Project DNA Apps

Terms of Service

<p> <strong>Our Terms of Service</strong> <br> <br>When using and accessing this website,, pages, and our applications (NEON Radio, My Linggo, My Locked Passwords, My FlashCards, My To-do List, My Pen Calculator, My Receipts,&nbsp;My FlashCards BETA)&nbsp;you the (user/end user) agree to these Terms of Service/Agreement.<br> <br> <strong>Amendment to this Agreement</strong> <br>We reserve the right to modify or change any of the terms of service or privet polices at any point of time. You “the user” acknowledge and agree that it is your sole responsibility to review our website for the latest changes/modifications to our terms of service and privet policies. Your continue use of our website/application is your agreement to these terms. You accept and comply by this term and any future changes or modifications.<br> <br> <strong>Title Property</strong> <br>You agree and accept that all content and information on our website or application is protected by copyrights and laws.<br> <br>You agree not to copy, create, reproduce, distribute, transmit, perform, transfer, display, publish, warrant, sell or re-sell any information or content acquired from our Website/Applications&nbsp;or any feature releases or application by Project DNA.<br> <br> <strong>Warranty Disclaimer</strong> <br>By the use of this website or products you agree that it is at your individual risk and choice. Project DNA makes no warranty that content or information will be error-free, unremitting, timely, or secure. Our website may contain typography or inaccurate errors.&nbsp. We “Project DNA” reserve the right to change or modify information at any given time without notice the users.<br> <br> <strong>Liability limitations</strong> <br>We are not liable for any direct/indirect substantial damage or lots of any kind arising out of the use of our website or applications “My FlashCards BETA, My To-do List, My Flashcards, My Locked Password, My Receipts, My Linggo, My Pen Calculator, Neon Raido” and will not be held responsible for any damages or lost.​<br> <br> <strong>BETA Application Information</strong> <br>Our BETA applications are apps that are not fully developed or finished that are being tested by our team and the users. The BETA application might not work properly or be complete. In some occasions users may encounter some bugs that need to be repaired/fixed.&nbsp. We in encourage users to send us there issues to our support team and make sure there app has the newest updates.&nbsp. There is no guarantee that the issue may be fixed immediately or at all.&nbsp. All our BETA app are subject to change for final product/publication in these areas: I The Design of the BETA app may or may not look the same at the final publication. &nbsp;II BETA may or may not be usable once final application is published. Users might not be informed that BETA application will be discontinued and stop working completely or functioning as before. III Some or several features/tools might not be useable or free once final publication has occurred. IV Users might have to download a new application at the windows store if prompted to. V Free BETA may or may not be free once final app is published. VI Users may or may not be required to purchase our services to continue or use the final published application. VII Users may or may not be required to purchase our services to use “some” “several” or “all” features/tools. VII Images or logos might not be the same at final publication. By downloading and using our BETA or none BETA application users agree to this Terms.<br> </p> <p> <br> </p> <p> <strong>Applications/membership</strong> <br>We reserve the right to change, modify or remove any application to your membership without notice in order to update or terminate application. It is your responsibly as a user to determine if you will continue with membership with the applications new updates/changes or if application has been terminated.<br> <br> <strong>Unsubscribing</strong> <br>We provide on our website an easy way for users to unsubscribe to any subscription. It is the user’s responsibility to unsubscribed to any membership. For security and privacy purposes we do not monitor the user’s application use therefore, if user forgets to unsubscribed reimbursement to any membership may or may not be applicable. By the continued use of our application the user understands this unsubscribing process and the no reimbursement policy.<br> <br>&nbsp;<br> <br> <strong>IMMEDIATELY STOP USING PROJECT DNA WEBSITE/APPLICATIONS/BETAS/SERVICES IF YOU DO NOT AGREE TO THE TERMS OF THIS AGREEMENT.</strong> <br> <br>Last Update to this Terms<br> <br>July 21, 2015<br> </p> <ul> <li>Official Site</li> <li>Unsubscribe</li> <li>Privacy Policy</li> <li>Terms of Service</li> <li>Contact Us</li> </ul> <p>Project DNA Apps © 2013-2017 All Right Reserved<br> </p> View on Mobile

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