
Privacy Policy

Home &gt. Privacy Policy Privacy Policy <p> is committed to safeguarding the privacy and confidentiality of your personal information. Please read this Privacy Policy carefully to understand what we do. We ensure that we meet our responsibilities under the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR). and we will only ever use your data as this Privacy Policy describes.</p> <ol> <li>Online Privacy Practices <p> protects the privacy of your personal information on our websites using the same standards and care that we utilize for all communications and transactions.</p> <p> does not automatically collect personal information from visitors to our websites. However, we may automatically collect and store a little certain data from all website visitors, for example, the Internet Protocol (IP) addresses of computers and the date and time the visitor accesses websites. We use only these data to control files uploading, data processing, and file downloading, until such time as they expire (3 hours).</p> <p> do not intentionally collect your name, your address, your email address and your telephone number. And we do not intentionally collect or store special categories of personal data, such as genetic data, health information, or religious information.</p> <p>Although we do not request or intentionally collect any special categories of personal data, we realize that you might store this kind of information via the files that you convert. If you ask us to convert or store any files containing special categories of personal data on our servers, located in the United States, we will only do so on your instructions as a data processor. You are the controller of this data and you must ensure that you have a legal basis to share this data with us.</p> <p> may provide links from its websites to other vendors and third parties. Because cannot guarantee how these third parties use or collect personally identifying information, you are encouraged to fully review the privacy statements of these other websites to determine whether or not your use of these websites comports with your desire to maintain the privacy of personally identifying information.</p> </li> <li>Use Of Cookies <p> may use cookies to enhance the delivery of products, services, and information on websites. A cookie is a small file that a website transfers to a visitor's computer hard drive to remind our website about the visitor when they return to our site. Cookies enable to protect your personal information by ensuring that only your web browser may exchange information with servers, and by automatically terminating an online session. Cookies also assist in verifying your identity, and help us to understand how you use our websites. You can set your browser to notify you before accepting a cookie, so that you can decide whether to accept or reject the cookie.</p> </li> <li>Third Party Advertising <p>We use third-party advertising companies to serve ads when you visit our Web site. These companies may use information (not including your name, address, e-mail address or telephone number) about your visits to this and other Web sites in order to provide advertisements on this site and other sites about goods and services that may be of interest to you.</p> </li> <li>Certain Exceptional Disclosures <p>We may disclose your information if necessary to protect our legal rights or if the information relates to actual or threatened harmful conduct or potential threats to the physical safety of any person. Disclosure may be required by law or if we receive legal process.</p> </li> <li>User Files <p>Your files and the content of those files belong to you, so it is important to know that as part of our commitment to privacy we will not share, sell or pass on your files to any third parties. The only time any of our team members will handle your files is in the event of a support enquiry, or if a conversion fails and requires further investigation or in the circumstances outlined above in the "Certain Exceptional Disclosures" section.</p> <p>When users upload files to be converted stores those files on its servers until such time as those files have been converted to the new file format. As soon as this has been done removes the original user files from its servers. The converted files remain in place on the servers for users to download, until such time as they expire (3 hours), at which point they are deleted, or in the case of a subscribed user until such time as that user deletes those files. Files stored for download are only accessible by and through the clickable link generated for download.</p> </li> <li>Contact <p>If you have questions, concerns, or if you desire additional information concerning the Privacy Policy, please contact</p> <p>This Privacy Policy replaces all prior Privacy Policies issued by We reserve the right to modify our Privacy Policy at any time.</p> </li> </ol> Home | About | Terms | Privacy | Support | © 2023, All Rights Reserved.

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