SSL Labs

Terms of Use

Qualys SSL Labs Terms of Use v2.2,!,By accessing, browsing or using this website, and/or downloading any of its software, content or informa-,tion, you acknowledge that you have read, understand and agree to be bound by these terms of use. If ,you do not agree to all of these terms, do not use this website and/or its software, content or information.,The SSL Labs Website (“Site”) is a service made available by Qualys, Inc., including its subsidiaries ,(“Qualys”). All software, documentation, survey information, including the summarization of configuration ,information of web-servers provided to the Site, and other materials provided on and through this Site ,(“Content”) may be used only under the following terms and conditions (“Terms of Use”) and any applica-,ble licenses. Qualys does not want to receive confidential information from you through this Site. ANY ,INFORMATION OR MATERIAL SENT TO THIS SITE WILL BE DEEMED NOT TO BE CONFIDENTIAL. ,You acknowledge that you are responsible for the Content that you submit, not Qualys, have full respon-,sibility for that Content, including its legality, reliability, appropriateness, originality, patent and copyright.,No Unlawful or Prohibited Use,As a condition of your use of the Site or its Content, you will not use the Site or its Content for any pur-,pose that is unlawful, unethical, inappropriate or prohibited by these terms, conditions, and notices or any ,applicable law. You may not use the Site or its Content in any manner that could damage, disable, over-,burden, or impair any Qualys server, or the network(s) connected to any Qualys server, or interfere with ,any other party's use and enjoyment of any services. You may not attempt to gain unauthorized access to ,the Site or its Content, other accounts, computer systems or networks connected to any Qualys server or ,the Site, through hacking, password mining or any other means. ,Notice Specific to Content Available On This Site,Permission to use Content (such as surveys, white papers, press releases, datasheets and FAQs) from ,the Site is granted and shall be licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 License (http://cre-, ,Content specified above does not include the design or layout of the Site, Web site or any ,other Qualys owned, operated, licensed or controlled site. Elements of Qualys Web sites are protected by ,trade dress, trademark, unfair competition, and other laws and may not be copied or imitated in whole or ,in part. No logo, graphic, sound or image from any Qualys Web site may be copied or retransmitted un-,less expressly permitted by Qualys.,Username, Password, Security,If the Site or any part thereof requires you to create or submit a username and password, you must com-,plete the registration process by providing Qualys with current, complete and accurate information as ,prompted by the applicable registration enrollment form. You may be prompted to choose a username ,and password, or Qualys may randomly generate a password for you. You acknowledge and agree to be ,entirely responsible for maintaining the confidentiality of your password. Furthermore, you are entirely ,responsible for any all activities that occur under/or with your username and password. You agree to noti-,fy Qualys immediately of any unauthorized use of your username or password of any breach of security. ,Qualys will not be liable for any loss that you may incur as a result of someone else using your username ,or password, either with or without your knowledge.,Qualys SSL Labs Terms of Use v2.2,Third Party Services or Resources,The Site may contain content or services provided by third parties and/or links to third party services, ,website or other resources. Qualys is not responsible or liable for the availability, accuracy, functionality, ,adherence to third party policies, or legality of, and Qualys does not endorse such websites or resources, ,or the content, products or services available from such websites. You are solely responsible for and as-,sume all risk arising from your use of any such websites, services or resources.,Application Program Interface (“API”) License,Subject to the terms and conditions of this agreement (“Agreement”), Qualys grants to you a non-exclu-,sive, non-transferable, limited license to use the API(s) only as expressly allowed herein.,Restrictions,You are allowed to: ,(i)use the API only to inspect only sites and servers whose owners have given you permission to do ,so;,(ii)integrate the API with freely-downloadable non-commercial client and server tools and libraries ,released under an OSI-approved open source license, provided that you also:,a)on startup (if applicable) and in documentation, inform the user of these terms and condi-,tions;,b)on startup (if applicable) and in documentation, inform the user that the tool works by ,sending assessment requests to remote SSL Labs servers and that their information will ,be shared with us;,c)on startup (if applicable) and before submitting any assessment requests, show to the ,user all messages sent by SSL Labs servers in the “info” API request;,d)obtain our permission before you use the name “SSL Labs” as part of the name of your ,project;,e)If we give you the permission to use the “SSL Labs” as part of your name, inform the user ,that your project is not affiliated with or officially supported by SSL Labs.,You are not allowed, without our express permission, to:,(i)use the API for commercial purposes;,(ii)use the API on a public web site;,(iii)publish any information received from us via the APIs without the owner’s express permission;,(iv)distribute, proxy, or otherwise make the API available for access or use by any person or entity ,other than your authorized employees, including but not limited to acting as a service bureau or ,developing a competing product or service offering.,Infrastructure Providers,We are also happy to grant relaxed licensing terms to infrastructure providers who wish to help their cus-,tomers achieve better security.!,Qualys SSL Labs Terms of Use v2.2,To qualify, companies must satisfy the following conditions:!,•Your company is a hosting provider, certification authority, content delivery network, or a web devel-,opment agency. (If you’re not one of these but feel that you qualify anyway, please get in touch.)!,•The scanning service (that relies on SSL Labs APIs) must be offered at no cost to all your cus-,tomers, irrespective of the level of service and/or products they have with you.!,•Full scanning results can be delivered only by linking to the reports on the SSL Labs web site.!,•Report summaries can be delivered via email or a web page.!,•Every communication with your customers should contain the following text: “SSL/TLS server as-,sessment service provided in partnership with Qualys SSL Labs (”!,Ownership,This Agreement does not grant to You any ownership interest in the API(s). Rather, You have a license to ,use the API as provided in this Agreement. You acknowledge and agree that Qualys owns all right, title, ,and interest in the API(s), the Site and the Content and You will not contest those rights or engage in any ,conduct contrary to those rights. Any copy, modification, revision, enhancement, adaption, translation, or ,derivative work of or created from the API, the Site, or Content made by or at the direction of You shall be ,owned solely and exclusively by Qualys, as shall all patent, copyrights, trade secret rights, trademark ,rights, and all proprietary rights, worldwide (all of the foregoing rights taken together being referred to col-,lectively herein as “Intellectual Property Rights”) therein and thereto.,Copyright,The API(s), the Site and the Content contain material that is protected by United States copyright law and ,trade secret law, and by international treating provisions. All rights not granted to You by this Agreement ,are expressly reserved by Qualys. You shall not remove any proprietary notice of Qualys from the API(s), ,the Site, or the Content nor any copy of the same.,Privacy,Qualys, in providing the Site and/or the Content, may collect certain information in accordance with ,Qualys’ Privacy Policy at:,We may collect hostnames, IP addresses, and other information submitted to us. We will not share that ,information with a third-party or otherwise publish it. We may use the collected information for the follow-,ing purposes:,•Periodic pro-active scanning to have reports ready when they are requested.,•Store reports on third-party systems for the purpose of caching and web site load distribution only ,(e.g., on a CDN).,If you’re using our APIs to automate web site assessments, your IP address information will be forwarded ,to the tested servers. For example, for HTTP, we embed the IP address in the User-Agent request head-,er. We believe this is not a privacy issue because our terms permit API usage only with scanning permis-,sion. API requests that retrieve cached results won’t forward any IP address information, even if we have ,to initiate a new assessment because we don’t have a report ready. For more information on how to en-,sure that forwarding never takes place, please refer to the SSL Labs APIs documentation. Manual web ,site usage will not result in your IP address being forwarded to the tested servers.,QUALYS OR LICENSORS MAKE NO REPRESENTATIONS ABOUT THE SUITABILITY OF THE IN-,FORMATION CONTAINED ON THE SITE, THE API(S) AND/OR IN THE CONTENT. THE CONTENT ,Qualys SSL Labs Terms of Use v2.2,AND THE API(S) ARE PROVIDED "AS IS" WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND. QUALYS OR LICEN-,SORS HEREBY DISCLAIM ALL WARRANTIES AND CONDITIONS WITH REGARD TO THIS INFOR-,MATION, INCLUDING ALL WARRANTIES AND CONDITIONS OF MERCHANTABILITY, WHETHER EX-,PRESS, IMPLIED OR STATUTORY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE, TITLE AND NON-IN-,FRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL QUALYS OT ITS LICENSORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY SPECIAL, ,INDIRECT OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES OR ANY DAMAGES WHATSOEVER RESULTING FROM ,THE SITE, API(S), THE CONTENT, LOSS OF USE, DATA OR PROFITS, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF ,CONTRACT, NEGLIGENCE OR OTHER TORTIOUS ACTION, ARISING OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION ,WITH THE USE OR PERFORMANCE OF THE API(S) OR THE INFORMATION AVAILABLE FROM THE ,SITE.,Release and Indemnity,YOU HEREBY RELEASE AND WAIVE ANY AND ALL CLAIMS AND/OR LIABILITY AGAINST QUALYS ,ARISING FROM OR IN CONNECTION WITH YOUR USE OF THE SITE, THE API(S) OR ANY CON-,TENT. YOU ALSO AGREE TO DEFEND, INDEMNIFY AND HOLD HARMLESS, QUALYS, FROM AND ,AGAINST, ANY AND ALL CLAIMS OR LIABILITY, INCLUDING COSTS AND ATTORNEYS FEES, ARIS-,ING FROM OR IN CONNECTION WITH YOUR USE OF THE SITE, THE API(S) OR THE CONTENT OR ,FOR YOUR FAILURE TO ABIDE BY APPLICABLE LAWS.,Automated Access,Except where otherwise noted, our Site is designed for access using a browser or similar manually-oper-,ated HTTP client. Using automation to request site assessments and/or extract assessment results from ,HTML pages (“scraping”) is expressly forbidden. For other purposes, automated access is permitted pro-,vided the agent being used accurately identifies itself and complies with the Robot Exclusion Standard ,( If you want to automate assessments, use our ,APIs, which are specifically designed for this purpose. We reserve the right to block or throttle your ac-,cess to our sites (either automated or manual), at our sole discretion and at any time and without notice, ,for any reason. ,Governing Law,By visiting or using the Site, you agree that the laws of the State of California, without regard to principles ,of conflict of laws, will govern this Agreement and any dispute of any sort that might arise between you ,and us. With respect to any disputes or claims, you agree not to commence or prosecute any action in ,connection therewith other than in the state and federal courts of California, and you hereby consent to, ,and waive all defenses of lack of personal jurisdiction and forum non-conveniens with respect to, venue ,and jurisdiction in the state and federal courts of California.,General,These Terms of Use constitute the entire agreement between you and us regarding the use of the Site, ,superseding any prior agreements between you and us relating to your use of the Site. The failure by us ,to exercise or enforce any right or provision of these Terms of Use shall not constitute a waiver of such ,right or provision in that or any other instance. If any provisions of these Terms of Use are held invalid, the ,remainder of this Agreement shall continue in full force and effect. If any provision of these Terms of Use ,shall be deemed unlawful, void, or for any reason unenforceable, that that provision shall be deemed ,severable from these Terms of Use and shall not affect the validity and enforceability of any remaining ,provisions.,Qualys SSL Labs Terms of Use v2.2,Copyright Notice,Copyright © Qualys, Inc. All rights reserved.,Qualys SSL Labs Terms of Use v2.2

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