Privacy Policy

FINDING FOCUSWHY IT WORKSLOG INSign Up Privacy Policy1. ACCEPTANCE OF PRIVACY POLICY<p>Protecting your privacy is important to us. We collect and manage user data according to the following Privacy Policy. This document is part of our Terms of Service, and by using our website or mobile applications (the “Services”), you agree to the terms of this Privacy Policy and the Terms of Service. Please read the Terms of Service in their entirety, which are located at &nbsp;</p>2. DATA COLLECTED<p>We only collect data necessary to fulfill the Services outlined in our Terms of Service. Data include all Personally Identifiable Information (PII) and other non-public information. Data include, but are not limited to, user data, metadata, and user-generated content.<br> <br>We collect anonymous data from every user of the Website to monitor traffic and fix bugs. For example, we collect information like web requests, the data sent in response to such requests, the Internet Protocol address, the browser type, the browser language, and a timestamp for the request.<br> <br>We ask you to provide your name and email address in order to create your account. This information is stored securely and never shared or sold. You are able to view and change the information associated with your profile.<br> <br>We also use local storage technology that provides similar functionality to cookies, but its contents are not transmitted across the Internet. Your browser settings allow you to control how local storage works on a global or website specific manner. Disabling local storage will interfere with some features of the Services.<br> <br>We collect data about your use of the Services, including the frequency and times at which you access them. As you complete courses, we also record your answers to multiple choice and free response questions.<br> <br>You must be at least 13 years old to use the Services. We do not knowingly collect information from children under 13.</p>3. DATA SECURITY<p>We store and process data in accordance with industry best practices. This includes appropriate administrative, physical, and technical safeguards to secure data from unauthorized access, disclosure, and use. We conduct periodic risk assessments and address any identified security vulnerabilities in a timely manner. We also have a written incident response plan to include prompt notification in the event of a security or privacy incident, as well as best practices for responding to a breach of PII. The incident response plan is available upon request.<br> <br>Please be aware, however, that no method of transmitting information over the Internet or storing information is completely secure. Accordingly, we cannot guarantee the absolute security of any information.</p>4. USE OF THE DATA<p>Data will only be used to provide the Services. Your data will never be sold. Student data will never be used to advertise or market to students or their parents.<br> <br>We use your personal information to provide you the Services and to communicate with you about the Services. We use local storage to store your preferences and make your user experience more consistent. We may send you emails about your use of the Services. If you do not want to receive email from us, please opt out of receiving emails at the bottom of any email you receive from us.<br> <br>We also use de-identified data about your use of the Services in order to identify ways to improve the Services. De‐identified data will have all direct and indirect personal identifiers removed. This includes, but is not limited to, name, email, and location information. We will not attempt to re‐identify de-identified Data.</p>5. SHARING OF DATA<p>With the exceptions noted below for minors and students participating through their school/district, we do not share personal information without your consent except as required by law.<br> <br>If you are a student who signed up for a course using an invite code provided by your school/district, certain information about your use of the Services is automatically shared with your teacher and/or school administrator, including your name and your progress through the course. Other personally identifying information and your answers to questions within the course are not automatically shared. However, the data we collect from students is the property of their schools/districts. Any data we hold will be made available to your school/district upon their request.<br> <br>If you are a minor, your guardian can request access to your data. If you are participating through your school/district, this request must be made through the school/district. Otherwise, your guardian can make this request by contacting<br> <br>Aggregated, anonymized data is periodically transmitted to external services to help us improve the Services.<br> <br>If the Services are ever acquired by a different business entity, user information would be transferred to that entity. You acknowledge that such transfers may occur, and that any acquirer of the Services may continue to use your personal information as set forth in this policy.</p>6. DELETING DATA<p>You may request to have your account and data deleted, but how you make that request depends on whether or not you are participating through your school.<br> <br>If you are participating through your school: Requests to delete your account and data must be made through the school/district. Schools/districts may also elect to delete student accounts and data.<br> <br>If you are not participating through your school: You may request to have your account and data deleted directly. Parents of minors may also request that their child’s account and data be deleted. Please send requests to</p>7. CHANGES TO THE PRIVACY POLICY<p>We may change this Privacy Policy periodically. If we do, we will email you with notice of the changes. At the bottom of the Privacy Policy, we will also indicate the date these terms were last revised. Use of information we collect now is subject to the Privacy Policy in effect at the time such information is used. You are bound by any changes to the Privacy Policy when you use the Services after such changes have been posted. If you have questions about this privacy policy, please contact</p> <p> <br>Last revised on 3/7/2019</p> EBC_brainCreated with Sketch.<p>Quick Links</p>Log inStudent homeStudent sign upTeacher sign up<p>Mobile Apps</p>iOS appAndroid app<p>Help</p>Help centerContact usSite map<p>Legal</p>Privacy policyTerms of use

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