Bambu Lab

Cookie Policy

<strong>Cookie Policy</strong> <strong>What are Cookies?</strong> <p>Cookies are small pieces of text used to store information on web browsers. Cookies are used to store and receive identifiers and other information on computers, phones and other devices. Other technologies, including data that we store on your web browser or device, identifiers associated with your device and other software, are used for similar purposes. In this policy, we refer to all of these technologies as “Cookies”.</p> <p>We use cookies if you have a Bambu Lab USA Inc or its affiliated companies (referred to in this policy as “BambuLab”, “we”, or “us”) account, use the Bambu Lab Products, including our website and apps, or visit other websites and apps that use the Bambu Lab Products. Cookies enable Bambu Lab to offer the Bambu Lab Products to you and to understand the information that we receive about you, including information about your use of other websites and apps, whether or not you are registered or logged in.</p> <p>This policy explains how we use cookies and the choices you have. Except as otherwise stated in this policy, our <strong>Privacy Policy</strong> will apply to our processing of the data that we collect via cookies.</p> <strong>Why do We Use Cookies?</strong> <p>Cookies help us provide, protect and improve the Bambu Lab Products, such as by personalizing content and providing a safer experience. The cookies that we use include session cookies, which are deleted when you close your browser, and persistent cookies, which stay in your browser until they expire or you delete them. All cookies used by Bambu Lab have a lifespan of 182 days. While the cookies that we use may change from time to time as we improve and update the Bambu Lab Products, we use them for the following purposes:</p> <strong>Authentication</strong> <p>We use cookies to verify your account and determine when you’re logged in so that we can make it easier for you to access the Bambu Lab Products and show you the appropriate experience and features.</p> <p> <i>For example:</i> Cookies help us remember your browser so you don't have to keep logging in to Bambu Lab and so you can more easily log in to Bambu Lab via third-party apps and websites. For example, we use the "c_user" and "xs" cookies, including for this purpose.</p> <strong>Security, Site and Product Integrity</strong> <p>We use cookies to help us keep your account, data and the Bambu Lab Products safe and secure.</p> <p> <i>For example:</i> Cookies can help us identify and impose additional security measures when someone may be attempting to access a Bambu Lab account without authorization, for instance, by rapidly guessing different passwords. We also use cookies to store information that allows us to recover your account in the event that you forget your password or to require additional authentication if you tell us that your account has been hacked. This includes, for example, our "sb" and "dbln" cookies, which enable us to identify your browser securely.</p> <strong>Advertising</strong> <p>We work with our third-party service providers and business partners to deliver advertising content on our website or to manage our advertisements on other websites. Our third-party service providers and our business partners may use advertising cookies to collect data about your online activities and your browsing habits on their websites. Thanks to the data collected by these cookies, they can offer you relevant advertising tailored to your preferences and interests.</p> <strong>Site Features and Services</strong> <p>We use cookies to enable the functionality that helps us provide the Bambu Lab Products.</p> <p> <i>For example:</i> Cookies help us store preferences, know when you’ve seen or interacted with Bambu Lab Products’ content and provide you with customized content and experiences. For instance, cookies allow us to make suggestions to you and others, and to customize content on third-party sites that integrate our social plugins.</p> <p>We also use cookies to help provide you with content relevant to your locale.</p> <p> <i>For example:</i> We store information in a cookie that is placed on your browser or device so that you will see the site in your preferred language.</p> <strong>Performance</strong> <p>We use cookies to provide you with the best experience possible.</p> <p> <i>For example:</i> Cookies help us route traffic between servers and understand how quickly Bambu Lab Products load for different people. Cookies also help us record the ratio and dimensions of your screen and windows and know whether you’ve enabled high-contrast mode, so that we can render our sites and apps correctly. For example, we set the "dpr" and "wd" cookies, for purposes including to deliver an optimal experience for your device’s screen.</p> <strong>Analytics and Research</strong> <p>We use cookies to better understand how people use the Bambu Lab Products so that we can improve them.</p> <p> <i>For example:</i> Cookies can help us understand how people use the Bambu Lab service, analyze which parts of our Products people find most useful and engaging, and identify features that could be improved.</p> <strong>Third-party Websites and Apps</strong> <p>Our business partners may also choose to share information with Bambu Lab from cookies set in their own websites' domains, whether or not you have a Bambu Lab account or are logged in. Specifically, cookies named _fbc or _fbp may be set on the domain of the business partner whose site you're visiting. Unlike cookies that are set on Bambu Lab's own domains, these cookies aren’t accessible by Bambu Lab when you're on a site other than the one on which they were set, including when you are on one of our domains. They serve the same purposes as cookies set in Bambu Lab's own domain, which are to personalize content (including ads), measure ads, produce analytics and provide a safer experience, as set out in this Cookies Policy.</p> <strong>Do We need Your Consent for the Storage of Cookies on Your Device?</strong> <p>We will collect your consent to place cookies on your device, except in certain circumstances where cookies are essential for the transmission of communication, or when cookies are strictly necessary for us to provide you with a service you have requested.</p> <p>You can withdraw your consent to the use of cookies or adjust your cookie preferences by going to the cookie settings accessible at the bottom of the page at any time. Please note that you may need to refresh your page for your settings to take effect.</p> <strong>How can You Manage Cookies?</strong> <p>You can manage your Cookie preferences by visiting our cookie management center: "Cookie settings" at the bottom of the page at any time. Please note that you may need to refresh your page for your settings to take effect.</p> <p>We will also notify you of our use of cookies and ask for your consent for the use of non-essential cookies on your first visit to the website, then at least every 13 months.</p> <p>Most devices and browsers provide a way to set your cookie preferences. These settings are usually found in the "options" or "preferences" menu of your browser. As of October 8, 2022, you may find additional information about the controls offered by popular browsers at the links below. Certain parts of the Bambu Lab Products may not work properly if you have disabled browser cookie use. Please be aware that these controls are distinct from the controls that we offer you.</p> <ul> <li>Google Chrome [&nbsp;//;]</li> <li>Microsoft Edge [ //;]</li> <li>Opera [&nbsp;//;]</li> <li>Apple Safari [&nbsp;//;]</li> <li>Firefox [&nbsp;//;]</li> </ul> <strong>Contact</strong> <p>If you have any comments or questions about the use of cookies on our website, please do not hesitate to Contact us. Our contact details are listed below. You can also see our <strong>Privacy Policy</strong> for general information and details on the types of information. We collect about you and how you can exercise your privacy rights.</p> <p></p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p>&nbsp;</p>

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