
Community Guidelines

BACKCommunity GuidelinesAt Foony Limited our goal is to promote a friendly, positive, and safe environment for all members of our community to enjoy together.To achieve this goal we provide the following guidelines for our community (Community Guidelines) for you to follow when you are using our services, or interacting with other members of our community.To protect our community we reserve the right to suspend, ban, or terminate any user account or member that we consider to be in breach of these Community Guidelines, as well as the right to remove any and all content that we consider is inappropriate, harmful to, or not in the spirit of our community.These Community Guidelines apply to everyone and everything on our services, including all user created content, as well as all activity undertaken while using our services.These Community Guidelines are to be read in conjunction with, and any user of our services is subject to, our Terms of Service, our Privacy Policy, and our Cookies Policy.BREAKING THE LAWYou must respect and adhere to any applicable law be they local, state, or international, while using our services. You must not promote, solicit, or encourage illegal activity, nor upload any content that features illegal activity.SELF-DESTRUCTIVE BEHAVIOURYou must not take part in any activity that may endanger your life, or lead to your physical harm. This includes without limitation threats of suicide, illegal use of drugs, dangerous consumption of alcohol, or promotion or glorification of eating disorders. Self-destructive behaviour is a serious issue, and we accordingly make no exceptions for self-destructive behaviour performed for entertainment, or made in jest, when that behaviour could reasonably be expected to cause injury.We do however allow members to share their personal experiences of these issues if it is for the purposes of raising awareness, or for seeking or providing support from or to other members of our community.VIOLENCE AND THREATSWe have zero tolerance for acts and threats of violence. Any account associated with such activities will be suspended indefinitely. This includes attempts or threats to cause physical harm or kill, attempts or threats to hack or DDOS or other similar activities, and acts of intimidation.We do not allow content that depicts, encourages, or glorifies terrorism or violent extremism. This includes threatening to, or encouraging others to commit acts that would cause serious physical harm to groups of people or to property.When there is a threat to public safety, or if our services are used to promote or glorify violence, we may suspend or ban the related account.HATEFUL SPEECH OR CONDUCTWe do not allow any form of hateful speech or conduct on our services. This includes any content or activity that promotes or encourages discrimination, denigration, harassment, or violence based on race, ethnicity, colour, national origin, immigration status, religion, sex, gender, gender identity, sexual orientation, disability, serious medical condition, and other similar classes.Any form of discrimination or hateful speech will not be tolerated on our services, and the offending account may be suspended, banned, or terminated at our discretion.HARASSMENTWe oppose harassment of any kind, and will not allow such on our services. This is a wide reaching category which can include stalking, personal attacks, promoting physical harm, malicious false reporting unwanted sexual advances, sexual objectification, or degrading attacks relating to sexual practices.UNAUTHORISED SHARING OF PRIVATE INFORMATIONYou must not share content that may reveal private information about individuals or their property, without that individual’s permission. This includes content that violates another individual’s reasonable expectation for privacy, for example sharing information from protected or restricted access social media profiles.IMPERSONATIONContent meant to impersonate another individual or organisation is strictly prohibited. This includes attempting to pass yourself off as a representative of Foony Limited.In addition you must not create a false identity for the purposes of using our services or when interacting with other members of our community.SPAM, SCAMS, AND OTHER MALICIOUS CONDUCTYou must not conduct any activity, or upload any content, that harms, interrupts, or otherwise disrupts our services or another user’s experience of our services. This can include posting repetitive unwanted messages, advertising without our consent, phishing, false representation (such as feigned distress, posting deliberately misleading information, or deliberate false categorising of user content), and selling or sharing member’s accounts.NUDITY, PORNOGRAPHY, AND OTHER SEXUAL CONTENTUser content with an appropriate restricted age 18 plus tag such as list categories may refer to pornography or sexual acts. However actual nudity and explicit sexual material such as pornography, sexual acts, and sexual services are prohibited from our services.Notwithstanding the above we have zero tolerance for any sexual content, whether referred to or actual, to minors of any kind. Any content including animated or digitally created or manipulated media which depicts abuse, exploitation, or nudity of minors will be removed when detected and we will report any child exploitation we see on our services to relevant law enforcement.Furthermore any content that promotes or refers to sexual violence or exploitation is prohibited, and may be referred to relevant law enforcement.EXTREME VIOLENCE, GORE, AND OTHER OBSCENE CONDUCTAny content or promotion of extreme or gratuitous gore or violence is prohibited from our services. Any content that is gratuitously shocking, sadistic, or gruesome, or that normalises or glorifies extreme violence or suffering will have the related account suspended, banned, or terminated, and if appropriate reported to relevant legal enforcement.INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY RIGHTSAny content you share on our services should either be your own content, or else content you have authority to share. Please respect other people’s rights over their intellectual property.Uploading or sharing any content that infringes another’s intellectual property rights is a violation of our Terms of Service. Multiple violations may lead to termination of your account.LAW ENFORCEMENTIf we believe there is a risk of physical harm or threat to public safety, we may work with appropriate law enforcement.EVASION OF SUSPENDED ACCOUNTSIf we decide to suspend or ban your account due to what we believe is your breach of these Community Guidelines or our Terms of Service, then such suspension or termination is binding until a successful appeal is made by you.Any attempt by you to circumvent your suspension or ban by use of other accounts may result in termination of yours and other associated accounts, and an indefinite ban from our services.CONTENT LABELINGWhen you upload content you are expected to accurately label said content to the best of your ability. Deliberate or extensive misuse of tags or labelling, particularly when dealing with age 18 plus content, is prohibited and may lead to your account being suspended or terminated.CHEATING IN GAMEAny activity aimed at giving a user an unfair advantage while playing an online multiplayer game, such as cheating, hacking, botting, or tampering is prohibited. This includes exploiting other user’s live broadcasts such as ‘stream sniping’.OFF-SERVICE CONDUCTWe are committed to providing a safe and friendly environment for our community, which means if we are alerted to severe offenses of our users which takes place outside of our services, such as being a member of a hate group, terrorist recruitment group, or related to child grooming, then if our investigations of such a report confirms your involvement we are entitled to restrict or terminate your use of our services.INTERACTION WITH OTHER MEMBERS OF THE COMMUNITYYour overall conduct when using our services, and the way you interact with your fellow members of our community should follow common sense rules of etiquette. For example you should be respectful, polite, and not flame, abuse, or insult other members.Our community members are here to enjoy themselves. Remember that your actions and conduct can have a negative impact to those on the receiving end.The age-old rule applies, treat others how you wish to be treated.

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