

Toggle Navigation cindymatches_com/app.title OUR WEB SITE PRIVACY POLICY <dl> We have created this Privacy Policy in order to demonstrate our firm commitment to privacy. This Privacy Policy explains our practices with respect to the collection, use, and disclosure of personal and non-personal information provided by visitors to our Web site. By using this site, you signify your assent to these our privacy practices and the terms and conditions of our Web site. <br> <br>If this policy is not agreeable to you, please do not use this site. <p> </p> <br> <dl> <dd> <p> <strong>WHAT TYPE INFORMATION IS COLLECTED? </strong> <br> <br> </p> </dd> <dd> <b>Personal Information</b> <br> We only collect personal information from visitors to our Web site when they voluntarily provide it to us by completing our registration form or electing to use one of our services. This typically only include your email address.<br> <br> <b>Non-Personal Information</b> <br> When visitors access our Web site, certain non-personal information may be collected from them including, but not limited to, their browser type (e.g., Chrome or Internet Explorer), operating system (e.g., Windows or Macintosh), IP address, and the domain name from which they accessed the site (e.g., google). In addition, we may collect information about visitors' browsing behavior, such as the date and time they visit the Web site, the areas or pages of our Web site that they visit, the amount of time spent viewing the site, the number of times the visitor returns to the site, and click-stream data. We use transparent tracking pixels to determine the number of Web site visitors that have been sent to us through our affiliate network. We do not track any information about visitors once they leave our site. We may use cookies (small text files that are stored on visitors computers when they access our Web site) to collect this information. Information collected through cookies may be combined with visitors' personal information. We may also allow unaffiliated third parties, such as advertisers, to serve cookies to visitors of our Web site. Visitors are always free to decline cookies, but in doing so they may not be able to use certain features on our Web site. The "help" segment of the toolbar on most browsers explains how to configure a browser to not accept new cookies, how to have the browser inform a user when they receive a new cookie, and how to erase cookies from their hard drives. </dd> <br> <dd> <p> <strong>IN WHAT WAY DO WE USE YOUR PERSONAL AND NON-PERSONAL INFORMATION? </strong> <br> <br> </p> </dd> <dd>Our goal in collecting personal information is to provide visitors with the most personalized Web experience possible and our advertisers with an efficient means to reach the right audience. By knowing a little about our visitors, we are able to deliver more relevant content and advertisements, and provide better services. We may use information collected from visitors to our Web site for any of the following purposes: (1) to send visitors information and promotional materials about our company, (2) to send visitors information and promotional materials from our marketing partners and third parties (such as advertisers on our Web site), (3) to deliver targeted display advertisements and offers by email (by matching criteria provided by our advertisers with information collected from our visitors), (4) to contact visitors to our Web site when necessary, (5) to help diagnose problems with our server, (6) to administer our Web site, (7) to conduct internal reviews of our site (e.g., to determine the number of visitors to the site), (8) to help us better understand visitors' use of our site, and (9) to protect the security or integrity of our site. (10) to send "push notifications". Non-personal information will be used for purposes of conducting internal reviews of the site, monitoring the site, and providing a greater online experience for our visitors. </dd> <br> <dd> <p> <strong>WHAT ARE AND HOW DO I STOP PUSH NOTIFICATIONS? </strong> <br> <br> </p> </dd> <dd>These General Terms of Service (hereinafter referred to as "ToS") represent the exclusive basis for all legal relationships established between us and you, related to the use of this Service. </dd> <br> <dd> <p> <strong>4. POSTED CONTENT / LIMITS &amp. RESTRICTIONS </strong> <br> <br> </p> </dd> <dd> Push notifications are the messages that mobile apps send to your mobile device or web browser. You may receive notifications for new messages, invites, or other promotional messages. Other message types may be considered for push notifications in the future. You can also control which notifications you currently receive. We send push notifications to your mobile device through services such as Apple's Push Notification Service for iOS devices and Google's CD2M and Cloud Messaging for Android devices. Both services are standard features of these mobile device operating systems. The privacy policy of the service provider manages access, use and disclosure of your personal data that results from your use of these services. If you have accepted the right to receive push notifications and you wish to stop receiving push notifications, you can change the settings either on your mobile device or desktop web browser. </dd> <br> <dd> <p> <strong>DO WE DISCLOSE YOUR INFORMATION? </strong> <br> <br> </p> </dd> <dd> We may transfer or disclose information collected from visitors to our Web site to our employees and independent contractors, to our parent company, subsidiaries and affiliates, and to our consultants, other business associates, and suppliers, if the disclosure will enable that party to perform a business, professional, or technical support function for us, or if required to do so by law. We may also disclose information we collect from our site visitors to our marketing and business partners, who may use the information in connection with their business operations, such as to send marketing and other communications to visitors of our site. We may also share, rent, sell, or transfer any personal information provided by our visitors to third parties. During the registration process, and at certain times during any member user session, we may present additional offers from third party service providers. Our third party service providers have their own terms and conditions and privacy policies. We suggest that visitors access these third party sites and review their terms and conditions and privacy policies before "subscribing" to any third party offer. We may also share non-personal information we collect from visitors to our site, such as their browsing behaviors, with third parties. For example, we may tell a third party advertiser that a certain number of people have visited a certain area on our Web site.</dd> <br> <dd> <p> <strong>WHAT SECURITY MEASURES DO WE TAKE TO PROTECT YOUR DATA? </strong> <br> <br> </p> </dd> <dd> To help prevent unauthorized access, maintain data integrity, and ensure the appropriate use of information, we have put in place certain physical, electronic, and managerial procedures to safeguard and secure the information we collect from visitors to our Web site. SSL (Secure Socket Layer) technology protects any information you provide. We allow access to personal information only to persons and entities engaging in activities provided for by this Privacy Policy. Visitors should consider any communication that they transmit to us (such as data, questions or answers, comments, suggestions) to be non-confidential. We will not be liable or responsible if information that belongs to a visitor is intercepted and used by an unintended recipient. </dd> <br> <dd> <p> <strong>WE PROTECT CHILDREN'S PRIVACY </strong> <br> <br> </p> </dd> <dd> Protecting the privacy of children is VERY important to us. For that reason we do not structure any part of our site to attract anyone under the age of 18 (21 in some areas) and we do not allow anyone under the age of 18 (21 in some areas) to register and become a member of our site. </dd> <br> <dd> <p> <strong>CORPORATE CHANGES </strong> <br> <br> </p> </dd> <dd> In the event of a merger, acquisition, asset or stock sale, bankruptcy, or other asset transfer (regardless of legal formality), any of our assets may be transferred to a third party, including personal information collected from visitors to our Web site. </dd> <br> <dd> <p> <strong>ACCEPTANCE OF PRIVACY TERMS &amp. CONDITIONS </strong> <br> <br> </p> </dd> <dd> By visiting this Web site, you are agreeing to the practices described in this Privacy Policy. By visiting this site, you also accept, without limitation or qualification, all terms and conditions concerning the use of this site. We may at any time revise these terms and conditions. You are bound by any such revisions and should therefore periodically visit this page to review the then-current terms and conditions to which you are bound. To the extent that any of the third-party sites accessible through our Web site (such as our advertisers) have different privacy practices from those stated in this Privacy Policy, those third-party privacy practices govern the collection and use of information you provide when visiting those sites. We are not responsible for the policies, content, and practices of other companies.</dd> <br> <dd> <p> <strong>CHANGES TO THIS PRIVACY POLICY </strong> <br> <br> </p> </dd> <dd> There may be times when we need to change the terms of this Privacy Policy. To ensure that you are aware of our current privacy practices, please bookmark this page and check back often. </dd> <br> <dd> <p> <strong>HOW CAN YOU CONTACT THE WEB SITE OPERATOR? </strong> <br> <br> </p> </dd> <dd> Visitors who have any questions about this Privacy Policy, the practices of this site, or their interactions with this Web site, should visit the Customer Service section of any linked 3rd party site. </dd> <br> <dd> <p> </p>This site’s data processor is<p> </p> <dl> <dd>Crix Ltd, Tenancy 10, Marina House, Eden Island, Mahe, Seychelles </dd> </dl> </dd> </dl> </dl> <br> <br> CindyMatches © 2017-2019 | Unsubscribe | Privacy Policy | Terms and Conditions<br>

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