
Terms And Code of conduct

InstancePeerTubeNetworkAbout TILvidsContact usArtEducationEntertainmentFoodGamingHow ToMusicNews &amp. PoliticsPeopleScience &amp. TechnologySportsVehiclesTravelsAnimalsFilmsEnglishWelcome to TILvids! Our goal is to provide you with interesting video content that will make you say, "Today I Learned!" ADMINISTRATORS &amp. SUSTAINABILITY Who we are<p>Welcome to TILvids (video)! TILvids is a donation-based video community working to build an ad-free, curated edutainment video experience. Since we are dedicated to being ad-free, we rely on sponsorships and donations from our viewers.</p> <p> <strong>Where do these videos come from?</strong> <br> We work with all creators featured on the site to make sure they approve the use of their content. Respecting the creators on the site is a top-priority for TILvids. Some videos on the site have been marked as "Creative Commons" with reuse. while we still try to reach out to all creators, some of these videos have been abandoned or no contact is available. If this is your video and the license is incorrect, or you would like the video removed, simply contact us and we will be happy to honor that request.</p> <p> <strong>What user information do you collect?</strong> <br> Respecting data-privacy is one of the core foundations of TILvids. We utilize the open-source PeerTube software ecosystem to run the site, and collect nothing more than what PeerTube collects out of the box.</p> <p> <strong>How can I contact you?</strong> <br> We love to hear from the community! There are a few ways for you to get in touch with us:</p> <ul> <li>@tilvids@mstdn.social on Mastodon</li> <li>@TILvids on Twitter</li> <li>/r/tilvids on Reddit</li> <li>TILvids on Discord</li> <li>MATRIX chat</li> <li>Email</li> </ul> <p> <strong>How can I support the site?</strong> </p> <p>There are many ways you can support the site! The first is by spreading the word! Tell your friends, post on Reddit, Twitter, Mastodon, etc. If you're a creator making edutainment contact, please feel free to get in touch! And finally, TILvids runs on the generous donations of our patrons. If you would like to contribute and help the site grow, your donations are appreciated! Thank you to our excellent Patrons who already help support the site:</p> <p> <strong>Gold Level</strong> </p> <ul> <li>AlwaysAsking</li> <li>Art</li> <li>TechLore</li> <li>Nicholas Guyett</li> <li>Adam Frank</li> <li>Thibault</li> </ul> <p> <strong>Silver Level</strong> </p> <ul> <li>VKC</li> <li>Geoflly Adonias (gadonias.com)</li> <li>Matias Lavik</li> <li>1peter10</li> <li>Jeena</li> <li>Diogo C.</li> </ul> <p> <strong>Bronze Level</strong> </p> <ul> <li>Kuba</li> <li>Cypheon</li> <li>Nick T.</li> <li>Peter Marinov</li> <li>Separate Realities</li> <li>Public Ludeness</li> <li>Gustavo Ramires</li> <li>Goatybeard</li> </ul> Why we created this instance<p>The goal of TILvids is to bring the joy of edutainment video content to everyone, without having your data harvested or being constantly interrupted by video ads. Uploading is currently limited to invite-only (contact us if you're interested in contributing content), but please feel free to create an account in order to comment, like, and subscribe!</p> How long we plan to maintain this instance<p>Our hope is to create a long-running community to give people a nice place to share and watch edutainment content. We intend to keep the instance running as long as financially possible.</p> How we will pay for keeping our instance running<p>TILvids is both privately-funded and supported by donations. If you would like to contribute to the costs for running the site, consider donating and becoming a patron (https://www.patreon.com/tilvids). We also encourage all creators to have links to their own monetization methods (donations, merchandise, in-video sponsorships, etc).</p> <p>TILvids is thankful for our generous Patrons! Your support helps keep the site running.</p> Description MODERATION Moderation information<p>TILvids is being built as a community for creators and viewers of edutainment content. We strongly support free-speech for our creators, but also want to keep a tight focus on the type of content available in our community. We will employ moderation to keep that focus, but will allow as much free-speech as possible within that focus.</p> Code of conduct<p>TILvids is a community built around learning and betterment of people. We love discussion and conversation, but it will conducted in a respectful way. Anyone who is not willing to be kind and constructive will be asked not to participate in the community conversation.</p> Terms<p>No terms for now.</p> OTHER INFORMATION Hardware information<p>TILvids runs on very minimal hardware for the moment. As we gain more users (and if donations allow for it), we will continue to scale up the server to bring you a better experience!</p> FEATURESFeatures found on this instancePeerTube version4.3.1Default NSFW/sensitive videos policycan be redefined by the usersHiddenUser registration allowedVideo uploadsTranscoding in multiple resolutionsVideo uploadsAutomatically publishedVideo quota 0 B (0 B per day)Live streamingLive streaming enabledTranscode live video in multiple resolutionsMax parallel lives 2 per user / 10 per instance ImportHTTP import (YouTube, Vimeo, direct URL...)Torrent importChannel synchronization with other platforms (YouTube, Vimeo, ...)SearchUsers can resolve distant contentPlugins &amp. ThemesAvailable themes bittube-dark-mode bittube-dark-mode-no-background dark Plugins enabled bittube-logo-favicon social-sharing auth-ldap custom-links filterregistrations livechat STATISTICSBy users on this instance<p>4,067</p> <p>users</p> <p>2,359</p> <p>videos</p> <p>209,327</p> <p>views</p> <p>2,146</p> <p>comments</p> <p>348 GB</p> <p>hosted video</p>In this instance federation<p>2,727</p> <p>videos</p> <p>19,073</p> <p>comments</p> <p>1</p> <p>followers</p> <p>1</p> <p>following</p>

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