
Cookie Policy

123.ie,1,Cookie Policy,Updated June2023,What are cookies and why do we use them?,Cookies are usually small text files stored on a smartphone, the cookie settings on that ,device, such as a PC, a mobile device or any particular devicewill apply.,other device that can store information. ,Cookies serve severalimportant functions, You canblock cookiesby activating the setting ,including to remember a user and their on your browser that allows you to refuse the ,previous interactions with a website.Our setting of all or some cookies. However, if you ,website uses cookies to distinguish you from do not give your consent to the setting of some ,other users of the website letting us know for cookies and/or use your browser settings to ,example when you have returned to the block all cookies (including essential cookies), ,website. This helps us to provide you with a you may not be able to access all or parts of ,good experience when you browse our website our website. It’s also worth bearing in mind ,andallows us to continually improve the that turning all cookies off may interfere with ,overall website experience.your browsing experience across the Internet. ,These types of cookies are set by us and are cookies, see the privacy and help ,called first-partycookies. To protect your documentation of your specific browser’s ,privacy, your browser only allows 123.ie to website. If you use more devices and/or ,access the cookies it has already sent to you, browsers, you will need to disable cookies on ,not the cookies sent to you by other websites. each device and on each browser individually. ,We also use third-partycookies,which are For further information about managing and ,cookies from a domain different than the disabling cookies on your computer, please ,domain of the website you are visiting,for our visitwww.allaboutcookies.org/manage-,advertising and marketing efforts. For example, cookies.,if you visit 123.ie and the domain of the cookie ,placed on your computer is 123.ie, then this is Finally, we have implemented a cookie consent ,a first-party cookie. If, however, you visit 123.ie preferences manageron our website which ,and the cookie placed on your computer says allows you control over the non-essential ,Facebookfor example, then this is a third-party cookies thatour website sets. By using this ,cookie.consent manager e.g.,when you first browse ,Just to reassure you, cookies arenotcomputer consent (or not) to the setting of the different ,programsand can't read other information types of cookies that our website uses.If you ,saved on your hard drive. They can’t be used to return to our website in 6 months’ time, you ,disseminate viruses or, for example, get hold of will be prompted to re-consent to ouruse of ,a user's email address. They only contain and non-essential cookies.You can withdraw or ,transfer to the website as much information as change your consent at any time through the ,the users themselves have disclosed to that cookie banner and by clicking on the “Cookie ,website. Please note that cookies are Preferences” link which can be found at the ,computer-specific, so if you log on to any bottom ofour website. Any change to your ,website from a different computeror preferences will apply straight away.,For instructions on how to manage and disable ,our site, you can let us know whether you give,Cookie Policy,Updated: June 20232,Lifespan of cookies,Some cookies are retained in your browser for only as long as you visit our website, while others ,persist for a longer specified period of time. Broadly, these are categorised as Sessionand Persistent,cookies.,1.Sessioncookies are temporary cookie ,files, which are erased when you close ,your browser. When you restart your ,browser and go back to 123.ie, our ,website will not recognise you. A new ,session cookie will be generated, which ,will store your browsing information and ,will be active until you leave the website ,and close yourbrowser.,2.Persistentcookies stay in one of your ,browser's subfolders until you delete ,them manually or your browser deletes ,them based on the expiry date ,contained within the persistent cookie's ,file. ,Types of Cookies,There are threetypes of cookies used on the 123.ie website:,Strictly Necessary cookies:These cookies are data from thousands of other users to create ,fundamental to the running of this website and an overall view of website usage and is never ,must always remain enabled to ensure that the identified down to an individual or personal ,website works correctly. Strictly necessary level. ,cookies are usually only set in response to ,actions made by you which amount to a ,request for services, such as allowingyou to Advertising cookies:These cookies are linked ,securely use the basic functionality of our to advertising services provided by third ,website. For example, generating an insuranceparties. We use cookies set by third parties to ,quote online, availing of discounts online, measure the effectiveness of our online ,paying for your policy online, renewing your advertising campaigns. For example, for ,Car or Home Insurance online, accessing measuring how many unique browsers have ,MyAccount or the 123 Customer Portalto seen a particular ad from 123.ie and how many ,upload policy documents online.Other of those subsequently visit our website. These ,Essential cookiesare considered strictly cookies ensure that any ads you see are ,necessaryon the basis that they solely enable relevant and related to your preferences and ,the transmission of communications over a interests. These cookies allow us to limit the ,network.amount of 123.ie ads you may be shown when ,Performancecookies:These cookies allow us out of these cookies, you will experience less ,to get to know how you use the websiteand targeted advertising. The data these third ,identify ways to enhance the website parties collect using cookies does not identify ,experience.For example, 123.ie usesGoogle individual users. Each hastheir own privacy ,Analytics to track anonymised usage statistics policy which will tell you how they use cookies ,for the site. They’re used to analyse visitor and data tags.,information suchas how often people visit the ,site, how the website is found, and which ,pages are most frequently viewed. These ,cookies don’t collect information that identifies ,a visitor. The information is combined with ,browsing throughout the internet. If you opt ,Cookie Policy,Updated: June20232,Strictly Necessary,Host1stor 3rdCookie NameCategoryPurposeLifespan,Party,123.ieFirst-PartyJSESSIONIDEssentialSession. ,The JSESSIONID cookie is set to maintain an anonymous user session by the ,server. It is the unique ID of the http session generated by the server and is a ,cookie placed on your device by us. It preserves the status of your session across ,page requests so you can visit new areas of the website without having to re-,authenticate or reprocess information you've already given earlier in the session.,123.ieFirst-PartyPHPSESSIDEssentialThe PHPSESSID cookie is native to PHP(Hypertext Preprocessor)and enables Session. ,websites to store serialised state data. It preserves the status of your session ,across page requests so you can visit new areas of the website without having to ,re-authenticate or reprocess information you've already given earlier in the ,session.,123.ieFirst-Party123JourneyIDEssentialWhenever a customer opens one of our applications, their browser requests this Persistent. ,token and uses it for all future communications with our servers. We set this ,cookie to the website visitors’ browser so that we can confirm that all requests ,to our website and systems are coming from a legitimate user.,1 Day.,123.ieFirst-Partyuser_journey_idEssentialWe set this cookie to the website visitors’ browser so that we can confirm that Persistent. ,all requests to our website and systems are coming from a legitimate user. An ID ,is generated when the user starts a browser session on our website and ,whenever that user interacts with our database or services, the ID is sent also, so ,that we can associate log entries with the customer who was generating them.,1 Day.,123.ieFirst-Partyx-ms-cpim-dcEssentialMy123enables customers to make changes and updates to their (active) 123.ie Session.,insurance policies. We use a secure identity management service that enables ,custom control of how customers sign up, sign in and manage their profiles ,when accessing the portal. This cookie is set for network routing purposes within ,the portalandis deleted from your browser at the end of your session.,Cookie Policy,Updated: June20233,HostCookie NameCategoryPurposeLifespan,1st or 3rd ,Party,123.ieFirst-Party123AuthTokenPersistent. ,Strictly This cookie is used to identify a logged-in user to enable access to secure areas ,Necessaryof our website such as the online quote or renewals paths. It identifies that the ,logged-in user is a valid user and not someone else or a fraudulent user.,1 Day.,123.ieFirst-PartyXSRF-TOKEN-TNBSession. ,Strictly A successful cross site request forgery (CSRF) attack can force the website visitor ,Necessaryto perform state-changing requests like transferring funds, changing their email ,address, etc. This cookie is set on the Motor Quote Path to detect and prevent ,website visitors from such attacks during the Quote process for the 123GO Car ,Insurance product.,123.ieFirst-PartyXSRF-TOKEN-MNBStrictly A successful cross site request forgery CSRF attack can force the website visitor Session. ,Necessary,to perform state-changing requests like transferring funds, changing their email ,address, etc. This cookie is set on the Motor Quote Path to detect and prevent ,website visitors from such attacks during the Quote processfor the Car ,Insurance product.,123.ieFirst-Party123_USER_IDStrictly Whenever a user interacts with our services, the session ID cookie is sent also, so Session. ,Necessarywe can associate log entries with the customer who is generating them.,10 Minutes.,123.ieFirst-Party123AuthUserIdStrictly This cookie is used to create a randomly generated User ID to identify a logged-Persistent. ,Necessaryin user to enable access to secure areas of our website such as the online quote ,or renewals paths.,1 Day.,123.ieFirst-Party123AuthUserNameStrictly This cookie is used to create a Username to identify a logged-in user to enable Persistent. ,Necessaryaccess to secure areas of our website such as the online quote or renewals ,paths.,1 Day.,Cookie Policy,Updated: June20234,HostCookie NameCategoryPurposeLifespan,1st or 3rd ,Party,123.ieFirst-Partycookiesession1Persistent. ,Strictly A successful man-in-the-middle attack can force the website visitor to perform ,Necessarystate-changing requests like transferring funds or changing their home or email ,address. This cookie is set on the User's browser when they are logged into ,123.ie to detect and prevent website visitors from such attacks during the online ,quote, Renewals process, and 365 days after it.,1 Year.,123.ieFirst-Party123PolicyDetID-Strictly This cookie is used to enable the online policy renewals process for existing Persistent. ,[#############]1 Day.,Necessary,123.ie customers (policyholders) by fetching the Policy ID information from our ,database and making it available once the customer is renewing their policy ,online.,123.ieFirst-PartyOptanonConsentStrictly A OneTrust Cookie Consent Management Platform cookie is placed on the Persistent. ,Necessarywebsite visitors’ browser to enable the consent status of the visitor to be ,recorded and remembered. It is a Regulatory requirement for 123.ie to obtain ,prior consent from website visitors to set cookies or tracking technologies on ,their browser prior to using the 123.ie website. ,180 Days.,123.ieFirst-Party_TS01xxxxxxxxSession.,Strictly This is a cookie used for the duration of your session on website. This cookie ,Necessaryallows load balancing to function. It ensures the correct server processes your ,traffic, in order to optimize user experience. The cookie is deleted from your ,browser at the end of your session.,123.ieFirst-PartyIaGtokenStrictly A successful cross site request forgery (CSRF) attack can force the website visitor Session.,Necessaryto perform state-changing requests like transferring funds, changing their email ,address, etc. This cookie is set on the Travel Quote Path to detect and prevent ,website visitors from such attacks during the Quote process for the 123 Travel ,Insurance product.,Cookie Policy,Updated: June20235,HostCookie NameCategoryPurposeLifespan,1st or 3rd ,Party,123.ieFirst-Party_ARRAffinitySession.,Strictly This cookie is from Azure, the cloud platform we use to host our travel ,Necessaryplatforms. This cookie is used to direct requests to the correct server in load-,balanced environments. The cookie is deleted from your browser at the end of ,your session.,123.ieFirst-Party_ARRAffinitySameSiteStrictly This cookie is from Azure, the cloud platform we use to host our travel Session.,Necessaryplatforms. This cookie is used to direct requests to the correct server in load-,balanced environments. The cookie is deleted from your browser atthe end of ,your session.,123.ieFirst-PartyASP.NET_SessionIdStrictly This cookie is for identifying the user's session. This is unique to each user and is Session.,Necessary,used to store data that is provided by the user. The cookie is deleted from your ,browser at the end of your session.,123.ieFirst-Party123_sessionSession.,Strictly This cookie is used for security. so that the data entered is tied to that user’s ,Necessarysession and the URL cannot be copied and pasted to another browser where ,somebody could potentially view customers details.,Cookie Policy,Updated: June20236,123.ieFirst-Party_ApplyStrictly This cookie is set when the user has clicked on a paid or non-paid (organic) Persistent. ,Necessarycampaign featuring an offer or discount and validates their eligibility for the ,discount on arrival at the website and enables the discount to be applied. This ,cookie contains no personal data. If this cookie was disabled, we would be ,unable to provide the discount. The cookie also enables 123.ie to collect ,statistical, aggregated, anonymised and non-personal data on advertising and ,organic sources of quotes and policies which is used for internal analytical and ,marketing effectiveness reporting by 123.ie only.,7 Days.,123.ieFirst-Partyx-ms-cpim-adminStrictly The 123 Customer Portal enables customers to easily make changes and updates Session.,Necessaryto their active insurance policies with 123.ie. We use a secure identity ,management service that enables custom control of how customers sign up, sign ,in, and manage their profiles when accessing the portal. This cookie is set to ,confirm the User is in the correct location to log into the customer portal and for ,the session only, stores their Username and password details to allow access to ,the portal and then discards this information to assign the User a randomly ,generatedauthentication token. The cookie is deleted from the browser at the ,end of the session. This cookie temporarily processes your email address to ,verify your eligibility to access the portal. Once recognised, youremail address is ,deleted and replaced with a randomly generatedauthentication token.,Host1st or 3rd Cookie NameCategoryPurposeLifespan,Party,123.ieFirst-PartyOptanonAlertBoxClosedPersistent. ,Strictly OneTrust Cookie Consent Management Platform cookie. This cookie is used to ,Necessarydetermine whether a visitor should be shown the cookie consent alert notice. It ,is a Regulatory requirement for 123.ie to seek the re-consent to the use of non-,essential cookies after 6 months.,180 Days.,Cookie Policy,Updated: June20237,HostCookie NameCategoryPurposeLifespan,1st or 3rd ,Party,123.ieFirst-Partyx-ms-cpim-sliceSession.,Strictly This cookie is set to route the User's request to access the 123 Customer Portal ,Necessaryto the correct location. The cookie is deleted from your browser at the end of ,your session.,123.ie First-Partyx-ms-cpim-transSession.,Strictly This cookie is set to monitor the number of authentication requests sent in a ,Necessarysession and which is a necessary security measure, on the 123 Customer Portal. ,The cookie is deleted from your browser at the end of your session.,123.ieFirst-Partyx-ms-cpim-sso:{Id}Strictly This cookie is set to hold your randomly generated authentication token in the Session.,Necessary123 Customer Portal to match you to your policy details during the session in the ,portal. The cookie is deleted from your browser at the end of your session. ,123.ieFirst-Partyx-ms-cpim-cache:{id}_nStrictly This cookie is set to maintain your status through each page within the 123 Session.,NecessaryCustomer Portal. Without it, you would need to enter your login details on each ,page. The cookie is deleted from your browser at the end of your session.,123.ieFirst-Partyx-ms-cpim-csrfStrictly A successful CSRF attack can force a User of 123's Customer Portal to perform Session.,Necessarystate-changing requests like transferring funds or changing their email address. ,This cookie is set to detect and prevent Users from such attacks while they are in ,the Portal. The cookie is deleted from your browser at the end of your session.,123.ie First-Partyx-ms-cpim-ctxSession.,Strictly This cookie is set to identify which page in the 123 Customer Portal the User is ,Necessarycurrently on. The cookie is deleted from your browser at the end of your session.,123.ieFirst-Partyx-ms-cpim-rpStrictly This cookie enables routing to the correct organisation account within the Azure Session.,Necessary,Active Directory B2C secure identity management service. The cookie is deleted ,from your browser at the end of your session.,Cookie Policy,Updated: June20238,Host1st or 3rd Cookie NameCategoryPurposeLifespan,Party,123.ieFirst-Partyx-ms-cpim-rcStrictly The 123 Customer Portal enables customers to easily make changes and updates Session,Necessaryto their (active) insurance policies with 123.ie. We use a secure identity ,management service that enables custom control of how customers sign up, sign ,in, and manage their profiles when accessing the 123 customer portal. This ,cookie enables 123 to securely provide the customer portal services that run in ,the corporate network to the public cloud. The cookie is deleted from your ,browser at the end of your session.,123.ieFirst-PartyeupubconsentStrictly This cookie is used by the Interactive Advertising Bureau (IAB) Europe Persistent.,Necessary,Transparency &amp. Consent Framework to store the user's consent to online ,advertising and targeting for data collection purposes. The cookie holds an ,encrypted consent string that vendors participating in the framework can read ,and determine the user's consent to or rejection of online targeted advertising.,365 Days.,123.ieThird-amazon-connect-Strictly We offer a web chat service between our customers online and our agents. This Session,Party3a93adc2-58bd-460f-Necessarycookie is set by Amazon Connect in the visitor's browser when they click on the ,b281-a22b4885e40b,web chat widget to request an online chat with us. The cookie identifies the ,customers’ chat sessionand maintains the chat as the visitor navigates through ,different pages on the 123.ie website. It doesn't collect personal data and the ,cookie is deleted from your browser at the end of your web chat.,Cookie Policy,Updated: June20239,Performance cookies,Host1st or 3rd Cookie NameCategoryPurposeLifespan,Party,123.ieThird-Party_dc_gtm_UA-165782-1PerformanceThis cookie is used to throttle request rate to the Google Analytics server at Session. ,times of highwebsitetraffic. Request Rate limiting is generally put in place as a ,defensive measure for services. This cookie is a preventative measure to ensure ,that Google Analytics is always available to 123.ie for the purposes of web ,analytics. The cookie contains no personal data.To opt out of being tracked by ,Google Analytics across allwebsites please,visit:http://tools.google.com/dlpage/gaoptout.,We also will use this cookie for marketing purposes through Google Ads only ,when you also give us separate advertising cookie consent. Click hereto get ,more information about Googleanalytics' advertising features. You may opt-out,of Google Analytics Advertising Features through Google Ads Settings. ,10 Minutes.,123.ieThird-Party_gaPerformanceGoogle Analytics cookies enable us to collect and analyse data about how Persistent. ,visitors arrive at and interact with the 123.ie website. We then use the ,information to help us improve the website. Specifically, this cookie is used to ,distinguish unique users by assigning a randomly generated number as a client ,identifier. It is included in each page request in a site and used to calculate ,visitor, session,and campaign data for our web analytics reports.To opt out of ,being tracked by Google Analytics across allwebsites please ,visit:http://tools.google.com/dlpage/gaoptout.Google Analytics does store ,personal data such as your IP address (which is anonymised by Google at our ,request), device and client (Browser, Operating System) identifier.This data is ,not shared with another third-partyexcept for Google. ,We also will use this cookie for marketing purposes through Google Ads only ,when you also give us separate advertising cookie consent. Click hereto get ,more information about Googleanalytics' advertising features. You may opt-out,of Google Analytics Advertising Features through Google Ads Settings. ,For further information on the useof your data, please visit Google’s privacy ,policy here:https://policies.google.com/privacy?hl=en-US,14 months.,Cookie Policy,Updated: June202310,Host1st or 3rd Cookie NameCategoryPurposeLifespan,Party,123.ieThird-Party_gidPerformanceGoogle Analytics cookies enable us to collect and analyse data about how Persistent. ,visitors arrive at and interact with the 123.ie website. We then use the ,information to help us improve the website. Specifically, this cookie registers a ,unique ID that is used to generate statistical data on how the visitor uses the ,website.To opt out of being tracked by Google Analytics across allwebsites ,please visit:http://tools.google.com/dlpage/gaoptout.In using thiscookie for ,our own analytics purposes, we share information with Google regarding your ,actions on our website. Google Analytics does store personal data such as your ,IP address (which is anonymised by Google at our request), device and client ,(Browser, Operating System) identifier. This data is not shared with another ,third-partyexcept for Google. ,We also will use this cookie for marketing purposes through Google Ads only ,when you also give us separate advertising cookie consent. Click hereto get ,more information about Google analytics' advertising features. You may opt-out,of Google Analytics Advertising Features through Google Ads Settings. ,For further information on the use of your data, please visit Google’s privacy ,policy here:https://policies.google.com/privacy?hl=en-US,24 Hours.,123.ieFirst PartyFPIDPerformanceGoogle Analytics cookies enable us to collect and analyse data about how Persistent.,visitors arrive at and interact with the 123.ie website. We then use the ,information to help us improve the website. Specifically, this cookie registers a ,randomly generated and hashed unique ID, called a client identifier or ID, that is ,used to generate statistical data on how the visitor uses the website. To opt out ,of being tracked by Google Analytics across all websites, please visit:,http://tools.google.com/dlpage/gaoptout,We also will use this cookie for marketing purposes through Google Ads only ,when you also give us separate advertising cookie consent. Click hereto get ,more information about Google analytics’advertising features. You may opt-out,of Google Analytics Advertising Features through Google Ads Settings. This data ,13 Months.,Cookie Policy,Updated: June202311,Host1st or 3rd Cookie NameCategoryPurposeLifespan,Party,is not shared with anotherthird-partyexcept for Google. For further information ,on the use of your data, please visit Google’s privacy policy here:,https://policies.google.com/privacy?hl=en-US. ,123.ieFirst PartyFPLCPerformanceGoogle Analytics cookies enable us to collect and analyse data about how Persistent.,visitors arrive at and interact with the 123.ie website. We then use this ,information to help us improve the website. Specifically, this cookie stores a ,twice-hashed version of a randomly generated client ID associated to you by an ,FP_ID cookie. It is used to generate statistical data on how visitors use the ,website.This cookie stores no personal dataand is deleted from your browser ,after 20 hours. Thisdata is not shared with another third-partyexcept for ,Google.To opt out of being tracked by Google Analytics across all websites ,please visit:http://tools.google.com/dlpage/gaoptout.,We also will use this cookie for marketing purposes through Google Ads only ,when you also give us separate advertising cookie consent. Click hereto get ,more information about Googleanalytics' advertising features. You may opt-out,of Google Analytics Advertising Features through Google Ads Settings. ,20 Hours.,123.ieFirst-Party_gat_UA-PerformanceThis is a pattern type cookie set by Google Analytics, where the pattern element Persistent. ,on the name contains the unique identity number of the account or website it ,relates to. It is used to limit the amount of data recorded by Google on 123.ie ,website. ,We also will use this cookie for marketing purposes through Google Ads only ,when you also give us separate advertising cookie consent. Click hereto get ,more information about Google analytics' advertising features. You may opt-out,of Google Analytics Advertising Features through Google Ads Settings. ,You can read more about Google’s cookie policy here: ,https://policies.google.com/technologies/types?hl=en-US. This data is not ,shared with another third party except for Google. ,To opt out of being tracked by Google Analytics across all websites, please visit:,1 minute.,Cookie Policy,Updated: June202312,Host1st or 3rd Cookie NameCategoryPurposeLifespan,Party,http://tools.google.com/dlpage/gaoptout,For further information on the use of your data, please visit Google’s privacy ,policy here: https://policies.google.com/privacy?hl=enUS,123.ieFirst Party_hjidPerformanceHotjar is a software that allows us to visualize how users engage with our Persistent. ,website. This cookie is set when a visitor lands on a page with the Hotjar script. ,The cookie is used to persist the random user ID which ensures that behaviour in ,subsequent visitsto the same site will be attributed to the same user ID. This ,cookie is stored by Hotjar on your browser. Hotjar does process some personal ,data such as your IP address, device and client but any personal information ,processed is fully anonymised both on page and within the tool. ,365 Days.,123.ieFirst Party_hjRecordingLastActivityPerformanceHotjar is a software that allows us to visualize how users engage with our Session.,website. This cookie is set and to be found in Session storage (as opposed to ,Cookies). It gets updated when a visitor recording* starts and when data is sent ,to the software for statistical analysis (*the visitor performs an action that Hotjar ,records).,30 Minutes.,123.ieFirst Party_hjTLDTestPerformanceHotjar is a software that allows us to visualize how users engage with our Session.,website. This cookie appears briefly to check that cookies are enabled on this ,domain. It is deleted afterwards.,30 Minutes.,123.ieFirst Party_hjUserAttributesHashPerformanceHotjar is a software that allows us to visualize how users engage with our Session.,website. User attributes sent through Hotjar are cached for the duration of the ,session to know when an attribute has changed and needs to be updated.,30 Minutes.,123.ieFirst Party_hjCachedUserAttributesPerformanceHotjar is a software that allows us to visualize how users engage with our Session.,website. This cookie is set by Hotjar when a visitor lands on a page with the ,Hotjar script and interacts with a Survey. It is used to ensure that the same invite ,30 Minutes.,Cookie Policy,Updated: June202313,Host1st or 3rd Cookie NameCategoryPurposeLifespan,Party,does not re-appearif it has already been shown.,123.ieFirst Party_hjAbsoluteSessionInProPerformanceHotjar is a software that allows us to visualize how users engage with our Session. ,gresswebsite. This cookie is set by Hotjar to detect the first pageview session of a ,user. This is a True/False flag set by the cookie.,30 Minutes.,123.ieFirst Party_hjFirstSeenPerformanceHotjar is a software that allows us to visualize how users engage with our Session.,website. This cookie is set by Hotjar to identify a new user’s first session. It ,stores a true/false value, indicating whether this was the first time Hotjar saw ,this user. It is used by Recording filters to identify new user sessions.,30 Minutes.,123.ieFirst Party_hjSessionRejectedPerformanceHotjar is a software that allows us to visualize how users engage with our Session.,website. If present, this cookie will be set to '1' for the duration of a user's ,session, if Hotjar rejected the session from connecting to our WebSocket due to ,server overload. This cookie is only applied in extremely rare situations to ,prevent severe performance issues.,30 Minutes.,123.ieFirst Party_hjIncludedInSessionSaPerformanceHotjar is a software that allows us to visualize how users engage with our Session.,mplewebsite. This cookie is set to let Hotjar know whether that user is included in the ,data sampling defined by this website's daily session limit.,30 Minutes.,123.ieFirst Party__hjIncludedInPageviewPerformanceHotjar is a software that allows us to visualize how users engage with our Session.,Sample,website. This cookie is set to let Hotjar know whether that user is included in the ,data sampling defined by this website's pageview limit.,30 Minutes.,123.ieFirst Party_hjClosedSurveyInvitesPerformanceHotjar is a software that allows us to visualize how users engage withour Persistent. ,website and collect feedback directly from users as they engage with our ,website.This cookie is set to let Hotjar know when a user interacts with a Link ,Survey invitation modal and ensures the same invite does not reappear if it has ,already been shown. Hotjar uses a True/False flag set by the cookie.,365 Days.,Cookie Policy,Updated: June202314,Host1st or 3rd Cookie NameCategoryPurposeLifespan,Party,123.ieFirst Party_hjDonePollsPerformanceHotjar is a software that allows us to visualize how users engage withour Persistent. ,website and collect feedback directly from users as they engage with our ,website. This cookie is set to let Hotjar know when a user completes an on-site ,survey and ensures the same Survey does not reappear if it has already been ,filled in. Hotjar uses a True/False flag set by the cookie.,365 Days.,123.ieFirst Party_hjMinimizedPollsPerformanceHotjar is a software that allows us to visualize how users engage withour Persistent. ,website and collect feedback directly from users as they engage with our ,website. This cookie is set to let Hotjar know when a user minimizes an on-site ,Survey and ensures that the Survey stays minimized when the user navigates ,through our site.Hotjar uses a True/False flag set by the cookie.,365 Days.,123.ieFirst PartyPerformancePersistent. ,_hjShownFeedbackMessHotjar is a software that allows us to visualize how users engage withour ,agewebsite and collect feedback directly from users as they engage with our ,website. This cookie is set to let Hotjar know when a user minimizes or ,completes a Feedback widget and ensures the Feedback widget will load as ,minimized if the user navigates to another page where it is set to show.Hotjar ,uses a True/False flag set by the cookie.,365 Days.,123.ieThird Party_gaexpPerformancePersistent. ,Google Optimize is a software that enables us to run website user experience ,testing (commonly known as split or A/B testing) to determine better page ,experiences for 123.ie website users. This cookie is set to store the IDs of the ,user experience tests and sessions. It determines a user's inclusion in a test and ,the end date. This cookie is stored by Google Optimize on your browser. Google ,Optimize stores personal data such as your IP address (which is anonymised by ,Google at our request) and client identifier.The cookie is deleted at 90 Days or ,at the end of a user experience test, whichever earlier.,90 Days.,123.ieThird Party_opt_awcidPerformanceGoogle Optimize is a software that enables us to run website user experience Session ,testing (commonly known as split or A/B testing) to determine better page ,Cookie Policy,Updated: June202315,Host1st or 3rd Cookie NameCategoryPurposeLifespan,Party,experiences for 123.ie website users. This cookie is set for campaigns mapped to 24 Hours.,the 123.ie Google Ads Customer ID. It is deleted from your browser after 24 ,hours.,123.ieThird Party_opt_awmidPerformanceGoogle Optimize is a software that enables us to run website user experience Session ,testing (commonly known as split or A/B testing) to determine better page ,experiences for 123.ie website users. This cookie is set for campaigns mapped to ,Google Ads Campaign IDs. It is deleted from your browser after 24 hours.,24 Hours.,123.ieThird Party_opt_awgidPerformanceSession ,Google Optimize is a software that enables us to run website user experience ,testing (commonly known as split or A/B testing) to determine better page ,experiences for 123.ie website users. This cookie is set for campaigns mapped to,Google Ads Ad Group IDs. It is deleted from your browser after 24 hours.,24 Hours.,123.ieThird Party_opt_awkidPerformanceGoogle Optimize is a software that enables us to run website user experience Session ,testing (commonly known as split or A/B testing) to determine better page ,experiences for 123.ie website users. This cookie is set for campaigns mapped to ,Google Ads Criterion IDs. It is deleted from your browser after 24 hours.,24 Hours.,123.ieThird Party_opt_utmcPerformanceGoogle Optimize is a software that enables us to run website user experience Session ,testing (commonly known as split or A/B testing) to determine better page ,experiences for 123.ie website users. This cookie is set to identify and serve a ,page experiment to a user who has arrived to the 123.ie website from a specific ,UTM (urchin tracking module) campaign value in the URL. It is deleted from your ,browser after 24 hours.,24 Hours.,123.ieThird Party_opt_expidPerformanceGoogle Optimize is a software that enables us to run website user experience Session.,testing (commonly known as split or A/B testing) to determine better page ,Cookie Policy,Updated: June202316,Host1st or 3rd Cookie NameCategoryPurposeLifespan,Party,experiences for 123.ie website users. This cookie is created when running a 10 Minutes,redirect test. It stores the ID of the test, the variant ID and the referrer to the ,page that's being redirected for the purpose of running a test. It is deleted from ,your browser after 10 minutes.,Vimeo.We embed videos from our official Vimeo channel onto our website. A cookie is ,comset toenable video to play and to collect analytics data such as how long a ,Third Party_vuidPerformancePersistent. ,viewer has watched the video. These cookies don't track individuals. For more ,information, please visit: https://vimeo.com/cookie_policy.,2 Years,CloudflThird Party_cf_bmPerformancePurpose: This cookie is set by Vimeo on end-user devices that access the 123.ie Session. ,are.cowebsite to ensure that it is not bot traffic accessing the website. This cookie ,mexpires after 30 minutes of continuous inactivity and does not track users from ,site to site or from session to session. More information here: ,https://developers.cloudflare.com/fundamentals/get-,started/reference/cloudflare-cookies,30 Minutes,Cookie Policy,Updated: June202317,Advertising cookies,Host1st or Cookie NameCategoryPurposeLifespan,3rd Party,123.ieThird-_fbpAdvertisingThe Facebook pixel is an analytics tool that allows us to measure the Persistent. ,Partyeffectiveness of advertising by understanding the actions people take on our ,website and targeting our advertising to those audiences based on their ,actions. Facebook cookies are 3rd party cookies used to track website goal ,conversions and create (anonymised) lists of people that visited our website. It ,helps us to better tailor more relevant advertising to people who use the ,Facebooknetwork. You can read more about Facebook’s cookie policy here: ,https://www.facebook.com/policies/cookies/.In using Facebook advertising ,products, we share event-type information with Facebook relating to website ,visitors and the actions they may take on our website such as which pages ,were visited or whether they obtained a quote. We do this in order to present ,you with more relevant advertising based on your browsing behaviour of our ,website. Facebookusestypes of personal data on our behalf for the purposes ,of targeted advertisingsuch as IP address (which is partially anonymised), ,online identifiers, including cookie identifiers, device identifiers and client ,identifiers (Browsers, OperatingSystem). This informationis not shared with ,another thirdparty.For further information on the use of your data, please ,visit Facebook’s privacy policy here: ,https://www.facebook.com/about/privacy.,180 Days.,Cookie Policy,Updated: June202318,Host1st or Cookie NameCategoryPurposeLifespan,3rd Party,123.ie,Third-_frAdvertisingThis is a cookie set by Facebook for advertising purposes and contains user Persistent. ,Partybrowser and user unique ID combination used for targeted advertising by ,Facebook. You can read more about Facebook’s cookie policy here: ,https://www.facebook.com/policies/cookies/. We share this information with ,Facebook. Facebook does use types of personal data on our behalf for the ,purposes of targeted advertising such as IP address (which is partially ,anonymised), online identifiers, including cookie identifiers, device identifiers ,and client identifiers (Browsers, Operating System). This information is not ,shared with another third party. For moreinformation on the use of your data, ,please visit Facebook’s privacy policyhere:,https://www.facebook.com/privacy/policy/,180 Days.,123.ie,Third-The purpose of the datrcookie is to identify the web browser being used to ,Partyconnect to Facebook independent of the logged in user. This cookie plays a ,_datrAdvertisingPersistent. ,key role in Facebook’s security and site integrity features.You can read more ,about Facebook’s cookie policy here:,https://www.facebook.com/policies/cookies/,2 Years.,Cookie Policy,Updated: June202319,Host1st or Cookie NameCategoryPurposeLifespan,3rd Party,123.ieThird-_gcl_auAdvertisingUsed by the Google Ads Conversion Linker to place a first-party cookie on the Persistent. ,Partybrowsers of website visitors. This cookie enables us to reach people who ,previously visited our website with the right advertising message across other ,websites or display networks. This is done through a unique identifier that is ,stored within a specific cookie in your browser. Cookies themselves contain no ,personally identifiable information. You can read more about Google’s cookie ,policy here: https://policies.google.com/technologies/types?hl=en-US. In ,using this cookie for advertising purposes, we share information with Google ,on your browsing behaviour of our website and tailor our advertising to you ,basedon that information. When combined with the information Google may ,already have about you, this may be considered personal data e.g., an online ,identifier and your IP address. This data is not shared with another third-party. ,For further information on the use of your data, please visit Google’s privacy ,policy here:https://policies.google.com/privacy?hl=en-US,3 Months.,123.ieFirst Party_gclxxxxAdvertisingGoogle conversion tracking cookie. This cookie is primarily used to help Persistent. 90 days,advertisers determine how many times users who click on their ads end up ,taking an action on their site, such as making a purchase. You can read more ,about Google’s cookiepolicy here: ,https://policies.google.com/technologies/types?hl=en-US. This data is not ,shared with another third party. For further information on the use of your ,data, please visit Google’s privacy policy here:,https://policies.google.com/privacy?hl=enUS,Cookie Policy,Updated: June202320,Host1st or Cookie NameCategoryPurposeLifespan,3rd Party,123.ieThird-_uetsidAdvertisingThis is a cookie set by Microsoft Bing Ads and is a tracking cookie that applies a Persistent. ,PartySession ID. It allows us to advertise to a website visitor who previously visited ,our website on the Microsoft Bing Pay Per Click search engine. You can read ,more about Microsoft’s cookie policy here: https://privacy.microsoft.com/en-,us/PrivacyStatement.Microsoft uses types of personal data on our behalf for ,the purposes of targeted advertising such as IP address (which is partially ,anonymised), online identifiers, including cookie identifiers, device identifiers ,and client identifiers (Browsers, Operating System). Forfurther information on ,the use of your data by Microsoft, please visit their Privacy policy here:,https://privacy.microsoft.com/en-us/PrivacyStatement.,1 Day.,123.ieThird-_uetvidAdvertisingThis is a cookie set by Microsoft Bing Ads and assigns a Visitor ID to 123.ie Persistent.,Party,website visitors. It enables us to reach people who previously visited our ,website with tailored advertising across other websites within the Microsoft ,Bing advertising network. This is done through a unique identifier that is ,stored within a specific cookie in your browser. This cookie is used tocreate a ,unique, anonymized visitor ID. You can read more about Microsoft’s cookie ,policy here: https://privacy.microsoft.com/en-us/PrivacyStatement. In using ,Microsoft Bing’s advertising products, we share website user information and ,the actions they undertake on our website with Microsoft. Microsoft uses ,types of personal data on our behalf for the purposes of targeted advertising ,such as IP address (which is partially anonymised), online identifiers, including ,cookie identifiers, device identifiers and client identifiers (Browsers, Operating ,System).For further information on the use of your data by Microsoft, please ,visit their Privacy policy here:https://privacy.microsoft.com/en-,us/PrivacyStatement.,13 Months.,Cookie Policy,Updated: June202321,Host1st or Cookie NameCategoryPurposeLifespan,3rd Party,123.ieThird-_MUIDAdvertisingThis cookie is set by Bing.com and is used by Microsoft as a Unique User ID. Persistent. ,PartyMicrosoft uses cookie syncing to share identifiers across many of its web ,properties, including bing.com, microsoft.com, msn.com, live.comand ,xbox.com. You can read more about Microsoft’s cookie policy here: ,https://privacy.microsoft.com/en-us/PrivacyStatement.In using Microsoft ,Bing’s advertising products, we share website user information and the ,actions they undertake on our website with Microsoft. Microsoft uses types of ,personal data on our behalf for the purposes of targeted advertising such as IP ,address (which is partially anonymised), online identifiers, including cookie ,identifiers, device identifiers and client identifiers (Browsers, Operating ,System).For further information on the use of your data by Microsoft, please ,visit their Privacy policy here:https://privacy.microsoft.com/en-,us/PrivacyStatement.,2 Years.,123.ieThird-_uetmsclkidAdvertisingThis cookie is set by Microsoft Bing. It stores adclick information, generated at Persistent.,Partyad click time and attached to the landing page URL when auto-tagging of ,Microsoft Click ID is enabled. The Microsoft Click ID has 1N added to the end if ,cookies are blocked by the browser and the msclkid parameter is in the,landing page URL. For further information on the use of your data by ,Microsoft, please visit their Privacy policy here:,https://privacy.microsoft.com/en-us/PrivacyStatement.,90 Days,youtube.comThird-_CONSENTAdvertisingThis cookie is set by YouTube to track consent before an embedded video is Persistent.,Party,played. Website content loaded in iframes from thirdparty content providers, ,for example YouTube, may set cookies and thereby require the visitor's ,consent. Google uses the ‘CONSENT’ cookieto store a user’s state regarding ,their cookie choices.For further information on the use of your data by ,Google, please visit here: ,https://policies.google.com/technologies/cookies?hl=en-US,2 Years,Cookie Policy,Updated: June202322,Host1st or Cookie NameCategoryPurposeLifespan,3rd Party,youtube.comThird-_YSCAdvertisingThis cookie is set by YouTube to track views of embedded videos.For further Session.,Partyinformation on the use of your data by Google, please visit here: ,https://policies.google.com/technologies/cookies?hl=en-US,youtube.comThird-_VISITOR_INFO1_LIVEAdvertisingThis cookie is set by Youtube and is used as a unique identifier to track the Persistent. ,Party,viewing of videos.For further information on the use of your data by Google, ,please visit here: https://policies.google.com/technologies/cookies?hl=en-US,180 Days,youtube.comThird-DEVICE_INFOAdvertisingThis cookie is set by YouTube to track user’s interaction with embedded Persistent. ,Party,content. For further information on the use of your data by Google, please ,visit here:https://policies.google.com/technologies/cookies?hl=en-US,180 Days,Doubleclick.net_IDEAdvertisingPersistent. ,Third-This cookie is used toservetargeted advertisements that are relevant to users ,Partyacross the web. Targeted advertisements may be displayed to users based on ,previous visits to a website.For further information on the use of your data by ,Google, please visit here: https://policies.google.com/technologies/cookies?hl=en-US,13 Months,Doubleclick.netThird-_test-cookieAdvertisingPurpose: This cookie is set by DoubleClick to determine if the website visitor's Session.,Partybrowser supports cookies.For further information on the use of your data by ,Google, please visit here: https://policies.google.com/technologies/cookies?hl=en-US,Doubleclick.netThird-_FLCAdvertisingPurpose: This cookie is used by Google for advertising, including serving and Session,Party,rendering ads, personalizing ads (depending on your ad settings at ,g.co/adsettings), limiting the number of times an ad is shown to a user, muting ,ads you have chosen to stop seeing, and measuring the effectiveness of ads. ,Please see Google advertising and measurement cookie information at ,https://business.safety.google/adscookies/,Cookie Policy,Updated: June202323,Host1st or Cookie NameCategoryPurposeLifespan,3rd Party,Google.comThird-_1P_JARAdvertisingThis is a Google cookie used to set a unique ID to remember preferences and Persistent.,Partyother information such as website statistics and conversion rates.For further ,information on the use of your data by Google, please visit here: ,https://policies.google.com/technologies/cookies?hl=en-US,30 Days,Google.com_NIDAdvertisingPersistent. ,Third-This cookie contains a unique ID that Google uses to remember user ,partypreferences, e.g., preferred language or how many search results the user ,prefers to see. This cookie is used to show Google ads in Google services for ,signed-out users.For further information on the use of your data by Google, ,please visit here: https://policies.google.com/technologies/cookies?hl=en-US,6 Months,Google.comThird-_SOCSAdvertisingThis is a cookie set by Google to store a user’s consent state regarding their Persistent. ,party,cookie choices so that these advertising preferences are respected as the user ,browses the web. For more information, please see Google's information ,here: https://policies.google.com/technologies/cookies?hl=en-US,13 Months,Google.comThird-_FPAUAdvertisingThis cookie is used by Google for advertising, including serving and rendering Persistent. ,partyads, personalizing ads (depending on your ad settings at g.co/adsettings), ,limiting the number of times an ad is shown to a user, muting ads you have ,chosen to stop seeing, and measuring the effectiveness of ads.Please see ,Google advertising and measurement cookie information at ,https://business.safety.google/adscookies/,90 Days,Google.comThird-_AECAdvertisingThis cookie is set by Google to prevent spam, fraud and abuse ensuring that Persistent. ,partyrequests within a browsing session are made by the user and not by other ,sites. These cookies prevent malicious sites from acting on behalf of a user ,without that user’s knowledge.Please see Google advertising and ,measurement cookie information at ,https://business.safety.google/adscookies/,6 Months.,Cookie Policy,Updated: June202324,If you have any queries in relation to this ,Cookie Policy or on any data protection matter, ,please email our Data Protection Officer at,123dataprotection@123.ieor you can write to ,us at The Data Protection Officer, 123.ie, RSA ,House, Dundrum Town Centre, Sandyford ,Road, Dundrum, Dublin 16, D16 FC92. If you ,wish to find out more about the type of ,personal data that we process about you in the ,course of using our services, you can find our,Data Protection Notice here.,Changes to this Policy,We reserve the right to modify this Cookie ,Policy at any timeand weencourage you to ,review this Policyperiodically to stay informed ,about how we use cookies. ,123 Money Ltd. trading as 123.ie is regulated ,by the Central Bank of Ireland. Registered ,Office: RSA House, Dundrum Town Centre, ,Sandyford Road, Dundrum, Dublin 16, D16 ,FC92. Registered in Ireland Number 323099.

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