
<ul> <li>Home</li> <li>FAQ</li> <li>Contact</li> </ul>Gira Mobile<p>Minimalistic and functional apps that everyone can use.</p> <p>Countdown with Widgets</p> <p>Sudoku</p> <p>FAQ | Terms | Privacy | Licenses</p> <p>Google Play and the Google Play logo are trademarks of Google LLC.</p>Widget not updating?<p> <strong>1) Allow Countdown app to work in the background</strong> <br> Some devices limit the execution of apps in the background, so you need to whitelist the app to run in the background and thus make sure widgets can get updated. To do so, please open the Countdown app and from the "Settings" please enable the "Run in the background" checkbox. Alternatively, you can also do this from your device "Settings", open the "Apps" section and enable the "Unrestricted" mode for the Countdown app.<strong>2) Turn off battery saver</strong> <br> Battery savers on Android often also disable an app ability to work in the background (and thus to update widgets). Please try turning off the battery saver by bringing down the notifications panel and clicking on the battery icon.<strong>3) Open the Countdown app</strong> <br> If you do not open the Countdown app you device might think it is unused, and thus disable it (even if you use the widgets). Please try to open the Countdown app from your launcher screen from time to time.Note: if you have a <strong>Samsung</strong> device, please open "Settings" browse to "Apps", click on "Countdown Widget" and unselect "Remove permissions if app is unused".<strong>4) Reboot your device</strong> <br> Often, issues such as widgets not refreshing are resolved by rebooting your Android device.<strong>5) Don't be on Do Not Disturb mode</strong> <br> Do Not Disturb mode can also prevents widgets from functioning properly.<strong>6) Charge your battery</strong> <br> If your device is in battery saving mode it can also prevent widgets from updating.<strong>7) Update Countdown app</strong> <br> Sometimes, the issues might be related to a bug in the app. Please try to install the latest BETA version of the Countdown app: download from Google Play.<strong>8) Update the Android OS</strong> <br> Also the Operating System may have bugs that reflect on widgets and apps to not work correctly. So, you can try to update the Android OS on your device.</p> <p>Find even more help for your specific device: widgets still not updating? Send us a message</p>Terms of Service<p>Latest update: 10 April 2023By using our Software (e.g. our mobile applications as listed on, you (“You” or “User”) agree to the following Terms of Service:The Agreement authorizes you to use the Software specified in Clause 1 below, which may be sent to You by electronic mail, downloaded from Gira Mobile Website or Servers or from other authorized sources (e.g. Google Play Store) under the terms and conditions set forth below. This is an agreement on end user rights and not an agreement for sale. Gira Mobile continues to own the copy of the Software, its source code, and the physical media contained in the sales package and any other copy that You are authorized to make pursuant to this Agreement.Read this Agreement carefully before installing, downloading or using the Software. By installing the Software, downloading and/or using the Software, You agree to the terms and conditions of this Agreement, policies and guidelines incorporated in this Terms of Service by reference. If You do not agree to all of the terms and conditions of this Agreement, promptly cancel the installation or downloading, or destroy or return the Software and accompanying documentation.YOU AGREE THAT YOUR USE OF THE SOFTWARE ACKNOWLEDGES THAT YOU HAVE READ THIS AGREEMENT, UNDERSTAND IT, AND AGREE TO BE BOUND BY ITS TERMS AND CONDITIONS<strong>1. SOFTWARE.</strong> <br> As used in this Agreement, the term "Software" means, collectively: (i) the software product(s) distributed by Gira Mobile (ii) all the contents of the electronic mail and its file attachments, or other media with which this Agreement is provided, including the object code form of the software delivered via electronic mail or Web page (iii) digital images, (iv) related explanatory written materials and any other possible documentation related thereto ("Documentation"), (v) upgrades, modified versions, updates, additions (collectively "Updates"), if any, licensed to You by Gira Mobile under this Agreement.<strong>2. END USER RIGHTS AND USE.</strong> <br> Gira Mobile grants to You a non-exclusive, non-transferable end user right to install and use the Software.Certain features or functionalities of the Software may require additional fees, which can be purchased and unlocked through the Google Play Store. By purchasing these features or functionalities, you also agree to the terms and conditions of the Google Play Store, including its payment and refund policies. Gira Mobile is not responsible for the management of payments, refunds, or any other transactions made through the Google Play Store. Access to the purchased features or functionalities may be subject to your compliance with the terms and conditions of this Agreement.<strong>3. LIMITATIONS ON END USER RIGHTS.</strong> <br> You may not copy, distribute, sell, or make derivative works of the Software.By using the Software, you agree not to engage in any conduct that is unlawful, harmful, threatening, abusive, harassing, defamatory, vulgar, obscene, invasive of another's privacy, hateful, or racially, ethnically or otherwise objectionable. You also agree not to impersonate any person or entity, falsely state or otherwise misrepresent your affiliation with a person or entity, or forge headers or otherwise manipulate identifiers in order to disguise the origin of any content transmitted through the Software.<strong>4. COPYRIGHT.</strong> <br> The Software and all rights, without limitation including proprietary rights therein, are owned by Gira Mobile.<strong>5. COMMENCEMENT &amp. TERMINATION.</strong> <br> This Agreement is effective from the first date You install the Software. You may terminate this Agreement at any time by permanently deleting, destroying and returning, at your own costs, the Software, all back up copies, all related materials provided by Gira Mobile, and by permanently deleting your account in the Software (in case you created one by using the Software). Your end user rights automatically and immediately terminate without notice from Gira Mobile if You fail to comply with any provision of this Agreement. In such event, You must immediately delete, destroy or return at Your own cost, the Software, all backup copies, all related material to Gira Mobile and delete your account in the Software (in case you created one by using the Software).6. YOU ACKNOWLEDGE THAT THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS" WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, AND TO THE MAXIMUM EXTENT PERMITTED BY APPLICABLE LAW NEITHER Gira Mobile, ITS LICENSORS OR AFFILIATES NOR THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS MAKE ANY REPRESENTATIONS OR WARRANTIES, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY OR FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE OR THAT THE SOFTWARE WILL NOT INFRINGE ANY THIRD PARTY PATENTS, COPYRIGHTS, TRADEMARKS OR OTHER RIGHTS. THERE IS NO WARRANTY BY Gira Mobile OR BY ANY OTHER PARTY THAT THE FUNCTIONS CONTAINED IN THE SOFTWARE WILL MEET YOUR REQUIREMENTS OR THAT THE OPERATION OF THE SOFTWARE WILL BE UNINTERRUPTED OR ERROR-FREE OR DEFECT-FREE. YOU ASSUME ALL RESPONSIBILITY AND RISK FOR THE SELECTION OF THE SOFTWARE TO ACHIEVE YOUR INTENDED RESULTS AND FOR THE INSTALLATION, USE AND RESULTS OBTAINED FROM IT.<strong>7. NO OTHER OBLIGATIONS.</strong> <br> This Agreement creates no obligations on the part of Gira Mobile other than as specifically set forth herein.<strong>8. TECHNICAL SUPPORT.</strong> <br> Gira Mobile has no obligation to furnish You with technical support unless separately agreed in writing between You and Gira Mobile.<strong>9. PROTECTING CUSTOMER INFORMATION.</strong> <br> As a condition of your use to the Software, you agree that Gira Mobile has the right, for any purpose, to collect, retain, use, and publish in an aggregate manner, subject to the terms of its Privacy Policy, information collected in your use of the Software, including without limitation, with respect to the Software, certain characteristics and activities of end users of the Software (collectively, the “User Data”).Gira Mobile will never collect any personal customer data\information unless explicitly required to operate certain Software's features (e.g. Your email address to create an account in the Software) and explicitly opted in and voluntarily entered by You. Personal customer data and information may be viewed\interacted with by Gira Mobile, and in which case, the data will only be used for trouble-shooting purpose, bug fixes and feature development.<br> Please consult our Privacy Policy for more information.<strong>10. PRODUCT USAGE STATISTICS.</strong> <br> Gira Mobile may use usage statistics to identify areas of use of certain features, and to enhance the Software for a better user experience. Gira Mobile will never study an individual customer’s usage behavior. it is only studied on a group basis.<br> Please consult our Privacy Policy for more information.<strong>11. APPLICABLE LAW.</strong> <br> The formation, interpretation and performance of these Terms of Service and any disputes arising out of it shall be governed by the substantive and procedural laws of the canton of Zürich, Switzerland and, to the extent applicable, the laws of Switzerland, without regard to its conflicts of law provisions. The United Nations Convention on Contracts for the International Sale of Goods does not apply to these Terms of Service.<strong>12. CHANGES TO THIS AGREEMENT.</strong> <br> We may edit this Terms of Service from time to time. Please check this Terms of Service regularly for any changes.</p>Privacy<p>Latest update: 10 April 2023By using our Software (as described in our Terms of Service), you (“You” or “User”) agree to the following Privacy Policy:<strong>1. USER PROVIDED INFORMATION.</strong> <br> The Software may collect and store remotely user personal information and/or user-entered information (collectively "User Provided Information") if You opt in and voluntarily create an account within the Software. Registration with us is optional and only needed to enable certain features (e.g. remote backup of Your data entered in the Software). If you decide to create an account, the Software may allow you to login with different third-party platforms (e.g. Google). After selecting one of these third-party platforms and completing the registration/login process, Gira Mobile might be able to see your email address and name as explicitly allowed by You during the registration/login process.For avoidance of doubts, if you do not create an account and/or do not login in the Software, your User Provided Information is only stored locally in the Software (i.e. not stored remotely).If the Software allows You to submit and remotely store User Provided Information, You grant Gira Mobile a worldwide, non-exclusive, royalty-free license to store, use, copy, reproduce, process, adapt, modify, transmit, display, and distribute such content to and for You via methods now known or later developed. Gira Mobile will use the User Provided Information solely for the purpose of rendering certain features of the Software. Gira Mobile will not share, display, or distribute your User Provided Information to other users of the Software, unless You provide your explicit consent.You represent and warrant that You own or have the necessary rights and permissions to use and authorize Gira Mobile to remotely store any User Provided Information You submit, post, or display on or through the Software, and that such User Provided Information does not infringe, misappropriate, or violate any third party's intellectual property rights, copyrights, or any other rights. You are solely responsible for the User Provided Information You submit, post, or display on or through the Software, including its legality, reliability, accuracy, and appropriateness. Gira Mobile is not responsible for any User Provided Information submitted, posted, or displayed by You on or through the Software, nor is Gira Mobile responsible for any claims, damages, or losses resulting from the use of such User Provided Information by You or any other party.If you contact our support (e.g. via email) we may use the information you provided us to contact You back to provide You with important information and feedback on the Software.<strong>2. AUTOMATICALLY COLLECTED INFORMATION.</strong> <br> The Software may collect certain non-personal information (the "Non-Personal Information") automatically, for example information about the use of the Software (e.g. for statistical data).The Software may also collect automatically certain User Provided Information if You explicitly and voluntarily decided to create an account as described in Section 1 and enabled such feature in the Software (e.g. remote backup of Your data entered in the Software).The Software does not collect precise information about the location of your mobile device.<strong>3. THIRD PARTIES ACCESS TO INFORMATION.</strong> <br> We might share User Provided Information and Non-Personal Information with third parties only in the ways that are described in this privacy statement.We may disclose User Provided Information:<br> - as required by law, such as to comply with a subpoena, or similar legal process;<br> - when we believe in good faith that disclosure is necessary to protect our rights, protect your safety or the safety of others, investigate fraud, or respond to a government request;<br> - with our trusted third-party services providers (as described in Section 7 below) who work on our behalf to render certain functionalities in the Software (e.g. for remotely host your User Provided Information).We may disclose Non-Personal Information:<br> - as required by law, such as to comply with a subpoena, or similar legal process;<br> - when we believe in good faith that disclosure is necessary to protect our rights, protect your safety or the safety of others, investigate fraud, or respond to a government request;<br> - to third party advertising networks and analytics companies (as described in Section 4 below).<strong>4. ANALYTICS AND ADVERTISING.</strong> <br> We may work with analytics companies to help us understand how the Software is being used, such as the frequency and duration of usage. We work with advertisers and third party advertising networks, who need to know how you interact with advertising provided in the Software which help us monetize the Software and keep the cost of the Software low. Advertisers and advertising networks use Non-Personal Information collected by the Software as described in this Privacy Policy. These third parties may also obtain information in order to help analyze and serve advertising on the Software and elsewhere. The Software uses the following third party solutions:- Google Admob (for monetizing Software via advertisement) - Privacy Policy<br> - Google Firebase (for analytics and crash reporting) - Privacy Policy<strong>5. ACCOUNT DELETION.</strong> <br> You can delete Your account and your User Provided Information at any time by i) opening the Software, ii) entering the "Account" screen (or similar, depending on the Software you are using) and, while logged in, iii) clicking on "Menu" and iv) selecting "Delete Account". Deleting Your User Provided Information is an operation that cannot be undone.<strong>6. OPT OUT FROM ANALYTICS.</strong> <br> You can opt-out and stop the collection of Non-Personal Information collection by uninstalling the Software. You may use the standard uninstall processes as may be available as part of your mobile device or via the mobile application marketplace or network.<br> Please notice that uninstalling the Software does not delete Your account and/or User Provided Information. If You created an account with the Software, please refer to Section 5 above to delete Your data.You might also opt-out from the collection of analytics information by opting-out from the Settings screen of the Software.<strong>7. DATA RETENTION POLICY, MANAGING YOUR INFORMATION.</strong> <br> If you decide to create an account within the Software, your User Provided Information will be stored on Google Firebase, a set of cloud computing and development tools, software and products developed by Google LLC - Privacy Policy - Certified under the EU-US Privacy Shield.We will retain your User Provided Information until You delete your account (see Section 5 for more details).If you have any question or inquiry relating to the Software use of Your personal data, your User Provided Information, or in case You want to issue a request for access, rectification, restriction on processing, portability, objection to processing, or deletion of personal information, You may contact us by way of e-mail to the following address:<strong>8. SECURITY.</strong> <br> We are concerned about safeguarding the confidentiality of your information. We provide physical, electronic, and procedural safeguards to protect information we process and maintain. For example, we limit access to this information to authorized personnel and contractors who need to know that information in order to operate, develop or improve our Software. Please be aware that, although we endeavor to provide reasonable security for the information we process and maintain, no security system can prevent all potential security breaches.</p>Licenses<p>Latest update: 10 April 2023THE FOLLOWING SETS FORTH ATTRIBUTION NOTICES FOR THIRD PARTY SOFTWARE THAT MAY BE CONTAINED IN PORTIONS OF OUR SOFTWARE.-----The following software may be included in this products: Admob by Google. This software contains the following license and notice below: following software may be included in this products: Firebase by Google. This software contains the following license and notice below: following software may be included in this products: Eventbus. This software contains the following license and notice below: following software may be included in this products: Crashlytics by Google. This software contains the following license and notice below: following software may be included in this products: Flexbox for Android. This software contains the following license and notice below: following software may be included in this products: Joda-Time. This software contains the following license and notice below: following software may be included in this products: lib-recur. This software contains the following license and notice below: following software may be included in this products: Roboto font. This software contains the following license and notice below:Apache License<br> Version 2.0, January 2004<br> following software may be included in this products: Oswald font. This software contains the following license and notice below:SIL OPEN FONT LICENSE<br> Version 1.1 - 26 February 2007<br> following software may be included in this products: Electronic Highway Sign font. This software contains the following license and notice below:"All my fonts are free to use no payment necessary absolutely free"<br> following software may be included in this products: Handwriting font. This software contains the following license and notice below:"Free"<br> following software may be included in this products: Old Newspaper Types font. This software contains the following license and notice below:"Free"<br> following software may be included in this products: Mario 256 font. This software contains the following license and notice below:"Free. My first font, almost an exact replica of the Mario letters. Enjoy!"<br> following software may be included in this products: Olde English font. This software contains the following license and notice below:"Free"<br> following software may be included in this products: College font. This software contains the following license and notice below:"Free"<br> following software may be included in this products: Double Feature font. This software contains the following license and notice below:"Free"<br> following software may be included in this products: Digital Dismay font. This software contains the following license and notice below:"Digital Dismay" is a Donationware font.<br><br> We donated money to Andrew McCluskey via PayPal:</p>Contact Gira MobileI accept the above information will be sent to Gira Mobile and used to contact me.Submit<p>Latest update: 14 November 2022THE FOLLOWING SETS FORTH ATTRIBUTION NOTICES FOR THIRD PARTY SOFTWARE THAT MAY BE CONTAINED IN PORTIONS OF OUR SOFTWARE.-----The following software may be included in this products: Admob by Google. This software contains the following license and notice below: following software may be included in this products: Firebase by Google. This software contains the following license and notice below: following software may be included in this products: Crashlytics by Google. This software contains the following license and notice below: following software may be included in this products: Eventbus. This software contains the following license and notice below: following software may be included in this products: Android SQLiteAssetHelper. This software contains the following license and notice below:</p>

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