Digital River

Cookie Policy

<ul> <li> About Digital River, Inc. </li> <li>Privacy Policy</li> <li>Terms of Sale</li> <li> </li> </ul> Cookies and Web Beacons <p>We collect information that is typically not personally identifiable through the use of web technologies, including, without limitation, “session cookies,” “persistent cookies,” “JavaScript tags,” and “web beacons” (also referred to as “tracking pixels,” “pixel tags,” or “action tags”). As the Internet evolves, we may implement and use different types of technologies for this purpose.</p> <p> <em>Cookies.</em> When you visit this website, your computer may receive one or more “cookies” in order to help personalise and support your use of this website, our services, and/or the services of our partners. A “cookie” is a small text file that is transferred to your computer’s web browser by a web server, and can be read by a web server in the same domain at a later time. If you do not wish to receive cookies or wish to manage when you accept cookies in general, you may set your browser to reject cookies or to alert you when a cookie is placed on your computer. We provide more information on this in the “Your Choices” section, below. Although you are not required to accept our cookies, if you set your browser to reject cookies, you may not be able to use all of the features and functionalities of this website. </p> <p>Cookies allow a website to customise information that is presented to you through your use of this website (such as to display personalised content and targeted advertising to you on your future visits to this website), and to save time by storing information so you do not need to re-enter it during a later use of our website. We may place cookies on this site directly, or on behalf of the partner whose advertisement appears on this website or its service providers. In general, cookies do not identify you personally. However if you have created a user identity on one of your visits to this website, we may link the cookie to information that identifies you personally. We may use a combination of “session cookies” and “persistent cookies” on this website, further described below.</p> <p> <em>Session Cookies.</em> A “session cookie” is a temporary cookie that expires when you close your browser. A session cookie assigns a randomly-generated, unique identification number to your computer when you access this website. Assigning your computer a number facilitates the proper functioning of the features of our websites by permitting us to maintain a persistent “state” for your session, such as maintaining the contents of your shopping cart during checkout. We also use session cookies to collect anonymous information (i.e., information that does not identify you personally) about the ways visitors use this website – which pages they visit, which links they use, and how long they stay on each page. We analyse this information (known as “click-stream information”) to better understand our visitors’ interests and needs and to improve the content and functionality of this website.</p> <p> <em>Persistent Cookies.</em> Unlike a session cookie, a “persistent cookie” does not expire when you close your browser. It stays on your computer until the expiration date set in the cookie (for example, at the end of a calendar month) or until you delete it. Persistent cookies can be used to “tag” your computer so that the next time you visit (or someone using your computer visits), our server will recognise you, not by name, but by the “tag” on your computer. This will enable us to provide you with a personalised experience even if we do not know who you are. It will also allow us to collect more accurate information about the ways people use this website, for example, how people use this website on their first visit and how often they return. Using persistent cookies permits us to provide you with a more personalised shopping experience and, in some cases, may save you the trouble of re-entering information already in our database.</p> <p> <em>Web Beacons.</em> When you visit this website, your computer may receive one or more “web beacons” in order to assist us with delivering cookies on this website, to collect anonymous information about the use of this website by our visitors, and to deliver customised or targeted content to you on this website and through our partners. Web beacons (also referred to as “tracking pixels,” “1x1 gifs,” “single-pixel gifs,” “pixel tags,” or “action tags”) are graphic images, usually no larger than a 1x1 pixel, placed at various locations on this website. They also help us identify browser types, search terms that bring visitors to our website, and the domain names of websites that refer traffic to us. We may place web beacons on this site directly, and may place web beacons on behalf of the partner whose branding appears on this website or its service providers. They also help us identify your IP address. The information collected by web beacons does not identify you personally. However, if you have created a user identity on one of your visits to this website, for example, by making a purchase, we may link the information we collect using web beacons to the information that identifies you personally and use it in the same ways as we use the information we collect using cookies. We also use web beacons to provide us with more information on any emails we send out. In particular, a web beacon in an email communication will send us information to let us know that you have received, opened, or acted upon an email you have chosen to receive from us.</p> <p>If you accept a session or persistent cookie, you can delete it at any time through your web browser (e.g., as soon as you leave our website). If you do not wish to receive cookies or wish to manage when you accept cookies in general, you may set your browser to reject cookies or to alert you when a cookie is placed on your computer. Although you are not required to accept our cookies, if you set your browser to reject cookies, you may not be able to use all of the features and functionalities of this website.</p> <p>We and our partners use third party service providers, which may include but are not limited to Google Analytics and Omniture, to serve ads on our behalf across the Internet, and sometimes on this website. These ads may collect anonymous information about your visits to the website on which such ad is placed, your interaction with these ads and the products and services offered by us, our partners and our suppliers through the use of a pixel tag or other web technologies. We and our partners may use this anonymous information to provide targeted advertisements to you for goods and services. If you would like more information about this practice and to know your choices about not having this anonymous information used, please visit You may view a list of third party service providers who collect anonymous information, and/or opt-out of such collection of anonymous information about you, by visiting If you opt out of having your information collected through cookies, web beacons and other tools, your existing display advertising cookie(s) will be deleted and new cookie will attempt to be placed that instructs service providers not to track your future activities when that cookie is detected (a “no-track” cookie). If your browsers are configured to reject cookies when you visit our opt-out page, a “no-track” cookie cannot be set on your computer. Also, if you subsequently erase “no-track” cookies, use a different computer or change web browsers, you will need to opt-out again.</p>

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