Red Robin

Copyright Infringement Policy

Copyright Infringement Policy<p>Red Robin International, Inc. ("Red Robin") has adopted the following policy to comply with the Digital Millennium Copyright Act regarding content that users post to Red Robin's web site and other social media sites that Red Robin sponsors ("Content"). Red Robin has listed at the end of this policy the name and address of the person ("Designated Agent") that copyright holders ("Claimants") may notify that Content a user has posted to Red Robin's web site or other social media site infringes the Claimant's copyrighted work.</p> <p>It is Red Robin's policy to (1) block access to or remove Content that Red Robin believes in good faith to be copyrighted material that has been illegally copied and posted to Red Robin's web site or other social media site. and (2) deny access to our web site and social media sites to persons that repeatedly violate this policy.</p>Procedure for Reporting Copyright Infringements<p>If you believe that Content posted on Red Robin's website ( or social media site infringes your copyrighted work, send a notice (in English) containing the following to our Designated Agent listed below:</p> <p>A description of the User Content that you claim infringes your copyrighted work, including the date that you first observed the User Content in question, the identity of the site on which you observed the User Content and the location within the site where you observed the User Content, and any other information that you have that will allow Red Robin to locate the User Content that you claim infringes your copyrighted work;</p> <ol> <li>A copy of your copyrighted work or a description of your copyrighted work sufficient to allow Red Robin to compare your copyrighted work with the User Content that you claim infringes your copyrighted work;</li> <li>Your contact information (or your agent's contact information), including your address, telephone number and, if available, your e-mail address;</li> <li>In your notice, you must state that you have a good faith belief that you, the copyright owner, have not authorized the posting of the User Content in question or that the posting of the User Content is not a use of your copyrighted material permitted by law. and</li> <li>In your notice, you must state under penalty of perjury that the information you have provided us is accurate and, if you are the agent of the copyright owner, that the copyright owner has authorized you to submit the notice of copyright infringement on the copyright owner's behalf. and</li> <li>You must sign the notice of copyright infringement, either in ink or electronically.</li> </ol>Once Red Robin's Designated Agent Receives Your Notice of Copyright Infringement<p>Red Robin will:</p> <ol> <li>Determine the validity of your complaint;</li> <li>If Red Robin determines your complaint is valid, then Red Robin will remove or disable the infringing User Content;</li> <li>Notify the person that posted the infringing User Content that Red Robin has removed said User Content or disabled access to the infringing User Content. and</li> <li>Notify the person that posted the infringing User Content that, upon the copyright holder's request, Red Robin will remove material that infringes another party's copyrighted work, and that Red Robin will terminate that person's access to Red Robin's website and other sites.</li> </ol>Procedure to Supply a Counter-Notice to the Designated Agent<p>If the person that posted the allegedly infringing User Content to Red Robin's web site believes that their User Content did not infringe the copyrighted work of Complainant, or that the person that posted the allegedly infringing User Content has the legal right to post such User Content, the person posting that posted the User Content must send Red Robin's Designated Agent a counter-notice (in English) containing the following:</p> <ol> <li>A description or a copy of the posted User Content that Red Robin removed or as to which Red Robin has disabled access, and the site and location within the site at which the User Content appeared before Red Robin removed it or disabled access to it;</li> <li>A statement that you have a good faith belief that Red Robin has mistakenly concluded that the posted User Content infringes the allegedly copyrighted work, or that you have the legal right to do so, and the facts on which you base such statement;</li> <li>A statement that you consent to the jurisdiction of the Federal Court for the judicial district in which you reside, or if you reside outside the United States, that you consent to the jurisdiction of a judicial district of the United States in which Red Robin does business, and that you will accept service of process from Claimant, the person that submitted the notice of the alleged copyright infringement;</li> <li>Your name, address, telephone number, and, if available, e-mail address. and</li> <li>You must sign and date the counter-notice. You may sign the counter-notice either by affixing your physical signature or by providing your electronic signature.</li> </ol> <p>If you submit a counter-notice to Red Robin's Designated Agent, then Red Robin may send a copy of your counter-notice to the complaining party informing that person that Red Robin may restore the User Content that Red Robin removed from its site or cease disabling access to such User Content within 10 business days. Unless the copyright owner files an action seeking a court order against you, Red Robin may, in its discretion, restore the removed User Content or re-enable access to such User Content within 14 business days after Red Robin's Designated Agent receives your counter-notice.</p>Trademark Infringement<p>If you believe User Content infringes your trademark in some goods or services, you may use the same procedure, as above, to report such infringement to Red Robin's Designated Agent.</p>Designated Agent<p>To contact the Designated Agent, please send an email or contact us by U.S. Mail: Marketing — Designated Agent, c/o Red Robin International, Inc., 6312 S. Fiddler's Green Circle, Suite 200 North, Greenwood Village, CO 80111.</p>

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