My Expenses

Privacy policy

Imprint <p> Responsible for the content of this website and for development, maintenance and distribution of <i>My Expenses</i> : Michael Totschnig </p> Privacy policy <p> <i>My Expenses</i> does not access any data on your device other than its own database, its own folder on the SD card. If you use the feature of plans for future and recurrent transactions, you assign the calendar, where these plans are stored. <br> <i>My Expenses</i> requires the following <u>permissions</u> : </p> <dl> <dt>Calendar</dt> <dd>Plans for future and recurrent transactions are stored either in a special local calendar or in any other calendar you assign.</dd> <dt>Internet</dt> <dd>Anonymous usage tracking (Play), Crash reports (Play), Licence key validation (F-Droid), Cloud synchronization (Play, F-Droid). </dd> <dt>Accounts</dt> <dd>Synchronization across devices via cloud services.</dd> </dl>

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