Bambu Lab

Privacy Policy

<strong>Before Scrolling Down, Please Read This</strong> <p> <br>We understand that creating a Privacy Policy that satisfies everyone's needs can be challenging. Most people prefer a concise and easy policy. However, legal requirements mandate that we provide detailed information.&nbsp;&nbsp;<br>With that in mind, we’ve made a user-friendly hub with summaries of key topics to empower you to make informed decisions when you use Bambu Lab products, by making sure you understand and have control over the information we collect, how it’s used, and when it’s shared.&nbsp;<br>In short, if you don't want to read our whole Privacy Policy, just see <u>Privacy Policy-Short Version</u>.</p> <strong>1. About this policy</strong> <p>The Privacy Policy applies when you use the following products or services:</p> <ul> <li>Bambu Lab Apps (such as Bambu Studio and Bambu Handy), websites (such as <u></u> <u> )</u>, Devices and other cloud-related services;</li> <li>Other customer-supporting services provided by Bambu Lab, including Customer Support Service and the Community Site.</li> </ul> <p> <br>From now on, we'll collectively call the above products and services “<strong>Bambu Lab Products and Services”</strong>. As for Bambu Lab Apps and websites, they are collectively referred to as “<strong>Bambu Lab Online Platforms”.</strong>&nbsp;<br>From time to time, we may develop new or offer additional services. They'll also be subject to this Policy, unless stated otherwise when we introduce them.&nbsp;<br>To help explain things as clearly as possible, we’ve added definitions for <u>Key Terms</u>. And if you have any questions about this Privacy Policy, you can contact us at;<br>Please note that this Privacy Policy is a legally binding agreement between you and Bambu Lab. By using the Bambu Lab Products and Services, you acknowledge that you have read, understood, and agreed to the terms of this Policy. If you do not agree to the terms of this Policy, you must not use the Bambu Lab Products and Services.</p> <strong>2. Personal Data We Collect</strong> <p>We may collect Personal Data through your use of the Bambu Lab Products and Services, including:</p> <ul> <li> <strong>Account Information. </strong>When you create a Bambu Lab account, we collect your email address, password, profile photo, profile name, User ID, user login token, and other information for account verification.</li> <li> <strong>Contact Information. </strong>When you purchase products or services from Bambu Lab, we collect your name, email address, ZIP/postal code, mobile phone number, physical address, country, and other contact information.We may process your physical address either to deliver notices to you when required by law or to deliver physical goods which you have purchased or requested.</li> <li> <strong>Payment Information. </strong>When you make a payment for our products or services, we will collect your payment information, including bank details, bank card type (credit or debit), or other payment card information. Please note that, for security purposes, we will not collect your full card number.</li> <li> <strong>Transaction Information. </strong>Personal data that we need to collect about your purchase of Bambu Lab Products and Services or transactions facilitated by us, including the details of your purchase history.</li> <li> <strong>Fraud and Abuse Prevention Information. </strong>Personal data that we need to collect for verification purposes to prevent fraud and abuse, including data of device trust and Appeal Records.</li> <li> <strong>Device Information. </strong>When you use Bambu Lab Products or Services, we collect your Device ID from which your Device could be identified. We also collect other information about your Device, such as operating system, hardware version, Device model, Device serial number, and network connection.</li> <li> <strong>Printer Camera Information. </strong>When you initiate a request for customer support service, we may collect your Printer Camera information. We only collect Printer Camera Data when you voluntarily provide it to us. This data will be used solely for the purpose of providing customer support service, and will not be used for any other purposes or shared with any third parties without your consent.</li> <li> <strong>3D Model Data. </strong>When you initiate the print job through the cloud, we will collect your <strong>3D Model Data</strong>, such as 3D model files and/or other printing information (<i> <strong>Learn more</strong> </i> <i> <strong> </strong> </i>). Under any circumstances, without your permission, Bambu Lab will not read, analyze or process your 3D model files, and we will not grant any third-party access to your 3D model files.</li> <li> <strong>Usage Data. </strong>When you activate Devices or use Bambu Lab Products or Services, we may collect your information, including your Internet or Network Activity Data, such as products and services interaction, IP addresses, or browsing information collected through Cookies (To learn more, please read our <u>Cookie Policy</u>). Printing Data(such as Device control information and Device operation information). crash data. performance data and diagnostic data. and other usage data.</li> <li> <strong>Job Application Information. </strong>When you apply for a job position at Bambu Lab, we may collect your job application information (such as your first and last name, country, e-mail, and phone number).</li> </ul> <p>We may receive personal data about you from third-party sources, including:</p> <ul> <li> <strong>Third-party Account Information.</strong> When you register or log in to Bambu Lab’s online services using one of your existing Facebook, Apple, or Google accounts, we will collect your information from relevant third-party service providers to create your account. The service providers involved are Meta Platforms Ireland Limited., Apple Inc., and Google Ireland Ltd.</li> <li> <strong>Google Analytics Statistics Data.</strong> We receive Google Analytics statistics data from Google Analytics. Google Analytics is a web analysis service provided by Google Ireland Ltd. (“Google”). The configuration of Google Analytics has been modified by us to the measurement only function, unless separate consent for further advertising features has been given.Google Analytics uses a specific form of cookie, which is stored on your computer and enables an analysis of your use of our website. To learn more, please read our <u>Cookie Policy</u>.</li> </ul> <strong>3.</strong> <strong>How We Use Your Personal Data</strong> <p>In this Chapter, we set out:</p> <ul> <li>our purpose for processing your personal data (each called a "<strong>purpose"</strong>);</li> <li>our legal justifications (each called a "<strong>Legal Basis</strong>") under data protection law, for each purpose;</li> <li>categories of personal data which we process for each purpose (each called a "<strong>categories"</strong>). See more details about these categories in Chapter 2 Personal Data We Collect.</li> </ul> <strong>Provide Our Services and Improver User Experience</strong> <ul> <li>Purpose: providing and improving Bambu Lab Products and Services. providing customer support service.</li> <li>Legal Basis: Performance of a Contract (Art. 6 (1) b GDPR.)</li> <li>Categories: Device Information, Printer Camera Information, 3D Model Data, Usage Data.</li> </ul> <strong>Process Your Transactions</strong> <ul> <li>Purpose: processing your transactions.</li> <li>Legal Basis: Performance of a Contract (Art. 6 (1) b GDPR.)</li> <li>Categories: Contact Information, Account Information, Payment Information and Transaction Information.</li> </ul> <strong>Provide Personalized Services</strong> <ul> <li>Purpose: providing you with personalized services or communications at your willingness.</li> <li>Legal Basis: Consent. (Art. 6 (1) a GDPR)</li> <li>Categories: Account Information, Contact Information, Transaction Information, Device Information, Printer Camera Information, 3D Model Data and Usage Data.</li> </ul> <strong>Marketing and Advertising</strong> <ul> <li>Purpose: conducting marketing or advertising to you after obtaining your consent. for example, we might collect your personal data through cookies to analyse your interests. we might also use your personal data to send emails to you for marketing purposes.</li> <li>Legal Basis: Consent. You may send unsubscribe requests or withdraw your consent at any time. Please visit<strong> </strong>Chapter 4 Your Privacy Rights in this Privacy Policy to find out more. (Art. 6 (1) a GDPR)</li> <li>Categories: Account Information, Contact Information, Transaction Information, Device Information, Printer Camera Information, 3D Model Data and Usage Data.</li> </ul> <strong>Security, Fraud</strong>,<strong> and Abuse Prevention</strong> <ul> <li>Purpose: keeping the security of Bambu Lab Products and Services. detecting and preventing fraud and abuse.</li> <li>Legal Basis: Legitimate Interest. (Art. 6 (1) f GDPR)</li> <li>Categories: Fraud and Abuse Prevention Information.</li> </ul> <strong>Comply with Legal Obligations</strong> <ul> <li>Purpose: complying with a legal obligation that we are subject to.</li> <li>Legal Basis: Compliance with legal obligations. (Art. 6 (1) c GDPR)</li> <li>Categories: Account Information, Contact Information, Payment Information, Transaction Information, Device Information, Printer Camera Information, 3D Model Data, Usage Data, or Job Application Information.</li> </ul> <strong>Recruitment</strong> <ul> <li>Purpose: Assessing your application for the job offered and to communicate with you within the recruitment process. Based on your consent to ask you about your experience during the recruitment process.</li> <li>Legal Basis: Legitimate Interest. (Art. 6 (1) f GDPR)</li> <li>Categories: Job Application Data.</li> </ul> <strong>4. Your Privacy Rights</strong> <p>We protect your rights over your personal data in accordance with GDPR and other applicable laws.&nbsp;<br>Some of these rights apply generally, while others will only apply in certain circumstances. Depending on the scenario, these rights may be subject to some limitations. Bambu Lab will be responsible for responding to your request within the relevant periods provided by law.&nbsp;<br>Below we have listed your rights regarding your personal data, including a description of the right ("<strong>Right</strong>"), and instructions on how to exercise the right ("<strong>How to exercise</strong>"). For each right, we also specify the circumstances in which it applies, which may include the required Legal Basis.</p> <strong>Be Informed (Art. 13/14 GDPR)</strong> <ul> <li>Right:Be informed of the personal data we process about you and how we process it.</li> <li>How to exercise: You will be informed of the personal data we process about you and how we process it through this Privacy Policy, information provided to you when you use Bambu Lab Products and Services, or by contacting us at</li> </ul> <strong>Access (Art. 15 GDPR)</strong> <ul> <li>Right:Request access to the personal data we process about you.</li> <li>How to exercise: You may request access and a copy of your personal data from Bambu Lab by contacting us at</li> </ul> <p> <br>When you download your data, you will receive the information about your data that Bambu Lab has to provide under Article 15 of the GDPR.</p> <strong>Rectification (Art. 16 GDPR)</strong> <ul> <li>Right:You may request that we amend or update your personal data where it’s inaccurate or incomplete.</li> <li>How to exercise:You can edit your Account Data by contacting us at</li> </ul> <strong>Erasure (Art. 17 GDPR)</strong> <ul> <li>Right:You may request us to erase certain of your personal data.or example, you can ask us to erase the personal data:<ul> <li>which is no longer needed by us in relation to the purpose for which they were collected or otherwise processed;</li> <li>which we have been processing based on the legal basis of consent, provided that you withdraw your consent;</li> <li>Which has been unlawfully processed by us;</li> <li>which you have objected to process (see Section 6 "Object" in Chapter 4 Your Privacy Rights below) ;and</li> <li>when you object to direct marketing. or</li> <li>in other scenarios stipulated by law.</li> </ul> </li> <li>In certain situations, Bambu Lab is unable to delete your personal data in responding to your requests, including:<ul> <li>when such personal data is still necessary to be processed to achieve the purpose we collected it for;</li> <li>Bambu Lab’s interest in using the data overrides your interest in having it deleted (e.g., when we need to process the personal data to protect our services from fraud);</li> <li>Bambu Lab has a legal obligation to keep relevant personal data. or</li> <li>Bambu Lab needs the personal data to establish, exercise or defend itself from a legal claim (e.g., when there’s an unresolved dispute relating to your account).</li> </ul> </li> <li>How to exercise:You can request to delete your Personal Data by contacting us at</li> </ul> <strong>Restriction (Art. 18 GDPR)</strong> <ul> <li>Right:You may request restrictions on processing your personal data where:<ul> <li>You are challenging the accuracy of the information;</li> <li>The information has been unlawfully processed, but you are opposing the deletion of that information;</li> <li>We no longer need your information for a specific purpose, but such information is required by the data subject for the establishment, exercise or defence of legal claims. or</li> <li>You have objected to our processing and we are assessing your objection request (See Section 6 "Object" in Chapter 4 Your Privacy Rights below).</li> </ul> </li> </ul> <p> <br>You may request us to stop processing your personal data temporarily or permanently.</p> <ul> <li>How to exercise:you can exercise your right to restriction by contacting us at</li> </ul> <strong>Object (Art. 21 GDPR)</strong> <ul> <li>Right:You may object to our processing of your personal data in certain circumstances. This right applies when we are performing a task in the public interest, pursuing our legitimate interests or those of a third party or when you object to processing of your personal data for direct marketing purpose.</li> <li>How to exercise:You may use controls on the Bambu Lab Services to switch off or adjust some features which process your personal data. See the end of this section on how you can control tailored advertising, or contact us at</li> </ul> <strong>Data Portability (Art. 20 GDPR)</strong> <ul> <li>Right:You may request a copy of your personal data in electronic format and the right to transmit that personal data for use in another party’s service, when we are processing your personal data on the Legal Basis of consent or performance of contract.Bambu Lab will try to respond to your request to the extent possible.</li> <li>How to exercise:for information about how to exercise the right to portability (see Section 2 "Access" in Chapter 4 Your Privacy Rights) .</li> </ul> <strong>Not Be Subject to Automated Decision Making (Art. 22 GDPR)</strong> <ul> <li>Right:You have the right not be subject to a decision based solely on automated decision making (decisions without human involvement), including profiling, where the decision would have a legal effect on you or produce a similarly significant effect.</li> <li>How to exercise:Bambu Lab does not engage in this type of automated decision-making when providing the Bambu Lab Products and Service. Please contact us at if you would like to opt out of automated decision making.</li> </ul> <strong>Withdrawal of Consent (Art. 7 GDPR)</strong> <ul> <li>Right:You have the right to withdraw your consent from us on processing your personal data. You can implement your right of withdrawing your consent when Bambu Lab is processing your personal data on the Legal Basis of consent.</li> <li>How to exercise:You can adjust the relevant control on Bambu Lab, or contact us at</li> </ul> <strong>Right to Lodge a Complaint (Art. 77 GDPR)</strong> <ul> <li>Right:You may contact the European Data Protection Board ("EDPB") for Privacy Protection or your local data protection authority about any questions or concerns regarding your personal data.</li> <li>How to exercise:you can find the EDPB’s details here. You can also go to the website of your local data protection authority to lodge a complaint..</li> </ul> <strong>5. Sharing Your Personal Data</strong> <p>This Chapter sets out who receives personal data which is collected or generated through your use of the Bambu Lab Products and Services from Bambu Lab.</p> <strong>Publicly Available Information</strong> <p>The following personal data will always be publicly available on the <strong>Bambu Lab Online Platforms</strong> (except to any user you have blocked):</p> <ul> <li>your profile name;</li> <li>your profile photo;</li> <li>content you post on the <strong>Bambu Lab Online Platforms </strong>and any associated titles, descriptions and images.</li> </ul> <p> <br>You can share certain personal data to third party platforms, like social media or messaging platforms. This includes:</p> <ul> <li>your profile information;</li> <li>any content you post on <strong>Bambu Lab Online Platforms </strong>and details about that content.</li> </ul> <p> <br>When you share personal data on third party platforms, the third party service providers may store a copy of such personal information to support their features or services. You should review the privacy policy of these third parties to understand how they will process your personal data.</p> <strong>Personal Data You May Choose to Share</strong> <p>From time to time, in order to provide Bambu Lab Products and Services to you and to achieve the purposes as stated in Chapter 3 How We Use Personal Data, we may share your personal information to other Bambu Lab affiliated companies and other third party service providers. This may include:</p> <ul> <li> <strong>Bambu Lab Affiliated Companies. </strong>We may share your personal data to our affiliated companies or grant access to your personal data to them to provide Bambu Lab Products and Services to you, or to fulfill our contractual and legal obligations. For example, some of the systems through which we provide Bambu Lab Products and Services are operated by our affiliated companies. some of our affiliated companies also provide maintenance services to our <strong>Bambu Lab Online Platforms</strong>. Please see the name list of all the Bambu Lab affiliated companies here.</li> <li> <strong>Bambu Lab Partner Programme. </strong>In the Bambu Lab Partner Programme, we permit the resellers (“<strong>Bambu Lab Partners</strong>”) to sell our products via their online channels or offline channels.<ul> <li>When you order our products through Bambu Lab Partners, the products are generally delivered by the relevant Bambu Lab partner. To fulfill the transaction between you and the Bambu Lab Partners, the Bambu Lab Partners will process your personal data as the data controller. For more information on how the Bambu Lab Partners will process your personal data, please refer to these Bambu Lab Partners' own privacy policy. You can usually find their privacy policy on their website homepage. Bambu Lab is not responsible for personal data processing activities conducted by Bambu Lab Partners mentioned above.</li> <li>Nevertheless, when you purchase our products through Resellers' online or offline channels , Bambu Lab is still the data controller regarding processing some of your personal data, including Account Information, Device Information, Printer Camera Information, 3D Model Data, or Usage Data.</li> <li>When you require Bambu Lab Partners to provide customer support service, we may share the personal data we collect from you to Bambu Lab Partners for the purpose of responding to your requests. For such personal data, Bambu Lab, as the data controller, will ensure that Bambu Lab Partners will only process them as per Bambu Lab’s instruction.</li> </ul> </li> <li> <strong>Service Providers or Partners. </strong>We engage service providers or partners to manage or support certain aspects of our business operations or Bambu Lab Products and Services on our behalf. These service providers or partners may be located in the US or other countries/regions, and they may provide services such as payment service, customer support, order fulfillment, product delivery, advertising and marketing activities, personalized services, technical services, data hosting, or customer satisfaction surveys. More information about our service providers or partners can be found <u>here</u> <strong>.</strong> </li> </ul> <p> <br>If the above technical service providers or partners process your data outside the European Union and this may mean that your data is transmitted to a country/region with a lower data protection standard than the European Union, Bambu Lab will ensure equivalent data protection level for such personal data.</p> <strong>Other Conditions as Required by Applicable Law</strong> <p>Bambu Lab may disclose your personal information without further consent when permitted or required by applicable laws or regulations.</p> <strong>6. Data Retention</strong> <p>We keep your personal data only for the period necessary to provide you with Bambu Lab Products and Services and for achieving Bambu Lab's legitimate and essential business purposes, such as making data-driven business decisions about new features and offerings, complying with our legal obligations, or resolving disputes.</p> <p>Below we provide details on the storage periods of your personal data:</p> <ul> <li> <strong>Data Retained until You Remove It. </strong>It's your right to request that we delete certain of your personal data. See the Section 4 “Erasure” in Chapter 4 Your personal data rights for more information.</li> <li> <strong>Data that Expires after a Specific Period of Time. </strong>We have set fixed retention periods so that some data expires or will be deleted after a specific period of time.</li> <li> <strong>Data Retained until Your Bambu Lab Account is Deleted. </strong>We keep some data until your Bambu Lab account is deleted. When your Bambu Lab account is deleted, your data will be deleted or be anonymised.</li> <li> <strong>Data Retained for Extended Time Periods for Limited Purposes. </strong>After your account is deleted, we keep some data for a longer time period but for very limited purposes.</li> </ul> <strong>7. Transfer to Other Countries</strong> <p>Due to the global nature of our business, Bambu Lab shares personal data internationally with Bambu Lab affiliated companies, subcontractors and partners when carrying out the data processing activities described in this Privacy Policy.&nbsp;&nbsp;<br>Whenever we transfer personal data internationally, we will make sure that the data transfer complies with applicable law. We also ensure the personal data benefits from an adequate level of data protection when transferring your information outside of the EEA, the UK, or Switzerland by relying on:</p> <ul> <li>Adequacy Decisions. This applies when we transfer personal data to countries outside of the European Economic Area ("<strong>EEA</strong>") which have adequate laws to protect personal data, as determined by the European Commission under Article 45 GDPR (or equivalent decisions under other laws). For example, we transfer the personal data described in Chapter 2 Personal Data We Collect to vendors based in Canada, Japan and Republic of Korea.</li> <li>Standard Contractual Clauses ("<strong>SCCs</strong>"). The European Commission has approved contractual clauses under Article 46 of the GDPR that allows companies in the EEA to transfer data outside the EEA to countries without an adequacy decision. These (and their approved equivalent for the UK and Switzerland) are called SCCs. For example, we use SCCs to transfer the personal data described in Chapter 2 Personal Data We Collect to our data hosting provider located in the US. You can exercise your rights under the Standard Contractual Clauses by contacting us at</li> <li>For a copy of these adequacy decisions or standard contractual clauses, please contact us via the details provided in Chapter 11 Our Contact Information below.</li> </ul> <strong>8. Data Security</strong> <p>We use certain physical, organizational, and technical security measures that are designed to improve the integrity and security of personal data that we collect and maintain. Please be aware that no security measures are perfect or impenetrable and thus we cannot and do not guarantee that your personal data will not be accessed, viewed, disclosed, altered, or destroyed by breach of any of our physical, technical, or organizational security measures.</p> <strong>9. Children</strong> <p>Bambu Lab Products and Services are not intended for children under 13 years of age. We will not knowingly collect any personal data from children under 13 when providing Bambu Lab Products and Services.&nbsp;<br>If you are under 13 years old, please do not provide any of your personal data to us. If we have collected personal data from a child under 13, we will delete relevant personal data in a timely manner after we realize it. If you believe we might have collected personal data from a child under 13, please contact us at</p> <strong>10. Changes to this Policy</strong> <p>We change this Privacy Policy from time to time. We will not reduce your rights under this Privacy Policy without your explicit consent. If we make material changes on how we process your personal data, we will notify you by sending an email to the email address you provide or through a notice on the home page of our website. The date when the privacy policy was last updated at the top of the page. You are responsible for ensuring we have an up-to-date active email address from you. Please also visit our website and read this privacy policy regularly to check any changes.</p> <strong>11. Our Contact Information</strong> <p>For any questions, requests or concerns about this Privacy Policy, please contact us by sending an email to, or by mailing to us at the following postal address:&nbsp;&nbsp;<br>TUOZHU TECHNOLOGY LIMITED., 19h Maxgrand Plaza, No.3 Tai Yau Street, San Po Kong, Kowloon, Hong Kong.</p> <p>Last Updated: May 16, 2023</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p>&nbsp;</p>

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