
General rules

&nbsp. <br> Mission statement - What is TheGeeks All About? TheGeeks was born as an expansion to <b></b> (Seduction and Self Help), <b></b> (Business and Wealth), and <b></b> (Esoteric Studies). TheGeeks aims to be the one stop knowledge shop for educating the masses.<br> <br> TG is an eLearning tracker, created to include topics and disciplines which are not directly covered by our sister sites. Subject areas include a broad range of academic disciplines, general and technical knowledge. Our main focus is to build and provide a community for people interested in enriching their minds. A place where knowledge seekers can interact, educate and constantly improve themselves, regardless of their station in life. <br> <br> As such, members of TheGeeks are encouraged to be helpful and courteous to other members. Disruptive or antisocial behaviour is clearly counterproductive (except as to provide an example of how NOT to act) and will be quickly dealt with. General rules - Breaking these rules can and will get you banned! <ul> <li>Do not defy the moderators expressed wishes!</li> <li>Using a proxy/TOR/Anonymizing Services/Data Centres (incl seedboxes/VPS/VPN) on the website can and will get your account disabled unless you have Admin permission to use a proxy. You can seed torrents as you wish (seperate to the website)</li> <li>Anyone Signing up or being Invited to the site, must be connected to a non-commercial/residential xDSL/Cable line.</li> <li>Anyone connected via a 3g/4g/5g service, Non-static wireless service, any tor/proxy/anonymizing service, Public WIFI Hotspots, Any IP located in a commercial or Data Centre (incl seedboxes/VPS/VPN) WILL have their account disabled, until they can satisfy staff of their true identity. This is due to returned banned members.</li> <li>Never use a modified client or any other method to cheat on your stats. doing so will result in a permanent ban.</li> <li>Creating more than one account will result in all of your accounts being disabled and access to the site permanently revoked.</li> <li>If someone's account is disabled, do not give them an invite to let them back in. Doing so will put your own account in jeopardy. </li> <li>Do not share your account with anyone.</li> <li>Using another user's passkey or .torrent files for downloading and/or uploading will result a permanent ban.</li> <li> <b>UPLOADING TCG EXCLUSIVES TO NON-TCG SITES IS STRICTLY PROHIBITED!!</b> <br> However, re-uploading TCG Exclusives to other TCG sister sites is permitted WITH prior written mod/admin permission from this site *before* re-uploading (provided all Wait Times have expired). Ask Contact Staff on this site if you'd like to do this.</li> <li>Requests: must be a User or higher to make a request.</li> <li>Do not upload our .torrent files to other trackers! You will be banned. (See the <b>FAQ</b> for details.)</li> <li>Disruptive behaviour in the forums or on IRC will result in a warning ( ).<br> You will only get <b>one</b> warning! After that, you're gone!</li> </ul> Downloading rules - By not following these rules you will lose download privileges! <ul> <li>Access to exclusives is conditional upon user class.</li> <li>A fair ratio to keep is 1.0 - meaning that you have uploaded as much as you have downloaded. Low ratios will result in severe consequences, including banning in extreme cases. </li> <br> The minimum ratio requirements can be found <b>here</b>.<br> <br> <li>Users are able to leech 10 torrents at a time.</li> <li>Power Users are able to leech 50 torrents at a time.</li> <li>Extreme Users are able to leech 100 torrents at a time.</li> <li>VIPs are able to leech 100 torrents at a time (ask us if you want this raised).</li> <li>Elites are able to leech 100 torrents at a time (ask us if you want this raised).</li> <li>You must have legal rights to the file you are downloading.</li> </ul> General Forum Guidelines - Please follow these guidelines or else you might end up with a warning! <ul> <li>No aggressive behaviour or flaming in the forums.</li> <li>No trashing of other peoples topics (i.e. SPAM).</li> <li>No language other than English in the forums.</li> <li>No systematic foul language (and none at all on titles).</li> <li>No links to warez or crack sites in the forums.</li> <li>No requesting or posting of serials, CD keys, passwords or cracks in the forums.</li> <li>No bumping... (All bumped threads will be deleted.)</li> <li>No images larger than 800x600, and preferably web-optimised.</li> <li>Two consecutive posts by the same user has been disabled. If you try to post/quote another reply (and you're the last poster in a thread), the two posts will automatically merge.</li> <li>Please ensure all questions are posted in the correct section!<br>(Technical questions in the Technical Help section, etc.)</li> <li>Last, please read the <b>FAQ</b> before asking any questions!</li> </ul> Avatar Guidelines - Please try to follow these guidelines <ul> <li>The allowed formats are .gif, .jpg and .png.</li> <li>Be considerate. Resize your images to a width of 150 px and a size of no more than 150 KB. (Browsers will rescale them anyway: smaller images will be expanded and will not look good. larger images will just waste bandwidth and CPU cycles.) For now this is just a guideline but it will be automatically enforced in the near future.</li> <li>Do not use potentially offensive material involving porn, religious material, animal / human cruelty or ideologically charged images. Mods have wide discretion on what is acceptable. If in doubt PM one.</li> </ul> Uploading rules - Torrents violating these rules may be deleted without notice <ul> <li> <b>LEARNING MATERIAL ONLY!</b> If there's any doubt about what you want to share, <b>Contact Staff</b> before uploading and wait for a response.</li> <li> <b>Do NOT upload duplicates!</b> Use the Torrent Search Function to make sure you're not uploading a duplicate ( include dead torrents in your searches please ). Also, use an adequate amount of Torrent name and spelling variations, if necessary, when searching. Make a good faith effort to NOT upload a duplicate please.</li> <li>No MPAA/RIAA materials allowed. You will receive 1 warning. Subsequent violations will result in banning.</li> <li>No hotlinking of images. Copy an image to a image hosting service (like and use that instead.</li> <li> <b>Use the Torrent naming conventions listed as Examples on the Upload Page.</b> </li> <li>FYI - Search Engines don't interpret <b>Robert Kiyosaki-Choose To Be Rich</b> as we might. Without a space, Search Engines see "Kiyosaki-Choose" as one word. In this example a space is needed on BOTH sides of the hyphen (-). To better facilitate Member searchs avoid running words together and keep seperators ( -, _, +, /, etc... ) one space away from words. "SearchEngineNews" is not equivalent to "Search Engine News" when it comes to searches. Notice the use of spaces in the Examples provided on the Upload Page.</li> <li> <b>A good description is required as well</b>. Use <b>Google</b> to get additional information from the Authors name to material that can be used in the description. A link to the Sales Page is sometimes helpful if it's available BUT nothing beats a good description in the long run. If you don't you will receive a warning. After three warnings, you will be banned.</li> <li>If you are sharing Exclusive material meant only for TheGeeks, <b>Contact Staff</b> and ask them to 'enable exclusive upload ability on your account'. Once this option is set, a new section will appear at the bottom of the upload page. It is at this location that you set the class delays. To set up contributers, upload the torrent with the appropriate delays. Click on the 'Edit Torrent' link on the details page for the torrent you just uploaded. The contributer list is at the bottom.<br> <br> Here's some HTML code you can Paste in the Top of your Description and be sure to SET Exclusive SETTINGS located on the bottom of the Torrent Creation Page. <br> <br> <b> Exclusive... sharing elsewhere will result in being banned!</b> <br> <br> The code looks like this:<br> <br> [size=2][color=red][b] Exclusive... sharing elsewhere will result in being banned![/b][/color][/size] <br> <br> <b>... and last but not least please make any links included in the description clickable.</b> </li> <li> </li> <li>Banned file formats: .ratdvd, .rar, .zip (Please don't upload any materials in these formats or you will be warned.) </li> <li>Do NOT upload any products in an archived format (.zip, .rar, .ace, etc). This prevents people from only grabbing a portion of the files contained in the .torrent. You will be warned when you do this and your torrents will be deleted. Do it multiple times and your account will be in jeopardy.</li> <li>Make sure your torrents are well-seeded for at least 24 hours.</li> <li>You must have legal rights to the file you are uploading.</li> </ul> <br> <ul> If you have something interesting that somehow violates these rules, <b>Contact Staff</b> and we might make an exception. </ul> &nbsp. <p> Powered by modified XBTT backend and TCG frontend v0.98 </p>

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