
Privacy Policy

Privacy Policy <p>Overview</p> <p>At Wally, we are passionate about privacy and security, blah blah blah.</p> <p>Seriously though, it’s important you read this, because if you don’t trust us, you won’t use Wally and we’ll be unemployed again.</p> <p>We want you to be fully aware of what information we collect and why we collect it.<br> If you read between the lines, you’ll find the cure for death.</p> <p>Throughout the policy, our two main principles will become clear:</p> <ol> <li>The only reason we collect personal information is to make Wally a better product for you.</li> <li>Your privacy is not for sale. We will not sell your information to third parties. Your privacy is not for sale.</li> </ol> <p>If you do not fully understand the terms below, please reach out to us at privacy@wally.me and we’ll try to explain it again.</p> <p>Lastly, using Wally indicates consent to our privacy policy. If you do not agree to any of the below, please do not use Wally or give us any of your information. Cool? Cool.</p> Section 1<br> What data does Wally collect, and why? <p>This section provides information about the data that we collect and the reasons why we collect it.</p> Information you give us <dl> <dt>1. Account Information</dt> <dd> What do we collect Why do we collect it? Name This information allows us to recover your account data if you switch devices. Email address Your email address may be used to receive emails from us, regarding updates, new features, and legal notices.<br> As a policy, we keep these emails to a bare minimum. Password This information allows us to verify your account incase you lose your login credentials. </dd> <dt>2. Demographics Information</dt> <dd> What do we collect Why do we collect it? Date of birth, Gender We use this data to decide what peer group you should be compared to, so that you can understand your finances in the context of other Wally users like you. </dd> </dl> <p>Information we collect</p> <dl> <dt>3. Usage Information</dt> <dd> What do we collect Why do we collect it? What device you are using, other device identifiers This allows us to optimize Wally for your device (screen size, display settings, etc…) </dd> <dt>4. Location</dt> <dd> What do we collect Why do we collect it? The GPS coordinates of the locations where you input expenses This allows us to predict and pre-select each venue for you, making your Wally experience faster and seamless.We use location information to deliver a seamless Wally experience, predicting the venue, category, and aspect for expense entry. If you do not consent to location permissions, you cannot use Wally. </dd> <dt>5. Expense entries</dt> <dd> What do we collect Why do we collect it? We record your expense entries, and metadata that comes along with making each expense entry. This includes:<p> </p> <ul> <li>the amount of the expense</li> <li>the date and time of the expense</li> <li>account used to pay <small>(if you add this)</small> </li> <li>category/ aspect <small>(if you add this)</small> </li> <li>social tags <small>(if you add this)</small> </li> <li>note attached to transaction <small>(if you add this)</small> </li> <li>receipt photos <small>(anonymized, and unconnected to user account)</small> </li> </ul> We use this data to give you the magic of Wally. </dd> </dl> Section 2<br> Transparency <p>This section will explain exactly where your data goes, and who sees what. Our goal is to be clear about how your information is used, so that you have a full understanding of what’s happening with your data. </p> Who can see my data? <p>Firstly, we are not in the business of selling your Wally information to advertisers.</p> <p>Secondly, all data is run through a process with the aim of aggregating and anonymizing it automatically. Data that has been anonymized prevents your personally identifiable details from being connected with the data.</p> <dl> <dt>1. Wally Community</dt> <dd>What?We’ll use aggregated data about age group, city, and income bracket to give you insights, for example: “You spend 20% more on dining out than people like you.”Why do we do it? <p> </p> <p>To give you back your data in a way that gives meaningful contextualization and benchmarks for your financial behavior.</p> </dd> <dt>2. Research Partners</dt> <dd>What do we do?Our academic advisors (researchers at Harvard University) will look at aggregated data to determine patterns in spending and savings behavior.Why do we do it? <p> </p> <p>We want to find actionable insights to give back to you.</p> <p>For example, if research shows that Wisconsin residents overspend on water bills in the summer, Wally will tell you to be wary when the weather gets warmer.</p> <p>Information</p> <p>Information (yes, it’s still aggregated and anonymized) may be shared with trusted third-party analytics providers, and service providers, who will help us optimize the Wally experience.</p> </dd> </dl> Who can’t see it <ol> <li>Wally employees<br> <small> <br> [Disclaimer: some ladies in the office might have a special interest in the behavioral patterns of men above a certain income brackets. Don’t worry– you’re below the bracket].<br> </small> </li> <li>Advertisers, marketers</li> <li>Banks/ Institutions selling financial products (i.e. credit cards, loans)</li> <li>The NSA<br> <small> <br> (Dear NSA, we’re just kidding — please don’t hack us. Google’s data is far juicier).<br> </small> </li> </ol> Section 3<br> Security <p>This section will explain how and where your data is stored and secured.</p> How does Wally protect my data? <dl> <dt>Where is my data?</dt> <dd>Your information is stored in 10 secure locations across the world via Amazon Web Services (AWS). Your information is also stored on your device. Our users can easily recover their data and export data.</dd> <dt>How is it protected?</dt> <dd>Wally meets industry standards to protect and safeguard your data. This includes:<p> </p> <ul> <li>Secure Socket Layer (SSL) encryption</li> <li>Multiple backups</li> <li>Multiple levels of authentication</li> </ul> </dd> <dt>Bugs &amp. Flaws</dt> <dd>Did you find a bug? Do you see a vulnerability in our system? Let us know, and we’ll add you to our list of Wally VIPs, who get exclusive beta testing invites, early access to new releases, and other cool stuff.</dd> <dt>Changes to security</dt> <dd>We’ll notify in case changes to Privacy Policy significantly changes or reduces rights.</dd> <dt>Retention</dt> <dd>Once you delete your account, we will take steps to delete your information.</dd> </dl>

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