Dental Fear Central

Terms of Use

<p>Home ยป Terms of Use</p> Terms of Use This Website Does Not Provide Dental or Medical Advice <p>This website is not intended as a substitute for the advice of a health professional. Its main purpose is peer support and the provision of general information. Only a health professional who has met you <strong>in person</strong> can truly understand your unique situation.</p> <p>If you think you may have a medical emergency, call your local emergency number or the international standard emergency number 112 immediately.</p> <p>Reliance on any information provided by Dental Fear Central (both the web pages and user-generated content) is solely at your own risk. The content on the forum and on the website reflects the opinion of individual posters and authors. Remember that the forum is open to all, and some of the information provided may be misleading or wrong. Most posters are trying to be helpful, but the information they provide may not be accurate or complete. Even for health professionals, it is impossible to diagnose or treat individuals over the internet.</p> <p>While we endeavour to provide accurate and thorough information, we cannot be held responsible for any injury or harm that results from actions or inactions taken based on the information obtained here. The reader assumes all responsibility for his or her health and cannot hold this website, its creators, or its contributors liable for any damage sustained as a result of viewing information found here.</p> User-generated Content <p>When posting content (text and/or images) on our forum or website, please be aware that Google and other search engines crawl this website and forum and index the material found herein. The content may be shown in search results when people search for queries that match posted content. Please do not use your real name or identifying details or photos on our website or forum unless you are absolutely certain that you are OK with them appearing on the website, forum and in search engines.</p> <p> <em>Last updated July 12, 2020</em> </p>

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