Texthelp Ltd

End User License Agreement for Claro Software - Site License

Mit Google Docs veröffentlichtMissbrauch meldenWeitere InformationenClaro Site Licence Agreement EULAAutomatisch alle 5&nbsp;Minuten aktualisiert<p>Claro Software End-User &nbsp;Licence Agreement (EULA) &nbsp;</p> <p>https://www.clarosoftware.com/legal/#eula-site&nbsp;</p> <p>This is the EULA for our site licence customers. It is the same as the End-User &nbsp;agreement without 1.1, 2.1, and different language for 1. </p> <p>1. Grant of License. This License Agreement (“License”) permits Licensee to use unlimited copies of &nbsp;the software package (“Software”) on the school, college, university, corporation or organisation &nbsp;site(s). This non-exclusive License, without the right to sublicense, is to install and use the Software &nbsp;on unlimited computers running a licensed operating system that are exclusively owned and &nbsp;administered by the school, college, university, corporation or organisation site. &nbsp;</p> <p>2. Licensor Rights. Licensee acknowledges that the Software consists of proprietary technology of &nbsp;LICENSOR, protected under English copyright law and trade secret laws of general applicability. &nbsp;Licensee further acknowledges and agrees that all right, title and interest in and to the Software are &nbsp;and shall remain with LICENSOR. This Agreement does not convey to Licensee an interest in or to the &nbsp;Software, but only a limited right of use, revocable in accordance with the terms of this Agreement. &nbsp;Nuance Realspeak and Omnipage (where included) are supplied under a license between Nuance &nbsp;Communications International BVBA (formerly Scansoft) and Texthelp&nbsp;Ltd. for use within the &nbsp;Software. Acapela Text-to-speech voices (where included) are supplied under a license between &nbsp;Acapela Group and Texthelp&nbsp;Ltd. for use within the software. Cereproc Text-to-speech voices &nbsp;(where included) are supplied under a license between Cereproc Ltd and TexthelpLtd. for use &nbsp;within the software. Readiris optical character recognition software (where included) are supplied &nbsp;under a license between Image Recognition Integrated Systems S.A. and Texthelp&nbsp;Ltd. for use &nbsp;within the software. These licences cover educational, corporate, and public sector use. &nbsp;</p> <p>3. Term. This License is effective upon Licensee’s first use of the Software and shall continue until &nbsp;terminated. Licensee may terminate this Agreement at any time by returning the Software to &nbsp;LICENSOR. LICENSOR may terminate this Agreement upon breach by Licensee of any terms hereof. &nbsp;Upon such termination by LICENSOR, Licensee agrees to return the Software to LICENSOR. &nbsp;</p> <p>4. Restrictions. Licensee may not rent, lease, or otherwise commercialise the Software in any &nbsp;manner. Licensee may not reverse engineer, decompile, or disassemble the Software. Licensee may &nbsp;not generate audio files for broadcasting use on a website or telephone system. Under this license, &nbsp;licensee may not generate audio files for commercial or non commercial re-distribution on CD other &nbsp;media or over the internet. &nbsp;</p> <p>5. Warranty. LICENSOR warrants solely to Licensee that the Software shall perform in accordance &nbsp;with the program specifications in effect at the time of delivery and shall be free from defects in &nbsp;materials and workmanship, when given normal, proper and intended usage, for a period of ninety &nbsp;(90) days from the date of delivery of the Software to Licensee. LICENSOR does not warrant that the &nbsp;software will function with any text to speech engines other than the ones provided with the &nbsp;Software. LICENSOR agrees to repair or replace at its option and without cost to Licensee, all &nbsp;defective Software package components, provided that Licensee has given LICENSOR written notice &nbsp;of such warranty claim within such ninety (90) day warranty period. LICENSOR shall have no &nbsp;obligation to make repairs or replacements which are required by normal wear and tear, or which </p> <p>1 &nbsp;</p> <p>result, in whole or in part, from catastrophe, fault or negligence of Licensee, or from improper or &nbsp;unauthorised use of the Software. &nbsp;</p> <p>6. Limitation of Liability. IN NO EVENT WILL LICENSOR BE LIABLE FOR ANY INDIRECT, SPECIAL, &nbsp;INCIDENTAL, ECONOMIC OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES, ARISING OUT OF THE USE OF OR INABILITY &nbsp;TO USE THE SOFTWARE EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGES. IN NO CASE &nbsp;SHALL LICENSOR’s LIABILITY EXCEED THE AMOUNT PAID BY LICENSEE FOR THE SOFTWARE. &nbsp;</p> <p>7. Remedies. If Licensee breaches this Agreement, Licensee shall promptly return the Software to &nbsp;LICENSOR. A breach by Licensee will irrevocably harm LICENSOR and LICENSOR shall be entitled to &nbsp;injunctive and/or other equitable relief, in addition to other remedies afforded by law. &nbsp;</p> <p>8. Governing Law. This Agreement shall be governed by the Law of England. The reference language &nbsp;for this Agreement is English. &nbsp;</p> <p>9. Severability. Should any term of this Agreement be declared void or unenforceable by any court of &nbsp;competent jurisdiction, such declaration shall have no effect on the remaining terms. &nbsp;</p> <p>10. No Waiver. The failure of either party to enforce any rights granted hereunder or to take action &nbsp;against the other party in the event of any breach hereunder shall not be deemed a waiver by that &nbsp;party as to subsequent enforcement of rights or subsequent actions in the event of future breaches. &nbsp;</p> <p>© Copyright 2004-2021&nbsp;Claro Software Ltd. All rights reserved. All product names referenced herein &nbsp;are trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective owners. &nbsp;</p> <p>Reviewed March 2022</p>

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