Computer Science Wiki

Privacy Policy

Privacy Preamble <p>This Master Privacy Policy (“Privacy Policy”) explains the collection, use, and disclosure of “personal information” by Bill MacKenty (“Bill”). Unless otherwise noted on a particular site or service, this Privacy Policy applies to your use of all websites that Bill operates, including:</p> <ul> <li></li> <li></li> <li></li> <li></li> <li></li> <li></li> </ul> <p>...(the “Websites”), as well as the products, information, and services provided through the Websites. This Privacy Policy also explains my commitment to you with respect to my use and disclosure of non personal browsing and site usage data that Bill collects as the provider of the Services. That commitment is contained in a “Data Usage Policy,” below. As used in this policy, “personal information” means information that would allow a party to identify you such as, for example, your name, address or location, telephone number, or email address. By accessing or using any of the Services, you are accepting and agreeing to the practices described in this Privacy Policy.</p> My Principles <p>Bill is committed to handling responsibly the information and data I collect about you through my Services, whether personal information or non personal browsing and site usage data. I have designed my Privacy Policy and my Data Usage Policy consistent with the following principles (the “Principles”):</p> <ol> <li>Privacy policies and data collection and use policies should be human readable, comprehensive, and easy to locate;</li> <li>Only the minimum amount of information reasonably necessary to provide you with services should be collected and maintained, and only for so long as reasonably needed or required;</li> <li>Information you provide through my Services, or that I gather as a result of your use of my Services, should not be used for marketing or advertising purposes, nor should it be provided voluntarily (without your permission) to anyone else unless required. and</li> <li>If Bill is required to provide a third party with your personal information (whether by subpoena or otherwise), then provided I have collected and retained an email address for you, Bill will use reasonable means to notify you promptly of that event, unless prohibited by law or Bill is otherwise advised not to notify you on the advice of legal counsel.</li> </ol> Personal Information Bill Collects <p>I may collect personal information through my Services, including without limitation:</p> <ol> <li>when you provide me with your personal information such as by sending an email to us or signing up to receive updates from Bill;</li> <li>when you subscribe to one of my email discussion lists;</li> <li>when you create an account;</li> <li>when you provide personal information in connection with your participation in any of the forums or wiki's I make available through my Services.</li> </ol> What Bill Does with Personal Information Emails and Newsletters <p>I use the personal information you provide to me when you send me emails or sign up to receive updates from Bill in order to respond to your request – for example, to reply to your email or to send you communications about news and campaigns. When you subscribe to updates from me, your email address is sent to and stored in a database hosted on Bills’ servers that can only be accessed by Bill, his staff and contractors. When you subscribe to one of my email discussion lists, your name and email address is sent to and stored by Bill, or another service with which Bill has engaged to provide email support. Personal information submitted as part of my email discussion lists is used for the purpose of managing the discussion lists. Your name and email address will typically be visible to other list participants when you correspond on the list and to the general public in the discussion archives. All emails sent to the discussions lists are publicly archived.</p> Participating in Our Community <p>Registered Users. When you register to obtain a user account on any of the Services (any such person, a “Registered User”), you may be asked to provide personal information to create your account and establish a password and profile. <strong>I encourage you to use an alias or nickname</strong>. The name or nickname you provide in connection with your account may be used to attribute you in connection with any content you submit to any Service. I also use that personal information to establish and maintain your account, to provide you with the features I provide Registered Users, and to email you regarding changes to this policy or other applicable policies. If you sign up to receive updates from Bill when you create your account, I will use your personal information to send you communications about news and campaigns. Any other personal information that I may collect which is not described specifically in this Privacy Policy will only be collected and used in accordance with the Principles.</p> Disclosures of Personal Information <p>In general, it is not Bills' practice to disclose personal information to third parties. Other than providing you with attribution I may share your personal information in two instances: First, Bill may share personal information with his contractors and service providers in order to maintain, enhance, or add to the functionality of the Services, or to organize and run an event you signed up to attend. Second, I may disclose your personal information to third parties in a good faith belief that such disclosure is reasonably necessary to (a) take action regarding suspected illegal activities. (b) enforce or apply my Master Terms of Use and Privacy Policy. (c) comply with legal process, such as a search warrant, subpoena, statute, or court order. or (d) protect my rights, reputation, and property, or that of my users, affiliates, or the public. If Bill is required to provide a third party with your personal information (whether by subpoena or otherwise), then provided I have collected and retained an email address for you, Bill will use reasonable means to notify you promptly of that event, unless prohibited by law or Bill is otherwise advised not to notify you on the advice of legal counsel.</p> Security of Personal Information Collected via the Services <p>Bill has implemented reasonable measures to protect against unauthorized access to and unlawful interception or processing of personal information that Bill stores and controls. However, no website can fully eliminate security risks. Third parties may circumvent my security measures to unlawfully intercept or access transmissions or private communications. I will post a reasonably prominent notice to the Websites if any such security breach occurs.</p> Data Usage Policy: Non Personal Browsing and Site Usage Information <p>My Data Usage Policy covers how I maintain and use information about you that is collected by my Services.</p> Non Personal Browsing Information I Collect <p>When you use the Services, my servers (which are hosted by a third party service provider) may collect information indirectly and automatically (through, for example, the use of your “IP address”) about your activities while visiting the Websites and information about the browser you are using.</p> No Linking <p>I do not intentionally link browsing information or information from my server logs to the personal information you submit to me. I use this information for internal purposes only, such as to help understand how the Services are being used, to improve my Services, and for systems administration purposes. Bill may use a third party analytics provider to help me collect and analyze non personal browsing information through operation of my Services for those same purposes.</p> No Selling or Sharing <p>Except in the unique situations identified in this Privacy Policy, Bill does not sell or otherwise voluntarily provide the non personal browsing information I collect about you or your website usage to third parties.</p> No Retention <p>Bill discards non personal browsing information once I have used the information for the limited purposes noted above, under “No Linking.”</p> Notice <p>If Bill is required to provide a third party with your non personal browsing information, then Bill will use reasonable means to notify you promptly of that event, unless Bill is prohibited by law from doing so or is otherwise advised not to notify you on the advice of legal counsel. Any other non-personal information that I collect which is not described specifically in this Privacy Policy will only be collected and used in accordance with the Principles.</p> Children <p>The Services are not directed at children under the age of 13. Consistent with the General Data Protection Regulation, I will never knowingly request personal information from anyone under the age of 13. If you are 13 and under 16 years old, I require parental consent. My Master Terms of Use specifically prohibit anyone using my Services from submitting any personally identifiable information about persons under 16 years of age. Any person who provides their personal information to Bill through the Services represents that they are 16 years of age or older.</p> Third-Party Sites <p>The Services may include links to other websites. You should consult the respective privacy policies of these third-party sites. This Privacy Policy does not apply to, and I cannot control the activities of, such other websites.</p> Special Note to International Users <p>The Services are hosted in Finland. Please note that your personal data may be located on servers in Finland. By providing your personal data you consent to the use of your personal data for the uses identified above in accordance with the Privacy Policy.</p> Changes and Updates to this Privacy Policy <p>I may occasionally update this Privacy Policy. When I do, I will also revise the Effective Date below. I encourage you to periodically review this Privacy Policy to stay informed about how I am protecting the personal information we collect. Your continued use of the Services constitutes your agreement to this Privacy Policy and any updates.</p> Using this Privacy Policy for Your Own Purposes <p>The Creative Commons Privacy Policy is dedicated to the public domain under the Creative Commons CC0 Public Domain Dedication. You are free to use and adapt this Privacy Policy and any applicable Supplemental Privacy Policy Terms for your own purposes. However, please keep in mind that this Privacy Policy may not be completely suitable for your situation. Creative Commons strongly encourages you to seek the advice of your own attorney before repurposing this Privacy Policy on your own site.</p> Questions? If you have questions about this Privacy Policy, please contact me by email at or The effective date of this policy is: 2017-7-2 (February 7th 2017). <br> This website was created and is managed by Bill MacKenty. Issues | GDPR | Privacy | Terms <br> <br>

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