English Grammar 101

Privacy Policy

Home Table of<br> Contents Parts of<br> Speech Sentence<br> Structure Phrases &amp;<br> Clauses Capitalization<br> &amp. Punctuation Scope &amp;<br> Sequence Settings Log In Log Out Sign Up <p> by Kitty Nash </p> Online<br> Since<br> 2000 Online<br> Since<br> 2000 Power up<br>your writing! <p>&nbsp;</p> <p> Program Brochure </p> Privacy Policy Individuals: <p> Learn grammar and improve your writing skills! </p> <p> Sign up </p> <p> <i>Learn more…</i> </p> <p>Cingletree Learning's Commitment to Your Privacy</p> <p> <i>Effective Date: July 13, 2019</i> <br> <i>Last Updated: June 28, 2021</i> </p> <p>Cingletree Learning ("Cingletree," "we," or "us") understands that privacy is tremendously important to online visitors of our website, ("Website Visitors"), to individuals, teachers, and schools who use our Service ("Subscribers"), and to students whose information we may access on behalf of a Subscriber ("Students"). Cingletree provides a learning application titled English Grammar 101 (our "Application"), which is available as a subscription, online and through our integration partner, Clever ("Clever"). As we describe below, Subscribers are responsible for determining what data is shared with our Application. This privacy policy applies to our application websites (https://www.englishgrammar101.com and https://clever.englishgrammar101.com) and to the Application platform (our "Service") and describes the steps we take to protect your data.</p> <p>We strive to minimize the amount of data we collect and any personal identifiable information we do collect is done so only with your permission. The following outlines the type of personal information we may collect.</p> 1. HOW WE COLLECT AND USE INFORMATION <p>We collect the following types of information:</p> <p> <b>Information about Subscribers:</b> We ask for certain information when a Subscriber signs up to use our Service online, requests to use our Application through Clever, or if the Subscriber corresponds with us online, including a name, school name, school district, e-mail address and/or account name, phone number and message content. We may also retain information provided by a Subscriber if the Subscriber sends us a message or responds to e-mails or surveys. Once a Subscriber begins using our Application, we collect content and information provided by the Subscriber through the Subscriber's use of the Application and we will keep records of activities related to the Service. We use this information to operate, maintain, and provide the features and functionality of the Service.</p> <p> <b>Student Data:</b> Through the course of providing its Service to a Subscriber, Cingletree may have access to personally identifiable information about Students ("Student Data") that is provided by the Subscriber, by Clever, by the parent or guardian, or by the Student. By selecting to use our Application, a Subscriber may authorize Cingletree to receive Student Data. Cingletree has access to Student Data only as requested by the Subscriber and only for the purposes of performing Services on the Subscriber's behalf. The type of Student Data we collect will depend on how the Subscriber uses our Application. In most instances, Cingletree does not receive Student Data from the Subscriber and never interacts with the Student directly. Where Subscribers allow students to log into our application online, or through Clever, the Subscriber confirms that it has obtained appropriate parental consents, as needed, before the student is permitted to access the Service.</p> <p>We consider Student Data to be confidential and do not use such data for any purpose other than to provide the services on the Subscriber's behalf, in accordance with contractual agreements with the Subscriber. Our collection, use, and disclosure of Student Data is governed by our Terms of Use, our Additional Terms of Use for Subscribers, and/or any other agreement with the Subscriber, by the provision of the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA), the Children's Online Privacy Protection Act (COPPA), and applicable state laws which relate to the collection of Student Data. If you are a Student or parent, please contact your school if you have questions about the use of technology service providers like Cingletree.</p> <p>By accessing or using the Services in any manner, you also agree to be bound by our Terms of Use. Please read our Terms of Use carefully. If you do not accept all the terms and conditions contained in or incorporated by reference into the Terms of Use, please do not use the Services.</p> <p>See "How We Share Your Information" below for more information on the limited ways in which we share Subscriber and Student Data. See "Children's Privacy" below for more information on how we collect and use the personal information of children under 13.</p> <p> <b>Information collected through technology:</b> Cingletree will not automatically collect usage information when you visit our websites, use our Services, read our emails, or otherwise engage with us. We will not collect information from tracking technologies—including cookies, web beacons, file information and similar technologies. We do not allow third party advertising on our website or any component of our Services.</p> <p>If we need information concerning the ways in which Subscribers use our Services, we will collect that information directly from Subscribers and only with their consent.</p> <p>Student privacy is very important to us. Student Data is used only for educational purposes at the direction of the Subscriber.</p> 2. HOW WE SHARE YOUR INFORMATION <p>Cingletree only shares personal information in a few limited circumstances, described below. We do not rent or sell information for marketing purposes, and we do not share or sell personal information, including Student Data, to third parties for any purpose.</p> <p> <b>Who we may share information with:</b> </p> <ul> <li> <p>We share information within the Service as needed to perform the Service and/or at the direction of the Subscriber. For example, information including Student Data, may be shared between and among authorized Subscriber users such as teachers and administrators. This sharing will depend on the settings and functionality selected by the Subscriber.</p> </li> <li> <p>We may share information with our trusted third-party service providers who perform technology services on our behalf, but strictly for the purpose of carrying out their work for us. Contractors and service providers who may have access to Student Data in the course of performing their services are subject to confidentiality and data security requirements that are consistent with this Privacy Policy.</p> </li> <li> <p>We may be required to share information with law enforcement or other third parties when compelled to do so by court order or other legal process, to comply with statutes or regulations, to enforce our Terms of Use, or if we believe in good faith that the disclosure is necessary to protect the rights, property or personal safety of our users.</p> </li> </ul> <p> <b>In the event of a change of control:</b> If we sell, divest or transfer our business, we will not transfer personal information of our customers unless the new owner intends to maintain and provide the Service as a going concern, and provided that the new owner has agreed to data privacy standards no less stringent than our own. In such case we will provide you with notice and an opportunity to opt-out of the transfer of personally identifiable Student Data.</p> <p>We store our data in the United States and we take strong measures to keep data safe and secure.</p> 3. HOW WE STORE AND PROTECT YOUR INFORMATION <p> <b>Storage and processing:</b> Any information collected through the Service is stored and processed in the United States. If you use our Service outside of the United States, you consent to have your data transferred to the United States.</p> <p>If you are using the Clever version of our Application, our servers do not request, transmit, or store any Student Data. A minimum of information is required, and all student related data is de-identified.</p> <p> <b>Keeping information safe:</b> Cingletree maintains strict administrative, technical and physical procedures to protect information stored on our servers, which are located in the United States. Access to information is limited through the use of username/password credentials and two factor authentication, and only to those employees who require it to perform their job functions. We use industry-standard Secure Socket Layer (SSL) encryption technology to safeguard all information transmitted to and from our servers. Other security safeguards include but are not limited to data encryption, firewalls, and physical access controls to buildings and files.</p> <p>Questions about data? Here are your options.</p> 4. YOUR CHOICES ABOUT YOUR INFORMATION <p> <b>Account information:</b> We obtain school and district information through our integration partner, Clever. Cingletree will accept and synchronize the information from Clever on a periodic or as-needed basis. If you are an individual using our service outside of Clever, you may sign in and update your information directly from within the Application.</p> <p> <b>Access to Student Data:</b> Student Data is provided by and controlled by the school or district. If you have any questions about reviewing, modifying, or deleting personal information of a Student, please contact your school directly.</p> <p> <b>How long we keep User Content:</b> Following termination or expiration of a Subscriber account, Cingletree may retain account information and content for a commercially reasonable time, but all Student Data associated with the Subscriber will be deleted promptly. If you have any questions about data retention or deletion, please contact us at privacy@cingletree.com.</p> <p>We do not collect any information from Students without consent.</p> 5. CHILDREN'S PRIVACY <p>Cingletree does not knowingly collect any information from children under the age of 13 unless and until the Subscriber has obtained appropriate parental consent for the Student to use the Service. Because Cingletree may collect and use Student Data at the direction of and under the control of a Subscriber, Cingletree relies on each Subscriber to provide appropriate notice to parents of the Subscriber's use of our Services, and for the Subscriber to provide consent, if necessary, and authorization for Cingletree to collect Student Data, as permitted by the Children's Online Privacy Protection Act (COPPA). Please contact us at privacy@cingletree.com if you believe we have inadvertently collected personal information of a child under 13 without proper consent so that we may delete such data as soon as possible.</p> 6. LINKS TO OTHER WEB SITES AND SERVICES <p>We are not responsible for the practices employed by websites, applications or services linked to or from our Service. We recommend that the Subscriber review the privacy policies of other applications or services before authorizing access to data through the service.</p> 7. HOW TO CONTACT US <p>If you have any questions about this Privacy Policy or the Service, please contact us at privacy@cingletree.com.</p> <p>If a Student contacts Cingletree with a question about our Service, we will collect personal information from that Student only as necessary to respond to the Student's request and direct the Student to contact the Student's teacher. We will then delete the personal data of the Student after providing our response.</p> 8. CHANGES TO OUR PRIVACY POLICY <p>Cingletree may modify or update this Privacy Policy from time to time so you should review this page periodically. If we wish to change the policy in a material manner, we will provide at least 30 days' notice to the Subscribers by e-mail so that you have sufficient time to evaluate the change in practice. You will then be prompted to agree to the new Privacy Policy upon logging in for the first time after the date it takes effect.</p> <p> <i>Effective Date: July 13, 2019</i> </p> <ul> <li>Privacy Policy</li> <li>Terms of Use</li> <li>Contact Us</li> </ul> Copyright © 2023 Cingletree Learning, LLC. All rights reserved.

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