
Service Terms and Conditions of Use

<i> </i> <i> </i> <ol> <li>Translation API</li> <li>About MyMemory</li> <li> <i> </i> Log in </li> <li>Contribute a TMX</li> </ol> Service Terms and Conditions of Use <p> MyMemory is a collection of searchable translations provided by its users. This content comes in the form of sentences pairs (a sentence plus its own translation), referred to as <b> <i>"segments"</i> </b>, each one tagged with the language names, author name (if provided), dates and other metadata. </p> Privacy policy Definition of public, private and personal data <p> We will refer as <b> <i>"Public Data"</i> </b> (or "Public Contributions") to all the segments contributed to the archive of translations made by users that were not explicitly marked as private. We will refer as <b> <i>"Private Data"</i> </b> (or "Private Contributions") to all the segments contributions to the archive of translations made by users that explicitly were marked as private. We will refer as <b> <i>"Personal Data"</i> </b> to all the information provided by the users about their identity </p> <ol> <li>during authentication flows, necessary to access our service;</li> <li>during web browsing or API consuming, used for tracking purposes;</li> </ol> <p> </p> Information collected during your visit <p> We collect any segment submitted and store it on a long term basis, whether it’s public or private.<br> We may collect tracking data and send cookies in order to provide a better user experience during your visit.<br> We may collect information such as IP address, visiting time, duration, etc. for internal logging purposes.<br> When you log into any of our services, we collect the "Personal Data" you submit in order to provide these services.<br> </p> How we use information we collect <p> We will not share, sell or transfer "Personal Data" to third parties without users' express consent.<br> <br> We will not use "Private Contributions" to provide translation memory matches to other MyMemory's users and we will not publish these contributions on MyMemory’s public archives.<br> The contributions to the archive, whether they are "Public Data" or "Private Data", are collected, processed and used by Translated to create statistics, set up new services and improve existing ones.<br> <br> We agree that "Private Contributions" made against the "Public Data" archive for a mistake by the user or a software bug by our part will be took off as soon as possible by us in reasonable time periods after a reasonable communication by the end user (in other words, vague requests from unknown users such as "delete all my segments now" without any other coordinates such as usernames, time periods, language pairs, keywords, etc. will be disregarded).<br> <br> Using and contributing (editing and adding) to the "Public Data" archive doesn't entitle you to any right on it. Translated is entitled full ownership on "Public Data".<br> </p> What information do we share with third parties <p> MyMemory uses external partners to outsource some developments and provide some functionalities: this involves data sharing. External Machine Translation providers is the most obvious example.<br> <br> Translated can entitle its partners of a usage license over "Public Data" or "Private Data" in order to improve the quality of our and/or 3rd parties' services (eg. machine translation suggestions, glossaries, language models, spell checkers...).<br> <br> Holders of this usage license are not entitled of any re-publishing of the raw data (entire documents or segments), but may publish the results of this data processing (eg. improved machine translation output) in a form that does not affect the confidentiality of the data itself.<br> <br> We are fully committed to ensure that personal information confidentiality is protected and maintained.<br> </p> DOs <p> You may: </p> <ol> <li>consult the archive from web interface</li> <li>download TMX files</li> <li>upload TMX files</li> <li>contribute to the archive (by adding, deleting or updating existing data)</li> </ol> in a non-automatic and non-systematic fashion. In other words, bots are not allowed to interact with sections of the website meant for humans. <p> </p> <p> Automated and systematic API access by machines is permitted, but only if it doesn't infringe the "DONT's" section. </p> DON'Ts <p> You may not: </p> <ol> <li>crawl the archive, both by web interface and/or API means (search engines' BOT are allowed to, but carefully monitored)</li> <li>pollute the archive with bogus content</li> <li>generate abnormal traffic that disrupts the service to other users</li> <li>use the APIs the way they are not meant to be used, like translating more than one paragraph at once (this completely defeats the purposes of a collaborative TM)</li> <li>behave against the community and the public services offered by Translated</li> <li>resell Translated's services as they are without Translated express consent</li> <li>try to circumvent usage limits imposed by the staff</li> </ol> <p> </p> Disclaimer <p> The materials on Translated's website are provided on an "as is", “as available” and “with all faults” basis. Translated and any of its employees, managers, officers and agents (collectively, the “Translated Parties”) make no warranties, expressed or implied, and hereby disclaim and negate all other warranties, including without limitation, implied warranties or conditions of merchantability, fitness for a particular purpose, ability to meet your needs, non-infringement of intellectual property or other violation of rights, title, custom, trade, quite enjoyment, system integration and freedom from computer virus as to (a) MyMemory’s website, (b) MyMemory’s service or (c) security associated with the transmission of information to MyMemory or via the MyMemory’s service. Furthermore, the Translated Parties do not warrant or make any representations concerning the correctness, accuracy, currency, likely results, or reliability of the use of the materials on MyMemory or otherwise relating to such materials or on any sites linked to this site.<br> <br> The use of MyMemory is at the user’s own sole risk and the user is entirely responsible for its use of MyMemory. The Translated Parties take all reasonable measures necessary to try to ensure that MyMemory is free from viruses and defects but cannot guarantee that the user’s computer equipment, hardware or software or any data stored or created by the user’s computer equipment, hardware or software (collectively, "Equipment") will not be damaged, corrupted, lost or otherwise affected if the user accesses or uses MyMemory. Further, the Translated Parties do not warrant that MyMemory or any service or feature of MyMemory will be error-free or uninterrupted, or that any defects will be corrected, or that the service or the server that makes MyMemory’s service available is free from any harmful components, including, without limitation, viruses.<br> <br> The Translated Parties disclaim any and all liability for the acts, omissions and conducts of any third parties in connection with or related to the user’s use of MyMemory, including without limitation any liability for any third party content, information, statement, available on or through the MyMemory’s website, under criminal or civil laws relating to defamation, intellectual property infringement, privacy, obscenity, or other areas of law.<br> </p> Limitation of Liability <p> To the maximum extent permitted by applicable law, the Translated Parties shall in no event be liable to the user or anyone else for any damage, direct or indirect, arising out of use of MyMemory, including without limitation, liability for (a) lost profits, revenues, (b) any loss of or corruption to data, (c) loss of or damage to the user’s Equipment, (d) any loss or damage which was not foreseeable by both the user and by the Translated Parties or which the user did not notify to the Translated Parties may occur if the Translated Parties breach these Terms and Conditions of Use or the Translated Parties’ legal duty of care to user, or (e) any loss or damage suffered by the user as a result of its failing to take reasonable precautions against such loss or damage, such as through the installation of reputable anti-virus software. Nothing in these Terms and Conditions of Use excludes or limits the Translated Parties’ liability to the user for fraud or gross negligence or for any other liability which may not be excluded or limited under any mandatory provision of applicable law. </p> Indemnification <p> The user (and also any third party for whom the user operates an activity on MyMemory) agrees to defend (at Translated's request), indemnify and hold the Translated Parties harmless from and against any claims, liabilities, damages, losses, and expenses, including without limitation, reasonable attorney's fees and costs, arising out of or in any way connected with any of the following (including as a result of the user’s direct activities on MyMemory or those conducted on the user behalf): (i) the user’s access to or use of MyMemory. (ii) the user’s breach or alleged breach of these Terms and Conditions of Use. (iii) the user’s violation of any third-party right, including without limitation, any intellectual property right, publicity, confidentiality, property or privacy right. (iv) the user’s violation of any laws, rules, regulations, codes, statutes, ordinances or orders of any governmental and quasi-governmental authorities, including, without limitation, all regulatory, administrative and legislative authorities. or (v) any misrepresentation made by the user. The user will cooperate as fully required by Translated in the defense of any claim. Translated reserves the right to assume the exclusive defense and control of any matter subject to indemnification by the user and the user will not in any event settle any claim without the prior written consent of Translated. Translated will provide the user with written notice of such claim, suit or action. </p> Revisions and Errata <p> The materials appearing on Translated's website could include technical, typographical, or photographic errors. The Translated Parties do not warrant that any of the materials on its website are correct, accurate, complete, or current. The Translated Parties make its best to keep the archive in a consistent, efficient, tidy and reliable state by employing automated data-cleaning processes. for such, it may make changes to the materials contained on its website at any time without notice. The Translated Parties do not, however, make any commitment to update the materials at regular or predictable intervals. </p> Links <p> The Translated Parties have not reviewed all of the sites linked to MyMemory and are not responsible for the contents of any such linked site. The inclusion of any link does not imply endorsement by the Translated Parties of the site. Use of any such linked website is at the user's own risk and the Translated Parties will have no liability to the user for any loss or damage that the user suffer (including but not limited to any loss or damage to the user’s Equipment, hardware or software) arising out of or related to the user’s access or use of, or reliance on, any material on Translated’s website. </p> Site Terms of Use Modifications <p> Translated may revise these terms of use for its website at any time without notice, for example, to reflect changes to the law. By using this website you are agreeing to be bound by the then current version of these Terms and Conditions of Use. </p> Governing Law <p> Any claim relating to Translated's website shall be governed by Italian law without regard to its conflict of law in other countries. </p> <p> MyMemory is property of Translated S.r.l. </p> <br> <br> <br> <br> <br> <p>MyMemory is the world's largest Translation Memory. It has been created collecting TMs from the European Union and United Nations, and aligning the best domain-specific multilingual websites.</p> <p>We're part of Translated, so if you ever need professional translation services, then go checkout our main site</p> <ul> <li>Report Abuse</li> <li>Terms of Service</li> <li>About MyMemory</li> <li>Contact Us</li> <li>Translated LABS</li> </ul> <ul> <li>English</li> <li>Italiano</li> <li>Español</li> <li>Français</li> <li>Deutsch</li> <li>Nederlands</li> <li>Svenska</li> <li>Português</li> <li>Русский</li> <li>日本語</li> <li>汉语</li> <li>한국어</li> <li>Türkçe</li> </ul> We use cookies to enhance your experience. By continuing to visit this site you agree to our use of cookies. Learn more. OK <p> </p> <i> </i>

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