Print Friendly

Terms and Conditions

PDFprintfriendlySave Money &amp. the Environment<ul> <li> </li> <li>Extensions</li> <li>Publisher Plugin Get ButtonPurchase Pro Service</li> <li> </li> <li>API</li> <li>My Account Log InCreate Account</li> </ul> PrintFriendly Terms and Conditions <p>By using our Services, you agree to these terms (the “PrintFriendly Terms”). As used in the Agreement, “you” or “publisher” means the individual or entity using the Services (and/or any individual, entity or successor entity, agency or network acting on your behalf), “we” or “us” means PrintFriendly and it's contractors, and the “parties” means you and PrintFriendly.</p> 1. You <p>You represent and warrant that (i) you have full power and authority to enter into the Agreement. (ii) you are the owner of, or are legally authorized to act on behalf of the owner of, each Property. (iii) entering into or performing under the Agreement will not violate any agreement you have with a third party or any third-party rights.</p> 2. Your Content <p>You represent and warrant that you have all the rights to the Content and that none of the Content: (a) infringes, misappropriates or violates any Intellectual Property Rights. (b) contains any viruses or programming routines intended to damage, surreptitiously intercept or expropriate any system, data or personal information. or (c) is false, misleading or inaccurate.</p> 3. Content License <p>By using the PrintFriendly service, you grant PrintFriendly the right to use, modify, adapt, reproduce, distribute, display your Content to the extent necessary to provide the PrintFriendly Service.&nbsp. You also permit PrintFriendly to serve advertisements and other content (“Ads”), on your website, the PrintFriendly website. PrintFriendly may refuse to provide the Services to any Property.</p> 4. Using our Services <p>You may use our Services only as permitted by this Agreement and any applicable laws. &nbsp;Don’t misuse our Services. You may discontinue your use of any Service at any time by removing the relevant code from your Properties.</p>&nbsp. 5. Termination <p>You may terminate the Agreement at any time by removing the PrintFriendly code from your website.</p>&nbsp. 6.&nbsp. &nbsp. Changes to our Services. Changes to the Agreement <p>We are constantly changing and improving our Services. We may add or remove functionalities or features of the Services at any time, and we may suspend or stop a Service altogether.</p> <p>The Agreement is our entire agreement relating to your use of the Services and supersedes any prior or contemporaneous agreements on that subject. We may modify the Agreement at any time. We’ll post any modifications to the PrintFriendly Terms on this page. &nbsp;Changes are effective immediately. If you don’t agree to any modified terms in the Agreement, you’ll have to stop using the Services.</p> 7.&nbsp. &nbsp. Privacy <p>Our&nbsp;privacy policy&nbsp;explains how we treat your personal data and protect your privacy when you use our Services. By using our Services, you agree that PrintFriendly can use such data in accordance with our privacy policy.</p> 8.&nbsp;Indemnity &nbsp. <p>You agree to indemnify and defend PrintFriendly from and against any and all third-party claims and liabilities arising out of or related to the Properties, your use of the Services, or your breach of any term of the Agreement.</p> &nbsp. 9.&nbsp;Warranties. Disclaimers <p>OTHER THAN AS EXPRESSLY SET OUT IN THE AGREEMENT, WE DO NOT MAKE ANY PROMISES ABOUT THE SERVICES. &nbsp;FOR EXAMPLE, WE DON’T MAKE ANY COMMITMENTS ABOUT THE SPECIFIC FUNCTION OF THE SERVICES, AVAILABILITY, OR ABILITY TO MEET YOUR NEEDS. WE PROVIDE EACH SERVICE “AS IS”. TO THE EXTENT PERMITTED BY LAW, WE EXCLUDE ALL WARRANTIES, EXPRESS, STATUTORY OR IMPLIED. &nbsp;WE EXPRESSLY DISCLAIM THE WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF NONINFRINGEMENT, MERCHANTABILITY, AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.</p> 10.&nbsp;Limitation of Liability <p>TO THE EXTENT PERMITTED BY LAW, EXCEPT FOR ANY INDEMNIFICATION OBLIGATIONS HEREUNDER OR YOUR BREACH OF ANY INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY RIGHTS, CONFIDENTIALITY OBLIGATIONS AND/OR PROPRIETARY INTERESTS RELATING TO THE AGREEMENT, (i) IN NO EVENT SHALL EITHER PARTY BE LIABLE UNDER THE AGREEMENT FOR ANY CONSEQUENTIAL, SPECIAL, INDIRECT, EXEMPLARY, OR PUNITIVE DAMAGES WHETHER IN CONTRACT, TORT OR ANY OTHER THEORY, EVEN IF SUCH PARTY HAS BEEN ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGES AND NOTWITHSTANDING ANY FAILURE OF ESSENTIAL PURPOSE OF ANY LIMITED REMEDY, AND (ii) EACH PARTY’S AGGREGATE LIABILITY UNDER THE AGREEMENT IS LIMITED TO THE NET AMOUNT RECEIVED AND RETAINED BY THAT PARTICULAR PARTY IN CONNECTION WITH THIS AGREEMENT DURING THE THREE MONTH PERIOD IMMEDIATELY PRECEDING THE DATE OF THE CLAIM. &nbsp;Each party acknowledges that the other party has entered into the Agreement relying on the limitations of liability stated herein and that those limitations are an essential basis of the bargain between the parties.</p> 14.&nbsp;Miscellaneous <p>Assignment.&nbsp. You may not assign or transfer any of your rights under the Agreement.</p> <p>Independent Contractors.&nbsp. The parties are independent contractors and the Agreement does not create an agency, partnership, or joint venture.</p> <p>No Third-Party Beneficiaries. Other than as set forth in Section 11, this Agreement does not create any third-party beneficiary rights.</p> <p>No Waiver. &nbsp;Other than as set forth in Section 5, the failure of either party to enforce any provision of the Agreement will not constitute a waiver.</p> <p>Severability.&nbsp. If it turns out that a particular term of the Agreement is not enforceable, the balance of the Agreement will remain in full force and effect.</p> <p>Governing Law. Venue.&nbsp. All claims arising out of or relating to this Agreement or the Services will be governed by California law, excluding California’s conflict of laws rules, and will be litigated exclusively in the federal or state courts of Santa Clara County, California, USA, and you and PrintFriendly consent to personal jurisdiction in those courts.</p> <p>Force Majeure.&nbsp. Neither party will be liable for inadequate performance to the extent caused by a condition (for example, natural disaster, act of war or terrorism, riot, labor condition, governmental action, and Internet disturbance) that was beyond the party’s reasonable control.</p> 14.&nbsp;Purchase and Payment Pricing <p>If you agree to a subscription price, that will remain your price for the duration of the payment term. however, prices are subject to change at the end of a payment term.</p> Billing Schedule. Refund Policy <strong>Monthly Subscriptions - No Refunds</strong> <p>The service is billed in advance and is non-refundable. There are no refunds or credits for partial month of service, downgrade refunds. however if purchased directly through, the service will remain active for the length of the paid billing period (Purchases through PayPal do not remain active for the length of billing period.).</p> <strong>Annual Subscriptions </strong> <p>The service is billed in advance and we allow a 14 day grace period for annual subscriptions to 1) Cancel Service 2) Request refund within 14 days. To receive a refund you must cancel service and request refund by contacting customer support within 14 days. No refunds will be given after the 14 day grace period, no exemptions.</p> Upgrades and Changes <p> We will immediately bill you when you upgrade from the free service to any paying service. If you change from a monthly billing plan to a yearly billing plan, you will be immediately billed for a full year and any remaining time from your monthly subscription will be added. If you upgrade to a higher level of service, we will bill you for the upgraded plan immediately. </p> <ul> <li>Support</li> <li>About</li> <li>Privacy</li> <li>Terms</li> </ul>

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