<p> Home </p> Terms of Use Share <ul> <li> Twitter </li> <li> Facebook </li> </ul> <p>Users of the AAPD website<sup>[1]</sup> are subject to these Terms of Use, plus any additional terms and conditions posted at specific portions of the site. The website is a dynamic web site, and changes are made regularly. All information is current as of its first appearance on this site or when last modified.</p> <p>The website is owned by the American Academy of Pediatric Dentistry (AAPD).&nbsp;</p> <p>The terms "User" as used here refers to all individuals and/or entities accessing this website for any reason. Use of this website in order to transmit, distribute, store or destroy material, including without limitation webite Content, (a) in violation of any applicable law or regulation, (b) in a manner that will infringe the copyright, trademark, trade secret or other intellectual property rights of others or violate the privacy, publicity or other personal rights of others, or (c) that is defamatory, obscene, threatening, abusive or hateful is prohibited.</p> <p>All items on the website are copyright of the American Academy of Pediatric Dentistry. This copyright extends to text and graphics, the selection, arrangement and presentation of all materials, and the overall design of the site. Reproduction or republication is strictly prohibited without prior written permission, unless and to the extent specific items posted on the website indicate otherwise.</p> <p>Reproduction or republication of the AAPD logo is strictly prohibited without prior written permission.</p> <p> </p> <p>AAPD Active and Life members may use the AAPD logo as indicated in the AAPDAdministrative Policy and Procedure Manual, Section (Section 13.E.) , which is included on http://www.aapd.org under Member Resources.&nbsp;</p> <p>Reproduction or republication of the AAPD Foundation logo is strictly prohibited without prior written permission.</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p> </p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p>The AAPD grants users a limited license to download the material on this website solely for personal, noncommercial use. Violation of any provision of these Terms of Use terminates the license to use such material and requires immediate destruction of any copies of any portion of the material.</p> <p>AAPD members may download content such as pediatric oral health brochures, oral health policies, and clinical guidelines for educational purposes. Members agree not to use such materials for resale or other commercial purposes. Pediatric oral health brochures may not be reprinted for distribution. Printed brochures may be ordered via the AAPD online store.</p> <p>Non-members should contact AAPD at&nbsp;aapdinfo@aapd.org&nbsp;to request a license agreement for reproduction and distribution of any AAPD materials on the website.</p> <p>Links may be made to the website provided the links do not use the trademarks or service marks of the American Academy of Pediatric Dentistry or its affiliated entities. Links to the website may not suggest or imply that the AAPD or its affiliates endorse or support the linking site, its sponsors and/or its advertisers, unless prior written permission to indicate any such endorsement or support has been granted. Framing of the AAPD website or any of its content is strictly prohibited.</p> <p>The AAPD website is provided "as is." Neither the AAPD nor its affiliated entities make any representations or warranties, of any kind or any nature, whether express or implied, created by law, contract or otherwise, including, without limitation, any representations or warranties of merchantability, fitness for a particular purpose, title or non-infringement.</p> <p>In no event shall the AAPD or its affiliated entities nor any of its managers, employees, suppliers or agents be liable for any damages of any kind or nature, including, without limitation, direct, indirect, special, consequential or incidental damages or loss of profits arising from, or in connection with, the existence, operation, use or reliance of this site, regardless of whether the AAPD has been advised of the possibility of such damages.</p> <p>The material contained on the AAPD website is offered as information only and not as practice, financial, accounting, legal or other professional advice. Users need to consult their own professional advisors for such advice. Business decisions, including decisions about methods of dental practice, are personal choices to be made by individual pediatric dentists. The AAPD does not, via the AAPD website or otherwise, encourage pediatric dentists to make any particular business decision on issues addressed herein, including with respect to whether and how to participate in dental insurance plans.</p> <p>Certain information on the website that is provided to assist pediatric dentists and their staff in making clinical decisions regarding the clinical care of their patients cannot substitute for the individual judgment brought to each clinical situation by the patient's pediatric dentist. As with all clinical reference resources, they reflect the science of pediatric dentistry at the time of their development, but they should be used with the clear understanding that continued research may result in new knowledge or recommendations.</p> <p>Accessing information on the AAPD website should be not considered a substitute for or an alternative to a family’s direct communication with their child’s pediatric dentist. The website does not provide clinical diagnosis or treatment recommendations, or render any opinion concerning the quality of care provided by any specific pediatric dentist to an individual patient. The AAPD does not intervene or mediate in communications between a patient’s family and their child’s pediatric dentist.&nbsp;</p> <p>Unless otherwise noted, the AAPD does not necessarily endorse the non-AAPD resources that may appear or otherwise be referenced on the website, and makes no representation or warranties about the products or services they may provide. By linking to other websites, the AAPD does not endorse the policies or practices of, or opinions expressed on, those sites. nor does the AAPD make any representations or warranties with respect to the accuracy of any items or claims contained therein.</p> <p>Users are prohibited from violating or attempting to violate the security of this website, including, without limitation, (a) accessing data not intended for such user or logging into a server or account which the user is not authorized to access, (b) attempting to probe, scan or test the vulnerability of a system or network or to breach security or authentication measures without proper authorization, (c) attempting to interfere with service to any user, host or network, including, without limitation, via means of submitting a virus to the website, overloading, "flooding", "spamming", "mailbombing" or "crashing", (d) sending unsolicited e-mail, including promotions and/or advertising of products or services, or (e) forging any TCP/IP packet header or any part of the header information in any e-mail or newsgroup posting.</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p>[1] The term "website" refers to&nbsp;http://www.aapd.org,&nbsp;http://www.mychildrensteeth.org,&nbsp;http://www.pediatricdentistrytoday.org/, and any other AAPD website.&nbsp;</p>

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