
Term & Condition

<ul> </ul> <i> </i> <i> </i> <i> </i> Term &amp. Condition <p>Titan Multi Crypto Wallet TTN is an open source minable cryptocurrency like bitcoin which offers an online digital cryptocurrency (like bitcoin, ether, ripple and similar) and various services and mobile apps (hereinafter ”Titan Multi Crypto Wallet TTN” or the “Website”). The accessing and use of the Website are governed by the Important Legal Information (hereinafter ”GT&amp;C”) set out herein. These GT&amp;C shall be supplemented by any and all special agreements applying in connection with a service or product offered by Titan Multi Crypto Wallet TTN where you or Your representative (hereinafter ”You” or “Your”) act in a capacity as a contracting party with Titan Multi Crypto Wallet TTN. Nevertheless, in the event of any conflict, the provisions contained in any such special agreement shall prevail.</p> <p>By accessing and using the Website, You acknowledge that You have read, understood and agreed to be bound by the GT&amp;C. Furthermore, You accept that Titan Multi Crypto Wallet TTN may, at any time and without any prior notice requirement, alter the GT&amp;C. If You do not agree to the GT&amp;C, do not access or use the Website in any way whatsoever.</p> <p>The words cryptocurrency and digital asset have a similar type of meaning in this document.</p> <p>The Website is the exclusive property of Titan Multi Crypto Wallet TTN. Titan Multi Crypto Wallet TTN’s proprietary rights shall not be altered in any way by any reproduction or use of the Website.</p> <p>The content and layout of the Website are protected by copyright (all rights reserved) and other intellectual property rights, held by Titan Multi Crypto Wallet TTN.</p> <p>Information provided on the Website may only be downloaded, printed or otherwise reproduced - for personal, non-commercial purposes - provided that the copyright notes and other statutory proprietary designations are retained. You do not acquire rights by reproducing or copying in any way information available on the Website. all rights are retained by Titan Multi Crypto Wallet TTN. You are strictly prohibited from using anywhere other than on the Website and from copying in any way whatsoever software or any other tools available on the Website.</p> <p>It is forbidden under any circumstances to set up links, e.g. in the form of hyperlinks or inline links, to this Website, to frame it, or to access it through inline links or through a frame, without Titan Multi Crypto Wallet TTN’s prior written approval.</p> <p>It is forbidden under any circumstances to set up links, e.g. in the form of hyperlinks or inline links, to this Website, to frame it, or to access it through inline links or through a frame, without Titan Multi Crypto Wallet TTN’s prior written approval.</p> <p>Titan Multi Crypto Wallet TTN in particular is a trademark. Other verbal and/or graphic elements featuring on the website and used to identify the origin of a product or service may be the trademarks of their respective owners, for example the trademark of one of Titan Multi Crypto Wallet TTN’s commercial partners. These trademarks may not be reproduced or used without the prior permission of their owners.</p> <p>You shall indemnify, defend and hold harmless Titan Multi Crypto Wallet TTN, its associate's companies, the directors, officers, employees, agents, affiliates or shareholders with respect to any claim, demand, cause of action, debt, judgment or liability, including reasonable attorney’s fees, to the extent that it is based upon a claim that : (i) arises out or in relation to Your use of the Website and/or Titan Multi Crypto Wallet TTN’s services, (ii) any breach or violation by You of any term or provision of these GT&amp;C or of any other special agreements applying in connection with a service or product offered by Titan Multi Crypto Wallet TTN, and/or (iii) any messages, information or materials uploaded, posted, published or otherwise transmitted by You in connection with the Website and/or services provided by Titan Multi Crypto Wallet TTN.</p> <p>By consulting this Website and/or using Titan Multi Crypto Wallet TTN’s services, you acknowledge and give Your consent that Titan Multi Crypto Wallet TTN may record and process all of Your actions on this Website for security, system monitoring, management, marketing and compliance with the legal and regulatory requirements to which Titan Multi Crypto Wallet TTN is subject. Titan Multi Crypto Wallet TTN will store this information under the appropriate security conditions for a limited period of time. Titan Multi Crypto Wallet TTN will not pass on Your personal information to third parties, except in the following special circumstances: In compliance with the legal and regulatory obligations to which Titan Multi Crypto Wallet TTN is subject, including but not limited to the Federal Act on Combating Money Laundering and Terrorist Financing (AML), by the Ordinance on Combating Money Laundering and Terrorist Financing (MLO), the Ordinance of the Swiss Financial Market Supervisory Authority on Combating Money Laundering and Terrorist Financing in the Financial Sector (OBA-FINMA), as well as the Regulation of the Association for Quality Assurance in the Financial Services Sector (VQF). Titan Multi Crypto Wallet TTN 's Technical Support is an external support. When You use it, personal information - such as Your username, first and last names, email address, phone number, IP address and payment information - is stored by this external support. The authentication of Your identity documents is carried out by a specialized external company. As a result, this company has access to these documents (only). Furthermore, Titan Multi Crypto Wallet TTN respects Your privacy and seeks to protect Your personal data. You acknowledge and consent to the fact that Titan Multi Crypto Wallet TTN may process personal data in relation to You in connection to Your use of the Website and/or Your use of Titan Multi Crypto Wallet TTN’s services. You should refer and consult our Privacy Policy athttps://titanprojects.co/privacy_policy for information about how Titan Multi Crypto Wallet TTN collects and uses Your information and data.</p> <p>Using Titan Multi Crypto Wallet TTN’s services requires registration to the Website. The registration to the Website is free and results, after acknowledgment and acceptance of the current GT&amp;C and Privacy Policy (https://titanprojects.co/privacy_policy), in the creation of a user profile. For the avoidance of doubt, only the registration on the Website and creation of Your user profile is free.</p> <p>Titan Multi Crypto Wallet TTN’s services are subject to the usability of Titan Multi Crypto Wallet in cryptocurrency exchanges / mobile apps/ e-commerce websites/ retail store(wherever the Titan Multi Crypto Wallet is accepted as a payment method) the transactions fees are subject to transfer the coins from one wallet to another can be different as per service provider’s T&amp;C defined in the present GT&amp;C and/or any special agreement You sign with Titan Multi Crypto Wallet TTN for the use of Titan Multi Crypto Wallet TTN’s services. The submission and validation by Titan Multi Crypto Wallet TTN of various documents, referred to in these GT&amp;C, is required for the purchase and sale of digital assets (bitcoin, ether, ripple and similar), as well as for the conversion of digital assets (bitcoin, ether, ripple and similar). There is no pre-existing registration fee. Titan Multi Crypto Wallet TTN may refuse any registration without having to provide a reason, may exclude any registered user - including in cases of fraud, scams, forged securities or forged certificates - or may refuse to enter into any transaction. Banned users are not allowed to re-register on the Website nor require or use Titan Multi Crypto Wallet TTN’s services. By doing so, these users may be subject to criminal prosecution. You can delete Your account at any time by making a request through Titan Multi Crypto Wallet TTN’s technical support. Please consult our Privacy Policy at https://titanprojects.co/privacy_policy for further details.</p> <p>Titan Multi Crypto Wallet TTN keep records of transactions in Blockchain. This record is publically available on the blockchain of Titan Multi Crypto Wallet. The time frame period for keeping records of the transaction is subject to the availability of transaction hash. All transactions are visible to the public in the blockchain of the Titan Multi Crypto Wallet. Therefore, if You have made transactions, Your transaction cannot be deleted. However, it will be visible subject to transaction hash or block no.</p> <p>Force Majeure.</p> <p>Universal Jurisdiction The Geneva Conventions.</p> <p>For any questions about these GT&amp;C, please contact Titan Multi Crypto Wallet TTN. In case of discrepancy, the English version shall prevail. Last update in Dec. 2020.</p> FAQs Privacy Policy Terms and conditions Terms of use Fees Support Copyright © 2023 titanprojects.co <i> </i>

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