the provisions of the Privacy Policy. However, we are not responsible for the subsequent use of your data by social networks on their own behalf.</p> <p>4.4. We invite you to consult the personal data protection policies of our various partners (e.g. Facebook, Google, etc.) in order to know exactly what information is collected by these third parties. You can also set up the access and the confidentiality of your data directly on the social networks concerned.</p> <p> <br> </p> 5. Withdraw Your Consent and Delete Cookies&nbsp. <p>5.1. You can do that by choosing the appropriate settings of your browser:&nbsp;</p> <ul> <li> <p>For the users of&nbsp;Internet Explorer;</p> </li> <li> <p>For the users of&nbsp;Firefox;</p> </li> <li> <p>For the users of&nbsp;Chrome;</p> </li> <li> <p>For the users of Opera;</p> </li> <li> <p>For the users of&nbsp;Safari web and&nbsp;iOS;&nbsp;</p> </li> <li> <p>For the users of&nbsp;Android.</p> </li> </ul> <p>5.2. You may find out how third parties process your data via cookies in cookies policies of Facebook, CloudFlare, Twitter, Tapad, Medium, Ellentube, Google, Google Analytics, OwnerIQ, Bluekai, Snapchat, krxd, adnxs, and Hotjar by clicking on the respective hyperlinks, either here or in the table with names of cookie files. You can also opt-out:&nbsp;</p> <ul> <li> <p>Facebook: https://optout.aboutads.info/?c=2&amp;lang=EN (US users), https://youradchoices.ca (Canadians) and https://www.youronlinechoices.com (EEA users);</p> </li> <li> <p>Google: https://support.google.com/analytics/answer/181881;&nbsp;</p> </li> <li> <p>CloudFlare: http://optout.networkadvertising.org/?c=1 (non-EEA users) and https://www.youronlinechoices.com (EEA and UK users);</p> </li> <li> <p>Hotjar: https://www.hotjar.com/privacy/do-not-track.</p> </li> </ul> 6. Processing of Data Collected Through Tracking Technologies <p>6.1. The processing of the data that we collect with these technologies, where it is personal data, falls within the Privacy Policy. For example, our employees and subcontractors may be able to access these data. Moreover, your data may be processed on our behalf by the third-party service providers mentioned above. For more information on our practices, see the Privacy Policy.</p> <p> <br> </p> 7. Reach Us Out <p>7.1. We would be glad to hear from you. If you have any questions regarding this Policy, please contact us at support@taimi.com. &nbsp;</p> <ul> <li> © 2023 Taimi. All rights reserved </li> <li> <ul> <li>Gay dating</li> <li>Gay chat</li> <li>Bisexual dating</li> <li>Bisexual chat</li> <li>Lesbian dating</li> <li>Lesbian chat</li> <li>Queer dating</li> <li>Transgender dating</li> <li>Transgender chat</li> <li>Asexual dating</li> <li>Pansexual dating</li> <li>Polyamorous dating</li> </ul> </li> En English Portuguesa Français Nederlands Deutsch Italiano Español <li> <ul> <li>Privacy Policy</li> <li>Cookie Policy</li> <li>Safety tips</li> <li>Subscription Terms</li> <li>Contacts</li> <li>Terms of Service</li> <li>Support</li> <li>Community Rules</li> <li>Your safety matters</li> <li>#taimishare</li> <li>Automated decision-making</li> <li>Your Privacy Choices </li> </ul> </li> <li> En English Portuguesa Français Nederlands Deutsch Italiano Español </li> </ul> © 2023 Taimi. All rights reserved Get Taimi App for Free Privacy Preference CenterWhen you visit any website, it may store or retrieve information on your browser, mostly in the form of cookies. This information might be about you, your preferences or your device and is mostly used to make the site work as you expect it to. The information does not usually directly identify you, but it can give you a more personalized web experience. Because we respect your right to privacy, you can choose not to allow some types of cookies. Click on the different category headings to find out more and change our default settings. However, blocking some types of cookies may impact your experience of the site and the services we are able to offer. <br>More informationAllow All Manage Consent PreferencesStrictly Necessary CookiesAlways Active<p>These cookies are necessary for the website to function and cannot be switched off in our systems. They are usually only set in response to actions made by you which amount to a request for services, such as setting your privacy preferences, logging in or filling in forms. You can set your browser to block or alert you about these cookies, but some parts of the site will not then work. These cookies do not store any personally identifiable information.</p>Performance Cookies Performance Cookies <p>These cookies allow us to count visits and traffic sources so we can measure and improve the performance of our site. They help us to know which pages are the most and least popular and see how visitors move around the site. All information these cookies collect is aggregated and therefore anonymous. If you do not allow these cookies we will not know when you have visited our site, and will not be able to monitor its performance.</p>Targeting Cookies Targeting Cookies <p>These cookies may be set through our site by our advertising partners. They may be used by those companies to build a profile of your interests and show you relevant adverts on other sites. They do not store directly personal information, but are based on uniquely identifying your browser and internet device. If you do not allow these cookies, you will experience less targeted advertising.</p>Back ButtonPerformance Cookies<p> </p>Vendor Search Search IconFilter IconClear checkbox label labelApply CancelConsent Leg.Interest checkbox label label checkbox label label checkbox label labelReject All Confirm My Choices<p>By clicking “Accept All Cookies”, you agree to the storing of cookies on your device to enhance site navigation, analyze site usage, and assist in our marketing efforts. </p>Accept All Cookies Reject AllCookies Settings

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