My Sunshine Videos

Terms And Code of conduct

InstancePeerTubeNetworkAbout My Sunshine VideosContact usEnglishJapaneseVideo sharing using the free open source PeerTube application! There are no ads, no tracking, and no spam! ADMINISTRATORS &amp. SUSTAINABILITY Who we are<p>This is a family run instance. There is no profit from running this. It's a community service. Please enjoy and respect the service.</p> Why we created this instance<p>A place for people to upload videos and retain ownership and rights. Where videos can be shared without tracking and targeted advertising. And a place for my family to share videos.</p> How long we plan to maintain this instance<p>Indefinitely</p> How we will pay for keeping our instance running<p>My own funds. Donations will be accepted at some point, but never required.</p> INFORMATION Description<p>Welcome to this My Sunshine Video. A place to showcase your videos.</p> MODERATION Moderation information<p>The moderator can be reached at</p> Code of conduct<p>The following content is not permitted and posting any of these items can result in a ban:</p> <ul> <li>Adult content / porn</li> <li>Spam or advertising</li> <li>Content illegal in the United States and Massachusetts</li> <li>Abuse</li> <li>Copyrighted material (contact to report violations). DMCA Registration Number: DMCA-1052798</li> <li>Incitement of violence or promotion of violent ideologies</li> <li>Racism, sexism, homophobia, transphobia, xenophobia, or casteism</li> <li>Conspiracy theories</li> <li>Spreading misinformation</li> <li>Anything disrespecting of people or groups of people</li> <li>And, of course, no pedophilia, real, AI-generated, or drawn</li> </ul> Terms<p>When you signup, you agree to follow our Code of Conduct</p> OTHER INFORMATION Hardware information<ul> <li>Digital Ocean 4 CPU / 8 GB server</li> <li>Video storage kept in a Wasabi S3 bucket</li> <li>Server is protected using Cloudflare</li> <li>Cloudflare global CDN and Edge connections</li> </ul> FEATURESFeatures found on this instancePeerTube version5.2.0Default NSFW/sensitive videos policycan be redefined by the usersBlurred with confirmation requestUser registrationEnabledVideo uploadsTranscoding in multiple resolutionsVideo uploadsRequires manual validation by moderatorsVideo quota 50 GB (10 GB per day)Live streamingLive streaming enabledImportHTTP import (YouTube, Vimeo, direct URL...)Torrent importChannel synchronization with other platforms (YouTube, Vimeo, ...)SearchUsers can resolve distant contentPlugins &amp. ThemesAvailable themes dark r159 Plugins enabledSTATISTICSBy users on this instance<p>7</p> <p>users</p> <p>26</p> <p>videos</p> <p>58</p> <p>views</p> <p>2</p> <p>comments</p> <p>5.7 GB</p> <p>hosted video</p>In this instance federation<p>9,684</p> <p>videos</p> <p>6,609</p> <p>comments</p> <p>33</p> <p>followers</p> <p>10</p> <p>following</p>

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