
Ratio Watch Information

&nbsp. <br> Ratio Watch Information A fair ratio to keep is 1.0 - meaning that you have uploaded as much as you have downloaded. Low ratios will result in severe consequences, including banning in extreme cases. <br> <br> If you have less than 2.5GB downloaded, you are <b>NOT</b> required to have a minimum ratio. The instant your download total exceeds 2.5GB, you become bound to the rules of this table! <br> <br> LevelMin RatioDownloadedDuration10.12.5 GB28 days20.25 GB28 days30.310 GB28 days40.415 GB28 days50.520 GB28 days60.625 GB28 days70.730 GB28 days80.835 GB28 days <br> <br> The minimum ratio required is determined by how much you've downloaded, as per the table. <b>For example: if you have between 25 and 30 GB downloaded, you must keep a ratio of 0.6 or higher.</b> <br> <br> If your ratio drops below the minimums listed in this table, you will enter "Ratio Watch" and will be warned to increase your ratio. You can increase your ratio by seeding what you've downloaded, uploading new stuff, or donating for upload credit. If you don't increase your ratio to the minimum requirements within 28 days, your account will be disabled. Once your ratio is above the minimums, you will be removed from Ratio Watch.<br> <br> If you ignore the Ratio Watch warning and continue to download, you will lose your download rights. You can still seed what you've downloaded or donate for upload credit. Once your ratio is above the minimums, your download rights will be restored and you will be removed from Ratio Watch. &nbsp. <p> Powered by modified XBTT backend and TCG frontend v0.98 </p>

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