
Politique de Confidentialité et de Cookies

Fair✦TEC <ul> <li> Blog </li> <li> Region UK <ul> <li> UK </li> <li> France </li> <li> Deutschland </li> <li> Belgium (NL) </li> <li> Belgium (FR) </li> </ul> </li> </ul> { "email_subject": "Fair✦TEC - I'm interested in $option$ a phone in $country$", "email_body": "--- %0D%0AName: $name$ $lastname$ %0D%0AOption: $option$ %0D%0ACountry: $country$ %0D%0A---", "purchase": "Purchase", "leasing": "Leasing", "infos": "I need more information", "email_subject_option_information": "Fair✦TEC - I want more information for a phone in $country$", "email_subject_option_leasing": "leasing", "email_subject_option_buy": "buying", "current_lang": "en", "uk": "UK", "fr": "France", "be": "Belgium", "de": "Germany", "nl": "Netherlands", "countries": [ { "name": "UK", "code": "uk" } , { "name": "France", "code": "fr" } , { "name": "Deutschland", "code": "de" } , { "name": "Belgium (NL)", "code": "nl-be" } , { "name": "Belgium (FR)", "code": "fr-be" } ] } Privacy and Cookie Policy Who we are <p>This website is provided and supported by a group of European companies and cooperatives with an interest in providing solutions and services that limit our green gas emission and impact on resources.</p> <p>Founding members are: Fairphone B.V., TeleCoop, Commown, eFoundation and eSolutions, WeTELL, Your Co-op Mobile.</p> What personal data we collect and why we collect&nbsp;it Contact forms <p>If you contact us via the website’s contact form, we will ask you to provide a name and an email address eventually with your message for us. This information will only be used by the relevant FairTEC members to respond to your message and may be stored as part of an email archive.</p> <p>You are of course free to use a fake name and a pseudonymous email address.</p> <p>To protect the contact form from automated SPAM, we use the Friendly Captcha service. This service is provided by Friendly Captcha GmbH. Friendly Captcha generates a unique crypto puzzle for each visitor. As soon as the user starts filling a form it starts getting solved automatically. For the analysis, Friendly Captcha analyses the following log data (request headers User-Agent, Origin and Referer, the puzzle itself, the version of the widget, a timestamp. Friendly Captcha also analyses anonymized IP addresses using a one-way hash of certain values so they cannot be personally identified.</p> <p>Friendly Captcha do NOT ask for other information or personal information, such as your name, email, and online profiles.</p> <p>If you’d like to know more about Friendly Captcha, you can read its privacy policy and its terms of use.</p> Cookies <p>We don’t set any cookies.</p> Analytics <p>For reporting purposes, we collect some statistics on the visits and actions (like clicks) on our website using Matomo, a self-hosted open source web analytics platform that gives us 100% data ownership. All data collected is anonymised, and we do not share it with third parties. Our web server retains access logs (which do not contain any visitor IP addresses) for the purposes of troubleshooting and security. We use this information to provide an indication of faults and to identify peak usage times so that we can decide when to make major site modifications.</p> Who we share your data with <p>No one.</p> What rights you have over your data <p>If you have been in contact with us, you can request to receive an exported file of the personal data we might hold about you. You can also request that we erase any personal data we might hold about you. This does not include any data we are obliged to keep for administrative, legal, or security purposes.</p> <p> <em>Last update of this policy:</em> 20 of may of 2021</p> <p>Fair✦TEC</p> <p> © FairTEC 2022 · Legal notice <br> Privacy and Cookie Policy <br> FairTEC's legislative proposal for more sustainable technology </p> <ul> <li> Fairphone </li> <li> Commown </li> <li> /e/ </li> <li> TeleCoop </li> <li> Your Co-op Mobile </li> <li> WEtell </li> <li> Neibo </li> </ul> <p> Press / contact us <br> </p>

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