
Privacy Policy

All Categories <ul> <li>Dogs<i> </i> <ul> <li>Equipment<i> </i> <ul> <li>Dog Beds </li> <li>Dog Accessories </li> <li>Dog Bowls &amp. Feeders </li> <li>Dog Carriers &amp. Travel Equipment </li> <li>Dog Cleaning &amp. Potty Equipment </li> <li>Dog Crates &amp. Pens </li> <li>Dog Grooming </li> <li>Dog Leashes &amp. Collars </li> <li>Dog Technology </li> <li>Dog Toys </li> </ul> </li> <li>Dog Food<i> </i> <ul> <li>Dog Food By Brand </li> <li>Dog Food By Breed </li> <li>Dog Food By Condition </li> <li>Dog Treats </li> </ul> </li> <li>Breeds </li> <li>Health<i> </i> <ul> <li>Dog Dental Health </li> <li>Dog Flea &amp. Tick Treatment </li> <li>Dog Health Conditions </li> <li>Dog Health Products </li> <li>Dog Supplements </li> <li>General Dog Health </li> </ul> </li> <li>Puppies </li> <li>Training<i> </i> <ul> <li>Dog Behavior </li> </ul> </li> </ul> </li> <li>Cats<i> </i> <ul> <li>Cat Breeds </li> <li>Cat Equipment<i> </i> <ul> <li>Bedding </li> <li>Carrier &amp. Travel Equipment </li> <li>Cat Accessories </li> <li>Cat Grooming Equipment </li> <li>Cat Leashes &amp. Collars </li> <li>Cat Litter Equipment </li> <li>Cat Toys </li> <li>Cat Trees, Condos &amp. Scratchers </li> </ul> </li> <li>Cat Food<i> </i> <ul> <li>Cat Food By Brands </li> </ul> </li> <li>Cat Health<i> </i> <ul> <li>Cat Dental Health </li> <li>Cat Flea &amp. Tick Treatment </li> <li>Cat Health Conditions </li> <li>General Cat Health </li> </ul> </li> <li>Cat Training<i> </i> <ul> <li>Cat Behavior </li> </ul> </li> <li>Kittens </li> </ul> </li> <li>Fish<i> </i> <ul> <li>Food Treats </li> <li>Aquariums </li> </ul> </li> <li>Birds<i> </i> <ul> <li>Bird Food </li> <li>Cages Accessories </li> <li>Care </li> </ul> </li> <li>Small animals<i> </i> <ul> <li>Gerbils </li> <li>Guinea Pigs </li> <li>Hamsters </li> <li>Rabbits </li> <li>Rats </li> <li>Reptiles </li> </ul> </li> <li>News</li> </ul> <i> </i> <i> </i> <i> </i> <ul> <li> <i> </i> </li> <li> <i> </i> </li> <li> <i> </i> </li> <li> <i> </i> </li> </ul> Privacy Policy 1. Who We Are: <p> and its related blogs (hereafter “site”, “website”, or Pet Side Platform”) is an affiliate marketing platform providing information and guides on dog accessories, apparel, food, supplements, health and insurance. To be able to provide effective content and affiliate marketing service, Pet Side will from time to time collect, use, retain, share or disclose (together referred to as “processing”) certain personal and non-personal information related to the use of the Pet Side website. This policy therefore explains how Pet Side collects information, how such information is used and the choices and rights that users have with regard to their information. If you are an individual established in the European Union (EU) or the European Economic Area (EEA), this Policy also informs you on your data rights and our data protection obligations under the European Union General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR). Please note that this Policy applies only to information collected in connection with this site and does not cover information collected by websites linked from this site. By using the site, you are acknowledging that you have read this Policy and agree to be fully bound by it. If you do not agree with the way we handle personal data as stipulated in this Policy, please do not use</p> 2. Changes to this Privacy Policy: <p>This Policy may be changed at any time to be in line with change in our services or change in laws regulating personal information and privacy protection. When we make such changes, we will notify our users by posting the updated version of the policy on the website and, if possible, via the email address you provided to us. Please review this Policy regularly because it governs the manner in which we handle your personal data.</p> 3. Information we collect: <p>The particular type of information we collect depends on which type of our services you are using. Generally, we collect personal information that you provide to us on your own accord but we also register information about your use of the services. When we refer to personal information we mean such information collected from you or about your use of the services which can directly or indirectly identify you as a specific individual. Non-personal information is information about your use of services which cannot identify you as a particular individual. Generally, we use information to provide our services, give you a better user experience, improve our services and give offers which are relevant to your needs. We collect the following types of information<br>a. Personal information: When you become our customer, contact us directly, or make an enquiry, we collect the following contact information from you: name and email address<br>b. Customer support information: When you contact our customer support service, we will collect any information you provide to us in your request for support so as to be able to deal with and provide the needed assistance.<br>c. Information about your interaction with Pet Side:<br>i. Technical information: We collect other technical information when you view our website. This information is collected using cookies and similar web tracking and analytics technologies. It includes the internet protocol address of your internet service, the date and time of your visit, pages you viewed on the site, type of device used to view the site, the type and version of browser you used to access the site as well as the website that referred you to our website.<br>ii. Search queries: When you search for content, products or items on the site, our website may collect search queries entered on the site. This information is collected so as to improve our website content as well as its overall design and navigation and make sure that website users find relevant content easily.</p> 4. Cookies and Similar Technologies: <p>Pet Side uses cookies and other web tracking technologies such as pixel tags (also called “web beacons”) to register information about how users use the Pet Side website. A cookie is a little text file which the Pet Side website stores in your device when you view the site. We use two types of cookies:<br>a. Session cookies: A session cookie is saved temporarily during your browsing session on our website and is used to manage your browsing session including for example to remember whether you logged in or not or to remember products you have placed in a shopping cart.<br>b. Permanent cookies: A permanent cookies is called permanent in the sense that it stays in your device for a longer (usually specified) period of time or until it is manually removed by the user. We use these cookies to remember user preferences and improve your experience as repeat visitor of our website.<br>c. Deleting or Blocking Cookies: Please note that your internet browser can be adjusted so that it automatically rejects cookies. You may also delete cookies that have been stored in your device. To learn more about avoiding cookies, visit your browser privacy or content settings. Pet Side may work as normal if you block third party cookies. However if you block session cookies, we cannot guarantee that our website will work properly. To learn more about cookies and how to avoid them, please visit<br>d. Third party cookies and Web Analytics: We also use third party analytics tools that may set their own third party permanent cookies. These include services like Google Analytics, Google AdSense and Facebook Pixel. We use Google Analytics and Facebook Pixel for to collect analytics data on website usage so as to be able to improve our services and user experience and deliver, target and optimise our advertising. We use Facebook Pixel for example to understand traffic that reaches our website through our Facebook Ads. Google AdSense uses double-clicking tracking cookies which helps to track the use of affiliate links and related affiliate commission as well as deliver targeted ads basing your interaction at our website or other websites. Both Facebook Pixels and Google Analytics may collect non-personal information about your visit to the site including the internet address of your internet service, page views, browser data and device information.</p> 5. Lawful Grounds for Processing of Personal Data: <p>To be able to process your personal data, the law requires that we must have lawful grounds to do so. We rely on the following lawful justifications when processing your personal data or information in relation to this website:<br>a. Consent: When you register with us, we will require you to provide consent for the use of your information to complete your registration or to receive our newsletter. When you contact us directly, please note that you are providing your consent for the use of your contact information in responding to your questions or enquiries. In other cases where consent for processing of personal data is provided we will process personal data for particular purposes to which that consent applies<br>b. Performance of contract. We will process personal data as necessary for the implementation of any legal agreement in which you are a part of or to carry out any request by you before entering into such an agreement.<br>c. Compliance with the law: We will process personal data in order to fulfil any legal obligation or required to which we are subject as data controller.<br>d. Legitimate Interest: We will process your personal information as necessary for purposes related to our legitimate interest as long as our legitimate interests do not override you basic rights and freedoms.</p> 6. How We Use Information: <p>To be able to provide you with access to our information content, review and buying guides, articles and services, we will need to process your information. Below you will find details about the purposes for which we process your information and related lawful grounds.<br>a. Provide access to our content and services: We collect and process personal information so as to register and identify you as our customer and so as to be able to provide content or services you have requested including for example regular newsletters from us. This information is collected on the basis of contractual necessity.<br>b. Communication and support: We will use your contact information and other information in your correspondence with us to provide customer support, respond to you questions and offer tips on dog-related articles, products and services.<br>c. Develop and improve our content, services and products: We use personal information relating to your interaction with our website and communication with us as the basis for understanding our website’s performance so as to improve your personal experience and our services generally.<br>d. Marketing. To be able to market and provide relevant products and services to you in accordance with your preferences, we may process information about the affiliate links you have clicked and other services and products you have bought or used.<br>e. Security and prevention of abuse: We process personal information n with the aim of securing and protecting our services and website. In particular we process personal information to detect and prevent fraud, misuse, illegal access attempts, crime and the use of our services which violates our terms and conditions.<br>f. Compliance with the law: We may collect, use and/or store personal information when required to do so by the law or in compliance with any court order.</p> 7. Sharing and Disclosure: <p>Pet Side does not share personal information to third parties without consent except where it is necessary for the provision of services to you or as otherwise permitted by the law. We may share personal information in the following circumstances:<br>a. To our partners and service providers: As an affiliate marketer, we will only share information with our partners and services when it is absolutely necessary for them to provide or improve our services on our behalf. These may include providers who assist with customer support, email service delivery, technical support, web maintenance and advertising services. We take suitable measures to ensure that personal information is managed in accordance with laws applicable to data security and personal integrity. Our partners and service providers must comply with those laws and this privacy policy.<br>b. To comply with the law: We may become liable to disclose certain personal information when for example we are compelled to do so in accordance with the law or order of a court or government agency.<br>c. Business transfer or sale: In the event that Pet Side is bought by or merged with another company, we may have disclose, in our legitimate interest, certain personal information (e.g. customer lists) in connection with that transaction.</p> 8. Data Retention: <p>Pet Side does not retain user information indefinitely. We only keep your information for as long as you a customer with us, when it is necessary to fulfil our contractual obligation or when required to do by the law. When you are no longer a customer with us or when you unsubscribe from our newsletter, we will, where applicable, erase your account and delete all your personal information where we no longer have use or lawful ground for processing of such information. We will also notify our partners with whom we have shared your information so that they can delete such information.</p> 9. Your Data Rights: <p>As a data subject, you have the following rights as regards information collected from or about you in connection with<br>a. Right to access information: Pet Side values fairness and transparency in the processing of personal data. In accordance with the GDPR, you have the right to be informed about the types of personal information collected from you, the purpose for which your information was collected, third parties to whom that information has been or will be disclosed to as well the period for which your information will be retained. Request to access information must be in writing and signed by you personally. This information will be provided free of charge although Pet Side may charge if the request are excessive or unreasonable. If you would to exercise this right, please submit your request to us via email at contact (@) and inform us about the type of information you would like to access.<br>b. Right to rectification. If you discover that personal information we have collected from you is not correct or is missing, you have the right to request that we rectify or complete it. Where we rectify your information, we will also inform our potential partners who had access to such information so that they can rectify and update such information.<br>c. Right to deletion or erasure of personal data. As a customer you have the right to request the erasure of certain personal information if: the information is no longer needed having regard to the purposes for which it was collected. if the processing is unlawful. if you withdraw your consent and Pet Side have no other legal ground for processing of information, and if you object to use of certain information for our legitimate interest and we have no other legal ground for continued processing of such information.<br>d. Right to restrict processing: You have the right to restrict the processing of your information in certain cases. Restriction on processing means that the information is marked so that it used for limited or specified purposes only. For example you if your personal information is inaccurate or incomplete, you have the right to restrict the use of information until it is corrected or updated. If the processing is unlawful, you may also demand that the use of such be limited as opposed to demanding for deletion.<br>e. Right to object to processing. You have the right to object to processing of your personal information which is done on the ground of our legitimate interests which include, for example, direct marketing or profiling for marketing purposes.<br>f. Right to data portability: In certain cases, you have the right to obtain and transfer your information to another company. Information will be provided in structured, commonly used and machine-readable format. This right applies only to information that you have personally provided to us or whose processing is necessary for the provision of services you requested or ordered from us. It does not apply to information that we process on the basis of our legitimate interest or for legal compliance purposes.</p> 10. How We Protect Your Information: <p>Pet Side uses industry standard encryption measures to encrypt and protect personal information which is communicated to us or transmitted through our website. This includes the use of Secure Socket Layer/Transport Layer Security encryption technology. To ensure integrity and confidentiality of personal information, we have also implemented systematic, organisational technical measures which prevent unauthorised access, modification or disclosure of personal information. Our personnel are bound by confidentiality obligations and have access to only that personal data required for the completion of particular task.</p> 11. Links to External Websites: <p>Pet Side is an Amazon affiliate marketer and we feature links to and other external websites. All links to external websites are provided for convenience only and does not constitute endorsement. We do not monitor, review or manage the websites linked herefrom and we do warrant that the products or services provided on those external websites will be available, secure or reliable. In addition, we are not responsible for how those website collect or handle your information. Our privacy commitments are limited to information gathering activities done only by Pet Side. We advise you to review those site’s policies and terms of use before submitting your information to them.</p> 12. Data Breach Notification. <p>In the event that Pet Side is affected by data breach involving your personal information, Pet Side will inform you immediately of the nature of the breach, details about the likely impact of that breach as well as details about recommended measures to address the adverse effects of that breach.</p> 13. Contact and Complaints: <p>If you have any complaints about how we process your personal information, you have the right to file a complaint to the data supervisory authority. If you have questions regarding this Policy or if you would like to exercise any of your rights as stipulated in this Policy, please contact us via email or the address provided below:</p> <p>contact (@)</p> <p>This Policy was last updated on 4th October 2019</p> <p>PetSide ©2023</p> <ul> <li>Privacy Policy</li> <li>Affiliate Disclosure</li> <li>Medical Disclaimer</li> <li>About Us</li> <li>Contact</li> <li>Reviews</li> </ul> <ul> <li> <i> </i> </li> <li> <i> </i> </li> <li> <i> </i> </li> <li> <i> </i> </li> </ul> <p>Automated page speed optimizations for fast site performance</p>

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