Q Care Plus

Terms of Use

1,74346713.3,QCarePlus Terms,ofUse,LastUpdated: May 6, 2022,This Terms of Use Agreement (“Agreement”) is a legally binding agreement between you (sometimes,referred to as “you” or “your”) and Q Care Plus, Inc. (collectively referred to as “Q Care”, “us”, “our”,,or “we”)(You andQ Carecollectively referred to asthe“Parties”).,Q Care makes its website and online services (the “Platform”) available for your use subject to the terms,andconditions in this Agreement.,THE PLATFORM IS NOT INTENDED FOR MEDICAL EMERGENCIES.IF YOU HAVE SUCH AN,EMERGENCY,YOUSHOULDCALL911ORTHEEMERGENCYNUMBERFORYOUR,LOCATION.,BY USING THE PLATFORM, YOU AGREE TO BE BOUND BY THE TERMS AND CONDITIONS,OF THIS AGREEMENT. DO NOT USE THE PLATFORM IN ANY WAY IF YOU DO NOT AGREE,TO THISAGREEMENT.,IMPORTANT NOTICE: YOUR USE OF THE PLATFORM IS SUBJECT TO AN ARBITRATION,PROVISIONINSECTION10,REQUIRINGALLCLAIMSTOBE RESOLVEDVIABINDING,ARBITRATION.,TojumptoasectionofthisAgreement,please clickalinkbelow:,1.RevisionstothisAgreement,2.YourLicensetoUsethe Platform,3.Your Privacy,4.YourContentandSuggestions,5.ElectronicCommunications,6.NotaMedicalProvider,7.Disclaimer ofWarranties,8.LimitationofLiability,9.Indemnification,10.AgreementtoArbitrate,11.MiscellaneousTerms,12.ContactUs,1.RevisionstothisAgreement,We may revise and update this Agreement from time to time and will post the updated Agreement to the,Platform.UnlessotherwisestatedintheamendedversionoftheAgreement,anychangestothisAgreement,will apply immediately upon posting. Your continued use of this Platform will constitute your agreement,toany new provisions within therevisedAgreement.,2.Your LicensetoUsethePlatform,A.Ownership.AllwrittencontentpreparedandpostedbyQCareonthePlatformandthePlatform’s,design, layout, look, and appearance, and graphics on the Platform, as well as the trademarks,,servicemarks,andlogoscontainedonthePlatform(“QCare Content”) are ownedbyorlicensed,2,74346713.3,to Q Care and are subject to copyright, trademark, and other intellectual property rights under,United States and foreign laws and international conventions.Q Care reserves all rights not,expresslygranted in, and to,thePlatformand theQ CareContent.,B.License.Except as otherwise provided in this Agreement, no part of the Platform and no Q Care,Contentmaybecopied,reproduced,uploaded,posted,publiclydisplayed,transmitted,or,distributed in any way to any other computer, server, website, or other medium for publication or,distributionorforanycommercialuse,withoutourpriorexpresswrittenconsent.Onthecondition,that you comply with all your obligations under this Agreement, Q Care grants you a limited,,revocable, non-exclusive, non-transferable license to access and use the Platform.Any use of the,Platform in excess of this license is strictly prohibited and constitutes a breach of this Agreement,,whichmayresultintheterminationofyourrighttoaccessandusethePlatform.Youraccesstothe,Platformisprovidedonatemporarybasiswithnoguaranteeforfutureavailability.Wereservethe,right to withdraw or modify any content or services we provide on the Platform without notice.If,your access to the Platform is terminated or we modify the Platform or otherwise stop offering the,Platform, and if you have subscribed to receive telehealth services through the Platform, we will,still make all relevant health records available to you.Such records can be accessed, as described,intherelevantNoticeofHealth InformationPrivacy Practices.,C.RestrictionsonYourUseofthePlatform,Youagree thatwhenusingthePlatform,youwillnot:,i.Delete,modify,orattempttochangeoralteranyoftheQ CareContentornoticesonthePlatform;,ii.Introduce into the Platform or Q Care’s servers any virus, rogue program, time bomb, drop dead,device, ransomware, back door, Trojan horse, worm or other malicious or destructive code,,softwareroutines,denialofserviceattack,orequipmentcomponentsdesignedtopermit,unauthorizedaccesstothePlatformortootherwiseharmotherusers,QCareContent,oranythird,parties,or performany suchactions;,iii.UsethePlatformtocommitfraud,impersonateanotherperson,orconductotherunlawfulactivities;,iv.Copy, modify, create derivative works of, reverse engineer, decompile, disassemble, or otherwise,attemptto learnthesourcecode, structure, or ideas uponwhich thePlatformis based;,v.Use any bot, spider, or other automatic or manual device or process for the purpose of harvesting,or compiling information on thePlatform foranyreason;,vi.Use any Q Care Content made available through the Platform in any manner that misappropriates,any trade secret orinfringes any copyright, trademark, patent,rights of publicity, or other,proprietaryrightofany party;,vii.Submit any content or communications through or relating to the Platform that violates any rights,of a third party, including copyright, trademark, patent,rights of publicity, or other proprietary,rightofany party;,viii.Submit any content or communications through the Platform that is unlawful, harmful, hateful,,threatening,abusive,violent,profane,discriminatory,prejudicial,disparaging,fraudulent,,inaccurate,misleading,dangerous,offensive,indecent,harassing,threatening,intimidating,,tortious,defamatory,vulgar,obscene,libelous,invasiveofanother’sprivacy,orotherwise,objectionable;,ix.Usethe informationinthePlatformtocreateorsella similarservice;,x.CreatemorethanoneaccountonthePlatform,sincecreationofmorethanoneaccountsubstantially,limitsourabilitytohelpfacilitatetheappropriateprovisionofservicestoyoubecausewedonot,3,74346713.3,have a way of linking the information in multiple accounts. Your creation of multiple accounts on,thePlatformcould lead to adversemedicalevents.,QCaremaysuspendorterminate,inwholeorinpart,youraccesstothePlatformifyouviolatethe,termsand conditions setforth in this Section.,D.GeographicRestrictions.The Platformisprovidedforaccessanduse onlybypersonslocatedin,theUnitedStates.YouacknowledgethatyoumaynotbeabletoaccessallorsomeofthePlatform,outsideoftheUnitedStatesandthataccesstheretomaynotbelegalbycertainpersonsorincertain,countries. If you access the Platform from outside the United States, you are responsible for,compliance with local laws.Additionally, while you may visit the Platformfrom anywhere in the,United States, you will only be able receive telehealth services through the Platform when you are,accessingthePlatformfromastate wherewefacilitate theprovisionof telehealthservices.,E.User Accounts.Once you create an accounton the Platform, you may not transfer or share your,account with anyone.You are responsible for maintaining the confidentiality of your account,passwordandforallactivitiesthatoccurunderyouraccount.Ifyoubelieveyouraccounthasbeen,compromised, you should change your account password immediately and contact us using the,informationprovided belowatSection 12 (ContactUs).,3.Your Privacy,OurPrivacyPolicydescribeshowwecollectandusepersonalinformationaboutyoucollectedthroughthe,Platform.Additionally, should a Community Based Organization (CBO) become unable or ineligible to ,provide services for any reason you agree for Q Care to share your information with another CBO for the ,purpose of continuing care.,4.YourContentandSuggestions,The Platform may include features that involve information that you upload, submit, or send through the,Platform (“Your Content”).This section provides the terms and conditions governing your use of such,features.Notwithstanding our rights under this section, our use of Your Content is subject to our Privacy,Policyand applicablelaw.,A.License to Your Content.By submitting Your Content to the Platform, you grant Q Care a,worldwide, perpetual, irrevocable, non-exclusive, royalty-free, sub-licensable, and transferable,license to use, reproduce, distribute, create derivative works of, adapt, display, and perform Your,Content. You represent and warrant that you have the necessary rights to Your Content, including,therighttoassign orgrantalicensetoyourrightsin thisAgreement.,B.Your Responsibility for Your Content.Your Content is your sole responsibility. Under no,circumstanceswillwebeliableinanywayforYourContentorforanylossordamageofanykind,incurred as a result of the use of any of Your Content. We further reserve the right to monitor,,deleteormodifyanyofYourContentinoursolediscretion.,C.Your Suggestions.We welcome your comments regarding the Platform and Q Care Content. In,addition to the license you grant to us for Your Content, if you elect to provide or make available,suggestions, comments, ideas, improvements, or other information or materials (collectively,,“Suggestions”) to us in connection with or related to the Platform and QCare’s products and,services (including any related technology), whether you send such Suggestions to us through the,Platform or through a separate communication channel, you grant us a worldwide, perpetual,,irrevocable, non-exclusive, royalty-free, sub-licensable, and transferable license under any and all,rights in and to the Suggestions to use, reproduce, distribute, create derivative works of, adapt,,display,perform,andotherwiseexploit,andtomake,havemade,sell,offertosell,andimportany,productsand services incorporating or based on,Suggestions in anymanner.,4,74346713.3,5.ElectronicCommunications,You agree to receive communications by email or text message to the email address or mobile phone,number (as applicable) you have provided to us.This may include advertising messages sent to a mobile,phone through the use of autodialing equipment.You acknowledge that granting us permission to contact,you is not a condition for purchasing any property, goods, or services.Message and data rates may apply.,If you do not wish to continue receiving such messages, you agree to reply STOP to any mobile message,fromusinorder tooptout.Youmayreceiveanadditionalmessageconfirmingyour decisiontooptout.,6.NotaMedicalProvider,You acknowledge that Q Care, in its support and operation of the Platform, is not a healthcare provider.,TheonlyactivitiesorcontentonthePlatformthatconstitutemedicaladviceorthepracticeofmedicine,are your direct interaction through the Platform with a health care provider in the form of personalized,messages and interactions and the content and information that is specifically communicated by such,personalizedmessages and interactions.,7.DisclaimerofWarranties,THE PLATFORM IS PROVIDED “AS IS”. WE DO NOT WARRANT OR MAKE ANY PROMISES,REGARDINGTHECORRECTNESS,USEFULNESS,ACCURACY,AVAILABILITY,OR,RELIABILITYOF(i)YOURUSEORTHERESULTSOFYOURUSEOFTHEPLATFORM;(ii)ANY,ADVICE YOU GLEAN FROM THE PLATFORM WHETHER PROVIDED BY US OR A THIRD,PARTY;OR(iii)ANYOTHERCONTENTAVAILABLETHROUGHTHE PLATFORM.WEDONOT,PROMISE THAT THE PLATFORM WILL BE UNINTERRUPTED OR WILL BE ERROR-FREE, OR,THAT ANY DEFECTSWILL BE CORRECTED. THERE ISNO WARRANTY OF ANY KIND,,INCLUDING,WITHOUTLIMITATION,ANYWARRANTYOFTITLE,MERCHANTABILITY,,NON-INFRINGEMENT,ORFITNESSFORAPARTICULARPURPOSE.NOADDITIONAL,STATEMENTSOUTSIDETHETERMSOFTHISAGREEMENT,INCLUDING,WITHOUT,LIMITATION,STATEMENTSREGARDINGCAPACITY,SUITABILITYFORUSEOR,PERFORMANCE, WHETHER MADE BY OUR EMPLOYEES OR OTHERWISE, IS A WARRANTY,OR PROMISE BY US AND WE HAVE NO RESPONSIBILITY OR LIABILITY FOR ANY SUCH,STATEMENTS.WEWILLHAVENORESPONSIBILITYFORTHETIMELINESS,DELETION,MIS-,DELIVERY,ORFAILURETOSTORE ANYCOMMUNICATIONORCONTENT.,SOMESTATESORJURISDICTIONSDONOTALLOWTHEEXCLUSIONOFIMPLIED,WARRANTIES OR LIMITATIONS ON HOW LONG AN IMPLIED WARRANTY MAY LAST. IN,THE EVENT THE EXCLUSION OF IMPLIED WARRANTIES OR LIMITATIONS CONTAINED IN,THISAGREEMENTSHALLBEDETERMINEDBYACOURTTOBEINVALIDOR,UNENFORCEABLE, THEN SUCH PROVISIONS SHALL BE REFORMED TO THE MAXIMUM,LIMITATIONPERMITTEDBYAPPLICABLELAW.TOTHEEXTENTPERMISSIBLE,ANY,IMPLIED WARRANTIESARELIMITED TO 90 DAYSFROM THEDATE OFACCESS.,8.LimitationofLiability,QCAREAND ITSSUBSIDIARIES,ITSAFFILIATES,ANDTHEIRRESPECTIVEOFFICERS,,DIRECTORS, AGENTS, BUSINESSPARTNERS, LICENSORS,CONTRACTORS,EMPLOYEES,,ASSIGNEES, AND SUCCESSORS-IN-INTEREST (COLLECTIVELY, THE “Q CARE PARTIES”),,WILL NOT BE LIABLE TO YOU OR ANY THIRD PARTY FOR ANY CLAIMS, DEMANDS OR,CAUSES OF ACTION, OR DIRECT OR INDIRECT, SPECIAL, INCIDENTAL, CONSEQUENTIAL,,EXEMPLARY,ORPUNITIVEDAMAGESORLOSTPROFITS,RELATINGTOTHISAGREEMENT,,YOURUSEOFTHEPLATFORMORANYINFORMATIONYOUOBTAINONIT,ORANYOTHER,5,74346713.3,INTERACTION WITH THE PLATFORM AND YOU VOLUNTARILY AND UNEQUIVOCALLY,WAIVEANY LIABILITYOFQ CARE.,YOURSOLEANDEXCLUSIVEREMEDYFORDISSATISFACTIONWITHTHEPLATFORMWILL,BETO STOPUSINGTHEPLATFORM.,INANYEVENT,THEMAXIMUMTOTALLIABILITYOFQCARE,ITSSUPPLIERS,LICENSORS,,PARENT, OR AFFILIATES AND THEIR RESPECTIVE DIRECTORS, OFFICERS, EMPLOYEES,,AGENTS, AND ASSIGNEES OR SUCCESSORS-IN-INTEREST, FOR ANY CLAIM WHATSOEVER,RELATING IN ANY WAY TO THIS AGREEMENT,INCLUDING CLAIMS FOR BREACHOF,CONTRACT,TORT(INCLUDING,NEGLIGENCEORSTRICTLIABILITY)OROTHERWISE,AND,YOUR SOLE REMEDY SHALL BE AN AWARD FOR DIRECT, PROVABLE DAMAGES NOT TO,EXCEED THE LESSER OF ONE THOUSAND U.S. DOLLARS ($1000.00 USD) OR YOUR DIRECT,PROVABLEDAMAGES.,SOMEJURISDICTIONSDONOTALLOWTHEEXCLUSIONORLIMITATIONOFLIABILITYFOR,INCIDENTALCONSEQUENTIAL,OROTHERDAMAGES;ASARESULT,THEABOVE,LIMITATIONS OR EXCLUSIONS MAY NOT BE APPLICABLE TO YOU, AND THE FOREGOING,PARAGRAPHSHALLNOTAPPLYTOARESIDENTOFNEWJERSEYTOTHEEXTENT,DAMAGESTOSUCHNEWJERSEYRESIDENTARETHERESULTOFOURNEGLIGENT,,FRAUDULENTORRECKLESSACT(S) ORINTENTIONAL MISCONDUCT.,IF YOU ARE A CALIFORNIA RESIDENT OR COULD OTHERWISE CLAIM THE PROTECTIONS,OF CALIFORNIA LAW, YOU FURTHER EXPRESSLY WAIVE THE PROVISIONS OF SECTION,1542 OF THE CALIFORNIA CIVIL CODE, WHICH READS AS FOLLOWS: "A GENERAL,RELEASE DOES NOT EXTEND TO THE CLAIMS WHICH THE CREDITOR DOES NOT KNOW,OR SUSPECT TO EXIST IN HIS OR HER FAVOR AT THE TIME OF EXECUTING THE RELEASE,WHICH, IF KNOWN BY HIM OR HER, MUST HAVE MATERIALLY AFFECTED HIS OR HER,SETTLEMENT WITH THE DEBTOR." YOU ACKNOWLEDGE THAT YOU HAVE READ AND,UNDERSTAND SECTION 1542 OF THE CALIFORNIA CIVIL CODE, AND YOU HEREBY,EXPRESSLYWAIVEANDRELINQUISHALLRIGHTS ANDBENEFITS UNDERTHATSECTION,AND ANY LAW OF ANY JURISDICTION OF SIMILAR EFFECT WITH RESPECT TO YOUR,RELEASEOFANY CLAIMS YOU MAYHAVEAGAINSTQ CARE.,9.Indemnification,Tothefullestextentpermittedbyapplicable law,youagree toholdharmless,indemnify,anddefendtheQ,CarePartiesfromandagainstanyandallclaims(includingliabilities,damages,losses,costs,expenses,and,reasonableattorneys’fees):(a)alleginginjury,damage,orlossresultingfromyouruseofthePlatform;(b),alleging that Your Content infringes a copyright, patent, or trademark, or misappropriates a trade secret of,a third party. (c) relating to any act or omission by you which is a breach of your obligations under this,Agreementor applicablelaw;or(d) otherwiserelating toyouruse ofthePlatform.,YouwillhavetherighttodefendandcompromisesuchclaimatyourexpenseforthebenefitoftheQCare,Parties. provided, however, you will not have the right to obligate the Q Care Parties in any respect in,connectionwithanysuchsettlementwithoutthewrittenconsentoftheindemnifiedparty.Notwithstanding,the foregoing, if you fail to assume your obligation to defend or if Q Care elects to defend such claims,itself, the Q Care Parties may do so to protect their interests and you will reimburse all costs incurred by,theQ CareParties in connection withsuch defense.,10.AgreementtoArbitrate,6,74346713.3,A.Choice of Law.The validity, construction, and effect of this Agreement will be governed by the laws,of theU.S.StateofGeorgia,withoutgivingeffecttothatstate’sconflictof lawsrules.,B.ArbitrationProcedure.Alldisputesarisingoutof,orrelatingto,thisAgreement(including,formation, performance, breach, enforceability, and validity of this Agreement), our operation of the,Platform,orapurchasemadethroughthePlatformshallberesolvedbyfinalandbindingarbitrationto,beheldintheEnglishlanguage in Atlanta,Georgiaoranothermutuallyagreeduponlocationpursuant,totheConsumerArbitrationRulesoftheAmericanArbitrationAssociation.Thearbitrator,andnotany,federal, state, or local court or agency, shall have exclusive authority to resolve any dispute relating to,the interpretation, applicability, enforceability, or formation of this Agreement, including any claim,thatallorany partofthis Agreementisvoid orvoidable.,C.Waiver ofClassActions;JuryTrials. Weeachagree thatanydispute resolutionproceedingswillbe,conducted only on an individual basis and not in a class, consolidated or representative action. If for,anyreasonaclaimproceedsincourtratherthaninarbitrationweeachwaive anyrighttoajurytrial.,D.Injunctive Relief.Without prejudice to the agreement to resolve disputes in binding arbitration set,forthinthepreviousparagraph,eitherpartytothisAgreementmayobtainpreliminaryinjunctiverelief,in a court of competent jurisdiction, for the purpose of enforcing any of the terms of this Agreement,pending a final determination in arbitration or permanent relief for the purpose of enforcing arbitral,awards.,11.MiscellaneousTerms,A.Complete Agreement. This Agreement constitutes the entire agreement between you and Q Care,relating to your use of, and access to, this Platform and supersedes any prior or contemporaneous,agreements or representations. This Agreement may not be amended except as set forth in Section,1ofthis Agreement.,B.Severability. If any portion of this Agreement is ruled invalid or otherwise unenforceable, it shall,bedeemedamendedinordertoachieveascloselyaspossiblethesameeffectasoriginallydrafted.,Any invalid or unenforceable portion should be construed as narrowly as possible in order to give,effectto as much oftheAgreementaspossible.,C.Headings.Descriptive headings contained in this Agreement are for convenience only and shall,notcontroloraffectthemeaning orconstructionofany ofthisAgreement.,D.No Waivers.Our failure to enforce or exercise any provision of this Agreement or related right,willnotconstituteawaiver ofthatrightorprovision.,E.No Assignments and Transfers.No rights orobligations under this Agreement may be assigned,or transferred by you, either voluntarily or by operation of law, without our express prior written,consentand in oursolediscretion.,F.Notices.You can provide any notices to us under this Agreement by e-mail or mail using the,contact information provided, below.Unless you tell us otherwise, or the law requires otherwise,,you agree to receive all communications from us by e-mail or through posting notices to your,account.YouareresponsibleforprovidingQCarewithup-to-datecontactinformation,whichyou,maydobyupdatingyouraccountinformationthroughthePlatformor bysendinga messagetous.,Youagreethatallcommunicationsthatwesendtoyouelectronicallysatisfyanylegalrequirement,thatacommunicationbeinwriting. Youmayprintthecommunicationsforyour records.,12.ContactUs,If you have any questions or need to contact us for any reason relating to this Agreement, please e-mail,privacy@qcareplus.com orby mailat1900 N. PearlSt., Ste1740, Dallas, TX 75201.

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