

&nbsp. <br> <b>Welcome to TheGeeks!</b> <br> <br> <br> Contents <ul> <li> <b>Site information</b> <ul> <li>What is this bittorrent all about anyway? How do I get the files?</li> <li>Where can I get a copy of the source code?</li> <li>How can I submit a Digital Mellennium Copyright Act (DMCA) request?</li> </ul> </li> <br> <li> <b>User information</b> <ul> <li>I registered an account but did not receive the confirmation e-mail!</li> <li>I've lost my user name or password! Can you send it to me?</li> <li>Can you rename my account?</li> <li>Can you delete my (confirmed) account?</li> <li>So, what's MY ratio?</li> <li>Why is my IP displayed on my details page?</li> <li>Help! I cannot login!? (a.k.a. Login of Death)</li> <li>My IP address is dynamic. How do I stay logged in?</li> <li>Why am I listed as not connectable? (And why should I care?)</li> <li>What are the different user classes?</li> <li>How does this promotion thing work anyway?</li> <li>Hey! I've seen Power Users with less than 25GB uploaded!</li> <li>Why can't my friend become a member?</li> <li>How does this invite thing work anyway?</li> <li>How do I add an avatar to my profile?</li> <li>When are accounts auto-pruned?</li> <li>What's a "passkey"?</li> <li>What's this "Reset passkey" option in my profile?</li> </ul> </li> <br> <li> <b>Donations</b> <ul> <li>What are the donations used for?</li> <li>What can I use to make a donation?</li> <li>Paypal doesn't support my country, what can I do?</li> <li>I donated but didn't get any credit!</li> </ul> </li> <br> <li> <b>Stats</b> <ul> <li>What bittorrent clients may I use?</li> <li>Most common reasons for stats not updating</li> <li>Best practices</li> <li>Why is a torrent I'm leeching/seeding listed several times in my profile?</li> <li>I've finished or cancelled a torrent. Why is it still listed in my profile?</li> <li>Why do I sometimes see torrents I'm not leeching in my profile!?</li> <li>Multiple IPs (Can I login from different computers?)</li> <li>How does NAT/ICS change the picture? </li> </ul> </li> <br> <li> <b>Uploading</b> <ul> <li>Why can't I upload torrents? </li> <li>Using Azureus</li> <li>Can I upload your torrents to other trackers?</li> <li>How do I upload Exclusives?</li> </ul> </li> <br> <li> <b>Downloading</b> <ul> <li>What are exclusives / Why are some torrents green??</li> <li>Are the files here safe to download?</li> <li>How do I use the files I've downloaded?</li> <li>Why are some torrents marked (FREE)?</li> <li>Why did an active torrent suddenly disappear?</li> <li>How do I resume a broken download or reseed something?</li> <li>Why do my downloads sometimes stall at 99%?</li> <li>What are these "a piece has failed an hash check" messages?</li> <li>The torrent is supposed to be 100MB. How come I downloaded 120MB?</li> </ul> </li> <br> <li> <b>How can I improve my download speed?</b> <p> </p> <ul> <li>Do not immediately jump on new torrents</li> <li>Make yourself connectable</li> <li>Limit your upload speed</li> <li>Limit the number of simultaneous connections</li> <li>Limit the number of simultaneous uploads</li> <li>Just give it some time</li> <li>Why is my browsing so slow while leeching?</li> </ul> </li> <br> <li> <b>My ISP uses a transparent proxy. What should I do?</b> <ul> <li>Why can't I use a proxy on your site?</li> </ul> </li> <br> <li> <b>Why can't I connect? Is the site blocking me?</b> <ul> <li>Maybe my address is blacklisted?</li> <li>Your ISP blocks the site's address</li> </ul> </li> <br> <li> <b>What if I can't find the answer to my problem here?</b> </li> </ul> <br> <br> Site information <br> <b>What is this bittorrent all about anyway? How do I get the files?</b> <br> <br> Check out uTorrent Beginner's Guide.<br> <br> <br> <b>Where can I get a copy of the source code?</b> <br> <br> This site runs a heavily modified version of TBsource and is not publicly available. The tracker is powered by XBTT. <br> <br> <b>How can I submit a Digital Mellennium Copyright Act (DMCA) request?</b> <br> <br> Information for submitting a DMCA request can be found here. Misrepresentations made in your notice regarding whether material or activity is infringing may expose you to liability for damages (including costs and attorneys' fees). <br> <br> User information <p> <b>I registered an account but did not receive the confirmation e-mail!</b> <br> <br> There are known issues with hotmail. Get a real email service like yahoo or gmail instead. Those 2 work fine.<br> <br> <br> <b>I've lost my user name or password! Can you send it to me?</b> <br> <br> Please use this form to have the login details mailed back to you.<br> <br> <br> <b>Can you rename my account?</b> <br> <br> <b>Contact Staff</b> to get your account renamed.<br> <br> <br> <b>Can you delete my (confirmed) account?</b> <br> <br> Active accounts will only be disabled. You won't get another chance to come back.<br> <br> <br> <b>So, what's MY ratio?</b> <br> <br> Click on your profile, then on your user name (at the top).<br> <br> It's important to distinguish between your overall ratio and the individual ratio on each torrent you may be seeding or leeching. The overall ratio takes into account the total uploaded and downloaded from your account since you joined the site. The individual ratio takes into account those values for each torrent.<br> <br> You may see two symbols instead of a number: "Inf.", which is just an abbreviation for Infinity, and means that you have downloaded 0 bytes while uploading a non-zero amount (ul/dl becomes infinity). "---", which should be read as "non-available", and shows up when you have both downloaded and uploaded 0 bytes (ul/dl = 0/0 which is an indeterminate amount).<br> <br> <br> <b>Why is my IP displayed on my details page?</b> <br> <br> Only you and the site moderators can view your IP address and email. Regular users do not see that information.<br> <br> <br> <b>Help! I cannot login!? (a.k.a. Login of Death)</b> <br> <br> This problem sometimes occurs with MSIE. Close all Internet Explorer windows and open Internet Options in the control panel. Click the Delete Cookies button. You should now be able to login.<br> <br> <br> <b> My IP address is dynamic. How do I stay logged in?</b> <br> <br> On your <b>Profile</b>, make sure your 'Login Type' is set to normal. If your IP changes mid-session, you will remain logged in. <br> <br> <b>Why am I listed as not connectable? (And why should I care?)</b> <br> <br> The tracker has determined that you are firewalled or NATed and cannot accept incoming connections. <br> <br> This means that other peers in the swarm will be unable to connect to you, only you to them. Even worse, if two peers are both in this state they will not be able to connect at all. This has obviously a detrimental effect on the overall speed. <br> <br> The way to solve the problem involves opening the ports used for incoming connections. Information on the subject can be found at PortForward.<br> <br> <br> <b>What are the different user classes?</b> <br> <br> </p> &nbsp. <b>User</b> &nbsp. The default class of new members. After joining the site, new members can only leech 3 torrents at a time. After 2 weeks from the date of join, users can then leech 10 torrents at a time. &nbsp. <b>Power User</b> &nbsp. Power users are able to leech 50 torrents at a time. Has full request privileges. &nbsp. <b>Extreme User</b> &nbsp. Extreme users are able to leech 100 torrents at a time. Has full request privileges. &nbsp. <b> </b> &nbsp. Has donated €20+ to TheGeeks. Immune to disabling for inactivity. &nbsp. <b>VIP</b> &nbsp. Same privileges as Power User and is considered an outstanding member of TheGeeks. Immune to automatic demotion. Can leech 100 torrents at a time (To increase this, just ask). &nbsp. <b>Other</b> &nbsp. Customised title. &nbsp. <b>Elite</b> &nbsp. Contributes to TheGeeks with uploads of new programs. Can peer 100 torrents at a time (To increase this, just ask). &nbsp. <b>Moderator</b> &nbsp. Can edit and delete any uploaded torrents. Can also moderate user comments and disable accounts. &nbsp. <b>Administrator</b> &nbsp. Can do just about anything. &nbsp. <b>SysOp</b> &nbsp. Can do anything <br> <br> <b>How does this promotion thing work anyway?</b> <br> <br> &nbsp. <b>Power User</b> &nbsp. Must have been be a member for at least 28 days, have uploaded at least 25GB and have a ratio at or above 1.05. The promotion is automatic when these conditions are met. One invitation is given upon promotion to Power User. <br> <br>Note that you will be automatically demoted from this status and your invites removed if your ratio drops below 0.95 at any time. &nbsp. <b>Extreme User</b> &nbsp. Must have been be a member for at least 60 days, have uploaded at least 60GB and have a ratio at or above 2.05. The promotion is automatic when these conditions are met. Five invitations are given upon promotion to Extreme User. <br> <br>Note that you will be automatically demoted from this status and your invites removed if your ratio drops below 1.95 at any time. &nbsp. <b> </b> &nbsp. Just donate €20+, and if you find ANY errors or have questions, send the details and/or question to a Sysop. &nbsp. <b>VIP</b> &nbsp. Assigned by mods at their discretion to users they feel contribute something special to the site. &nbsp. <b>Other</b> &nbsp. Conferred by mods at their discretion (not available to Users or Power Users). &nbsp. <b>Elite</b> &nbsp. Appointed by Admins/SysOp. &nbsp. <b>Moderator</b> &nbsp. You don't ask us, we'll ask you! <br> <br> <b>Hey! I've seen Power Users with less than 25GB uploaded!</b> <br> <br> Power User status can be conferred at staff discretion.<br> <br> <br> <b>Why can't my friend become a member?</b> <br> <br> There is a 28,000 user invite limit. When that number is reached we stop accepting new invitees so no new members can join. If the user count drops below 30,000, open signups will automatically resume. Inactive accounts are periodically deleted, so keep trying. (There is no reservation or queuing system, don't ask for that.)<br> <br> <br> <b>How does this invite thing work anyway?</b> <br> <br> Invites are given out as follows: <br> <br> InvitesCriteria 1 Promotion to Power User 2 (<b>Any User Class</b>) Downloaded &gt. 10 GB and ratio greater than 1.05 (<b>Invites given every 20 days</b>) <br> If a signup or invite is not confirmed within 3 days, it is automatically deleted. You also have the option to delete invites by going to your "User details" page and selecting "Given" under "Invites." A table will be generated that displays all the invites you have given. Select "Delete" to delete an unconfirmed invite. All deleted invites will be replaced with an additional invite so do not worry about deleting them. <br> <br> You can view how many given/available invites by going to your "User details" page and looking at the number next to "Given"/"Available." To invite someone select "Available", enter an email/message on the following page, and press "Invite!" A confirmation email will be sent to the email address you have entered and the person will be given 3 days to confirm it. <br> <br> <b>Selling invites is STRICTLY prohibited. If you are caught selling invitations to this site, your account will be disabled, you will be banned at the firewall, and ALL of your invitees will be disabled.</b> <br> <br> <b>How do I add an avatar to my profile?</b> <br> <br> First, find an image that you like, and that is within the rules. Then you will have to find a place to host it, such as Upload-It! or ImageShack). All that is left to do is copy the URL you were given when uploading it to the avatar field in your profile.<br> <br> Please do not make a post just to test your avatar. If everything is alright you'll see it in your details page. <br> <br> <br> <b>When are accounts auto-pruned?</b> <br> <br> <ul> <li>Unparked accounts that haven't visited (read: browsed) the site for 38 days (and are over 28 days old) are pruned. Parked accounts are pruned when 112 days have elapsed since the last recorded activity (read: browsed). Seeding activity does NOT count, you must BROWSE the site. Donators with a star (and ONLY donators with a star) are immune to auto-pruning. Power Users and above are also immune. We regularly clean out accounts with very low share ratios that are subject to the Ratio Watch system.</li> <br> If your account gets pruned, your stats are gone. Don't ask us to retreive them. </ul> <br> <br> <b>What's a "passkey"?</b> <br> <br> A passkey is a 32 characters key associated with your account that uniquely identifies you as a TheGeeks user. When a .torrent file is downloaded from your account, the passkey is automatically added to the announce URL in the .torrent file. <br> <br> <i> <b>Make sure you keep your passkey (and by extension, your .torrent files) private at all times!</b> </i> <br> <br> <b>What's this "Reset passkey" feature in my profile?</b> <br> <br> You can use this feature to generate a new passkey for you account. <br> <br> Remember that the passkey uniquely identifies you, therefore if someone would learn it they would be able to leech from your account. Should you suspect your key from being compromised just create a new one. <br> <br> Note that by using this you will invalidate all the .torrent files that you may have previously downloaded, and will have to download them again. <br> <br> <br> <br> Donations <br> If you have a question about donations, refer to this first before contacting the staff! <br> <br> <br> <b>What are the donations used for?</b> <br> <br> This site is situated on multiple powerful (lots of RAM, CPU, HDD) dedicated servers to handle gigabytes of http traffic daily. To keep up with these HTTP Requests, we need these servers - but they cost quite a bit of money. We also operate 4 Seedboxes that we place in popular torrent swarms to increase the overall speeds - This means you get your products faster. Simply put, the donations pay for these servers. Without donations, staff would have to foot the bill for the servers themselves. However, this is not something we can afford and TheGeeks we love would disappear. We appreciate any voluntary financial help that you can provide and as a "thank you", you receive upload credit. <br> <br> <br> <b>What can I use to make a donation?</b> <br> <br> At this moment we only support Paypal. If you have a Paypal account, you can donate directly to us. If you don't have a Paypal account you can use your Credit Card information to make a one-time Paypal payment (you don't need to create an account!) Refer to Paypal's website here for more information.<br> <br> <br> <b>Paypal doesn't support my country, what can I do?</b> <br> <br> Unfortunately, there isn't much either of us can do about this. Since we only support Paypal donations at this moment we can't offer you any other method to make a donation. Please don't ask. The only suggestion we can do is that you find somebody else in the community that you really trust who is able to make donations and let him/her make the donation for you and transfer the credit back to your account by using the "Contact Staff" button. If you opt for this idea, we take no responsibility for the outcome. Use common sense. <br> <br> <br> <b>I donated but didn't get any credit!</b> <br> <br> Depending on the financing source (Credit Card/Paypal balance/Bank account), Paypal might need a couple of days before they have withdrawn the money from your financing source. If this happens, your donation status is shown as "Uncleared" or "Pending" in Paypal. In this stage, the donation has not been transferred to us yet and, therefore, you will not receive your credit. Once the donation is "Completed" on Paypal's side, we get an automatic notification that the donation was successful and you should receive your credits within an hour. If for some reason you do not, please contact a Sysop and we'll take care of it. <br> <br> You can check the status of the donation from within your Paypal account. Simply login your Paypal account. Click the "Details" button next to the donation (either on the main or the history page). Look for the "Status" line. If the donation is "Uncleared", an estimated clearing date will appear next to it. If it's "Completed" you should have received your credit.<br> <br> <br> Stats <br> <b>What bittorrent clients may I use?</b> <br> <br> We've banned many clients for either putting too much load on our tracker or behaving in non-standard ways. These banned clients include Shareaza, Fando, eDonkey (libtorrent), MLdonkey, Transmission, BitComet (and any client based on it such as BitLord) and CFNetwork. Many older versions of Azureus and uTorrent are banned, mostly for announcing too often. <br> <br> <b>For a full up-to-date list of which clients can and can't be used, see this link.</b> <br> <br> Some Windows clients we recommend: <br> <br> <ul> <li>Azureus (Full-featured. portable. provides very reliable statistics to the tracker.)</li> <li>uTorrent (Highly Recommended. Uses very little system resources.)</li> <br> Clients in alpha or beta version should be avoided. <br> <br> For more information to assist in selecting a BitTorrent client, see: Comparison of BitTorrent clients at Wikipedia. </ul> <br> <br> <b>Most common reason for stats not updating</b> <br> <br> <ul> <li>The user is cheating. (a.k.a. "Summary Ban")</li> <li>The server is overloaded and unresponsive. Just try to keep the session open until the server responds again. (Flooding the server with consecutive manual updates is not recommended.)</li> <li>You are using a faulty client. If you want to use an experimental or CVS version you do it at your own risk.</li> </ul> <br> <br> <b>Best practices</b> <br> <br> <ul> <li>If a torrent you are currently leeching/seeding is not listed on your profile, just wait or force a manual update.</li> <li>Make sure you exit your client properly, so that the tracker receives "event=completed".</li> <li>If the tracker is down, do not stop seeding. As long as the tracker is back up before you exit the client the stats should update properly.</li> </ul> <br> <br> <b>Why is a torrent I'm leeching/seeding listed several times in my profile?</b> <br> <br> If for some reason (e.g. pc crash, or frozen client) your client exits improperly and you restart it, it will have a new peer_id, so it will show as a new torrent. The old one will never receive a "event=completed" or "event=stopped" and will be listed until some tracker timeout. Just ignore it, it will eventually go away.<br> <br> <br> <b>I've finished or cancelled a torrent. Why is it still listed in my profile?</b> <br> <br> Some clients, notably TorrentStorm and Nova Torrent, do not report properly to the tracker when canceling or finishing a torrent. In that case the tracker will keep waiting for some message - and thus listing the torrent as seeding or leeching - until some timeout occurs. Just ignore it, it will eventually go away.<br> <br> <br> <b>Why do I sometimes see torrents I'm not leeching in my profile!?</b> <br> <br> This should never happen. If it does, immediately change your password with Profile, change your passkey with 'Reset Passkey' and contact a staff person to remove the torrents that aren't yours. If this happens, you will not get credit for the lost ratio as you're the one responsible for guarding your own account information. <br> <br> <br> <b>Multiple IPs (Can I login from different computers?)</b> <br> <br> Yes, the tracker is always capable of following sessions from different IPs for the same user. A torrent is associated with a passkey (which is included inside the .torrent file). We always know who you are and your stats will not be mixed up with anyone else with a similar IP address. To utilize this, you must have your 'Login Type' set to normal. The option is located in your Profile.<br> <br> <br> <b>How does NAT/ICS change the picture?</b> <br> <br> It makes no difference whatsoever. The site will recognize you by your browser cookies while the tracker will recognize you by your passkey. <br> <br> <br> <br> Uploading <br> <b>Why can't I upload torrents?</b> <br> <br> You probably do not have your bitTorrent client setup correctly. Make sure you have used the tracker's announce url and the information areas are filled in correctly. <br> <p>1) This is a guide explaining how to upload torrents using the BitTorrent client <b>Azureus</b>.<br> </p> � Download Azureus from here: 'Azureus.'<br> � Go to the preferences (Azureus-&gt;Preferences).<br> � In the "Server" page change the "Incoming TCP listen port" to a non Peer-to-Peer port (6879 will work). If you have a firewall make sure this port range is open in both directions.<br> � Time to create a torrent to upload (File-&gt;Create a Torrent).<br> � In the "Announce URL" put "<b></b>".<br> � Click the "Browse" button and find the file you want to share then click "Next".<br> � Check to see if the right file is selected and click "Finish".<br> � Voila, the torrent will be created where the file is.<br> � Login to the site 'TheGeeks' and go to the "Upload" section.<br> � In the "Torrent file" area click the "Browse" button and find the torrent file then click "Open".<br> � In the "Torrent name" area type the name of the file if the name on the torrent is not descriptive.<br> � In the "Description" area type a thorough description of the file. Make sure the description is complete and includes all relevant information. DO NOT POST SERIALS/CRACKS. <br> � In the "Type" area choose the type of file by clicking on the pull down menu. Make sure the file is under the correct type.<br> � Check over the following steps and if everything is correct click the "Do it!" button.<br> � Time to seed the torrent: download the torrent off the site, click "Open"(File-&gt;Open-&gt;.torrent File), and find the downloaded torrent. You will not be able to seed the torrent created by the client because of the passkey that needs to be embedded in the torrent.<br> <br> It will take a couple minutes for your torrent to appear in the "Browse" section. <br> <br> <br> <b>Can I upload your torrents to other trackers?</b> <br> <br>No. We are a closed, limited-membership community. Only registered users can use TheGeeks (TB tracker). Posting our .torrent files on other trackers is useless, since most people who attempt to download them will be unable to connect with us. This generates a lot of frustration and bad-will against TheGeeks, and will therefore not be tolerated. Any user found leaking .torrent files will be permanently banned.<br> <br> Complaints from other sites' administrative staff about our torrents being posted on their sites will result in the banning of the users responsible.<br> <br> <br> <b>How do I upload Exclusives?</b> <br> <br> To upload an exclusive, first you must have the ability enabled on your account. Contact a staff member and ask them to 'Enable exclusive upload on your account'. This is only needs to be performed once. Once this option is set, a new section will appear at the bottom of the upload page. It is at this location that you set the class delays. It is self-explanatory, but if you need further help, contact a staff memeber. After you have completed this section, upload the torrent. If you need to setup ratio free downloads for the donators, you go to the details page for the torrent that you've just uploaded. Click the 'Edit Torrent' link on the page. At the bottom of the Edit page, you setup the donators from a list. These people will automatically have ratio-free downloads and will have immediate access to the torrent. <br> Downloading <br> <b>What are exclusives / Why are some torrents green?</b> <br> <br> Exclusive products (torrents that are green) are torrents that are purchased by users here (or in groups of users) or are torrents that started their lives on the internet on this site. Access to these torrents are controlled via user classes. Some key points are below: <br> <br> <li>The torrent's description will show the wait times for user classes.</li> <li>Torrents have *varying* wait times depending on variety of factors. (Not all of them are the same)</li> <li> </li> <li>Not all exclusives are available to ALL user classes (for example, some are only available to Power Users and above).</li> <li>Asking to get access to an exclusive (if you didn't help purchase it), will get you BANNED.</li> <li> <b>Donating to the site does NOT give you access to download exclusives (However it may help you jump into a new user class that can).</b> </li> <li>If you try to download one and it says "Not Available for your User Class", it's just that: Not available to your user class. You need to get promoted to a higher one (read the FAQ again if you don't understand how).</li> <li>There's currently no way to filter out (not see in Browse) what you can't download.</li> <li>Complaining about the wait times isn't going to let you download it any faster.</li> <br> <br> <b>Are the files here safe to download?</b> <br> <br> Yes. However, the Internet can be a very dangerous place. And because of the fluidity of the Internet, what's safe today may not be safe tomorrow. Therefore, we highly recommend that ALL of our users use an antivirus program on their computers. The virus definitions should always be up-to-date and you should regularly scan your system. Some free antivirus programs are: <br> <br> <ul> <li>avast! Free Edition<br> </li> <li>AVG Free Edition<br> </li> </ul> <br> Also, install and maintain a Firewall product and use an up-to-date Anti-Spyware product, where necessary. <br> <br> <br> <b>How do I use the files I've downloaded?</b> <br> <br> Check out this guide.<br> <br> <br> <b>Why are some torrents marked (FREE)?</b> <br> <br> Torrents marked <b>FREE</b> are freeleech meaning they can be downloaded without affecting users' ratios. If you feel your torrent deserves this status please Contact Staff. However, we only agree under exceptional circumstances.<br> <br> <br> <b>Why did an active torrent suddenly disappear?</b> <br> <br> There may be three reasons for this:<br> <b>1.</b>) The torrent may have been out-of-sync with the site rules.<br> <b>2.</b>) The uploader may have deleted it because it was a bad release. A replacement will probably be uploaded to take its place.<br> <b>3.</b>) Torrents are automatically deleted after 35 days of inactivity (no seeders).<br> <br> Check the Log for more information.<br> <br> <br> <b>How do I resume a broken download or reseed something?</b> <br> <br> Open the .torrent file. When your client asks you for a location, choose the location of the existing file(s) and it will resume/reseed the torrent.<br> <br> <br> <b>Why do my downloads sometimes stall at 99%?</b> <br> <br> The more pieces you have, the harder it becomes to find peers who have pieces you are missing. That is why downloads sometimes slow down or even stall when there are just a few percent remaining. Just be patient and you will, sooner or later, get the remaining pieces.<br> <br> <br> <b>What are these "a piece has failed an hash check" messages?</b> <br> <br> Bittorrent clients check the data they receive for integrity. When a piece fails this check it is automatically re-downloaded. Occasional hash fails are a common occurrence, and you shouldn't worry.<br> <br> Some clients have an (advanced) option/preference to 'kick/ban clients that send you bad data' or similar. It should be turned on, since it makes sure that if a peer repeatedly sends you pieces that fail the hash check it will be ignored in the future.<br> <br> <br> <b>The torrent is supposed to be 100MB. How come I downloaded 120MB?</b> <br> <br> See the hash fails topic. If your client receives bad data it will have to redownload it, therefore the total downloaded may be larger than the torrent size. Make sure the "kick/ban" option is turned on to minimize the extra downloads.<br> <br> <br> <br> <br> How can I improve my download speed? <br> The download speed mostly depends on the seeder-to-leecher ratio (SLR). Poor download speed is mainly a problem with new and very popular torrents where the SLR is low.<br> <br> (Proselytising sidenote: make sure you remember that you did not enjoy the low speed. <b>Seed</b> so that others will not endure the same.)<br> <br> There are a couple of things that you can try on your end to improve your speed:<br> <br> <br> <b>Do not immediately jump on new torrents</b> <br> <br> In particular, do not do it if you have a slow connection. The best speeds will be found around the half-life of a torrent, when the SLR will be at its highest. (The downside is that you will not be able to seed so much. It's up to you to balance the pros and cons of this.)<br> <br> <br> <b>Make yourself connectable</b> <br> <br> See the <i>Why am I listed as not connectable?</i> &nbsp;section.<br> <br> <br> <b>Limit your upload speed</b> <br> <br> The upload speed affects the download speed in essentially two ways:<br> <br> <ul> <li>Bittorrent peers tend to favour those other peers that upload to them. This means that if A and B are leeching the same torrent and A is sending data to B at high speed then B will try to reciprocate. So due to this effect high upload speeds lead to high download speeds.</li> <br> <li>Due to the way TCP works, when A is downloading something from B it has to keep telling B that it received the data sent to him. (These are called acknowledgements - ACKs -, a sort of "got it!" messages). If A fails to do this then B will stop sending data and wait. If A is uploading at full speed there may be no bandwidth left for the ACKs and they will be delayed. So due to this effect excessively high upload speeds lead to low download speeds.</li> </ul> <br> The full effect is a combination of the two. The upload should be kept as high as possible while allowing the ACKs to get through without delay. <b>A good thumb rule is keeping the upload at about 80% of the theoretical upload speed.</b> You will have to fine tune yours to find out what works best for you. (Remember that keeping the upload high has the additional benefit of helping with your ratio.) <br> <br> If you are running more than one instance of a client it is the overall upload speed that you must take into account. Some clients (e.g. Azureus) limit global upload speed, others (e.g. Shad0w's) do it on a per torrent basis. Know your client. The same applies if you are using your connection for anything else (e.g. browsing or ftp), always think of the overall upload speed.<br> <br> <br> <b>Limit the number of simultaneous connections</b> <br> <br> Some operating systems (like Windows 9x) do not deal well with a large number of connections, and may even crash. Also some home routers (particularly when running NAT and/or firewall with stateful inspection services) tend to become slow or crash when having to deal with too many connections. There are no fixed values for this, you may try 60 or 100 and experiment with the value. Note that these numbers are additive, if you have two instances of a client running the numbers add up.<br> <br> <br> <b>Limit the number of simultaneous uploads</b> <br> <br> Isn't this the same as above? No. Connections limit the number of peers your client is talking to and/or downloading from. Uploads limit the number of peers your client is actually uploading to. The ideal number is typically much lower than the number of connections, and highly dependent on your (physical) connection.<br> <br> <br> <b>Just give it some time</b> <br> <br> As explained above peers favour other peers that upload to them. When you start leeching a new torrent you have nothing to offer to other peers and they will tend to ignore you. This makes the starts slow, in particular if, by change, the peers you are connected to include few or no seeders. The download speed should increase as soon as you have some pieces to share.<br> <br> <br> <b>Why is my browsing so slow while leeching?</b> <br> <br> Your download speed is always finite. If you are a peer in a fast torrent it will almost certainly saturate your download bandwidth, and your browsing will suffer. Clients like uTorrent and Azureus provide the option to limit the download and upload speed. Or use a third-party solution, such as NetLimiter. <br> <br> Browsing was used just as an example, the same would apply to gaming, IMing, etc...<br> <br> <br> My ISP uses a transparent proxy. What should I do? Short reply: change to an ISP that does not force a proxy upon you.<br> <br> <br> <b>Why can't I use a proxy on your site?</b> <br> <br> It is our policy not to allow new accounts to be opened from behind a proxy. <b>Any account found using a proxy to mask real ips (this includes TOR proxies) will be disabled and banned.</b> <br> <br> <br> <br> <br> Why can't I connect? Is the site blocking me? <br> Your failure to connect may be due to several reasons. <br> <br> <br> <b>Maybe my address is blacklisted?</b> <br> <br> The site blocks ips that have broken our rules, cheated, or have created multiple accounts. If you're unlucky enough to assume the same ip as a banned user, there's nothing we can do. We do not remove ip bans so don't ask.<br> <br> <br> <b>Your ISP blocks the site's address</b> <br> <br> (In first place, it's unlikely your ISP is doing so. DNS name resolution and/or network problems are the usual culprits.) There's nothing we can do. You should contact your ISP (or get a new one).<br> <br> <br> <br> <br> What if I can't find the answer to my problem here? <br> Post in the Forums, by all means. You'll find they are usually a friendly and helpful place, provided you follow a few basic guidelines:<br> <br> <ul> <li>Make sure your problem is not really in this FAQ. There's no point in posting just to be sent back here. </li> <li>Before posting read the sticky topics (the ones at the top). Many times new information that still hasn't been incorporated in the FAQ can be found there.</li> <li>Help us in helping you. Do not just say "it doesn't work!". Provide details so that we don't have to guess or waste time asking. What client do you use? What's your OS? What's your network setup? What's the exact error message you get, if any? What are the torrents you are having problems with? The more you tell the easiest it will be for us, and the more probable your post will get a reply.</li> <li>And needless to say: be polite. Demanding help rarely works, asking for it usually does the trick.</li> </ul> <p> <b>FAQ edited 2008-09-24</b> </p> &nbsp. <p> Powered by modified XBTT backend and TCG frontend v0.98 </p>

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