
Copyright & Content Policy

Copyright &amp. Content PolicyLast updated: October 01, 2014Removal of&nbsp;Content.<p>It&nbsp;is&nbsp;the policy of&nbsp;PocketGuard, Inc. (<strong>“PocketGuard”</strong>&nbsp;to&nbsp;respect the legitimate rights of&nbsp;copyright owners, and we&nbsp;will respond to&nbsp;clear notices of&nbsp;alleged copyright infringement. Pursuant to&nbsp;the Digital Millennium Copyright Act, 17&nbsp;U.S.C. Section 512 (the&nbsp;<strong>“DMCA”</strong>), PocketGuard has designated a&nbsp;Copyright Agent (as&nbsp;specified below) to&nbsp;receive notifications of&nbsp;claimed copyright infringement in&nbsp;connection with: (i) the website&nbsp;www.pocketguard.com&nbsp;and other websites that we&nbsp;operate (each&nbsp;a&nbsp;<strong>“Site”</strong>) and (ii) the PocketGuard App and other mobile software applications that we&nbsp;license (each&nbsp;an&nbsp;<strong>“App”</strong>, and together with the App, the&nbsp;<strong>“Services”</strong>). Please be&nbsp;advised that we&nbsp;enforce a&nbsp;policy that provides for the termination in&nbsp;appropriate circumstances of&nbsp;Services users who are repeat infringers.</p> <p>If&nbsp;you believe that your work has been copied in&nbsp;a&nbsp;way that constitutes copyright infringement, please provide the Copyright Agent with the following information in&nbsp;accordance with the DMCA:</p> <ul> <li>An&nbsp;electronic or&nbsp;physical signature of&nbsp;the person authorized to&nbsp;act on&nbsp;behalf of&nbsp;the owner of&nbsp;the copyright;</li> <li>A&nbsp;description of&nbsp;the copyrighted work you claim has been infringed;</li> <li>A&nbsp;description of&nbsp;where the material that you claim is&nbsp;infringing is&nbsp;located on&nbsp;the Services, with enough detail that we&nbsp;may find&nbsp;it. Providing URLs in&nbsp;the body of&nbsp;an&nbsp;email is&nbsp;the best way to&nbsp;help&nbsp;us locate content quickly;</li> <li>Your address, telephone number, and email address;</li> <li>A&nbsp;statement by&nbsp;you that you have a&nbsp;good faith belief that the disputed use is&nbsp;not authorized by&nbsp;the copyright owner, its agent, or&nbsp;the law. and</li> <li>A&nbsp;statement by&nbsp;you, made under penalty of&nbsp;perjury, that the above information in&nbsp;your notice is&nbsp;accurate and that you are the copyright owner or&nbsp;authorized to&nbsp;act on&nbsp;the copyright owner’s behalf.</li> </ul>Counter-Notification.<p>If&nbsp;you believe that the material you posted was removed from the Services by&nbsp;mistake, and that you have the right to&nbsp;post the material, you may elect to&nbsp;send&nbsp;us a&nbsp;counter-notification. To&nbsp;be&nbsp;effective the counter-notification must be&nbsp;a&nbsp;written communication provided to&nbsp;our Copyright Agent that includes substantially the following (please consult your legal counsel or&nbsp;see the Digital Millennium Copyright Act, 17&nbsp;U.S.C. (the&nbsp;<strong>“Copyright Act”</strong>) Section 512(g)(3) to&nbsp;confirm these requirements):</p> <ul> <li>Your physical or&nbsp;electronic signature;</li> <li>Identification of&nbsp;the material that has been removed or&nbsp;to&nbsp;which access has been disabled and the location at&nbsp;which the material appeared before it&nbsp;was removed or&nbsp;access to&nbsp;it&nbsp;was disabled. Providing URLs in&nbsp;the body of&nbsp;an&nbsp;email is&nbsp;the best way to&nbsp;help&nbsp;us locate content quickly;</li> <li>A&nbsp;statement under penalty of&nbsp;perjury that you have a&nbsp;good faith belief that the material was removed or&nbsp;disabled as&nbsp;a&nbsp;result of&nbsp;mistake or&nbsp;misidentification of&nbsp;the material to&nbsp;be&nbsp;removed or&nbsp;disabled. and</li> <li>Your name, address, and telephone number, and a&nbsp;statement that you consent to&nbsp;the jurisdiction of&nbsp;the Federal District Court for the judicial district in&nbsp;which the address is&nbsp;located, or&nbsp;if&nbsp;your address is&nbsp;outside of&nbsp;the United States, for any judicial district in&nbsp;which PocketGuard may be&nbsp;found, and that you will accept service of&nbsp;process from the person who provided notification of&nbsp;infringement or&nbsp;an&nbsp;agent of&nbsp;such person.</li> </ul>Misrepresentations.<p>Please note that under Section 512(f) of&nbsp;the Copyright Act, any person who knowingly materially misrepresents that material or&nbsp;activity is&nbsp;infringing or&nbsp;was removed or&nbsp;disabled by&nbsp;mistake or&nbsp;misidentification may be&nbsp;subject to&nbsp;liability.</p>Copyright Agent.<p>PocketGuard’s agent for notice of&nbsp;claims of&nbsp;copyright infringement (<strong>“Copyright Agent”</strong>) can be&nbsp;reached as&nbsp;follows:&nbsp;copyrights@pocketguard.com</p>

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