Webtoon (Naver/Line)

Cookie Policy

WEBTOON™ Cookie Policy <p>Last Modified : January 10, 2023</p> 1. COOKIES <p>Cookies are small text files that are placed on your computer and devices by us when you use our application or visit our website and application. They are widely used in order to make the application and our website/application work, or work more efficiently, as well as to provide us with more information.</p> <p>WEBTOON uses cookies and other technologies (such as web storage) (collectively referred to as “cookies”) necessary for authentication and security purposes. We also use cookies to provide personalized content and to improve our services based on how you use such services, which may collect your personal information over time and across different websites. WEBTOON uses cookies in accordance with your “Cookie Settings”. You can change your setting to disallow certain types of cookies. However, blocking the use of certain cookies may affect your overall experience with the site and service provided by WEBTOON.</p> <p>In any event, cookies will not be set for more than 12 months.</p> 1.1 Cookies set by us <p>The table below explains the types of cookies we use and why.</p> Cookies set by us Category of cookies Details &amp. Purposes Functional Cookies <strong>Basic operational cookies</strong> <br> Cookies strictly necessary (i) in order for us to provide you with the services explicitly requested by you. and (ii) to enable you to move around the website / application and use their related features.<br> (Retention period of 12months) <strong>Preferences cookies</strong> <br> to remember your browser and languages preferences.<br> (Retention period of 12months) <strong>Personalized cookies</strong> <br> to allow us to personalize our services with content more relevant, stories and suggestions based on your behavior on the website and application.<br> (Retention period of 12months) <strong>Security cookies</strong> <br> to increase the security of the service and to detect repeated failed login or similar mechanisms designed to protect you from abuse.<br> (Retention period of 12months) Optional cookies <strong>Content customization cookies</strong> <br> to customize the display of our services more relevant to you and your interests based on your use of our website and application. 1.2 Third Party Cookies <p>The table below explains the types of cookies set by third parties and why:</p> Third parties cookies Category of cookies Details &amp. Purposes Analytical and Performance Cookies <strong>Google analytics &amp. Firebase</strong> will collect your IP address and your usage information (how often, which pages) of our website and application to allow us to imporve our services and contents. For more information about how Google uses information from sites and apps that use their services, please visit https://policies.google.com/technologies/partner-sites.<br> <br> <strong>Facebook analytics</strong> help us to understand your use of our services and improve our services. Facebook analytics may collect your age, IP address, user ID, language and device preferences.<br> <br> * Data retention period is subject to each 3rd party's policy, which may also govern how the 3rd party processes the information. (Google analytics Policy, Google Firebase Policy, Facebook Policy) Advertising and Marketing Cookies <strong>Doubleclick</strong> is set to analyze the effectiveness of an ad campaign in order to avoid displaying the same advertisements to the same user. You may be able to opt-out of the use of these cookies through Google’s Ads Settings or Ads Settings for mobile apps. You can also opt-out from Google Analytics on the web by visiting https://tools.google.com/dlpage/gaoptout/.<br> <br> <strong>Facebook, Twitter, Snapchat, Pinterest, TikTok, Branch, InMobi</strong> and/or <strong>ironSource</strong> are set for the purpose of delivering advertisements and measure their performance to be able to display advertisements tailored to your activity and usage of the website and application. You may be able to opt-out of the use of these cookies through the cookie settings page available [here].<br> <br> * Data retention period is subject to each 3rd party's policy, which may also govern how the 3rd party processes the information. (Facebook Policy, Twitter Policy, Snapchat Policy, Pinterest Policy, TikTok Policy, Branch Policy, InMobi Policy, ironSource Policy) <p>Where applicable, you may exercise your opt-out choices on the Network Advertising Initiative (NAI) website, or on the Digital Advertising Alliance’s (DAA) website. On your mobile device, you may enable the Limit Ad Tracking setting in your iOS phone’s settings, or the Opt-Out of Ads Personalization setting in your Android phone’s settings.</p> 1.3 Social networks cookies <p>Cookies that are set by the following social networks are intended to allow you to facilitate the sharing of content and to improve your experience.</p> <p>Facebook, Reddit, Tumblr, Twitter, LINE, Instagram, Whatsapp.</p> <p>* The social networks provided on WEBTOON may vary by language.</p>

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