The Good Cloud

Privacy Policy

homeabout usindividualsbusinesssupportarticlescontactmenu Privacy Policy The Good Cloud 5 September 2018 Scope of processing of personal data<p>We only collect and use our users' personal data to the extent necessary to provide a functioning website together with our content and services. We do not sell, trade, transfer, share any personally identifiable information with outside parties without explicit consent for the user. The collection and use of personal data of our users is normally conducted only with the consent of the user, for example when you order a service from us. An exception applies in cases where it is not practicably possible to obtain prior consent and processing this data is permitted by law.</p>Cookies<p>We don't like the use of cookies so we use them as little as possible. If we do decide to use cookies in the future it would be solely to benefit the user and general experience of the website and web-shop. We will then update this policy.</p>Legal basis for processing personal data<p>Processing of your personal data is conducted on the following legal grounds:</p> <ul> <li>Consent</li> <li>Contractual performance or pre-contractual measures</li> <li>Legal obligations</li> <li>When this is necessary to safeguard a legitimate interest of our company or of a third party and when the interests and fundamental rights and freedoms of the stakeholder do not outweigh the former interest.</li> </ul>Erasure of data and storage period<p>The personal data of the stakeholder is erased or blocked as soon as the purpose of storage is fulfilled. Furthermore, storage can take place when erasure is in conflict with a legal obligation to store data, e.g. derived from the applicable Tax Code or other laws.</p>Description and scope of data processing<p>You can also register on our website. In this case the personal data entered by you will be processed by us. Here too the data is not passed to third parties. The following data is collected in the course of the registration process:</p> <ul> <li>The user's IP address</li> <li>E-mail address</li> <li>Name and address</li> <li>Payment details</li> </ul> <p>The processing of your personal data is necessary for contract, performance or a pre-contractual measure. This can however, also take place on the basis of your consent. Your registration is necessary in order to perform the contract or to carry out a pre-contractual measure. Furthermore this is necessary for the provision of the content and services on our website. Storage ends as a matter of course when the purpose has been fulfilled. If the collection and processing of your personal data is necessary for a pre-contractual measure or for performance of the contract, we are then obliged to observe statutory storage periods. In this case erasure is not possible until expiry of this period.</p>E-mail contact<p>Our website also contains a possibility to e-mail us, to contact us in electronic form. The following data is processed as part of the contact process:</p> <ul> <li>E-mail address</li> <li>Name</li> </ul> <p>Your consent to processing of the data is obtained as part of the transmission procedure, and you are referred to this privacy statement.</p> <p>You can also use our e-mail address to contact us. Your e-mail is processed by us. Your data is not passed to third parties. None of this data is passed to third parties in this context. Thus, this data is used exclusively for processing the conversation. Your consent forms the legal basis for the data processing. The data is erased once the purpose of the data processing has been achieved. This may depend on the circumstances of the individual case involved in the establishment of contact. Immediate erasure may possibly be prevented by a statutory storage period. You can revoke the consent you have given us.</p>Storage<p>We provide a service with which you can store and share your personal data. This data is stored in our datacenter in the Netherlands and will never be used for any other purpose than your storing and synchronising your data. We will not access your stored data in any way, nor will we make it available for others, unless the Dutch law requires us to do so. You can either add, erase or share your files from the service at will, and we will neither know it nor be able to do anything about that. When you share files with others, they will be able to see some basic information about who shared this information with them. All data you have stored in our service will be permanently deleted 30 days after the service contract has ended.</p>Encryption used to protect personally identifiable information<p>On our website and in our web-shop we use TLS encryption to protect your data from any unauthorised third parties from "listening in".</p>Rights of data subjects<p>You are a data subject (stakeholder) and you have the following rights with regard to us:</p> <ul> <li>You can request information about which personal data of which origin is stored about you and for which purposes. You also have the right to be informed when your data is passed to third parties. In this case you can be informed about the identity of the recipient or the categories of recipients.</li> <li>Should your personal data be incorrect or incomplete, you can request correction or addition.</li> <li>You can object to the processing of your personal data for advertising purposes. This is however unnecessary because we will never use your data to that end.</li> <li>You have the right to limit processing if:<ul> <li>you contest the correctness of the personal data relating to you for a period that enables the responsible party to check the correctness of the personal data;</li> <li>if the processing is unlawful and you reject the erasure of the personal data and instead request limitation of the use of the personal data;</li> <li>if the responsible party no longer requires the personal data for the purposes of the processing, you however require this data for the establishment, exercise or defence of legal claims, or when you have lodged an objection to the processing under Art. 21 (1) GDPR and it is not yet clear whether the proper reasons of the responsible party prevail over your reasons.</li> </ul> </li> <li>You can request the erasure of your personal data. This is possible when the legal basis for the data processing is not given or has ceased to exist. The same applies in cases where the purpose of the data processing is no longer given due to time elapsed or other reasons. Please note that erasure may be prevented by an existing storage period or other protection-worthy interests of our company. We will be happy to inform you of this on request. Should we have made your data public, we are obliged to inform each recipient that you have requested the erasure of all links to this personal data or to copies of this personal data.</li> <li>Furthermore, you have a right of objection if your protection-worthy interest due to a personal situation outweighs the interest of the data processing. This does not apply if we are obliged to conduct the processing on the basis of a statutory regulation.</li> <li>Irrespective of any other regulatory or judicial constraints, you have the right to file a complaint to a supervisory authority if you believe that the processing of personal data relating to you is in violation of data protection rules.</li> <li>You have the right to receive personal data relating to you, which you have supplied to the responsible party, in a structured, accessible and machine-readable format. This only applies to the data we have in our administration. Data you store in our service will never be accessed by us and you can always retrieve it using the sync client. It is therefore unnecessary to have us do that for you.</li> </ul> <p>If you wish to exercise your rights, or if you have any questions about this policy, please contact us.</p>Changes<p>This privacy policy is subject to change, for instance when laws change or when our service changes.</p> <p>As long as we have your mail address, we will tell you when this happens.</p>Download our privacy policy<p>You can download our privacy policy here in PDF format.</p>We’d love to hear from you!<br>Send us a message!&nbsp;© 2019-2020 Good CloudprivacyWe’d love to hear from you!<br>Send us a message!&nbsp;© 2020 Good Cloudprivacy

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